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1、人们论坛FECT考试必备资料:FECT指定教材:震撼推出:FECT指定教材现代金融业务第二版电子书下载(经济科学出版社)!震撼推出:FECT教材电子版免费下载现代金融业务清晰版-中国金融出版社FECT教材配套必备手册:FECT现代金融业务学习手册电子版,震撼下载!FECT教材配套必备习题:FECT金融专业英语证书考试全真模拟试题集初级(第二版)震撼下载: FECT最新官方内部模拟题5套FECT历年真题预测:FECT历年真题预测(Word版)FECT综合七套真题预测(99年至)PDF下载版本FECT推荐词典:FECT金融英语词典FECT听力:震撼推出: FECT金融专业英语证书考试听力初级MP3

2、附PDF文本(银行综合类)FECT金融英语全真模拟听力.MP3下载超给力5集金融专业英语听力MP3下载,附文档!FECT词汇:金融英语综合:财务英语词汇大全!金融词汇WORD可打印版,吐血推荐!金融英语专业词汇全解财务英语基本词汇表其她经济金融类英语资料推荐:The Economist经济学人100篇(中英版)EnglishDigest 英语文摘2月刊(免费下载!)典型下载实用会计英语高平阳(PDF完全版)下载CPA会计英语教学课件(1-10全集)会计考试丛书会计英语导航PDF网络完美版金融英语-高档-银行业务与管理-银行基本知识英语告知储蓄存款 Notice deposit is defin

3、ed as one that does not have definite term when making deposits and the types are chosen in advance (now there are two types: one day notice deposit and seven days notice deposit), and you must inform the bank before the withdrawal of the date and amount of withdrawal. Usually the minimum amount of

4、notice deposit is 50,000 RMB yuan in a lump sum with the minimum withdrawal sum not less than 50,000 RMB yuan each time. You can deposit money in a lump sum and withdraw money in a lump sum or by several times. 告知储蓄存款是一种存款人在存入款项时不商定存期,预先拟定品种(目前分一天告知储蓄存款、七天告知储蓄存款两个品种),支取时需提前告知银行,商定支取日期及金额的储蓄存款方式。一般5万

5、元起存,最低支取金额5万元,一次存入,可分一次或多次支取的储蓄存款。通信存款 Deposits by correspondence refer to the way in which overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots, Chinese of foreign nationality and domestic residents approved to settle down or study abroad authorize domestic banks to handle savings deposits for

6、 their funds abroad. 通信存款是指华侨、港澳台胞、外籍华人及批准出境定居或留学的国内居民,将其在国外的资金委托国内银行办理储蓄存款的一种方式。 A client sending a letter authorizing the bank to handle the deposits by correspondence may go through the account opening procedures by attaching duplicates of his or her ID card, passport or exit pass and other valid

7、 credentials, filling out the Application Form for Opening Account of Deposits by Correspondence, choosing the type of deposits according to the types of services already transacted by the bank (say, current deposit, time deposit and current-time optional deposits, etc.), and also pre-assign the met

8、hod of withdrawal later. 来信委托银行办理通信存款开户的客户,须附身份证、护照或出境通行证等有效证件的影印件,填写“通信存款开户申请书”,根据银行已开办的业务种类(如活期、定期、定活两便等)选择存款种类,并商定后来的支取方式,即可办理开户手续。储蓄存款挂失业务 If a certificate of deposit, a bank passbook or a seal of a client is lost or stolen, or the password is forgotten, the loss reporting may be handled at the

9、bank as the following procedures: 客户的储蓄存单、存折、印鉴如不慎遗失、被盗或密码遗忘,可按下列手续到银行办理挂失: The client shall immediately handle the written loss reporting procedures at the original depository bank. In reporting loss, the client shall present the personal credentials (ID card, residence permit, passport, etc.) and

10、also provide the related deposit information such as account, account holders name, time of account opening, amount, type of currency and maturity. The loss reporting may be accepted after the bank certifies them correct, and the bank confirms that the payment has not been made before the loss repor

11、ting is handled. If the client can not be present at the bank in handling the loss reporting, he or she may authorize another person to handle it on his / her behalf and at the same time the credentials of the agent shall be presented. The loss reporting of password may not be handled on agency. 客户应

12、立即到原存款行办理书面挂失手续,挂失时客户应持本人身份证件(身份证、暂住证、护照等)并提供账户、户名、开户时间、金额、币种、期限等有关存 款内容,经银行审核无误后即可办理挂失,银行经查实确未支付方可受理。如客户不能亲自前去银行,可委托她人代办挂失,同步提供代办人身份证件。密码挂失不 准代办。 个人外汇预结汇业务 If you remit fund from abroad into China and want to pay the beneficiary in RMB, bank oversea office can convert it into RMB according to the e

13、xchange rate level on the remittance day and inform domestic office to pay RMB fund to the beneficiary appointed by you. 如您在境外向国内汇入汇款,并规定以人民币交付给收款人,银行境外机构可先按照汇款日的汇率水平折成人民币,告知国内机构,并将人民币款项交付给您指定的收款人。外币兑换业务 Banks can handle the exchange between RMB and foreign currencies at current quotations on the da

14、y. Convertible currencies include US dollar, HK dollar, Japanese yen, Euro, English pound, Swiss franc, Australian dollar, Singapore dollar, Norwegian krone, Danish krone, Macao pataca, New Zealand dollar, and etc. The banks can handle foreign exchange purchase for official foreign visit groups. You

15、 are only required to take the exit paper approved by the Administration of Foreign Exchange for the banks examination before acquiring foreign exchange. Foreigners leaving the country can convert the unused RMB, which were converted when they entered the country, into foreign currencies according t

16、o their passports and original foreign currency conversion receipts within six months. 银行可按当天牌价为您办理人民币与外币的兑换。可兑换的货币涉及:美元、港币、日元、欧元、英镑、瑞士法郎、澳大利亚元、新加坡元、加拿大元、瑞典克郎、挪威克郎、丹麦克郎、澳门元和新西兰元等。 银行可办理公派出国团组的购汇业务。您只需持外汇管理局审批的出国批件,经银行审核无误后即可予以供汇。 境外人员离境前,可在银行凭本人护照和半年内原工商银行外币兑换水单将入境时兑换的未用完的人民币兑回外币。零存整取定期储蓄SmallSaving

17、sforLump-sumWithdrawal零存整取定期储蓄 Time deposit of small savings for lump-sum withdrawal refers to savings deposit whose terms are agreed, and whose fixed amount is deposited every month when opening an account. The minimum amount of deposit is 5 RMB yuan and the maturities range from three grades: 1 ye

18、ar, 3 years and 5 years. 零存整取定期储蓄存款是指开户时商定存期,每月固定存额,起存金额为5元人民币,存期分一年、三年、五年的一种储蓄存款形式。 外币定活两便存款 Savings/Time Optional Deposits 定活两便存款 Savings/time optional deposit in foreign currency are registered deposit without fixed amount, without definite maturity, whose interest rate varies in line with the le

19、ngth of maturity. The minimum amount of deposit is the foreign currency with a value not less than the equivalent of 50 RMB yuan. The longest maturity is 1 year, and the interest is computed at a discount rate relevant to the corresponding grade of interest rate for time deposits of lump-sum deposit

20、ing and lump-sum withdrawal according to the actual number of days deposited. The interest is computed with reference to interest rate of the RMB Time/Current Optional Deposits. 外币定活两便存款是一种不拟定存期,利率随存期长短而变动的记名式不定额存款。起存金额不低于人民币50元的等值外币。存期最长为1年,按实存天数,符合整存整取定期存款哪个档次就按该档次利率打折计息。计息参照“人民币定活两便储蓄存款”。代理境外消费退税

21、 Signified by the signing of the “Agency Personal Duty Refund Collection for Consumption Abroad” agreement by ICBC Shanghai Branch, Beijing Branch and the world renowned refund agencyGlobal Refund Inc., ICBC took the lead in the country to offer Agency Duty Refund for Consumption Abroad. 以工商银行上海、北京分

22、行与世界出名退税机构环球退税公司签定“代理个人托收境外消费退税业务”合同书为标志,工商银行率先在国内开办了代理境外消费退税业务。 No matter youre a domestic or foreign resident, after consuming in over 130,000 shops with Global Refund Tax Free Shopping mark in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, England, Greece, Holland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,

23、Luxemburg, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Singapore, Argentina, Czechoslovakia, and so on, you can take your identification certificate, shopping receipts, and Global Refunds refund checks with Customs seal acquired from these shops to ICBC to handle spot cash duty refund or collect f

24、und from your designated account. You enjoy convenient service of consumption abroad and refund at home. 无论您 是国内居民还是外国居民,在奥地利、比利时、丹麦、芬兰、法国、德国、英国、希腊、荷兰、冰岛、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、挪威、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典、瑞 士、新加坡、阿根廷、捷克等国家的13万多家有Global Refund “TAX FREE SHOPPING”标志的商店消费后,均可持身份证件、购物收据以及从这些商店获得的加盖海关图章的Global Refund退税支票等,来工商银行办

25、理即时钞票退税业务或通过您指定的账户收取款项,享有到“境外消费、境内退税”的便捷服务。 外币定期存款Time Deposits of Lump-sum Deposit and Withdrawal 外币整存整取定期存款 Time deposits of lump-sum deposit and lump-sum withdrawal are fixed deposits that are deposited by lump-sum, and whose principal and interest are paid by lump-sum upon maturity. The terms of

26、 deposit are divided into five grades: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year or 2 years. The Bank issues registered certificates of deposit for such deposits. 整存整取定期存款为固定存期,一次存入,到期一次支取本息,存期分为1个月、3个月,6个月,1年,2年五个档次。银行出具记名式存单。 Foreign currencies with a value not less than the equivalent of 500 RMB yuan f

27、or a B-type deposit, or foreign currencies with a value not less than the equivalent of RMB50 yuan for a C-type deposit. Such deposit may be withdrawn fully or partially prior to maturity for once, or, upon authorization in advance, handled on agency renewal of depositing upon maturity by the bank.

28、乙种存款为不低于人民币500元的等值外币;丙种存款为不低于人民币50元的等值外币。本存款可容许所有或部分提前支取一次,也可预约由银行代办到期转期 续存。活期存折储蓄存款 Current passbook deposit is defined as one that does not have definite term with the minimum amount of 1 RMB yuan in the account; that the depositors can make deposits or withdrawals at any time without subject to a

29、mount limits after you are issued a deposit passbook by the savings office 活期存折储蓄存款是指不拟定存期,起存金额为1元人民币,开户后由储蓄机构发给存折,凭存折存取款,存取金额不受限制的一种储蓄方式。外币携带证业务 The bank s client with foreign currency deposit account need withdraw foreign exchange and take foreign currency to go abroad after his successful applica

30、tion for settling down abroad or visiting families, traveling, investigating or studying is approved, he can make an application to the original business office. The bank is to issue a “Foreign Exchange Holding Permit for Going Abroad ” to the client according to provisions. 在银行存有外币的储户,如获准出境定居、探亲、旅游

31、、考察、学习等需要提取外币存款,携带外币出境时,可向原存款营业网点提出申请,银行将按规定签发“携带外币出境许可证”。定活两便储蓄存款 Time-demand optional deposit is defined as one that does not have a definite term with the minimum amount of 50 RMB yuan in the account; that depositors can make deposits or withdrawals at any time without subject to amount limits af

32、ter you are issued a deposit certificate or deposit passbook by the savings office. The certificate of deposit has two kinds: registered or unregistered. The unregistered certificate cant be reported loss. The passbook must be registered. The registered certificate or passbook can be reported loss.

33、定活两便储蓄存款是指不拟定存期,起存金额为50元人民币,开户后由储蓄机构发给存单或存折,存户凭存单(折)存取款,存取金额不受限制的一种储蓄方式。存单有两种类型:记名存单和不记名存单。不记名存单不能挂失。存折必须记名,记名存单(折)可以挂失。金融英语-高档-银行业务与管理-银行业务英语:取款,结余: Id like to know if I can draw on my account for payment of things I buy in Tianjin. 我想懂得一下我与否能提取存款来支付天津购物的费用。 I want to withdraw 200 dollars from my d

34、eposit account. 我要从我的定期存款中支取200美圆。 I want to close my account with you. 我想结束在你们这儿的帐户。 Id like to draw 100 yuan against this letter of credit. 我想从这份信用证上提款100元。 May I draw money against the letter of credit here? 我可以在这儿用这份信用证取钱吗? Could you tell me my balance? 能否把存款结余金额告诉我? Please let me know my balanc

35、e. 请告诉我结余金额。 I think you can draw on this account by cheque in payment of goods. 我觉得你可用支票提款支付购物费用。 Your balance at the bank is 300 yuan. 你在本行的结余是300元。 Your deposit is exhausted. 你的存款支净了。 Your letter of credit is used up. 你的信用证用完了。 Please tell me how you wish to draw your money. 请告诉我你但愿如何支款。 Fill our

36、 a withdrawal form, please. 请填写取款单。 The letter of credit is exhausted. 信用证上的款子已提清。 The letter at Counter 6 will pay you against your number slip. 六号柜台的出纳员将根据你的号码牌付给你钱。 Useful Words and Phrases to close an account, to clear an account 结清 to draw money 取款 drawing-out slip 取款单 the number slip 号码牌 a wit

37、hdrawal form 取款单 to fill in the receipt in duplicate 一式两份填这张收据 teller, cashier 出纳员银行基本业务: What kind of account did you have in your mind? 你想开哪种帐户? Do you like to open a current account? 你想开一种活期存款帐户吗? A deposit or current account? 定期还是活期? Please tell me how you would like to deposit your money. 请告诉我你

38、想存何种户头? Theres a service charge for the checking account but no charge for the savings. 支票户头要收服务费,钞票户头不收。 Our minimum deposit for a savings account is 100 dollars. 我们储蓄存款的最低存款额是100美圆。 Five yuan is the minimum original deposit. 最低起存款额是5元。 You can open a savings account at any time with an initial dep

39、osit of 50 dollars. 你可随时以50美圆的起存额开立储蓄帐户。 Even one yuan is all right. 甚至一元也可以起存。 Here is your pasbook. Please bring it back when you deposit or withdraw money any time you like. Keep it well and inform us whenever you lose it. 这是你的存折,存取款时请带来。保管好存折,遗失请告诉我们。 I should like to open a current account. 我想开

40、一种活期存款帐户。 I need a checking account so that I can pay my bill. 我需开个支票帐户,这样就能付帐。 Wed like to know how we open a checking-savings account. 我们想懂得如何开一种支票储蓄帐户。 I have a checking account here. 我在这里有一种支票存款帐户。 I think Id like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。 Can I open a current account here? 我能否在这儿开个活期存款帐户?

41、 I want to open a deposit account with you. 我要开个储蓄帐户。 Id like to open a deposit account with you. 我想在你们这儿开个定期存款帐户。 Could you tell me the difference between a savings account and a checking account? 请告诉我储蓄存款与支票存款的区别好吗? Please tell me the procedure for opening a savings account. 请告诉我开个储蓄帐户需要什么手续。 Will

42、 100 yuan be enough for a minimum deposit? 100元作最低存款额够吗? Id like to know whether a 200 yuan deposit will be enough for opening a checking account. 我想懂得开一种支票帐户200元存款与否够。 Could you tell me how to operate this account? 请告诉我如何经管这个帐户好吗? Is there any minimum for the first deposit? 第一次储蓄有最低限额吗? How much do

43、es each account cost? 每个帐户要花多少钱? Useful Phrases current deposit, current account 活期存款 fixed deposit, fixed account 定期存款 fixed deposit by installments 零存整取 joint account 联名存款帐户 to open an account 开户头各国货币名称中英对照:Name名称 Symbol or Abbreviation 称号或缩写 Country of Place 国家或地区 Afghani阿富汗尼 Af Afghanistan阿富汗 ba

44、th铢 B Thailand泰国 balboa巴波亚 B Panama巴拿马 aolivar博利瓦 b Venezuela委内瑞拉 colon(哥斯达黎加)科郎 Costa Rica哥斯达黎加 colon(萨尔瓦多)科郎 El Salvador萨尔瓦多 cordoba科多巴 C Nicaragua尼加拉瓜 cruzeiro克鲁赛罗 Cr brazil巴西 dalasi达拉西 DG Gambia冈比亚 dinar(阿尔及利亚)第纳尔 DA Algeria阿尔及利亚 dinar(伊拉克)第纳尔 ID Iraq伊拉克 dinar(约旦)第纳尔 JD Jordan约旦 dinar(科威特)第纳尔 KD

45、 Kuwait科威特 dinar(利比亚)第纳尔 LD Libya利比亚 dinar(也门民主人民共和国)第纳尔 YD The Peoples Democratic Republic of Yemen 也门民主人民共和国 dinar(突尼斯)第纳尔 D Tunisia突尼斯 dinar(南斯拉夫)第纳尔 DIN Yugoslavia南斯拉夫 dirham迪拉姆 DH Morocco摩洛哥 dollar(澳大利亚)元 A Australia澳大利亚 dollar(巴哈马)元 B Bahamas巴哈马 dollar(百慕大)元 DB Bermuda百慕大 dollar(加拿大)元 Can Cana

46、da加拿大 dollar埃塞俄比亚)元 Eth Ethiopia埃塞俄比亚 dollar(斐济)元 F Fiji斐济 dollar(圭亚那)元 G Guyana圭亚那 dollar(香港)元 HK Hongkong香港 dollar(牙买加)元 J Jamaica牙买加 dollar(利比里亚)元 L Liberia利比里亚 dollar(马来西亚)元 M Malaysia马来西亚 dollar(新西兰)元 NA NewZealand 新西兰 dollar(新加坡)元 S Singapore新加坡 dollar(特立尼达和多巴哥 TT Trinidad and Tobago特立尼达和多巴哥 d

47、ollar(美国)元 US USA美国 dong(越南)盾 D DBVN越南民主共和国 drachma德拉克马 Dr Greece希腊 escudo(智利)埃斯库多 E Chili智利 escudo(葡萄牙)埃斯库多 Esc Portugal葡萄牙 forint福林 Ft Hungary匈牙利 franc(比利时)法郎 BF Belgium比利时 franc(布隆迪)法郎 Fbu Burundi布隆迪Franc(非 洲金融共同体)法郎 Franc(非洲金融共同体)法郎 CFAF Cameroon喀麦隆;The Central African Republic中非共和国; Chad乍得;The

48、Peoples Republic of the Congo 刚果人民共和国;Dahomey达荷美;Gabon加蓬;Ivory Coast象牙海岸;Niger尼日尔;Senegal塞内加尔;Toto多哥;Upper Volta上沃尔特等 franc(法国) 法郎 FF France法国 franc(卢森堡)法郎 LuxF Luxemb(o)urg 卢森堡 franc(马尔加什)法郎 FMG The Malagasy Republic马尔加什共和国 franc(马里)法郎 MF Mali马里 franc(卢旺达)法郎 RF Rwanda卢旺达 franc(瑞士)法郎 Sf Switzerland瑞

49、士 gourde古德 G Haiti海地 guarani瓜拉尼 C Paraguay巴拉圭 Guilder(或florin)(荷兰)盾 fF Netherlands荷兰 kip基普 K Laos老挝 koruna(捷克)克朗 KeS Czechoslovakia捷克斯洛伐克 krona(冰岛)克朗 IKr Iceland冰岛 krona(瑞典)克朗 SKr Sweden瑞典 krone(丹麦)克朗 DKr Denmark丹麦 krone(挪威)克朗 NKr Norway挪威 kwacha(马拉维)克瓦查 MK Malawi马拉维 kwacha(赞比亚)克瓦查 K Zambia赞比亚 kyat(

50、缅甸)元 K Burma缅甸 lek列克 Lek Albania阿尔巴尼亚 lempira伦皮拉 L Honduras洪都拉斯 leone利昂 Le Sierra Leone塞拉利昂 leu列伊 Lv Romania罗马尼亚 lev列弗 L Bulgaria保加利亚 lira(意大利)里拉 Lit Italy意大利 Lira(土耳其)里拉(或镑) LT Turkey土耳其 Mark(德意志联邦共和国)马克 DM GFR德意志联邦共和国 Markka(芬兰)马克 Fmk Finland芬兰 Naira奈拉 Nigeria 尼日利亚 new cedi新塞地 NC Ghana加纳 Ouguiya乌吉

51、亚 UM Mauritania毛里塔尼亚 paanga邦加 T Tonga汤加 Peseta比塞塔 Ptas Spain西班牙 peso(阿根廷)比索 a Argentina阿根廷 peso(玻利维亚)比索 b Bolivia玻利维亚 peso(哥伦比亚)比索 Col Colombia哥伦比亚peso(古巴)比索 Cub Cuba古巴 peso(多米尼加)比索 RD The Dominican Republic多米尼加共和国 peso(墨西哥)比索 Mex Mexico墨西哥 peso(菲律宾)比索 P Philippines菲律宾 peso(乌拉圭)比索 Ur Uruguay乌拉圭 poun

52、d(塞浦路斯)镑 C Cyprus塞浦路斯 pound(埃及)镑 LE Egypt埃及 pound(英国)镑 ( Stg) Great Britain英国 pound(爱尔兰)镑 Ir Ireland爱尔兰 pound(黎巴嫩)镑 LL Lebanon黎巴嫩 pound(马耳她)镑 M Malta马耳她 pound(苏丹)镑 S Sudan苏丹 pound(叙利亚)镑 LS Syria叙利亚 quetzal格查尔 Q Guatemala危地马拉 Renminbiyuan人民币元 RMB China中国 rial(伊朗)里亚尔 Rls Iran伊朗 riel瑞尔 Cambodia柬埔寨 riya

53、l(沙特阿拉伯)里亚尔 SRls Saudi Arabia沙特阿拉伯 riyal(阿拉伯也门共和国)里亚尔 YRls The Arab Republic of Yemen阿拉伯也门共和国 rouble卢布 R(rub, Rbl) USSR俄罗斯 rupee(印度)卢比 Rs India印度 rupee(毛里求斯)卢比 MRs Mauritius毛里求斯 rupee(尼泊尔)卢比 NRs Nepal尼泊尔 rupee(巴基斯坦)卢比 PRs Pakistan巴基斯坦 rupee(斯里兰卡)卢比 SRs Sri Lanka斯里兰卡 rupiah(印度尼西亚)卢比(或盾) Rp Indonesia印

54、度尼西亚 schilling(奥地利)先令 Sch Austria(奥地利) shilling(肯尼亚)先令 KSh Kenya(肯尼亚) shilling(坦桑尼亚)先令 TSh 坦桑尼亚 shilling(乌干达)先令 USh 乌干达 sol索尔 s/ 秘鲁 Somali shilling索马里先令 ShSo Somali索马里 sucre苏克雷 S/ Ecuador厄瓜多尔 syli西里 syli syli几内亚 tugrik图格里克 Tug Mongolia蒙古 won(朝鲜)圆 W The Democratic Peoples republic of Korea 朝鲜民主主义人民共和

55、国 日元 ¥ Japan日本 扎伊尔 Z Zaire扎伊尔 兹罗提 Zl Poland波兰 注:dellar的符号也可作。 有些货币的符号或缩写用复数,如比塞塔(Ptas)、里亚尔(Rls)、卢比(Rs)等, 一般去掉末尾的即为其单数形式,但卢比(urpee)的单数形式为Re。 非洲金融共同体法郎(CFAF)的全称为Communaute Financiere Africaine Franc.存款:How much do you want to deposit with us? 你想在我们这存多少? How much do you wish to pay into your account? 你

56、但愿在你的户头上存多少? How much money do you plan to keep in your account on a regular basis? 你筹划在你的户头上定期寄存多少钱? How much cash do you plan to deposit in your account? 你有多少钱要存入呢? I think you may deposit your money with the bank, or leave it here for temporary safe-keeping. 我觉得你可把钱存入银行,或留在银行暂保管起来。 Would you plea

57、se fill in the depositing form, giving the sum of money youre to deposit as well as your name, address and professional unit? 请填张存款单,写明要存的数额以及你的姓名,地址和工作的单位,好吗? I want to deposit 300 yuan in my account. 我想在我的户头上存300元。 I want to deposit these cheques in my account. 我想把这些支票存在我的户头上。 Id like to pay 200 y

58、uan into my deposit account. 我想在在我的定期存款户头上存200元。 I want to deposit my paycheck. 我想存入我的工资支票。 Id like to know whether I can cash a cheque here. 我想懂得我能否在这兑换支票。 Will you please cash this travelers cheque? 请兑现这张旅行支票好吗? Id like to cash this money order. 我想兑现这张汇款单。 I want to cash the balance of a travelers

59、 letter of credit. 我要把旅行信用证的结余兑现。 Will you please tell me whether you charge for cheques? 请告诉我兑换支票罢手续费吗? Could you tell me how much the checks cost? 请告诉我这些支票要花多少钱? What if I overdraw? 如果透支了怎么办? Please sign your name on the bottom line if you want to cash the check. 如果想兑支票,请在底线上签名。Please write your a

60、ccount number on the back of the check. 请在支票背面写上你的帐号。 We honored the check as the overdraft was only 5 yuan. 我们承兑这张支票的透支额只有5元。 Please endorse the cheque. 请背签这张支票。 The travelers checks cost 1.5% of the total amount of purchase. 旅行支票手续费是购买总额的1.5%。 Heres the cheque book. When you send a cheque by post

61、be careful to cross it, but if you wish to cash a cheque yourself, you must leave it open. 这是一本支票簿,你邮寄支票时,注意要在支票上打叉线。但是如果你本人想开张兑现支票,就不可打叉线。 Each cheque you write will cost 2 dollars. 你每开一张支票将花2美圆。 Useful Words and Phrases account number 帐目编号 depositor 存户 pay-in slip 存款单 a deposit form 存款单 a banding machine 自动存取机 to deposit 存款 deposit receipt 存款收据 private deposits 私人存款 certificate of deposit 存单 deposit book, passbook 存折 credit card 信用卡 principal 本金 overdraft, overdraw 透支 to coun

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