On the high school students of English self-study ability英语专业毕业论文

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《On the high school students of English self-study ability英语专业毕业论文》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《On the high school students of English self-study ability英语专业毕业论文(8页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、On the high school students of English self-study abilityAbstract the learning needs of English self-study ability, especially in secondary school students in English language self-study ability is very important. It is not only the needs of the students continue their studies, but also the students

2、, after entering the survival and development needs. It can stimulate students desire for knowledge, so that the inner self as their needs, to enable students to learn music from the hard science, will learn from the Society to enable students to obtain real ability to learn to adapt to the needs of

3、 society. Self-learning ability needs teachers step by step, planned to guidance, supervision and training. Key words self-learning self-study motivation to learn The present era is an era of rapid development of science and technology, knowledge is constantly increasing volume, the total increase i

4、n the knowledge that people under the premise to catch up with the pace of the information age, access to learning far more important to acquire knowledge, develop self-learning capability important. Quality education is a capacity to train students in all aspects of education. Self-study ability of

5、 students to acquire knowledge, access to other capacity development has a role in the promotion and acceleration. Full-time compulsory education in general high school English curriculum standards (trial version) the nature of the curriculum clearly states that the self-learning ability to develop

6、students. Therefore, the English one of the tasks of teaching is to develop students good study habits and the formation of effective learning strategies to develop self-learning ability and team spirit. Self-learning ability is all the capabilities of students in the basic capabilities. In the trad

7、itional concepts of teaching under the influence of secondary school teachers are not concerned about the students learning ability. Now high school students to learn the task due to heavy and tight schedule, many teachers tend to ignore the students ability. Over time, not only affects the secondar

8、y phase of the study, as well as highlighting the issue into the university out of its negative effects are obvious. Therefore, students good study habits and self-learning ability is very important, especially in the initial stage of the teaching of English especially. Therefore, we conducted a jun

9、ior high school students to develop their English learning ability of the research. Through exploration and practice has shown that Research is feasible and effective. Our approach will now be summarized as follows: First, cultivate an interest, and some put loss Stage of basic education of English

10、language teaching aims to stimulate and develop students interest in learning, foster self-confidence to learn to form an effective mode of learning, develop good study habits. Both require proper guidance and training of teachers. Therefore, the beginning of school for three years we have clearly s

11、tated learning objectives. One word 1, in addition to the outline required tasks, require students to master the vocabulary will try to reach 3000 or so. How to make students reach this level, like in the limited classroom time, through the teachers Man Tangguan to achieve this requirement is clearl

12、y unrealistic, but need to know to achieve the students extracurricular reading. In guiding the students in extra-curricular reading, we should take into account the students are now the English reading level, but also to stimulate their interest in reading. Also asked students to try not to miss wh

13、en reading new words in particular those affecting the understanding and translation of the Words and phrases. After reading ask students to identify new or phrases, and within the specified time to remember, from the practical effects of view, the students take the initiative to a general increase

14、in enthusiasm for learning English. Second, step by step, and gradually let go Self-study habits of students can not be accomplished overnight, is necessary for teachers day after day, patient and meticulous guidance and training. Todays students make more use of English language teaching textbook k

15、nowledge-based, usually through listening, training and other means will be able to achieve learning objectives. Therefore self-learning ability of teachers to students not ask for much. Modern education requires our students not only to master the textbook knowledge, but also must be widely involve

16、d in various languages materials, including learning the background knowledge of the national language, which require students to take the initiative to learn and master. Thus, the modern high school students must possess a certain degree of English self-learning ability. I believe that the establis

17、hment of mechanisms for active learning of students in general to go through three stages: (A) The teacher urged students to prepare a lesson Entered middle school, students in English on how self-learning, learning content, and learn what is to what extent are unclear. In this state, teachers need

18、to work through the arrangement of a rehearsal to supervise the self-learning, the content of their prep work arrangements should be fine, teacher of voice, vocabulary, grammar, sentence and even the text to achieve understanding and expectations of a specific request must be should be done there an

19、d check layout. In this way, will be able to find problems in self-learning, which also provided the basis for lesson preparation. Long run. Students will develop to meet certain targets and autonomous learning better habits. Pre-class self-learning, is what we often say new lesson prep. Pre-class s

20、elf-study can be a preliminary understanding of the content of new courses, students take the initiative to learn English, good habits, you can remove the knowledge barriers to classroom learning, to avoid the lectures in a passive position, you can find themselves unable to independently solve prob

21、lems, to enhance lectures targeted. Practice has proven that students who self-place pre-class preparation for work in a solid, gifted students will be able to take the hint, have it both ways. Pre-class self-study, can not talk about method. Good scholar Yi and Gong-fold division, the division hand

22、ling the power of poor academics and a half. Way in the final analysis is the capacity issues. Classes to learn the content before it even bothered to read the pre-class self-study of it? The answer is no. Bothered to read the pre-class can only be regarded as a step towards self-learning from the r

23、equirements of pre-class self-study are still far away. Pre-class self-study must be conducive to classroom learning, help to improve learning efficiency and learning ability. I think the following six kinds of practices, namely: listening, reading, checking, picking, writing, the suspect can be mor

24、e effective to train students in English class before the self-learning ability. (B) target students under the self-study Carried out under the supervision of teachers of students prep is not the true sense of the self-study, at least not a true self-learning ability. Therefore, teachers need in thi

25、s specific situation on the basis of the student gradually let go and allow students to learn the content and goals according to their own learning. For example, the prep work is no longer exhaustive, some students will be able to find the answer after reading the problem by deleting and instead del

26、iberately arranged that need serious consideration or discussion of the topic, in order to stimulate students interest and curiosity. For example, in studying JEFC BILL Lesson 74 The secret is out a class to enable students to think such a question when prep: (1) If you are a boss, whom do you prefe

27、r to employ, men or women? (2) If you cant get a job because you or women, what will you do? Another example, in learning JEFC BILL Lesson 78 Paper 1 class, designed for students to know how to discuss the question is: What would happen in a modern society without paper? Such issues are not the only

28、 answer, which students benefit greatly divergent thinking. If careful preparation, students can not only use a large number of new language material, but also many students use the knowledge, can achieve and learn new purpose. In teaching practice, I have found that students showed great interest i

29、n such issues, and enthusiasm for participation. (C) to completely open up the students self-learning After the above two stages, the students develop the basic habits of self-learning and have a certain degree of self-learning ability. At this point, teachers can completely let go and allow student

30、s to self-study. For example, teachers may ask students to pass inspection, some self-reference, and then allowed to bring their questions to explore with the students or teachers. Therefore, at this stage is no longer for students and specific arrangements for prep goals, instead to learn new lesso

31、n before the students reach a detection target. It will not only urge the students to self-learning, but also can detect the effect of self-learning. At this point the task of teachers, first check the learning effect, the second is to continuously improve student learning requirements in a timely m

32、anner to help them overcome their learning difficulties encountered in the same time, the constant encouragement of each pot, allowed to always have a sense of accomplishment. Secondly, we must teach students the proper use of tool. To learn foreign languages, first of all should be able to skillful

33、ly use the tools the book, such as such as English dictionary, electronic dictionary of the class Tool book is essential and should carry, it can be difficult at any time. Second, we should collect a large number of moderate difficulty of reading material, self-generalizations, making it the second

34、part of his hand tool for the book. 3, based on curricular, enriching after-school Wide knowledge of English, teaching content-rich, and students receive a small face, learning subjects are more energy are limited, teachers in lesson preparation and class processes, in addition to attention to learn

35、ing in the classroom to guide students, but also to guide students to use classroom teaching self-learning, to guide students to develop good study habits in extra-curricular - to say, to read more, write more. First, the classroom teaching model requires a change in the classroom to create an atmos

36、phere of self-development. Psychology, pointed out that positive emotions are all human activities, and encouraging those who mobilize. The students have a positive emotional experience, and create a pleasant, relaxed, equality and cooperation of the classroom climate. Teachers are learning the domi

37、nant mood, and create a good classroom atmosphere. First of all, teachers in the classroom should be feeling full of confidence in class, with a relaxed mood of confidence into the classroom, with a good mood influence on students. The students in the teaching process with confidence, shortening the

38、 distance between teachers and students, to look at the benefits of students, when the students appear pronunciation, spelling and other errors, when the students were timid, shy and dare not open, when the students according to their own understanding of wrong with the statement, the teacher should

39、 be given sufficient understanding and moderate tolerance, should not complain that they are not clever, delay time, do not blame them can not, as teachers wish. Have to guide them, encourage them, so that they in their own learning, in a successful experience to increase the confidence, self-learni

40、ng ability for students to create a good atmosphere for the development and conditions. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http:/ Secondary phase of the learning content and more limited time. Therefore, teachers based on classroom addition to teaching, but also to enrich the students

41、 in extra-curricular learning content. Students self-learning ability of one of the aims is to increase the students extracurricular knowledge and energy to quickly improve their reading ability and level. The students improve their English reading ability is an effective way of teaching effectivene

42、ss, one of the constraints to improve student reading ability of the main factors are: (1) the students vocabulary; (2) the students grasp of the grammar are not systematic and skilled; (3) the students knowledge is narrow. Language learning has a rich cultural connotations, contact and understandin

43、g of the culture of English-speaking countries, not only help students understand and use their language, but also help to deepen understanding and awareness of national culture. Thus, in the classroom teaching, we ask students to focus on ways to master reading and reading skills, such as the body

44、of the article is contained, paragraph to the effect, the central idea, and implied meaning, etc.; and extra-curricular, then ask students to hungry studied under wide-ranging and constantly expanding their contacts English national culture, the enhancement of cultural differences between Chinese an

45、d foreign students the sensitivity and identification capabilities. Improve reading ability of students on a regular basis to detect, analyze and record. I have found who can read independently a wide range of students whose reading ability was stronger than the amount of extra-curricular reading to

46、o few students, and their reading speed fairly quickly. We compared before and after the implementation of the research project and found that some students will not only self-study habits have been formed, and its self-learning ability is also markedly improved, for example, the confidence of stude

47、nts has increased, spelling and reading ability to greatly strengthened. Most students think that they rely mainly on academic good reason for hard and smart; now, they are believed to be primarily rely on a good learning methods and study habits, coupled with hard work. But their deepest thoughts a

48、nd feelings is this: In secondary schools, in order to study in English to get good results in the classroom learning alone is not enough content, but can not be completely dependent on teachers. Students were generally holds that the learning method, with self-learning ability, can achieve burdens

49、synergistic effect. This is what students have to study the initiative firmly in its own hands and know what to learn and how to learn. Some of the progress of students learning even beyond the progress of teaching, so he has enough time for extracurricular reading. There are a few students have tri

50、ed using a dictionary to read the English original. Basically, the results from research and practice have been the intended purpose, through classroom teaching structural reforms, and establish a mechanism for active learning of students; while taking advantage of Keqianyuxi to cultivate the studen

51、ts active learning habits and self-learning ability. However, the research is still less than perfect place, for example, a very small number of self-learning ability of students to improve significantly enough to see the progress of other students, they showed even more anxious. These students can

52、not improve quickly and the causes and how to help them eliminate the increasingly heavy psychological burden. Both require my research to explore the deeper and wider areas, in order to establish a platform for self-learning ability of students. References: 1 Hua Menglin. On the high school English

53、 self-study ability J. On the issue of the South, 2004, (7). 2 Cai Yuxia. On the train high school students of English self-learning ability J. Hubei Normal University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), 2002, (2). 3 Zuo Huan-chi. Foreign Language Education Outlook M. Northeast Normal Universit

54、y Press. 4 and in the chapter. Foreign Language Education M. Zhejiang Education Publishing House, 1993. 5 Xia Wai-yin. The contemporary primary and secondary teaching mode of M. Guangxi Education Publishing House, 2001. Reposted elsewhere in the paper for free download http:/英语谚语警句100句精选Proverbs are

55、 the daughters of daily experience.谚语是日常经验的结晶。1. Look before you leap./Second thoughts are best. 三思而后行。/再想而后行。2. Great minds think alike; (heroes have similar views.) 英雄所见略同。 3. We shall never have friends if we expect to find them without fault.欲求完美无缺的朋友必然成为孤家寡人。4. What you sow, you must mow. 种瓜得瓜,

56、种豆得豆。5. A beggar can never be bankrupt.天无绝人之路。6.A friend in need is a friend indeed.患难见真情。7. No news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息。8. No cross, no crown. 不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹。9. The more haste, the less speed. /Haste makes waste.欲速则不达。10. Victory belongs to the most persevering. 坚持就是胜利!11. A young idler, an old be

57、ggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。12. Put ones foot in ones mouth. 说话不得体。13. It is no use crying over spilt milk.覆水难收/悔恨已晚/木已成舟,回天乏力。14. Content is better than riches. 知足常乐。15. No gains without pains. 没有辛苦就没有收获。16. The more a man knows, the more he is inclined to be modest. 大智若愚。17. All roads lead to Rome .条条大路通罗马。

58、18. A snow year, a rich year. 瑞雪兆丰年。19. Never say die! 永不言败!20. The best mirror is a friends eye. 朋友的眼睛是最好的镜子。 21. Faith will move mountain. 精诚所至,金石为开。 22. A life without a friend is a life without a sun. 人生没有朋友,犹如生活没有了太阳。 23. Great wits have short memories.贵人多忘事。 24. Do well and have well. 善有善报。25.

59、 A bad thing never dies. 坏事传千年。26. Four eyes see more than two. 人多识广/集思广益。27. Diligence is the parent of success. 勤劳是成功的根本。28. Water dropping day by day wears the hardest rock away.滴水穿石。29. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算。 30. While there is life, there is hope. /Debt is

60、better than death. 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。/有生命就有希望。31. Where there is a will, there is a way. 功夫不负有心人。/有志者事竟成。32. Where there is great love, there are always miracles. 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。33. Where there is smoke, there is fire. 无风不起浪。34. One boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy.一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚

61、没水喝。35. A stitch in time saves nine. 及时缝一针能省九针。/小洞不补,大洞吃苦。36. Never too old to learn, never too late to turn. 亡羊补牢,为时不晚。37. Dont claim to know what you dont know. 不要不懂装懂。38. Do in Rome as Roman do. 入乡随俗。39. Rome was not built in a day. 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。40. Sharpening your axe will not delay your job of cu

62、tting wood. 磨刀不误砍柴工。 41. Things of a kind come together, people a mind fall into a group. 物以类聚,人以群分。 42. One mans meat is another mans poison. 萝卜白菜,各有所爱。43. like author like book.文如其人。46. Like for like. 惺惺相惜。47. Like teacher like pupil. 有其师必有其徒。48. Gods that run many hares kill none.贪多必失。49. Practic

63、e makes perfect. 熟能生巧。50. Actions speak louder than words. 行胜于言。51. You cannot eat your cake and have it. 鱼与熊掌,不可兼得。52. One loses by pride and gains by modesty. 满招损,谦受益。53. Love me, love my dog. 爱屋及乌。54. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 每日一苹果远离医生。55. Time past cannot be called back again. 时光不倒流

64、。56. A drop of water cannot make a sea, and a tree cannot make a wood. 滴水不成海,独木不成林。57. If you venture nothing, you will have nothing. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。58.The tree is known by its fruit. 观其行知其人。59. All work no play makes Jack a dull boy. 只会用功不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻。60. The pot calls the kettle black. 五十步笑百步。61. Unkindness often reacts on the unkind person. 恶有恶报。62. Todays work should never be left over till tomorrow. 今日事今日毕。63. Nothing so bad but might have been worse. 塞翁失马,焉知非福。

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