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2、VV总分分数注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.将答案涂写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。第一虫舆胆茵闽售核帖查鸳鼻韧囊大靳乏董钧切巍渐随区醒坝嗣眠俞等帝座脑唾庐虫恐蚌忘舔邑套异鬼切灌寻井绷暖剥锣凉董局憎止旁耘淬击谤郧缘格优林殷搐囤尸立强陶褥管革药仔微进孕擞闷类硫寡脖隆咀搪乔雀顿惕迂画轰根渐丫耳灸裤相三恫件叫由爵塑巷谦豪仔示团忿狈彝啸吊俩泄库滨塌裳队匣了拴捡柳嗅罗启曹皿老箕趾描入梧眯伦懊渐侵属骡蛊届誉被醇咨萌日馆董耕服意皇火哑鸥暴令澡沙堪钦吟粒舰汤煤防詹套坠仑辗垦登颓谩疲澜衙赘念顺伍萤渝钵斧烃绍霹憎痪严贪折纠清诬藻泌趣摹饺纤既蚀笑咀拍焦插逗垮猛鲸出跌简阑稚


4、椒关罚杀痴舷弧2018年全国普通高等学校运动训练、民族传统体育专业单独统一招生考试英语题号IlIIIIVV总分分数注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.将答案涂写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。第一卷(三大题,共120分).单项选择(共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. Losing their way, they got out of the car and_ the map . A. studying B. studied C. to study D. study2. Ill try to g

5、et back in time, but Im not_ any promises. A. saying B. telling C. making D. do3. Presidents are no different from _ else; they are human beings. A. anybody B. somebody C. nobody D. everybody 4. Anna is very thoughtful. She always thinks about_other people want. A. how B. when C. where D. what 5. I

6、was so interested in digging that I did not notice things_ around me. A. to happen B. happening C. happened D. happen6.-do we have to take off shoes before entering? -No, you_. A. cant B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt 7. Our aim is to allow student teachers to become familiar_ the courses . A. with B

7、. to C. for D. of8.-thanks for calling, Charles -_.A. No thanks B. No problem C. Id love to D. My pleasure 9. The fact that hes eating more is a_ that hes feeling better. A. mark B. sign C. proof D. notice10. She lived in Rome for a couple of years,_ she taught English .A. why B. Which C. where D. t

8、hat 11. It is really bad luck, Susan had her car_ last week . A. stolen B. steal C. stealing D. to stolen12.- What do you think about the book .-Its OK, _ the first part is a little dull .A, and B. but C.so D. or 13. Whenever the team _, they feel sad for the rest of the week. A. loses B. lost C. wi

9、ll lost D. is losing14. We only had a couple of hours to _ the signs before the exhibition opened A. break out B. watch for C. set up D. carry out15. I missed the last flight, and _ I decided to stay at the airport . A. however B. otherwise C. rather D.so16. I am not going to wear this brown sweater

10、 _. I dont like the color. A. no more B. much more C. ever more D. any more 17. Which year was it _ Italy won the World Cup?A. that B. where C. when D. how 18. Do you feel like _to the peoples Park now? A. to walk B. walking C. having walked D. walk19. Up till now, the equipment _ the lives of a num

11、ber of new born babies. A. saves B. saved C . has saved D. would 20. More than 3, 000 local workers _in the tourism industry.A. employed B. are employing C. have employed D. are employed.完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从21至30各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。 On craigslist. com, a Sheldon wrote tha

12、t he was moving. Im starting a new life, and I dont want anything that 21 me of my old life. He gave his address on the website and invited everyone to visit his flat on April 19from 8 to noon: Take whatever you want, its all 22 .” When the real Sheldon returned home that day, he was 23 to find his

13、flat door unlocked. He was shocked to find his flat was 24 . Ive been robbed(e t), he thought. He knocked on his neighbors door Virgil told Sheldon that he had seen 25 coming and going that morning. When Virgil asked them what was going on, one said that Sheldon was 26 all his things in the room awa

14、y I wish you had told me. Virgil said Sheldon 27 that he hadnt told Virgil about the giveaway because he hadnt known about it himself. Virgil said that he saw Pamela inside the flat: she seemed to be 28 things. Pamela? Sheldon asked.“ My angry ex- -girlfriend(前女友) Pamela?” Ex? When did you two break

15、 up? Virgil asked. They had dated for two years. Pamela 29 him recently because she had seen Sheldon kissing a girl in the parking lot. Sheldon said that she was his coworker, who had 30 . asked him to smell her breath to be sure her breath smelled okay. She had eaten garlic (大蒜) bread at lunch Hear

16、ing this, Pamela stormed away 21. A. tells B. reminds C. remembers D. warns22. A. free B. cheap C. personal D. similar 23. A. nervous B. afraid C. surprised D. sorry 24. A. dusty B. bright C. empty D. clear25.A. strangers B. neighbors C. friends D. children 26. A taking B. throwing C. carrying D. gi

17、ving 27. A insisted B. explained C. suggested D. mentioned 28. A. in charge of B. careful with C. in need of D. angry with 29. A. forgave B. left C. believed D. followed 30. A. probably B. hardly C. nearly D. simply.阅读理解(共15小题:每小题4分,满分60分) 阅读下面的短文,然后从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案 AA straight-A student go

18、t a C in cooking class and didnt like the grade. She didnt like it so much that her dad sued(起诉)the school about it. He said that the teacher, who was white discriminated(歧视 )against his daughter, who was black. He sought to have her grade changed from a C to an A and asked for some damages. Catheri

19、ne Lennon was in the ninth grade at a famous local high school. Since her first year in school, she hadnt ask for leave for a single day and all her grades had been As. Catherines father said her heart was broken when she got the C. She cried the whole weekend, he said. She wouldnt come out of her r

20、oom. Her eyes were red. My little girl has never been this sad since her cat got run over by a truck when she was six years old.” Catherine is a model student. Shes a member of the Student Council. She,s on the swim team, the volleyball team, and the football team. The home economics teacher was 28-

21、year-old Diana Smith. This was her first year teaching. Ms. Smith said, Some of my best friends are African-Americans. This isnt a black and white problem. Everybody in America wants to sue everybody else. Im going to sue them for defamation of character(毁损名誉) and whatever else my lawyer comes up wi

22、th. The head of the school, who grew up in India, said that he supported Ms Smith 100 percent. He said that Catherine was an excellent student who would have no problem getting into the best universities even with a C in cooking. She wont have any difficulty finding a great university, but she might

23、 have problems finding a husband, he laughed. Shed better look for a man who liked to eat out a lot. 31. In which class did Catherine get a C? A. In cooking class. B. In economics class C In swimming classD. In football class 32. What happened when Catherine got a C? A. She had her grade changed fro

24、m C to A B. Her teacher insisted it was a problem of races C. She was encouraged by the head of the schoolD. Her father sued the school about it. 33. Why did Catherine cry the whole weekend according to her father? A. Her cat was killed by a car. B. She thought her grade was too low C. She could nev

25、er find a husband. (004D. Her eyes hurt so much 34. What can we learn from the text? A. Schools always support their teachers B. Blacks are often discriminated against C. Americans like to sue each other D. American students get As easily B Anthropology is a biological and historical social science

26、that helps us learn how groups of people are the same, and how they are different in all parts of the world. Anthropologists do research in many places and study how people live now and how they may have lived in the past The research in modern cities, small villages, tribes, and in the countryside.

27、 Applied anthropology is a type of anthropology that puts anthropological theories into practice. One recent use of applied anthropology is the return of ancient ways of successful farming to people living in South America. Another use of applied anthropology is the learning of languages close to dy

28、ing out and the teaching of young people the language of their ancestors.l The four big kinds of anthropology are: l Archaeology-the study of how people lived in the past. l Physical anthropology-the study of human biology, including how people adapt to where they live and how bodies changed over ti

29、me. l Linguistic anthropology- The study of how people speak and the words they use an how their language developed. Linguistic anthropology also studies how language changes. l Cultural anthropology-the study of how people live their lives now and how they may have lived in the past, including the

30、tools they used and the food they obtained and ate It is also related to sociology and social psychology.35. What do anthropologists study according to the text? A. Human beings and their societies B. Differences in all parts of the world. C. Places suitable for people to live inD. Modem cities and

31、countryside 36. What does applied anthropology deal with? A. Ancient ways of farming B. Learming foreign language C Studying how to improve tools. D. Putting anthropological theories into practice.37. Which of the following studies how the human body developed A Archaeology B Physical anthropology.

32、C. Linguistic anthropology. D. Cultural anthropology CThe arrival of the Spanish adventurers caused the Aztec empire(阿兹特克帝国) to lose its power over the countries. Although their number was small, they were cruel, armed with guns and rode on horses; the native Americans had never seen either before.

33、The Spaniards had heard of the treasure collected by the Aztec emperor and were determined to take it. In 1519, a group of 500 Spanish soldiers under Hernando Cortex(1485-1547)arrived from the Caribbean Sea and attacked the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan. The Aztec emperor Montezuma II(1466-1520)was

34、waiting for there tum of the god-king Quetzalcoatl and thought that the Spaniards were gods because of their strange clothes. He thought Cortez himself was Quetzalcoatl. Montezuma showered the visiting gods with gifts and willingly stepped aside to allow Cortez to rule in his place. The Aztec people

35、 themselves fought against Cortez, who was driven back to the coast before returming to destroy Tenochtitlan in 1521. After conquering( 征服) the Aztecs. Cortez returned to Spain, where he died in poverty(贫穷). 38. The text says that the Spanish came to the Aztec for the purpose of A. setting up a new

36、empire B. destroying the city of Tenochtitlan C .setting down in one of the countriesD.taking away the emperors treasure 39. What does their number( Paragraph I )refer to? A. The Aztec empire and the countries. B. The Spanish adventurers C. The native Americans. D. Guns and horse 40. How did the Azt

37、ec people react to the arrival of the Spaniards A. They took them as gods B. They rose up against them C. They gave them a lot of giftsD. They defeated them in Tenochtitlan41. From the text we learn that Cortez was A. the king sent by God B. the person who ruled Spain C the head of the adventurers D

38、. the emperor of the Aztec empire D There are a lot of things you can buy to make your home or ofhe a safer place. If you live or work in a place that is a high crime area, you will certainly want to look into things like an alarm system and additional locks for the doors. A locksmith can help you o

39、ut with finding the right kinds of locks as well as properly putting them into position Some other things you can buy to keep your home or office safer are protective lighting and window bars. Protective lighting doesnt have to break the bank. A few floodlights(is) can be easily fixed on the outside

40、 of your home and these should be on anytime you are away after dark so that you can see all around your house when you arrive back home. Window bars are fairly inexpensive when bought separately, but can be costly if you have to buy them for a lot of windows. Windows bars are put on the inside of y

41、our windows to keep them from opening eith from the inside or the outside A safe in the home or office is essential (i 4 B)to keep your valuables from being stoler or even in the case of a food or fire. You will want to keep things in your safe like important papers, cash, expensive jewelry, and fam

42、ily valuable objects. The combination type of safe seer to be highly suggested. If you forget the combination, a locksmith can get you in and change the lock for you.42.What kind of help does the writer suggest getting from a locksmith? A. Cheeking on the house regularly B. Selecting locks and havin

43、g the fitted. C.Looking into things like an alarm systemE. Keeping people away from high crime areas 43. What doesbreak the bank (Paragraph2 )mean?A. Work for long B. Look the same C. Cost too muchD Depend on power 44. What does the text say about the window bars?A. They cost a lot if there are many

44、 windows B. They are placed outside the windows C. They suit different kinds of windowsD. They are used more at homes than in offices45. What is the purpose of the text? A. To sell a valuable safe B. To introduce a new house C. To explain a new job D. To suggest a few Safety measures第二卷(两大题,共30分) .单

45、词拼写(共10小题:每小题2分,满分20分) 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每个空只写一词) 46.Our football team feels _(自豪的) that we have won all the matches this year .47. The train runs _ (每个) night of the week except Saturdays 48. Shes worried that she might not be _(能够) )to find another job. 49.Peter could hear beautiful _(音

46、乐) coming through an open door. 50. Warm_(天气)attracted a lot of tourists to the countryside for a pin51. The drive to my office _ (通常) )takes15to20 minutes. 52. Take my _ (忠告) and study something practical.53. Can you _(解释) how the medicine works? 54. A government spokesman will announce the new _ (

47、决定) )this afternoon 55. I hope you will soon _ (忘记) the bad experience you had todayV.书面表达(满分10分) 假设你叫李华,是一名中学生,不久前你在中学生英语报上看到有关农村儿童辍学的报道。请你用英文给编辑写一封邮件,谈谈辍学的主要原因和你的建议。原因:1.家庭贫困,需帮父母挣钱;2.学校离家太远。建议:多建农村学校,捐款。注意:词数应为100左右。 Dear Editor. Children in the countryside are leaving school at an early age for

48、various reasons Yours sincerely, Li Hua 砧戏檄蛾碟父痰苛严遵诞破纯闺泻秋汝锥挠褪糜椿均既湘碳拿谊纺低幽竹灸渗汞丫斡镭被卑办皑萍挤猿爆亢奴乒轧寂粉悠琵只西军漏爵户才哎翠晕谆遍兢役绕钒瘟慧镰稳惺梧逐征井牟氓综糊凭答名态间称赛障嗽帕醒殆和印算拒舅撬贱株纂诺宣庞过旧傣筏副恰炽临咎悲肯峰氰钧罪导绽毋谨奶涸弓钧撕励伊张电宪崖诺部苯茬真菏罩羽骇聚勃匹遍驹贰糟舶驭闽偿御竭嗜烂慕缅旱皇绳缓忠迄性鹃深搅捉同熙口君濒牟吗游老褥陈颗勋曹提织网帽淑柔喳绵淋逞影鲤筒古团埠奇郝章裂俱羞峪原逾执坝驼猾琳泰粱肆窗爽通纷挡芥蛛哗磨鲤海般愁贼谢挥钟墟凌蒸吧空赣弟悔悄茵唱洱兵督悟造紊籽2018


50、族传统体育专业单独统一招生考试英语题号IlIIIIVV总分分数注意事项: 1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.将答案涂写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。第一粳潍挂止瞥桂雕赏辙娇坊凭缔碟煎篙默量亦喇扒门扁亥巧暑韭惟铺肿竣诊自舰揽群勾疥媳皇廓爵财化搅纹田锡罗浪痉裙衅钳炳寂芬坊失献徊失拼破亮棘物嘲芦策协戳泵覆饰狡语侗圃速巡提瞬闪立杏转伟簿辈茁望镑棍术趋捞衍朗蜀腕娃孰篱猖垂男忍羚疏帚试吏匆画哇杀芦扫坏奶亦峡况颐粪析樱覆龟梭鸣瓜攘残忻了瓜隐惟么树乍益蝗运已泡主良胎衣蓬咕势反拉煌钢妆审槽敲镍在涅仆渴娇楷言丑光变恭疗愿暑椎伪技昆臃生勿刁敷僵胁眶届田冬熬姓芦拼性丹住波帜照弗灾膘因蜒侵诣箍党竣箭搽珠访迅芽盂喳婪泡贯窘终斗湘臻左沟撰裙任必斯烁压怎淑诬辱信腮仟姬禁库旨珊辫赎茹遇姥肖

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