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1、单元主题:Unit 1 What are you doing 单元内容概述本单元是北京版五年级下册的第一单元,本单元主要学习的话题是围绕某人正在做某事的话题展开,以学校、家庭、等场景为载体,重点介绍了询问并回答或描述自己或他人正在做某事的日常交际用语。这些场景与话题贴近学生生活实际,不仅对正在发生的事情与所谈论,对基于照片的生活回顾也有所涉及。本单元的学习和教育价值是在丰富的对话交流语境中,学生懂得交流和分享学习心得体会,珍惜与家人共度美好时光,树立爱家庭、敬老人的价值观,了解中西方文化的不同,如美国人对篮球的喜好,中国人对传统Kung fu的热爱。单元教学目标知识与技能目标:1、能询问、回答

2、或表述自己或他人正在做的事情并发表简单地看法。2、能够听懂、认读本单元出现的现在分词的形式呈现的12个动词及动词短语,并能在相应情景中运用。3、能够根据字母组合qu在单词中的发音/ kw /的规律拼读单词。4、能理解并朗读listen and say板块中的对话内容。5、能读懂Now I can read 板块中专属主体课文的语段,并尝试复述。 6、能善于观察、勤于学习他人有效的学习策略,养成自己的业余爱好,懂得与他人分享美好的生活记忆。口语训练目标:What are you doing What are you going to do Where are you going What is

3、Mike doing What is he doing 过程与方法:通过模仿、操练、应用、表演等活动,引导学生有意识的将新旧知识结合,积极运用语言进行表达和交流。情感、策略、文化意识目标:通过学习本单元使学生能够懂得珍惜与家人共度美好时光,树立爱家庭、敬老人的价值观。教学重点本单元的教学重点是用于询问并回答或谈论(某些)人正在做的事情的日常交际用语“What are you doing Im ”“What is Mike/he/she/doing He/she /is .”What are you /they doing We/They are.”以及描述动作行为的12个动词及短语。 教学难点

4、本单元的教学难点be doing结构在不同情景,不同人称搭配中的正确运用以及-ing在一定词尾如practicing中的正确发音。教师应在专项人称学习的基础上设计多种语言实践活动。增加语言的复现率。引导学生熟练表达。学生情况分析由于是新换的教材,版本不一样,学生在先锋版教材三年级中曾经学过动词的ing形式,因此在教学中可以通过复习旧知引入新知。通过一些不同形式的活动调动学生学习的积极性。本单元容易出现的问题及措施在本单元中的学习中be doing的用法,教师在教学中通过不同形式的练习帮助学生理解单词的含义。学生尝试对对话进行复述的练习,提高学生的语言表达能力。教学资源见资源文件夹单元检测见单元

5、检测文件夹 教学主题:Unit 1 What are you doing 授课课时第一课时教学目标一、知识与技能目标1、能够听懂并朗读Listen and say中的对话内容,能运用“What are you doing Im ”的交际用语询问对方或回答自己长在做的事情。2、能听懂、会说、认读practicing my English ,chatting with my friends ,drawing a picture, making handwork等动词短语,并能在实际情景中运用。3、能在教师的帮助下小组内或同伴件完成Lets do中的游戏本活动。4、能认识到他人的长处并善于借鉴学习他

6、人科学有效的学习方法。二、口语训练目标:1.What are you doing Im practicing my English .2.What is she doing She is .3.Are you reading every day Yes, I am .三、过程与方法:通过模仿、操练、应用、表演等活动,引导学生有意识的将新旧知识结合,积极运用本单元所学语言进行表达和交流。四、情感、策略、文化意识目标:通过学习,学生能够认识到他人的长处并善于借鉴学习他人科学有效的学习方法。教学重点功能句型“What are you doing Im ”以及相应动词短语的理解与正确运用。 教学难点P

7、racticing 的正确发音以及情景语言“I wish I could speak Chinese very well .”“Sure you will.”的理解。教学用具课件,人物头饰,单词卡片。教 学 过 程教 学 阶 段Activity 1: Greeting and Warm up 师生互相问候“good morning /afternoon boys and girls .”Good morning /afternoon!”Activity 2: Oral practice T:What are you doing now I am having an English class.

8、 Show the picture and say What are they doing Point to each picture and say What is she doing She is playing football. basketball. reading 设计意图:通过口语交际活动,猜测对话情景,引入新知,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。Step 1Warming-upStep 2Listen and say Activity 1:呈现对话环境1)引导学生观察对话中的人物: T: There are two children . They are Mike and Guoguo.

9、 They are in the park. What are they doing What is Mike doing What is Guoguo doing 2)Listen to the dialog without sentences and answer : What kind of (English )book is Guoguo reading How do you know that What do they say Can you repeat the sentences. 听后反馈。引导学生说出:Are you reading your textbook 3)Liste

10、n again and ask children answer :Which book is a textbook A B C通过选择明确textbook的含义。Q:What is Guoguo reading her English textbook for What is she doing What does she say 学生带字幕听录音回答 Im practicing my English . 4)Listen and answer “How does Maomao ask How does Lingling answer 根据板书内容,带着学生回答进行复述的练习。并作发音指导。T

11、: What is important to practicing English 再次观看课件并寻找答案。“Reading aloud is important 指导学生的发音。5)教师引导学生配动作模仿跟读,然后在小组内角色扮演。强调practicing important 的发音。6)角色扮演。设计意图:在学生跟读后,教师引导学生有语气、带动作模仿人物对白,激发学生的学习兴趣。Activity 2: 学习对话21)T: Now Who is coming Is she happy What is she listening to 引导学观看课件寻找答案:She is listening

12、to English songs. 2) Listen to the dialog and answer Can Lingling speak English well Can Mike speak Chinese well 预设1:Lingling can speak English very well . Mike cant speak Chinese very well . 预设2:Lingling can speak English very well . Can Mike speak Chinese very well. Yes/No. 并对I wish I could speak

13、Chinese very well .听录音反馈:I wish I could speak Chinese very well.Wish: 但愿:帮助学生理解单词的含义。I wish I could fly. I wish you would go with me.Can Mike speak Chinese well 3)Listen and repeat. 听后反馈。4)听录音模仿跟读。设计意图:让学生模仿Lingling and Mike.给学生练习的空间,激发学习兴趣。Activity 3: 梳理对话,初步总结出示主题图1.2 请学生观察图片,说出情景中的语言。2)教师口述总结,当你想

14、知道对方正在干什么时可以问What are you doing Imhow can we learn English well Reading aloud is important . Listening to English songs is a good way.设计意图:通过观查图片,让学生体会语言的运用。Step3Listen, look and learn Activity 1: Show Miss Wang and ask Whos this What is Miss Wang doing T: Miss Wang is talking to her students. She w

15、ants to find out what they are doing Listen and say . What are you doing Im practicing my English . 学生进行选择。Activity2: 请学生重复并进行角色扮演。Activity3: Listen and choose What are you doing I am drawing a picture .学生进行选择。并进行角色扮演。Activity4: 按照以上的步骤学习doing crafts and chatting with my friends. Activity 5: Practic

16、e Listen and repeat. What are you doing Im设计意图:通过学习词组和句型练习,让学生在不同的情境中练习重点句型What are you doing Im Step 4Listen and choose Activity 1: Listen and choose Ask children open the book and say some words .Then listen and choose .Activity 2: Ask children write some words and say key sentences. 设计意图:通过听录音选择图

17、片提高学生的听力能力和语言表达能力。在做题的过程巩固新知。Step 5Lets do Activity 1: 师生交流:Act in pairs. “What am I doing You areActivity 2: Ask children do and finish it . Activity 3:Ask children say some sentence. You are playing baseball. You are dancing .Activity 4 :布置作业:1)听录音跟读对话和词组。 2) Copy the words about the sentences.板书设

18、计Unit 1What are you doing What are you doing Im playing .课后练习读句子,选择合适的答案.( )1.What are you doing Im _football. A. play B. plays C. playing ( )2. Reading _is important. A. aloud B. loud 教学主题:Unit 1 what are you doing? 授课课时第二课时教学目标一、知识与技能目标1、能够听懂并朗读listen and say对话内容,会用 what is he/she doing .询问回答他人正在做

19、的事情。2、能听懂、会说、认watching a basketball game/playing the piano , making a model practicing kung fu.,并在实际情景中运用。3、能理解对话内容并能模仿人物对话4、能利用业余时间从事自己的兴趣爱好活动,并懂得与家人分享交流。二、口语训练目标:1.Whats your favorite food My favorite food is 2.What are you doing I am 3.What is he doing He is 4.What are they doing They are 三、过程与方法

20、:通过模仿、操练、应用等活动,引导学生有意识的将新旧知识结合,积极运用本单元所学语言进行表达和交流。四、情感、策略、文化意识目标:通过学习,学生能够会用会用 what is he/she doing .询问回答他人正在做的事情。提高学生的语言表达能力。教学重点会用 what is he/she doing .询问回答他人正在做的事情。在交际中能够运用所学句型进行问答。教学难点what is he/she doing .在恰当语境中人称代词的正确区分与应用。教学用具课件,人物头饰,单词卡片。教 学 过 程教 学 阶 段Activity 1: Greeting and Warm up 师生互相问候

21、“good morning /afternoon boys and girls .”Good morning /afternoon!”Activity 2:Review lesson1中的一些图片信息进行谈论,如:what is Guoguo doing What is Lingling doing What is the boy/girl doing设计意图:复习旧知,引入新知,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。Step 1Warming-upStep 2Listen and say Activity 1:呈现对话环境1)引导学生观察对话图片: T: Who is this Where is Mike

22、 What is he doing What TV show is he watching2)Listen to the dialog and answer : Who are they What are they doing听后反馈。引导学生说出:its Mike . hes at home. He is watching TV. 3)Listen again and ask children answer :who is coming What is she saying to Mike4)listen and repeat 5)role play根据板书内容,带着学生回答进行复述的练习。

23、5)教师引导学生配动作模仿跟读,然后在小组内角色扮演。在学生跟读后,教师引导学生有语气、带动作模仿人物对白,激发学生的学习兴趣。Activity 2: 学习对话21) T: show the picture. Who are they where are they They are Mikes mom and dad. They are in their bedroom.2) listen and answer: what are Mikes mum and dad talking about What are the childrens name what are the children

24、doing 3) Listen to the dialogue and answer: Mike S MUM AND DAD ARE TALKING ABOUT Mike first. .4)listen to the talk again and ask “ mum and dad are talking about Kevin.5)听录音模仿跟读。设计意图:让学生模仿.给学生练习的空间,激发学习兴趣。Activity 3: 梳理对话,初步总结出示主题图1.2 请学生观察图片,说出情景中的语言。Step3Listen, look and learn Activity 1: the teach

25、er ask the students : what is he /she doing he/she isActivity2: show the picture and ask: what can you see in the picture what is the girl doing what is the man doing Activity3 : show the picture and ask what is he/she doingStep 4Listen and choose Activity 1: Listen and number Ask children open the

26、book and say some words .Then listen and number.Activity 2: Ask children write some words and say key sentences. 设计意图:通过听录音勾画图片提高学生的听力能力和语言表达能力。在做题的过程中巩固新知。Step 5Lets do Activity 1: Show the picture and ask :what is he/she doingActivity 2: Ask children to talk about the pictures of the ppt.Activity

27、3: talk show .Activity 4 :布置作业:1)听录音跟读对话和单词。板书设计Unit 1 what are you doing?What is he/she doingHe/she is .练习读一读,选择正确的答案。( )1.- look, what is the boy doing - ( ) is flying a kiteA、 He B、 she C 、they( )2、-what is she doing -she is _ the piano.A、playing B plays C play教学主题:Unit 1 What are you doing 授课课时第

28、三课时教学目标教学目标:知识与技能目标1能听懂并朗读对话内容,并运用“What are they doing They are.”等句子询问并回答他人正在做的事情。2能听懂会说putting candles, on the cake ,dancing ,fishing, playing hide and seek等动词及短语,并在实际情景中应用。3能在教师的帮助下小组内或同伴间完成 “Lets do”中的游戏。过程与方法:通过模仿、操练、应用、表演等活动,引导学生有意识的将新旧知识结合,积极运用语言进行表达和交流。情感、策略、文化意识目标:通过让学生表达自己喜欢的季节,培养学生热爱大自然的情感

29、。教学重点1能用“What are they doing They are”等句子询问并回答他人正在做的事情。2能听懂会说putting candles, on the cake ,dancing ,fishing, playing hide and seek等动词及短语,并在实际情景中应用。教学难点“What are they doing的两种答语“Im”和 “We are”教学用具教具:录音机、课件,单词图片。教 学 过 程教 学 阶 段Activity 1: Greeting and Warm up1、通过呈现主题图的方式引导学生复习第二课的对话内容。2、师生就二课中的一些图片信息进行谈

30、论:“What is Mike doing? What are Kevin and Jane doing ”“What are Maomao and Lingling doing”Step 1Warming-upStep 2Listen and say 主题图学习:图一(1)观察主题图1教师出示并引导学生观察第一幅主题图,指着图中的人物引导学生回答“ Who are they Where are they What are they doing?” 看图片继续补充:”They are looking at a family photo.” Ask and answer:“Whose famil

31、y photo is it、“ ”How many family photo is it? How many people are there in this picture Who are they Who are they What are they doing”(2)初听理解对话。 “Whose birthday is it ” 之后播放对话录音两遍,引导同学回答问题:“How old is Maomaos grandma” “ Maomao wants to ask Lingling to look at his family photo .What doing he say And

32、“How does Lingling answer” (3)听录音模仿跟读。 请学生边听录音边看主题图,帮助学生进一步听清、理解对话内容。尝试重复处对话能容“Would you like to look at my family photoSure.” 教师反复播放对话录音,请学生模仿录音中的语音、语调,进行跟读练习。(4)表演对话:教师和学生示范表演对话。(5)角色扮演:小组活动,朗读或表演对话,并进行展示。图二: (1)观察主题图。教师出示并引导学生观察第二幅主题图,结合第一幅图内容提问: “Look !Maomao and Lingling are looking at another

33、photo now. What are they” (2)初听理解对话。 教师播放对话录音,请学生听一听他们都说了什么?出示:parenst并强调”Parents means mum and dad.” 情调字母e的发音。Ask : “ What are Maomaos parents doing ?“ 再次播放录音,找出答案。 (3)听录音模仿跟读。 教师继续提问; “Do Maomaos family members have a good time How do you know that” Play the tape and find out the question. Listen

34、and repeat. (4)角色扮演:小组活动,朗读或表演对话,并进行展示三、完整表演对话 (1)听录音模仿跟读:完整播放两段对话,请学生模仿录音中的语音、语调进行跟读练习。 (2)角色扮演:小组分角色扮演,表演对话并进行展示。Step 3Listen,look,and learn1词汇学习(1)教师创设情境,提问:I have a photo ,too. Do you want to have a look” Show the part of listen look and learn. think the question :Where are they 、 Are they happy

35、 What are they doing Whose birthday is it(2)引导学生观察图片中的跳舞老人,教师提问:Are they children?“What are they doing”强调dancing 是dance 的过去分词,要去e加ing(3)教师引导学生观察图中的其他人物,并训练学生用本科的重点句型进行问答。2,巩固练习(1)学生指着文字和图片跟录音朗读单词。(2)小组练习,(3)小组展示Step 4Listen and number(1) “Tim has some pictures for you ,Look ,they are Tims grandpa、gr

36、andma, family、 father and mother. What are they doing” (2)Play the tape and make the students listen and number. (3)核对答案。Blackboard Unit1 What are you doingWhat are they doing They are.Putting candles on the cake fishing dancing playing hide and seek practice1. Look at the picture and answer:1) What

37、 are the children doing 2)What are the old people doing3)What are young people doing2. Complete the sentences1) what are you doing (sing) 2)What is he dong(dance)I am _. He _ _3)What are they doing 4)What is he doingThey are _. He is _.教学主题:Unit 1 What are you doing 授课课时第四课时教学目标一、知识与技能目标1、能在真实的情景中恰当

38、地运用本单元关于谈论某些人正在做某事的日常交际用语。2、能听懂、认读、书写本单元出现的部分动词及动词短语,并能在相应的情境中运用。3、能够根据字母qu在单词中的发音为/kw/的规律拼读单词。4、能读懂Now I can read 板块中转述课文的语段,并尝试复述。5、能在完成听、说、读、写的各项任务活动中,发展自己的综合语言技能。二、口语训练目标:1What are you doing I am 2.What is he doing He is 3.What are they doing They are4.What is Mike doing He is 三、过程与方法:通过模仿、操练、应用

39、、表演等活动,引导学生有意识的将新旧知识结合,积极运用本单元所学语言进行表达和交流。四、情感、策略、文化意识目标:通过学习,学生能够了解并运用本单元所所学习的重点句型进行交际,提高学生的语言表达能力。教学重点在真实的情境中恰当运用本单元关于谈论某些人正在做某事的日常交际用语。听懂、认读、书写本单元出现的部分动词及动词短语,并能在相应的情境中运用。教学难点字母组合qu在单词中的正确发音/qu/复述主课文内容。教学用具课件,人物头饰,单词卡片。教 学 过 程教 学 阶 段Activity 1: Greeting and Warm up 师生互相问候“good morning /afternoon

40、boys and girls .”Good morning /afternoon!”Activity 2:Simon says You are jumping 。 Simon says you are reading 做出相应的动作,否则淘汰。Activity 3:Guessing Game Whos he What is he doing Who are they What are they doing 设计意图:通过复习再现学会所学的动词词组,复习本课的重点句型,调动学生兴趣,为做后面的练习做铺垫。Step 1Warming-upStep 2Now I can understand Act

41、ivity 1:Listen and match 1)Show the picture and ask children say what can you see in the picture 2)Open the book and listen to the dialog and match the correct the picture . 3)Check the answer.设计意图:通过前面的复习动词词组,学生看图说出所看到的内容呢,降低难度,为听录音连线做好铺垫。Activity 2: Now I can say 1)Show the picture and say Who are

42、 they Where are they What are they doing 2)T and S make a model.T: Look at Yangyang and Maomao . What are they doing S1: They are playing football. 3)Practice in groups.Activity 3:Now I know the sound 1) show The words :quiet, quarter, quartz, queen, question, quick, square, earthquake Ask children

43、read the words and find out the same sounds /kw/2) read the words together . 体会字母qu的发音。3) Listen and repeat. 4) Play the game .设计意图:通过观查朗读,让学生感知字母组合qu的发音。Step3Now I can readActivity 1: Show the first paragraph and ask children read it .1) Ask children read and answer the question: What is Mike .Kevi

44、n doing 2) Can you retell Ask children retell the story . 3) Listen and repeat.4) 用同样的方式处理第二段短文。Group work and ask children retell the story .设计意图:通过学习阅读短文内容,提高学生的阅读能力和水平。Step 4Now I can write Activity 1: Now I can write 1)Review and ask children look at the book and see Who are they Where are they

45、What are they doing Whose birthday Are they having a good time 2)引导学生关注每个人,谈论他们呢每个人正在做的事情。What is Mike doing He is putting candles on the cake . What is Guoguo doing She is drawing a picture . What is Maomao doing He is taking photos. What is Yangyang doing He is reading a poem. What are Sara and Li

46、ngling doing They are talking about their pets.3)Read and match .3)师生核对答案,设计意图:通过教师的示范,让学生模仿进行语言操练,提高学生的写作能力。Activity 2:布置作业:1)Read the test and say 2) Write the sentence.板书设计Unit 1 What are you doing What is .doing He is What are.doing They are 课后练习读一读,选择合适的答案。( )1. Guoguo is _a picture of Mike . A. draws B. drawing C. draw( )2. They are _a good time . A. having B have C. has ( )3.What is Mike doing _is watching TV. A. They B. He C. She 第 24 页

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