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1、阅读题练习文章1The main purpose of sleeping (apart from giving us rest) may be to allow us to dream to review our lives, our worries and hopes in a totally different way, and to get an unconscious view of ourselves, getting rid of material from our memories that we no longer need.睡眠的主要目的(除让我们休息外)也许就是让我们做梦让

2、我们以一种截然不同的方式回顾我们的生活、我们的忧虑和希望,以及在潜意识中观察自我,把不再需要的资料从记忆中剔除。 Some dreams may have a simple physiological cause. Dreaming of walking on hot coals, for example, may well be caused by sleeping with your feet too close to a heater. And the frustrating dream in which you try to run but your legs wont move ma

3、y be explained by bedding that is too tight. Anyone who sleeps through their alarm may well dream of doorbells or telephones ringing. All are simple examples of how the unconscious works with our conscious mind to guide and advise us.有些梦可能是由简单的生理原因引起的。例如,梦到在灼热的煤块上行走很可能是因为睡眠时脚太靠近取暖器。而梦到想跑但两腿却动弹不了这种令人

4、沮丧的境况,也许是被子裹得太紧的缘故。闹铃响了而依然熟睡的人则很可能会梦到门铃或电话铃响。所有这些都是潜意识和意识共同引导和启示我们的简单例子。But such physiological explanations are not enough to tell us why we dream. Some people believe that dreams are total nonsense, merely the result of the misfiring of electrical impulses in the brain, while on the other hand, som

5、e read great importance into even the simplest of dreams. 不过这些从生理的角度进行的解释尚不足以说明为什么我们会做梦。有些人认为梦纯粹是无稽之谈,仅仅是人脑中电脉冲无的放矢的结果,然而,有些人则认为最简单的梦都具有重要的含义。文章2English is the most widely used language in the history of our planet. One in every seven human beings can speak it. More than half of the worlds books and

6、 three quarters of international mail are in English. Of all languages, English has the largest vocabulary perhaps as many as two million words.英语是地球上有史以来使用最为广泛的语言,平均每七个人中就有一个人会说英语,世界上一多半的书籍和四分之三的国际邮件都是英语的。英语所有语言中词汇量最大的,共二百万个,同时是文学领域中高度使用的语言。 However, lets face it: English is a crazy language. There

7、 is no egg in an eggplant, neither pine nor apple in a pineapple and no ham in a hamburger. Sweet-meats are candy, while sweetbreads, which arent sweet, are meat. 然而,“让我们面对这个问题:英语是一个疯狂的语言。里没有鸡蛋,茄子,也在松树和苹果菠萝和火腿中没有一个汉堡包。Sweet-meats是糖果,而牛,不甜,是肉。 We take English for granted. But when we explore its para

8、doxes (探讨它的矛盾), we find that quicksand can work slowly, boxing rings are square, public bathrooms have no baths in them. 我们把英语视为理所当然。但当我们探索它的似是而非的说法(探讨它的矛盾),我们发现流沙可以工作缓慢,拳击环广场、公共浴室没有洗澡。 And why is it that a writer writes, but fingers dont fing, grocers dont groce, and hammers dont ham? If the plural

9、 of tooth is teeth, shouldnt the plural of booth be beeth? One goose, two geese so one moose, two meese? 为什么它,一个作家写的,手指没有发现,不groce营销,锤子不要火腿?如果”这个词的复数形式的牙齿是牙齿,不应该”这个词的复数形式是beeth展位吗?一只鹅,两只鹅,所以一个驼鹿,两米吗?How can a slim chance and a fat chance be the same, while a wise man and a wise guy are opposites? Ho

10、w can overlook and oversee be opposites, while quite a lot and quite a few are alike? How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell the next?如何能再有机会渺茫,是相同的,而一个聪明的男人和一个聪明人是一对反义词吗?怎么能俯瞰并监督是对立的,而很多也有不少是一样的吗?怎样天气热得像地狱的一天,天气冷得像地狱呢?English was invented by people, not computers, and it reflec

11、ts (反映) the creativity of human beings. Thats why, when stars are out, they are visible (能看见的); but when the lights are out, they are invisible. And why, when I wind up my watch, I start it; but when I wind up=finish this essay, I end it.英语发明的人,而不是电脑,它反映了(反映)创造力人类。这就是为什么,当明星,他们是可见的(能看见的);但灯灭的时候,他们是无

12、形的。为什么,当我结束我的手表,我开始;但当我结束这篇文章,我结束它。36. According to the passage _. A. sweet-meats and sweetbreads are different things甜肉和牛羊杂碎是不同的东西 B. there should be egg in an eggplant C. pineapples are the apples on the pine tree D. boxing rings should be round 37. Which of the following is the correct plural正确的复

13、数? A. Beeth. B. Geese鹅. C. Meese. D. Tooth. 38. Which of the following includes two items which have the similar meaning下列哪项包含两个有类似的含义吗? A. A wise man and a wise guy. B. Overlook and oversee. C. Quite a lot and quite a few. D. Hot as hell and cold as hell. 39. The underlined words “wind up” in the l

14、ast paragraph probably mean “_”. A. blow B. roll up C. get hurt D. finish 40. Through the many paradoxes in the English language, the writer wants to show that human beings are _. A. clever B. crazy C. lazy D. dull 36-40ABCDA文章3What are you going to do if you are in a burning house?How will you esca

15、pe?Do you know how to save yourself?Please read the following passage.Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do during a fire can save your life. It is important to know the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the family,such as stairways and fire escapes,but not lifts.From t

16、he lower floors of the buildings, escaping through windows is possible, learn the best way of leaving by windows with the least chance of serious injury. The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground. An average person(一个普通人), hanging by the finger-tips will have a drop of about s

17、ix feet to the ground. It is about the height of an average man.它是关于平均高度的人 Of course,it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building.Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed. Or smoke and fire may be drawn into the room. Keep your head

18、 low at the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may leaked(渗)into the room.On a second or third floor,the best windows for escape are those that open onto a roof.最佳的逃生窗是那些开在屋顶上 From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely. 人从屋顶掉到地上更安全Dropping onto cement(水泥) might

19、 end in injury.落在水泥可能会受伤 Bushes(灌木丛) and grass can help to break a fall.1. It is important to _. A. put out the fire in the burning house B. know the ways to escape逃走 the fire C. jump off a burning house D. keep the door closed 2. It is possible to escape through the windows(它可能是从窗户逃生 )_. A. if ther

20、e are some bushes on the ground B. if you are strong enough C. if you live on a lower floor(如果你住在一个较低的楼层 )D. If you have a long rope 3. Which of the following escaping way is NOT right?(逃离的方法是不正确的) _. A.You can escape though stairways. B. You can choose fire escapes. C. Escape from the windows that

21、open onto a roof. D. Use a lift to come down at once. (利用电梯马上下来。)4. Open the window so that _ if the building is on fire. A. you can get fresh air B. you can call for help C. you can easily jump off D. you can be seen first 5. The best title of the passage is _. A. Escaping from the Windows B. Save

22、Yourself in the Burning House C. Knowledge on Fire D. Waiting for HelpBCDAB 【答案及解析】1. 选B。从句子It is important to know the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the family,可知,当房子着火后,最重要的是你要知道the ways to escape the fire(逃生方式),故答案选B。2. 选C。在短文的第2段说到from the lower floors of building escaping throug

23、h windows is possible。故选C。3. 选D。在短文中特别强调在大火发生时,人们可以从 stairways 和 fire escapes逃生, but not lifts(但不能从电梯),因为那是相当危险的。4. 选A。在短文的第5段提到了可keep your head low(低着头) at the window to be sure you get fresh air可知。5. 选B。通读全文后,短文的大意很明显,在着火的大楼中自救的方法应是短文的主题,故选B。文章4 On the night of November 7, 1965, Mary Daughtery had

24、 a nightmare. She cannot forget that dream nor can her husband, George. She tells of it like this: “I dreamed I was on a hill at night. Lightning flashed and thunder rolled. Then I saw a bright light in the sky. There was a loud impact and I heard screams everywhere.” 1965年11月7日的晚上,玛丽?都特瑞做了一个噩梦。她忘不了

25、那个梦,她的丈夫乔治也忘不了。她是这么讲述自己的梦的:“我梦见夜里自己在一座山上。电闪雷鸣。然后我看见天上一道亮光。巨大的撞击声,然后我听到四处都是尖叫声。” Mary says that then she saw a hand lying on the ground. She had a sense of dread, but she went closer. Then she saw an arm and then the shattered body at the end of the arm. She says that in her dream she screamed, “Some

26、body please help!” Then she saw some men with a large basket made of wicker. They put the body into the basket and went away.玛丽说,她接着看见地上有一只手。她感到有些害怕,但还是走上前去。然后她看见了一只胳膊,胳膊的那头是疏疏落落的尸体碎块。她说,她在梦里尖叫起来:“快来人哪!”然后她看见一些人抬着一个大柳条筐。他们把尸体放进筐里,就走了。 Mary was still screaming when she woke up. “Mary!” George was ben

27、ding over her, shaking her. “What is the matter?” he asked.玛丽惊醒时还在叫喊着。“玛丽!”乔治俯下身,推推她。“怎么了?”他问。 Mary told him, “I just saw you killed in a plane crash. Oh George, please dont go on that plane to Cincinnati.”玛丽告诉他:“我刚才梦见你飞机失事死了。噢,乔治,求求你不要坐那趟去辛辛那提的航班。” Mary begged him not to go, but George would not le

28、t her stop him. But as he drove to the airport, George began to feel strange. Then he saw a plane flying overhead, and his heart began to thump with fear. The he knew he could not get on the plane. He called the airport and told them to cancel his ticket. Then he called Mary and took the train to Ci

29、ncinnati.玛丽求他不要去,但是乔治不听她的劝阻。然而,在他开车去机场的路上,乔治开始感到有点不对头。接着他看见一架飞机从头顶飞过,心慌得砰砰直跳。于是他明白自己不能坐那趟飞机了。他给机场打电话,取消了机票。然后他给玛丽打电话,接着乘火车去了辛辛那提。 That night, Flight 383 ran into a bad storm when it tried to land in Cincinnati. The plane crashed into a hill. Mary saw the news report on television. It was just like h

30、er dream. She saw men with baskets come to carry away bodies. But she knew George was safe. He was safe because of the omen of her dream. 那天晚上,383次航班试图在辛辛那提降落时遇上了暴风雨。飞机撞上了一座山。玛丽在电视上看到了有关的新闻报道。那情形就同她梦见的一模一样。她看见人们拿筐运走了尸体。但是她知道乔治没事。因为有了她那梦的预兆,乔治得以安然无恙。文章5When Christopher Columbus landed on the then unn

31、amed Costa Rica in 1502, he saw many Indians wearing gold earrings. So he thought the land must be rich in gold. He named the place Costa Rica, which means “rich coast” in Spanish. 当哥伦布登陆当时的匿名哥斯达黎加在1502年,他看见许多印度人戴着金耳环。因此,他认为土地必须有钱金子。他给那地方起名叫哥斯达黎加,意即“丰富的海岸”在西班牙语。Though little gold was found, Costa Ri

32、ca today is indeed rich with coffee and bananas. Coffee is the most important product in Costa Rica and most of it is exported (出口) to other countries like America and West Germany. Bananas are the countrys second most important export.虽然小也都找到了黄金、哥斯达黎加今天真是丰富着咖啡和香蕉。咖啡是最重要的产品,在哥斯达黎加和大部分都出口(出口)到其他国家,如美

33、国和西德。香蕉是中国第二最重要的出口。Costa Ricans also grow many other crops such as fruits, corn and beans for their own use. Costa Ricans love colors and their houses are painted in bright colors. Ricans也种植许多哥斯达黎加其他作物,如水果、玉米和豆子,供自己使用。Ricans喜欢颜色和他们科斯塔房子涂上鲜明的颜料。Education is very important to the Costa Ricans. Almost

34、every village has a school and education is a must for children between seven and fourteen years of age. Boys and girls go to separate (单独的) schools. Classes begin in March and end in November. The other three months of the year are harvest time and the children have to help their parents to pick co

35、ffee beans.教育是非常重要的Ricans科斯塔。几乎每一个村庄有一个学校和教育孩子们需要7到十四岁。男孩和女孩去单独的学校。上课开始在三月,结束于11月。其他三个月份的一年是收获的季节,孩子们必须帮助他们的父母来挑选咖啡豆。56. Whats the main idea of the first paragraph?A. How Columbus found Costa Rica.B. How Costa Rica got its name.C. What the Costa Ricans wore. D. What language the Costa Ricans spoke.5

36、7. The Costa Ricans may NOT paint their houses _.A. pink and red B. grey and blackC. blue and green D. yellow and orange58. In Costa Rica, boys and girls between seven and fourteen _.A. must go to school B. study in the same schoolC. do not have to go to school at all不一定要去上学D. can choose to stop sch

37、ooling at any time59. From December to February, school children in Costa Rica _.A. have lessons every dayB. have their examinationsC. help their parents pick coffee beansD. help their parents decorate their houses 60. This passage is mainly about _.A. Christopher Columbus B. Costa Rica C. some prod

38、ucts from Costa Rica D. the education of Costa Rica答案 BBACB文章6Theyre often called the elite eight, boasting U.S. presidents, Nobel Prize winners, Wall Street CEOs, world leaders as well as famous actors and musicians among their alumni(校友). But theyre incredibly expensive and getting more so prompti

39、ng many students and families to ask: Is an Ivy League diploma really worth the money?他们通常被称为八的精英,拥有美国总统,诺贝尔奖得主,华尔街的首席执行官,世界领导人以及著名的演员和音乐家之间的校友(校友)。但他们令人难以置信的昂贵,更促使许多学生和家庭问:是常春藤联盟文凭真的值得吗?No. And, well, yes. When it comes to education, they may be a draw with other schools, say analysts. But if your

40、concern is getting and keeping a well-paying job for a lifetime, the Ivy League is still hard to beat. An Ivy League education makes a candidate stand out, even before a recruiter talks to them.没有。嘿.可以.说到教育,他们可能是一个画与其他学校,分析家说。但如果你关心的是获得并保持一份不错的工作了一辈子,常春藤联盟仍然是很难被击败。一个常春藤联盟教育使一个候选人中脱颖而出,甚至在一个招聘人员对他们说话

41、。Besides a high-profile degree, Ivy League schools provide a social network that other schools cant duplicate(复制)emphasizing its who you know as much as what you know.除了知名度,常春藤联盟学校提供一个社会网络,其他学校不可复制-强调这是谁你知道,就像你所知道的。For the eight schoolsHarvard, Cornell, Princeton, Yale, Dartmouth, Brown, Columbia an

42、d the University of Pennsylvaniatheir pedigree is long established. Seven of the schools are older than the American Revolution. (Cornell was founded in 1865.)为八所学校:哈佛大学,康奈尔,普林斯顿,耶鲁,达特茅斯,棕色,哥伦比亚大学和宾夕法尼亚大学,它们谱系已久。七所学校都是年纪比美国革命。(康奈尔成立于1865。)And admission standards for all are intimidating(吓人的) they mo

43、stly take the top 10% of a senior high school graduating class with the highest of SAT scores. All have sizable endowments and get plenty of financial support from alumni while drawing first-class teachers.录取标准都是吓人的-他们大多采取前10%的高中毕业班的最高成绩。都有相当大的捐赠和获得足够的财政支持校友而一流的教师。While not the most costly of U.S. c

44、ollegesSarah Lawrence has that distinction at some $57,556 a yearIvy League school fees average around $55,000, more than the median American annual income of $46,000.虽然不是最昂贵的美国大学莎拉劳伦斯,区别于约每年57556美元的常春藤联盟学校的费用平均约为55000美元,超过美国的46000美元的年收入中位数。But Ivy League grads should be more than able to recover th

45、ose costs when they enter the working world, according to statistics. Depending on a graduates degree, the lowest median starting salary for an elite eight ranges from $49,400 for Brown to $59,600 for the University of Pennsylvania. According to one study, thats about 32% higher than a graduate at a

46、 non-Ivy League, liberal-arts school. 但常春藤联盟毕业生应该更能收回成本当他们进入工作世界,据统计。根据研究生学位,最低平均起薪为精英八范围从49400美元到59600美元的宾夕法尼亚大学棕色。根据一项研究,高出32%,比一个研究生在非常春藤联盟的文科学院。文章7For a long time and for a lot of us, “college” was more or less a synonym for success. We had only to go. We had only to graduate. And if we did, acc

47、ording to parents and high-school guidance counselors and everything we heard and everything we read, we could pretty much count on a career, just about depend on a decent income and more or less expect security. A diploma wasnt a piece of paper. It was an amulet(护身符). 很长一段时间,对于许多人来说,“大学”是更多或更少的同义词的

48、成功。我们只有去。我们只研究。如果我们这样做,根据家长和中学指导顾问,我们听到了,我们读到的东西,我们可以指望一个职业,只是依靠一个体面的收入和更多或更少的期望安全。文凭不是一张纸。这是一个护身符And it was broadly accessible, or at least it was spoken of that way. With the right mix of intelligence, moxie(勇气,精力) and various kinds of aid, a motivated person could supposedly get there. College wa

49、s seen as a glittering centerpiece(中心装饰品) of the American dream, a reliable engine of social mobility. 它被广泛的使用,或至少是说那种方式。与适当的智慧,勇气和各类援助,一个上进的人被认为可以到达那里。大学被视为一个闪闪发光的美国梦的核心,一个可靠的发动机的社会流动。Im not sure things were ever that simple, but theyre definitely more complicated now. And that was an unacknowledge

50、d backdrop for the debate last week about federal student loan rates and whether they would be kept at 3.4 percent or allowed to return to 6.8 percent. That was one reason, among many, that it stirred up so much anxiety and got so much attention. 我不确定事情没有这么简单,但他们肯定更复杂了。这是上周的一个不为人知的背景为辩论联邦学生贷款利率和他们是否

51、会保持在百分之3.4或允许返回百分之6.8。这是原因之一,其中许多人,这激起了这么多的焦虑和得到如此多的关注。Because of rising costs, college these days is a luxury item. Whats more, its a luxury item with newly uncertain returns. 由于成本上升,大学的这些日子是奢侈品。更重要的是,这是奢侈品的新收益不确定。Yes, many of the sorts of service-industry jobs now available to people without highe

52、r education are less financially rewarding than manufacturing jobs before, and so college has in that sense become more imperative(必要的). And, yes, college graduates have an unemployment rate half that of people with only high school degrees. 是的,许多的各种服务业的工作现在可以没有高等教育财政奖励比之前少制造工作,并因此学院已经在这个意义上变得更加迫切。和

53、,是的,大学毕业生的失业率的一半,只有高中学历的人。But that figure factors in Americans who got their diplomas and first entered the job market decades ago, and it could reflect not just what was studied in college but the already established economic advantages, contacts and temperaments of the kind of people who pursue an

54、d stick with higher education. 但这种图因素中的美国人得到了他们的文凭和几十年前,首次进入就业市场,它可以反映出不只是什么研究在大学,但已有既定的经济优势、 联系人和性情的追求,并坚持高等教育的人的那种。It doesnt capture the grim reality for recent college graduates, whose leg up on their less educated counterparts isnt such a sturdy, comely leg at the moment. According to an Associa

55、ted Press analysis of data from 2011, 53.6 percent of college graduates under the age of 25 were unemployed or, if they were lucky, merely underemployed, which means they were in jobs for which their degrees werent necessary. 它不会捕获的严峻现实,最近的大学毕业生,谁的腿在他们的教育程度较低的同行也不是一个坚固,美丽的腿的时候。据美联社分析数据从2011,百分之53.6的

56、大学毕业生25岁以下的失业或,如果他们是幸运的,只是未充分就业,这意味着他们的工作,他们的学位不必要。文章8:调查显示一个人的名字决定命运According to a handful of studies, a name not only reveals clues about a persons class, education and ethnic origin, it can also influence the bearer of the moniker and the choices they make in life.一系列研究显示,名字不但能透露一个人所处的阶层、教育背景和种族出

57、身,还能对一个人的人生以及在人生中所做的选择产生影响。 Scientists have even drawn conclusions to suggest that people are often drawn to things and people that sound like their own names. 科学家甚至得出结论称,人们经常被与自己名字发音相近的事物和人吸引。These experts claim that implicit egotism(唯我主义) is the reason that someone called Dennis might become a den

58、tist or even that a child whose name begins with a B or C may fare(遭遇) worse in school examinations. 这些专家称,名叫邓尼斯的人可能成为一个牙医(英文与之发音相近),甚至名字以B或C开头的孩子可能在学校测验中表现更差,这些都是由“内隐自我主义”导致的。That a persons name may be bound to his or her destiny is far from a new phenomenon. The Ancient Romans promoted the concept

59、 “non nest omen”, meaning “name is destiny.” 如果说一个人的名字可能和自己的命运相连,这根本不是什么新现象。古罗马人崇尚非嵌套的预兆的观念,意思是“名字就是命运”。Studies have indeed shown that those with more conservative, “Caucasian” names are more successful when submitting resumes for employment. 确实有研究显示,那些名字更保守、听起来更像白种人名字的人在提交求职简历时成功率更高。A recent poll c

60、onducted in Australia revealed that people respond more warmly to colleagues and politicians with names they can easily pronounce. 近日一项在澳大利亚开展的民意调查揭示,人们对名字好发音的同事和政界人士反应更热情。Yet parents nowadays are putting that much more effort into giving their offspring original names that are largely unfamiliar. 然

61、而现在的父母们却花费那么多心力来给自己的孩子取一个别出心裁的名字,而大多数这样的名字都让人感到陌生。 Though historically names have been passed down through families of gleaned(搜集到) from the Bible, in recent days the tendency has been to think outside the box and consider movies, songs and stories for inspiration.尽管过去人的名字都是从圣经中采集到的,在家庭中世代相传,但近来人们取名

62、倾向于打破传统思维,从电影、歌曲和故事中找寻灵感。 When Britney Spears rose to fame the slightly altered Brittaney became wildly popular among new parents and recently, thanks to the Twilight series, Isabella has made a comeback.在布兰妮斯皮尔斯成名之时,由她的名字稍作修改而成的布里昙妮受到了新父母的疯狂追捧,而近来由于暮光之城系列电影的走红,伊萨贝拉又成了受欢迎的名字。One study found that 30

63、percent of African American girls born in California during the 1990s were given unique names that they shared with not a single person born in the same year in the same state.一项研究发现,20世纪90年代在加州出生的非裔美国女孩,有30%被冠以独特的名字,这些人的名字有别于同年在加州出生的其他任何人。Dr Martin Ford of George Mason University, however, believes

64、 a name does not stand for much. 然而,乔治梅森大学的马丁福德博士认为名字并没有那么大的象征意义。 He explained to The Week: “Names only have a significant influence when that is the only thing you know about the person. Add a picture, and the impact of the name recedes. Add information about personality, motivation, and ability, and the impact of the name shrinks to minimal significance.” 他向本周杂志解释说:“只有在你除了人名外对那个人一无所知的情况下,名字才会产生重大的影响力。多一张照片,名

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