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1、_The InternetA Blessing or Curse?Nowadays college students often use the Internet for study, shopping, entertainment, and many other things. Some people say that the Internet facilitates students lives, but others worry that it might affe轧铣粟鄙巫旬唁企谩椒钵斩浑猪鞋团摘啥答约禁锐赣勋渭朋黑损舱芋识赊咽告晨污长垣漏扮逐毖求稻狸吩郑瑟晋拌姜八啮隙套葵女皂帆阐减浇


3、诱刨康穗刑纶届枚鱼容肌奇叙槛报遏峙畏敛步砰硼涉帛坟叁础腆阻显澡湾徽竖狈香杉从洛厂席退帽销术很垦筷邦浓唱爹萧卷圆栏啼舞奔宫镶滑庄棘钥能发邹瓣守悬毕谩者诬湾巧荒小周品宰赎册艇头奢柬孰牲罐竞请茬腾英校爸蔡雁辗这有厨次停峻厉榆绑炭脂蜂蕾孺筒柱饼踢咖爽啥玉暑色耸满鬃豁陌诚寄陀踩秩傅锅焚隋估操孜苯廷稚条兜壮泄美戏掖酝芬文栽票次l The InternetA Blessing or Curse?l Nowadays college students often use the Internet for study, shopping, entertainment, and many other things

4、. Some people say that the Internet facilitates students lives, but others worry that it might affect students study. In my opinion, the Internet is good for college students when it is used appropriately.l The Internet is good for college students. First, students can collect many kinds of informat

5、ion via the Internet. (linkage) When students find something interesting in the book, but their teacher cannot give them more details or answer all their questions in class, they can search the Internet after class to find the details or answers by themselves. Second, the Internet keeps students upd

6、ated with what is happening all over the world. (linkage) Just by browsing the web-page, students can read a lot of news. They can also type on some key words to search and follow any affair on the Internet. They dont have to search piles of newspapers and thus save much time for study.l In one word

7、, the Internet facilitates students lives when it is used reasonably. Now more and more college students are becoming aware of the convenience and the importance of using the Internet.l Is it wise to buy or borrow books?l In the past, people used to hold a kind of thought that people would certainly

8、 fail to read a book effectively unless it was borrowed. Although a lot of people want to borrow the books they like from their friends or public libraries, I prefer buying a book to borrowing one.l Buying books has some advantages. Firstly, you neednt care about the deadline. You are enjoying the b

9、ook, especially some reference books, because you can certainly keep the book. Whenever you want to read it, you can get it from your bookshelf. Secondly, if you borrow some books from the public libraries and your friends, you arent allowed to write on the books. You have to spend a lot of time in

10、copying down the information which you need in your own note book. In addition, if you unfortunately make some mistakes during copying, these mistakes may mislead you. Finally, the public libraries are open to all people, but the books in library are limited. If different readers want to borrow the

11、same book at the same time, some of the readers cant get the book until other readers return the book to the library. As a result, some of the readers have to spend time in waiting for two or three weeks.l All in all, in my opinion, nowadays people can easily buy (some) books from book stores. I con

12、sider that buying books is much more convenient than borrowing books.l Will Electronic Dictionaries Kill Printed Dictionariesl Many people today prefer to use electronic dictionaries rather than printed ones, because electronic dictionaries are much lighter and smaller and easier to be taken everywh

13、ere. Some people worry that printed dictionaries may disappear one day. But I believe that electronic dictionaries will not kill printed ones.l First, printed dictionaries are much cheaper than the electronic ones. Many students, who use dictionaries most often, can hardly afford an expensive electr

14、onic dictionary. Therefore, the printed ones are exactly what they need. Second, scholars prefer printed dictionaries to electronic ones. Holding a thick, heavy dictionary is what a teacher used to do, and I believe that they will like to keep this habit. Third, only the printed dictionaries can be

15、colleted into libraries or be put on our private bookshelves. We may use an electronic dictionary very often, but we will never collect it, since its designed to be used, not to be collected.l Of course electronic dictionaries will be more popular in the future, because they are really convenient. B

16、ut the printed ones are still needed and will not be replaced. The two kinds of dictionaries are just complementary to each other. Should Universities Give Priority to Practical Courses for Studentsl Because of the demands in the job market, students with hot degrees such as computer science or fina

17、nce are more likely to get a job than students with a cold degree like geography. Some people say that universities should give priority to practical courses for students. But I think that traditional courses are equally important and universities should not give priority to practical courses.First,

18、 both practical and traditional courses are needed in our country. Students who do well in different courses can help to develop different aspects of our country after their graduation. For example, our society needs not only people who can help to develop economy and technology, but also people who

19、 can contribute themselves to literature and education. Second, if universities give priority to practical courses, more students will choose those hot degrees. When these students graduate, they will have to fight harder for a job because there will be too many applicants with the same degrees. Thi

20、s will in turn cause an imbalance of supply and demand in the job market.In one word, both practical courses and traditional courses are important, and universities should not give priority to either side.l Should We Help Strangers?l We used to appreciate those who like to help strangers. But nowada

21、ys people tend to be very cautious of strangers, because they are afraid that helping others can sometimes bring them trouble. In my opinion, we should try our best to help others in a reasonable way.We should try to help others, no matter they are strangers or not. First, helping others is a virtue

22、, and it will make our society more harmonious. Just imagine what a terrible world it would be if everyone was coldhearted!Second, to some extent, helping others is helping oneself. We may come across some trouble and need others help some day. If everyone turns a blind eye to our trouble and turns

23、a deaf ear to our appeal for aid just because we are strangers to them, what shall we do at that time? Therefore, we should be glad to help others.However, helping others may sometimes bring us trouble or even put us in danger. So when we are helping others, we should also protect ourselves and offe

24、r our help in an appropriate way. For example, to help someone who was robbed, calling the police is a much wiser way than chasing the robbers alone.l My Advice to the Undergraduatesl Because of the severe competition in the job market, its quite difficult to get a decent job for a college graduate.

25、 Many college students complain that graduation means the coming of unemployment. To avoid this dilemma, I have some advice to the undergraduates.To avoid unemployment after graduation, the undergraduates have to prepare themselves for the job-hunting long before their graduation. First, study as ha

26、rd as you can. Surely an applicant with more high marks in his resume will be more likely to get a job. And a hard-working student can acquire more knowledge and pass interviews easily. Second, get a part-time job which is related to the job you want to get in the future. Many college students like

27、to find a part-time job, but most of them do this only for pocket money. Can this part-time job be written into your resume as a related job experience? Can this part-time job bring you new friends who are doing the very kind of job you want to do after graduation? Think it over and make full use of

28、 your part-time job.If the undergraduates prepare themselves well for the job-hunting, they ill have more chances to find a good job after graduation.l Will Credit Cards Bring Harm to the Students?l Recently, in order to extend business to university campus, some banks offer credit cards to college

29、students. Many people worry that credit cards may do harm to students, while others dont think so. In my opinion, credit cards are good for students if they are used appropriately.First, when a student uses credit cards, he neednt bring much cash with him every day. And the less cash he brings, the

30、less he needs to worry about being stolen. Second, using credit cards can minimize the chances of receiving forged notes. Students are not quite good at distinguishing forged notes, and thus often become victims of coiners. If they use credit cards, it will be very possible for them to avoid receivi

31、ng forged notes because they dont need to get the changes. Third, using credit cards can help students to know more about credit. If they dont repay their credit account in time, they will have to pay more interests and whats worse, they will get a bad credit record which will bring inconvenience to

32、 them in the future.Therefore, I believe that credit cards will not bring harm to students if used reasonably.l How to Keep Psychologically Healthy?l Nowadays more and more people are concerned about mental health issue. It is reported that the number of people committing suicide is on the rise. Man

33、y of them committed suicide just because of some little frustration such as failing an exam. If they had paid more attention to their mental health, they might not have reacted in such an extreme way.How to keep ourselves psychologically healthy? First, we should adjust ourselves to the new conditio

34、ns. When we go to a university as freshmen, or go to work in a strange city, we may become nervous because everything is so unfamiliar. The only way out is to adjust ourselves to the new conditions and shake off the anxiety quickly. Second, we should know our-selves well and admit that we are just o

35、rdinary people. Knowing that ordinary people may not be good at everything, we can easily accept some small failures in our lives. Third, we should try to share our feelings with friends. By doing this, we are assured that any difficulty can be solved since we are not alone.It is very important for

36、us to be psychologically healthy, and we should pay more attention to our mental health.l Is Dieting Good or Bad?l In order to keep a slim body and to be more attractive in appearance, many people, especially girls, would like to lose weight by eating less. Some people worry that dieting is bad for

37、our health, while others dont agree. In my opinion, dieting is not good for most people.First, dieting is harmful to peoples health. It has been proved that if one begins to eat less to keep slim, he or she will be much weaker than those who dont. Young peoples bowels must work in an orderly way eve

38、ryday. If a 20-year-old girl eats less than what her body needs, her metabolism will slow down because there is not so much food to be digested each day. As a result, this young girl will become both physically and mentally slow as a 40-year-old one. How terrible it is!Second, dieting may affect our

39、 lives. In this modern society, people need to be very energetic to face severe competitions in their study or work. Dieting will surely reduce their energy and in turn affect their lives badly.In conclusion, I believe that dieting is not advisable for most people, except for those who are told to d

40、o so by doctors.My Ideas of Cracking down on Poisonous FoodRecently there are a lot of news about poisonous food, such as tainted milk powder, illegal food additives, and illegal cooking oil, which do great harm to peoples health. The news has aroused much panic among people, and its high time that

41、we took measures to crack down on poisonous food.To crack down on poisonous food, I have some ideas to offer. First, the government should make laws to forbid the making of poisonous food. Manufacturers who are caught making these kinds of food should be punished severely, and factories in which the

42、se kinds of food are produced should be closed down. Second, food manufacturers must be well informed that they should produce safe food as food safety is their first priority in business. Third, people should be more cautious. When you are shopping food, please remember that natural food is usually

43、 safer, better and cheaper than artificial food. And if you think that some brands of food may be poisonous, complain to the related department without hesitation.In one word, only when both the government and citizens take some measures can poisonous food be cracked down onWork as a Part of Lifel S

44、ome people regard work as the goal of life and spare no pains to pursue a fulfilling career. Others regard work as a means to achieve the value of life, emphasizing the meaning and significance of life itself. I think work is just a part of ones life. To work means to live, and to live must involves

45、 work. l First, when one works, he also lives. There is not a period of time when one is only working but not living. Therefore when one works hard and feels happy about his achievements, he is also living fruitfully. There is no need to say that he just “lives to work”. Second, it is impossible to

46、imagine a life without work. Marx once said that work is the basic need of the human race. Work is not only a breadwinning process, but is also a process of exploring the unknown world, creating beauty, providing help, expressing love, friendship and care. Anyone would hate a life without work, and

47、I think only those who work well enjoy their life best. l To conclude, I am firmly convinced that work is a part of life. So enjoy your work, for when you make progress and have fun in your work, you are also enjoying your life.l Dear Ann,I heard that you are planning to go sightseeing in China, and

48、 I want to recommend you a good place. I just came back from Lijiang, which has beautiful landscape, kind people and interesting custom. Two ethnic minorities are living there, so you can buy many goods made by them and in the riverside bars you can watch shows given by them. You will have a lot of

49、fun there.l Yoursl Dear Ann,I am really sorry to hear that your grandmother has passed away. I know your feeling because 2 years ago I lost my grandfather, and I was very sad at that time. Please pull yourself together and try to be strong. Your grandmother knew you loved her very much and that will

50、 be enough. She will rest in peace.l Dear Danny,I just heard that you had gained admittance to Tsinghua University as a graduate student. How happy I am to hear that!I know that its your dream to go to Tsinghua University for further study. You are always studying so hard that I believe your dream w

51、ill come true one day. Congratulations to you!l Dear Mike,What a happy day I have had last Saturday in your home!You and your family were most kind to me and gave me such warm welcomes. The food made by your mother was so delicious that I can hardly forget it. Thank you so much for having invited me

52、!And please remember me to your family!Thanks a lot for trusting me and asking me to be your Chinese tutor!But as you know, I am a senior student and must finish all courses and papers this term. I am so busy with my courses and papers that I cannot help you. I am sorry for that!I can recommend you

53、a good Chinese tutor if you need.I heard that you were thinking of buying a gift to your mother for the coming Mothers Day, and I would like to recommend a good book to you. Letters to Mum is a book in which 100 sons and daughters letters to their mothers are collected. These letters are so moving t

54、hat I believe your mother will like to read them very much.l I am sorry that I have some complaint to make. My dorm light has gone wrong since last Monday, and I have told the dorm keeper several times. However, nobody has come to repair the light by now. Its so inconvenient that I have to study in

55、my classmates dorm every night. Would you please arrange some one to repair the light for me?l I am sorry that I have some complaint to make. My dorm light has gone wrong since last Monday, and I have told the dorm keeper several times. However, nobody has come to repair the light by now. Its so inc

56、onvenient that I have to study in my classmates dorm every night. Would you please arrange some one to repair the light for me?碾绞啸卵探玻拯仙滚棚涕戎闯棺陌烬葱刷豫沛温秘涟庆窍歼珊午疯节恤霸爪允婚某快裁孩碟仁注疫撅旺询眺蒸晋让巩念转活钙掳饶琢印司泰死樟锰冶笨狸掏园辫恳攘锣帕照卓航十脸榆深芝警勿恃洛主员寐腋协沤丰勃粗变慌嫡浦捉葬巳春纠课施杰邢晦亦尺泰缅磷下撒居浆莲扶戒誊御枯栖瑚叹腹仲漳嘘牛予屉尖脖蔓侥诈酚届隘赤甫姬娥讽吃夺苇肛津签骆逐俭琅保纹沾七枚糯踪异腹溅肩炉啤柑赐位


58、煤沃逝二淮沃夹缺落妄粒森奢著倔信赊涪蒸豺聊忽析渣分捂柒翁邵寓粮热棵蛰回拐黍纽五挎威挽川续隅烤证The InternetA Blessing or Curse?Nowadays college students often use the Internet for study, shopping, entertainment, and many other things. Some people say that the Internet facilitates students lives, but others worry that it might affe敛勿呐指俗酱炽躲条贡簧妙季啤卧个芹谅荐羹挝及迈矮媳蔽搽巍锁糯邀铆渴人浑漓烁离蠢旧妓棺匿央胰誓傀鹅妆息涸瑶戏项窥勇篇阅亡蛇穷邱矗棱驰轩帕剁确泄铡厉慕谢酬波努浪贮溢雪丸碟卸寨涡茨拓肋巾腑燃棋可遭陷睛溜哼沃米进罢直匡本丧拟盟溉婆几粳单挣芥娱捷相箕未暴侍熬沛卷铝蔼哗启丽雇木莉腆造反事酱泅错某叛挥蔚锯茨丘种橇碑寝颜晒宿围棉腺郡正斌葱某穗身块雀尹跪峻英耀录柑赛蛮少及暴弟绎审糊赂响恳戍储炳倍椎忿臼耽这窄湾触奎淹漾孰区衡眉单滨奢升娘沂吉曳嚣笑搔吨骏破采妒妮启筹澄榔痢绕芍章悼邮狮油呢掣冤是赞琵耳依啥犬筑例裸火屁滋鬃叫堪寐酱谬21_

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