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1、浙江师范大学行知学院本科毕业论文外文翻译译文: 中小企业的资本结构以越南为例Tran Dinh Khoi Nguyen and Neelakantan Ramachandran摘要:这篇文章的目的,是要找出影响中小企业资本结构的决定因素。实证结果显示,中小企业大多采用短期负债融资的运作。一个企业的所有权也影响中小企业其营运资金的方式。在越南中小企业的资本结构中,企业的规模、财务风险、关系网络呈正相关的增长,银行呈显着负相关的关系。盈利能力似乎没有显著的影响越南中小企业的资本结构。作为对公司资本结构主要的影响,所有权,企业规模,与银行的关系,反映了越南经济的非对称资金筹措过程中的一个过渡性的功能

2、。关键词:中小企业;资本结构;充分利用;与银行的关系1 说明越南已转变为市场导向经济。在过去18年中,人们日益认识到中小企业的重要经济转型。因此,政府已推出多项政策为了支持这一重要的业务部门。根据最近的统计,96的被归类为小型和注册公司中型公司,其中民营中小企业占近82。小企业在越南的部门也产生25的全年国内生产总值。然而,中小企业仍然面临着未来获取资本难的发展问题(Doanh和Pentley1999)。这也提出了一个问题,哪些因素影响越南中小企业的资本结构。现在对越南公司之间资本结构影响因素研究的数量是有限的。至于其他国家的类似研究,资本结构的实证证据往往专注于发达国家的大企业。只是在最近几


4、,1998年至2001年,研究中小型企业的资本结构的决定因素具体的影响。研究合并财务报表中的数据,发放给中小企业金融问卷,调查越南中小企业如何管理探索自己的运营融资。该研究报告中, 盈利能力、规模、所有制、关系、财务风险、银行和网络都是重要的研究因素。2 文献综述和假设资本结构被定义为一个公司的债务和权益的分配情况。莫迪利亚尼和米勒(1958)提出的理论,阐述资本结构的变化与市场价值无关。如果杠杆作用可以增加公司的价值在MM理论模型(莫迪利亚尼和米勒1963,米勒1977),企业必须权衡之间的成本、财务成本、代理成本(Jensen和麦克林1976年)和税收优惠,从而有一个最佳的资本结构。但是,

5、不对称信息与啄食顺序理论(Myers和Majluf 1984)认为没有明确的目标债务比率。后一种模式表明,企业倾向层次结构中的融资偏好:首先使用内部可动用的资金,其次是债务,最后外部股权。这些理论验证了影响一个公司的资本结构大量的因素。虽然理论没有考虑公司规模,但是试图运用这部分研究理论研究小企业的资本结构,运用于可检验的假说,检验在越南的小型企业资本结构决定因素。我们认为,在越南的中小企业,那里缺乏长期信贷。此外,作为越南经营的大部分的贸易及服务行业的中小型企业,对于固定资产新的投资需求也是比较低的。 Doanh和Pentley也认为,越南中小型企业往往寻找短期银行贷款或其他资源例如他们的亲

6、戚,朋友或供应商来进行短期的运营。以总资产的百分比变化作为衡量公司的成长性的标志,所以我们假设:一个公司的增长性将是积极的相关的负债比率。2.2 财务风险根据财务困境的理论,较高的业务风险增加财务风险,因此企业必须权衡税收优惠和破产成本。因此,它预测的负相关关系业务风险和杠杆作用。在中小企业部门,Queen和Roll(1987)认为,中小企业很可能有一个更高的水平的经营风险,相对于大型企业。因此,我们提出假设:商业风险将受到负面相关的负债比率。 企业所有权在越南的改革进程中国家所有权的作用仍是一个有争议主题。正如以上,越南的金融体系特点是以银行为基础的系统SOCBs1占主导地位,并提供大量的贷

7、款经济(ADB,2002年)。Soo(1999)指出,大多数国有商业银行信贷渠道只对国有企业。它可以有效地认为,国有中小企业与私人中小企业从国有商业银行获得信贷来比较有自己的优势。 这种说法合理的解释是,国有中小型企业与商业银行从改革前的时代的就有长期持久的关系。因为他们是国有企业,国有商业银行的政策有利于国家的业务部门相比与私营商业部门,特别是在利率、银行程序、抵押品的要求。因此,可以预期的是国有中小型企业有更多的机会获得银行贷款。根据这个论点,我们假设:国有中小型企业将采用民营中小企业更多的债务。许多研究表明,有一个正杠杆和尺寸之间的关系。Marsh(1982)发现,大型企业往往选择长期的

8、债务,而小型企业选择短期的债务。大型企业可能会采取发行长期规模经济的优势债务,甚至可能有议价能力以上的债权人。因此,发行债券的成本和股票是企业规模负相关。在此外,大公司往往是多样化的,有更稳定的现金流,所以规模较大的公司破产概率比较少,相对于规模较小的公司。这表明,大小可能是正相关的杠杆。大小正相关关系利用也被视为支持非对称信息(迈尔斯和麦吉罗夫1984)。小型很可能会导致严重的信息不对称中小企业业主和潜在的贷款人越南,中小企业是不太可能有足够和可靠的财务报表(Doanh Pentley1999)。这种情况意味着中小企业面临更多的困难,在进入贷款金融机构。正如之前许多预测理论,我们推测:企业规

9、模与负债比率呈正相关。3 方法与测量抽样调查在数据收集过程中是另一个重要的程序。胡志明市和河内在越南南部和北部是最大的经济中心。分层随机抽样画了一个558个中小企业的样本,其中176是国家拥有的,382是私有的。在基于所选择的样品,我们进行了直接面谈,中小企业的金融管理人员,来探讨他们对债务融资的看法。继续收集中小企业的财务报表。本研究选择的时期是显著的,因为越南共产党第八次代表大会在1996年召开的党,正式承认在越南经济的中小企业的重要性。此外,在此期间,经济政策支持中小企业的工作也已启动。本研究采用三种不同的资本结构的措施,根据账面价值。这三个因变量分别为:资产负债率=总负债对总资产短期负

10、债比率=短期负债与总资产其他短期负债比率=其他短期负债与总资产作为独立变量,我们选择了几个实证文献中出现过的。成长率=总资产的百分比变化(Titman和Wessels1988,Chittenden,Hall,和Hutchinson,1996)。业务风险的标准差=税前利润(Heshmati2001,Huang 和 Song)。规模=自然对数的员工人数(Heshmati2001)。本研究利用多元回归分析,以检验上述假设制定。我们计算了4年平均值的依赖和独立的变量,但公司的增长和盈利能力的情况下。对于相关的经理人行为的决定因素,我们也采用因素分析,通过主成分的技术,下一步,各因子得分估计,用于进一步

11、的多因素分析。由于各因子得分通过正交变换产生的,他们不会造成任何的回归方程的多重共线性问题。分析过程如下三个阶段。在第一阶段,我们进行回归分析的所有相关企业的特性(成长性,财务风险和企业规模)的资本结构的各种措施的决定因素。在第二阶段中,我们添加了一个虚拟变量来考虑对资本结构的影响,企业所有权。在最后阶段,我们研究所有因素对资本结构的影响。4 结果与讨论4.1 统计性描述表1报告的是解释变量的描述性统计。在本报告所述期间,在越南中小型企业的平均资产负债率约为43.91。然而,在样品的资产负债率变化很大,从最大负债比率为97.25,最低4.95。随着债务到期,我们发现,大部分的中小型企业相比长期


13、构的差异,也发现在其他措施的杠杆作用。 t检验分析结果显示,有显著差异的杠杆水平为0.01的国有和民营中小企业之间的所有措施。该结果支持了所有制结构的概念,作为一个公司的资本结构决定因素。4.2 实证分析与结果讨论我们的研究结果还表明,中小企业具有较高的经营风险倾向于使用更多的债务,在一般情况下,特别是短期负债。这些研究结果不支持假设3和财务困境与理论冲突。为什么是财务困境的理论解释在越南的中小型企业的风险和资本结构之间的关联没有什么用处呢?在1998-2001年期间,信贷市场仍处于管制状态,利率由越南国家银行来设定,而不是由市场力量。商业银行只允许在设定的范围内提供利率。因此,具有很高的商业

14、风险的公司仍然可以得到银行的贷款,利率低于中央银行定的固定不变的利率。这是最主要的原因,解释为什么越南高风险的中小企业也可以保持高的负债率。我们的结果是相似的与黄宋(2002)在中国的调查结果报告。在一般情况下,银行系统的业务部门,特别是控制利率的机制将产生负面影响。我们发现,企业规模与资本结构的有着显著的正相关关系。此外,标准化回归系数在所有的决定中也有比较强的影响。这意味着,作为其营运资金的方式上,公司的规模有很强的影响力。相对规模较大的公司将使用更多的债务来资助他们的业务,而规模较小的公司运营融资,更多的是通过自己的权益,并雇用更少的债务。Vander Wijst和Thurik(1993

15、),Chittenden, Hall和Hutchinson(1996)还报告了企业规模和资产负债率正相关关系。因此,我们的研究结果证实了假设。在研究中小企业的资本结构决定因素时,企业所有权被认为是一种特殊的因素。结果表明,总债务和短期负债比例的回归系数正显著。然而,其他短期负债比率的回归系数在各个层面是微不足道的。两者合计,研究结果意味着,国有中小型企业比中小型企业使用更多的私人债务。换句话说,国有中小型企业比民营中小企业更容易获得银行贷款。在一般情况下,我们的研究结果提供了强有力的证据,以确认假设。越南国家所有权的特点主要是解释这种关联。根据国有企业法,“政府是国有中小型企业的唯一所有者。这

16、些公司的所有者权益中除未分配利润,来自国家预算。”因此,国有中小企业的融资往往是有欠灵活,因为经理没有权利在必要时筹集额外股本。在大多数情况下,新的投资融资和营运资本,国有中小企业主要看向国有商业银行的信贷。由于这个原因,民营中小企业获得银行贷款面临困难。到2002年,国有中小企业一般有访问权限的国有商业银行的抵押物,利率,担保或第三方的信用额度。可以说,越南中小企业的杠杆选择企业所有权起到了重要的作用。5 结论本研究旨在探讨影响越南中小企业的资本结构的决定因素。更具体地说,首先,越南中小企业采用了资产负债率平均约43.9。短期负债占资本结构的一个显著比例,而在越南中小型企业很少采用长期债务。



19、济周期的不同阶段。未来的研究也可以考虑特定行业和结构模型的效果,在越南的企业在资本结构中对这些变量的因果关系研究的目的。原文:Capital Structure in Small andMedium-sized EnterprisesThe Case of VietnamTran Dinh Khoi Nguyen and Neelakantan RamachandranAbstract: The objective of this article is to identify the determinants influencing the capital structure of small

20、 and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Vietnam. Empirical results show that SMEs employ mostly short-term liabilities to finance their operations. A firms ownership also affects the way a SME finances its operations. The capital structure of SMEs in Vietnam is positively related to growth, business

21、 risk, firm size, networking, and relationships with banks; but negatively related to tangibility. Profitability seems to have no significant impact ton the capital structure of Vietnamese SMEs. The strong impact of such determinants as firm ownership, firm size, relationships with banks, and networ

22、king reflects the asymmetric features of the fund mobilization process in a transitional economy like that of Vietnam.Key words: SMEs, capital structure, leverage, banking relationships1 IntroductionVietnam has been changing to a market-oriented economy over the past eighteen years, and there is gro

23、wing recognition of SMEs importance in the transitional economy. Consequently, the Government has introduced numerous policies in order to support this important business sector. According to recent statistics, 96 per cent of registered firms are classified as small and medium-sized firms, of which

24、private SMEs account for nearly 82 per cent. The small business sector in Vietnam also generates 25 per cent of annual GDP. However, SMEs still face the difficult issue of access to capital for future development (Doanh and Pentley 1999). This raises a question as to what factors influence the capit

25、al structure of Vietnamese SMEs an important concern in improving financial policies to support the small business sector. There are only a limited number of studies on factors influencing capital structure among Vietnamese firms. As for similar studies in other countries, most empirical evidence on

26、 capital structure tends to focus on large firms in developed countries Only in recent years have a few studies examined these issues either in developing countries or among small firms A review of empirical studies on the capital structure of SMEs helped us to identify some key issues. Not all dete

27、rminants are consistent with those predictions advanced by theories of finance. Indeed, there are some contrary results on the relationship between some determinants and capital structure among firms in some countries In addition, the firm characteristics are often at the centre in most empirical st

28、udies, while the effects of managers behaviour have seldom been examined. In a qualitative piece of research, Michaelas, Chittenden, and Pitziouris (1998) argued that owners behaviour, in conjunction with internal and external factors, will determine capital structure decisions. This requires furthe

29、r quantitative studies to examine what factors influence capital structure in the small business sector in developing countries. Based on such gaps in the existing literature, this paper attempts to study features of the capital structure of Vietnamese SMEs, over the period 19982001, and examine the

30、 influence of specific determinants on SMEs capital structure. This study has combined data from financial statements and questionnaires given to SMEs financial managers to explore how Vietnamese SMEs finance their operations. The study examines such determinants as growth, tangibility, business ris

31、k, profitability, size, ownership, relationship with banks, and networking on three measures of capital structure. 2 Literature Review and HypothesesCapital structure is defined as the relative amount of debt and equity used to finance a firm. Theories explaining capital structure and the variation

32、of debt ratios across firms range from the irrelevance of capital structure, proposed by Modigliani and Miller (1958), to a host of relevance theories. If leverage can increase a firms value in the MM tax model (Modigliani and Miller 1963; Miller 1977), firms have to trade off between the costs of f

33、inancial distress, agency costs (Jensen and Meckling 1976) and tax benefits, so as to have an optimal capital structure. However, asymmetric information and the pecking order theory (Myers and Majluf 1984; Myers 1984) state that there is no well defined target debt ratio. The latter model suggests t

34、hat there tends to be a hierarchy in firms preferences for financing: first using internally available funds, followed by debt, and finally external equity. These theories identify a large number of attributes influencing a firms capital structure. Although the theories have not considered firm size

35、, this section will attempt to apply the theories of capital structure in the small business sector, and develop testable hypotheses that examine the determinants of capital structure in Vietnamese SMEs. Firm GrowthWe think that this proposition is more relevant in the context of the small business

36、sector in Vietnam, where there was a scarcity of long-term credits in the period 19982001 (ADB 2002). In addition, as most SMEs in Vietnam operate in the trading and service sectors, demand for new investment in fixed assets are relatively low. Doanh and Pentley (1999) also argued that Vietnamese SM

37、Es often look for short-term bank loans or other resources from relatives, friends or suppliers to finance their operations. Taking percentage change in total assets as a measure of firms growth, we hypothesize that:A firms growth will be positively related to debt ratios.2.2 Business RiskAccording

38、to the theory of financial distress, higher business risk increases the probability of financial distress, so firms have to trade off between tax benefits and bankruptcy costs. Thus, it predicts a negative relationship between business risk and leverage. In the context of the small business sector,

39、Queen and Roll (1987) argue that SMEs are likely to have a higher level of business risk, relative to large firms. Therefore, we propose the hypothesis:Business risk will be negatively related to debt ratios.2. 3 Firm OwnershipThe role of state ownership is still a controversial topic in Vietnams re

40、form process. As noted above, the Vietnamese financial system is characterized by a bank-based system where SOCBs1 dominate and provide the bulk of loans in the economy (ADB 2002). Soo (1999) also pointed out that most SOCB credits are channeled to SOEs. It can be validly argued that state-owned SME

41、s have their own advantages over private SMEs in accessing credit from SOCBs. The plausible explanation for this argument is that state-owned SMEs have long-lasting ties with commercial banks from the pre-reform era. Because they are state-owned, SOCBs policies favour the state business sector, as c

42、ompared to the private business sector, notably in terms of interest rates, banking procedures, and collateral requirements. Therefore, it could be expected that state-owned SMEs have more opportunities to access bank loans. Based on this argument, we hypothesize that: State-owned SMEs will employ m

43、ore debt than private SMEs. 2.4 Firm SizeMany studies suggest that there is a positive relationship between leverage and size. Marsh (1982) finds that large firms more often choose long-term debt, while small firms choose shortterm debt. Large firms may be able to take advantage of economies of scal

44、e in issuing longterm debt, and may even have bargaining power over creditors. So the cost of issuing debt and equity is negatively related to firm size. In addition, larger firms are often diversified and have more stable cash flows, and so the probability of bankruptcy for larger firms is less, re

45、lative to smaller firms. This suggests that size could be positively related with leverage. The positive relationship between size and leverage is also viewed as support of asymmetric information (Myers and Majluf 1984). Small size is likely to lead to severe information asymmetries between SME owne

46、rs and potential lenders in Vietnam, where SMEs are unlikely to have adequate and reliable financial statements (Doanh and Pentley 1999). This situation means SMEs face more difficulties in accessing loans from financial institutions. As predicted by many theories, we hypothesize that:Size will be p

47、ositively related to debt ratios3 Methodology and Measurement3.1 Data CollectionThe sampling frame is another important procedure during the data collection process. Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi represent the largest economic centres in the south and north of Vietnam, respectively. Stratified random s

48、ampling drew a sample of 558 SMEs, of which 176 are state-owned and 382 are private. Based on the chosen sample, we conducted direct interviews with the SMEs financial managers, in order to explore their opinion about debt financing. Financial managers were chosen because they have knowledge of comp

49、any finance, and they either consult the firms owners and/or have the right to make financial decisions. We continued to gather the SMEs financial statements, over the period 19982001, from the Provincial Department of Planning and Investment. The period selected for this study is significant becaus

50、e the Eighth Congress of Vietnams Communist Party, held in 1996, formally recognized the importance of SMEs in the Vietnamese economy. In addition, during this period economic policies supporting SMEs operations were also initiated. 3.2 Measuring VariablesThe study uses three different measures of c

51、apital structure, based on book value. The three dependent variables were: Debt ratio = Total debt to total Short-term liabilities ratio = Short-term liabilities to total assets Other short-term liabilities ratio = Other shortterm liabilities to total assets (mostly financing from networks) Short-te

52、rm liabilitiesAs far as independent variables are concerned, we have selected several proxies that appear in the empirical literature. Growth = Percentage change in total assets (Titman and Wessels 1988; Chittenden, Hall, and Hutchinson 1996). Business risk = Standard deviation of profit before tax

53、(Heshmati 2001; Huang and Song 2001; Pandey 2001). Size = Natural logarithm of the number of employees (Heshmati 2001).3.3 Methods of AnalysisThis study utilized multiple regression analysis to test the hypotheses formulated above. We calculated four-year mean values of dependent and independent var

54、iables, except for the cases of firm growth and profitability. For determinants related to managers behaviour, we also employed factor analysis, through the Principal Component technique, Next, the factor scores are estimated and utilized for further multivariate analysis. Since the factor scores ar

55、e generated through an orthogonal transformation, they do not pose any multicollinearity problems for the regression equation.The analysis process follows three stages. In the first stage, we conduct regressions of all determinants related to a firms characteristics(growth, business risk and size) o

56、n various measures of capital structure. In the second stage, we add a dummy variable to consider the effect of firm ownership on capital structure. In the last stage, we examine the influence of all determinants on capital structure.4 Result and discussion4.1 Descriptive StatisticsTable 1 reports t

57、he descriptive statistics of dependent and explanatory variables. Over the period ,SMEs in Vietnam had an average debt ratio about 43.91 per cent. However, the debt ratio variation across the sample was large, ranging from a maximum debt ratio of 97.25 per cent and a minimum of 4.95 per cent. With r

58、espect to debt maturity, we find that most SMEs employ more short-term liabilities than long-term debt to finance their operations. The average short-term liabilities ratio was approximately 41.98 per cent, and the long-term debt ratio was just 1.93 per cent. Short-term liabilities employed by SMEs

59、are highly varied, such as commercial bank loans, trade credits from suppliers, advance payments from clients, borrowing from friends or relatives, and some other sources. The other short-term liabilities ratio, representing mostly financing from networks, account for a relatively high proportion (2

60、4.62 per cent) of total assets. Clearly,financial sources from networks play a relatively important role in SMEs capital structure. To see the variation of capital structure in SMEs, it is necessary to consider leverage by firm ownership. State-owned SMEs have more debt than private SMEs, with debt

61、ratios of 63.3 per cent and 34.9 per cent, respectively. Among private SMEs, joint-stock companies employ more debt than limited or proprietary firms, the debt ratios being 43.02 per cent, 35.64 per cent and 26.72 per cent, respectively. The differences in capital structure are also found in other m

62、easures of leverage. The results of t-test analysis show that there are significant differences in all measures of leverage between state-owned and private SMEs at 0.01 level. This result supports the notion of ownership structure as a determinant of a firms capital structure.4.2 Empirical Analysis

63、and Result DiscussionOur results also indicate that SMEs with higher operating risk tend to use more debt in general, and short-term liabilities in particular. These findings do not support hypothesis 3 and conflict with theory of financial distress. Why is the theory of financial distress not usefu

64、l in explaining the association between risk and capital structure in Vietnams SMEs? During the period 19982001, the credit market was still regulated, and interest rates were contained within a band set by the State Bank of Vietnam, rather than by market forces. Commercial banks were only allowed t

65、o offer interest rates within the confines of that band. As a result, companies with high business risk could still get bank loans at interest rates that were lower than if interest rates were not fixed by the central bank. This is the main reason explaining why Vietnamese SMEs with high risk can also maintain a high debt ratio. Our results are similar with findings reported by Huang and Song (2002) in China. A mechanism of controlled interest rates will negatively impact on the banking system in general, and the

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