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1、眉山中学2020届7月英语月考本试卷共分两卷,满分150分,时间120分钟。第I卷:选择题部分 (满分90分)第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节:语法和词汇知识(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.May I ask a favour you,Jack?Go ahead. Im always ready to do a favour you.A. of, for B. from, to C. of, to D. from, for2.In the last few years, millions of Apples

2、_all over the world.A. were producedB. have been producedC.are producedD. are being produced3.As we all know,_Siberian tiger is _endangered species.A. /; anB. the; theC. a; /D. the; an4.Lily was about to close the window _ her attention was caught by a beautiful flying bird.A. afterB. whenC. whileD.

3、 as5.April Fools Day is celebrated throughout the world, _ is one of the most light-hearted days of the year.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. when6. These days the air has been heavy with PM2.5,and its hard to see.Yes,but sometimes it _also be clear, especially after a rain.A. needB. canC. mustD. might7.Wou

4、ld you pleasethe survey report for us and see if there are any obvious mistakes?A. look around B. look through C. look intoD. look up8.We all waited for a reply from our boss,but _came in the end.A. eitherB. anotherC. neitherD. none9.To test the employees ability, the manager made the task difficult

5、 .A. to finishB. finishC. finishingD. finished10. Do you think its a good idea to make pen-pals with foreign English teachers on-line?I do. Ive had one for long.A.Generally B. Fortunately C. ActuallyD. Really第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Last summer a to

6、rnado hit a small town nearby. I saw,in the local newspaper,a picture of a young woman, a little boy and a younger 11 standing in front of a totally destroyed house, eyes wide open with 12 . I noticed their clothing 13 closely matched ours. This would be a good opportunity to teach my children to he

7、lp those less 14I 15 their situation to my seven-year-old twins,Brad and Martin, and 16 the boys to donate some of their less favorite toys. My little daughter, Meghan, 17 quietly when the boys piled up the old toys. After a while,Meghan walked up 18 Lucy,her much-loved doll, 19 tightly to her chest

8、. She put her round little 20 into Lucys,giving her a final kiss, and then laid her 21 on top of the others. “Oh, honey”,I said,“you dont have to give Lucy. You love her so much. ”Meghan nodded, trying to 22 her tears. “Lucy makes me happy,Mummy. Maybe shell make that little girl happy, too. ”11. A.

9、 manB. womanC. boyD. girl12. A. fearB. angerC. pityD. sympathy13. A. brandsB. colorsC. sizesD. prices14. A. optimisticB. thankfulC. fortunateD. wealthy15. A. announcedB. explainedC. demonstratedD. translated16. A. encouragedB. commandedC. requestedD. allowed17. A. waitedB. behavedC. countedD. watche

10、d18. A. toB. withC. byD. for19. A. tiedB. huggedC. hungD. grasped20. A. eyesB. earsC. faceD. head21. A. gratefullyB. swiftlyC. painfullyD. gently22. A. keep outB. take offC. hold backD. burst intoThe boys watched in surprise 23 their baby sister placed Lucy in the 24 . While I stared at Meghan, refl

11、ecting upon my donation,they went, without a word, to their room and both 25 with their valued items. Martin hesitated 26 ,then looked over at Meghan and put his model car next to Lucy. Amazed,I removed my old 27 from the box, and 28 it with a new one I had bought the week before, hoping the young w

12、oman would 29 it as much.Anyone can give away what they no longer need, but true generosity is giving what you 30 . I,who had meant to teach,was taught.23. A. asB. beforeC. afterD. once24. A. carB. boxC. roomD. picture25. A. playedB. dealtC. returnedD. vanished26. A. anxiouslyB. brieflyC. againD. in

13、stead27. A. dollB. itemC. newspaperD. jacket28. A. replacedB. balancedC. mixedD. compared29. A. washB. keepC. wearD. love30. A. buyB. needC. intendD. dislike第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AMost great singers have had learnt singing lessons since childho

14、od. Occasionally, though, a great voice comes through untrained, a voice that is unbelievably, naturally beautiful. Mahalia Jackson had such a voice. Without having had a lesson, she was able to attract listeners with her magnificent voice that never seemed forced or pretended.Mahalia Jackson was a

15、gospel (福音音乐) singer. She preferred to sing the soul music or folk songs rather than popular songs or rocks. Since financial rewards didnt concern her, she refused many opportunities to become wealthy. She sang for the simple country people and also for the rich, sometimes. But she never changed her

16、 style or her point of view.At one point, after some discussions, her husband advised her to try out for a regular stage role. Then, she reluctantly paid 2.5 dollars for a song sheet and went to the interview. All the judges agreed to offer her the part, for they were highly impressed. At this point

17、, however,her husband got a job,and she turned down the offer. She wanted to go on singing at concerts.Mahalia Jackson was a down-to-earth person, showing no self-pride. She considered her singing talent a gift from God and accepted it humbly. She would help box-office clerks and would even help sel

18、l tickets out front, if necessary. Therefore,she was loved by people around her.Perhaps Mahalia Jacksons greatest moment was singing “The Star-Spangled Banner” at President John F. Kennedys inauguration (就职仪式). The national anthem may never have been sung better.31.Mahalia Jackson was popular among

19、the people around her mainly because_A.she never changed her style or point of viewB.she was a gospel singer for country peopleC.she was a down-to-earth personD.she had a very magnificent voice32. As underlined in Paragraph 3,the word reluctantly means_.A. unwillingly B. joyfully C. carefully D. tha

20、nkfully33.After all her success, Mahalia Jackson always remained_A.criticalB. modestC. shyD. uncertain34. If Mahalia Jackson saw a young singer was very nervous before a concert, she would probably_.A.amuse her B. ignore herC. encourage her D. train herBThomas Jefferson, the third president of the U

21、nited States, was a good and tireless writer, and he wrote The Declaration of Independence. There is much we can learn from him. Here are some of the things he said and wrote:Go and see. Jefferson believed that a free man obtains knowledge from many sources besides books, and personal investigation

22、is important as well.Judge for yourself. Jefferson refused to accept other peoples opinions without careful thought. “Neither believe nor reject anything,” he wrote to his nephew.Learn from everyone. Jefferson once visited the French nobleman, Lafayette, and said to him, “You must go into the people

23、s home as I have done,look into their cooking pots and eat their bread. If you will only do this, you may find out why people are dissatisfied. ”Do what you believe is right. In a free country, there will always be conflicting ideas,and this is a source of strength. It is not unquestioning agreement

24、 but conflict that keeps freedom alive. Though Jefferson was for many years the object of strong criticism, he never answered his critics. He expressed his philosophy, “There are two sides to every question. If you take one side with decision and act on it with effect, those who take the other side

25、will of course resent (憎恶)your actions. ”Trust the future and trust the young. Jefferson felt that the present should never be chained to customs which have lost their usefulness. “The earth belongs to the living generation.” He didnt fear new ideas, nor did he fear the future. “How much pain has be

26、en caused by evils which have never happened?” he remarked,“I expect the best, not the worst. ”35.The author mentioned Jeffersons visit to Lafayette to show_.A.Jefferson valued the importance of learning from othersB.Jefferson had a close relationship with his peopleC.Jefferson was a great American

27、presidentD.Jefferson was dissatisfied with Lafayette36.Jefferson was determined never to answer his critics because_.A.he believed silence was a source of strengthB.he thought it useless to defend obviously correct ideasC.he knew the more he said,the more people would resent himD.he believed in conf

28、lict rather than in unquestioning agreement37.When writing about Jefferson, the authors voice sounds_.A.negativeB. positiveC. interestedD. excited38.What would be the best title of the passage?A.Jeffersons PhilosophyB. Jeffersons Great WorksC.Jeffersons LessonsD. Jeffersons Life StoryCI had a terrib

29、le accident and was transferred via a helicopter to the Pittsburgh Hospital. I was conscious of my accident, and friends and family passing out at the sight of me. It was no picnic!Late one evening,I could hear the nurses in the next room repeatedly talking to a new patient. “Sandy, your mom is here

30、. Open your eyes. ” This had gone on throughout the night. “Sandy,your dad has some flowers for you. Open your eyes and look at them.” I asked the nurse as she checked in on me what had happened to Sandy. The nurse said that Sandy was about 17 and had been involved in a car wreck. She was in a deep

31、coma (昏迷), not in good shape. Over the next few nights,I started talking to Sandy. Although, it was said silently, I started to urge her to open her eyes or say something. Her parents visited with me one evening, and they seemed to be from an important family but in much grief, much like the faces o

32、f those that had visited me. And there I was speechless, immobile and had no real way of easing (减轻)their pain. It became very important to me to pray for her recovery, not my own. In some strange way, I believed that if Sandy would just open her eyes,my own situation would get better.Sandy never ca

33、me out of the coma as far as I know. During my stay in hospital, there were many times I felt like I was in an emotional coma. But I still could hear “just open your eyes.” Even now I think of her quite often. I remember the long nights in the hospital, the smell of the hospital environment and the

34、helplessness we all felt. Even though Sandys situation was bad, I am thankful for understanding what it means to let go of your own problems and concentrate on others.39.The nurses repeatedly said “Open your eyes” to Sandy, trying_A.to help her recognize her parentsB.to find whether she is still ali

35、veC.to introduce her to the authorD.to help her come to life40.The author prayed for Sandys recovery because he felt that_.A.he could help the nurses in the hospitalB.Sandys parents were sad and helplessC.he would recover if Sandy recoveredD.Sandy was in a very bad situation41.Which word can best de

36、scribe the author according to the passage?A.Emotional. B. Kind.C. Brave.D. Patient.42.According to the author, we should _ when we all have problems.A.show our care to the unlucky with problemsB.try to learn something from these problemsC.focus on others than on our ownD.always feel lucky for ourse

37、lvesDIn the digital age, getting students into classrooms is an increasingly challenging mission for college and university teachers, not to mention retaining (保持) their attention.“Its much harder to teach the post-90s,” said Chen Jixiu, a math professor at Fudan University. “They use smart-phones a

38、nd tablets to search for information, even during class. They get knowledge from a variety of sources, and consider it a small cake to skip classes.” According to Chen, this situation has forced teachers to adopt “odd tricks” for attracting students to class. Here are some interesting ideas picked u

39、p by 21st Century.Food for Thought: Rather than providing only moral encouragement, teachers at Wuhan University are offering real-life related rewards to improve student attendance. Students sitting in the first row of the health psychology course taught by professor Lei Wuming are rewarded with sn

40、acks. “Ive got 7,000 fans on my micro-blog (微博),and most of them are my students,” said Lei,director of the universitys Education Institution. “I do want to express my thanks to those coming to listen, and to make the class more lively. ”Teacher vs Phone; In the broadcasting and hosting course of Ha

41、nkou University, teacher Huang Huiqiong gives students permission to busy themselves with their cell phones during class. They keep their heads down until they hear something interesting. If not, they can sit through the entire class without being disturbed and even give the teacher advice following

42、 the class. “A teacher is not the boss and students have the right to make content suggestions,” said Huang.Friendly Blogs: You might hesitate to participate in class discussions, but what if you could send a message instead of speaking out loud? In the computer science course at Changsha University

43、 of Science Technology (CUST),students can voice opinions via their cell phone. “I open a micro-blog webpage,and when students text a message to the account, it appears on the screen,” said teacher Huang Qiang. Su Ying, 19, a sophomore (大二学生) at CUST, said: “I feel relaxed as I dont like standing up

44、 and getting everybodys attention. ”43.Teaching the post-90s students is getting harder because_A.they all use smart-phones and tabletsB.they are focused on digital stuffC.they are more likely to skip classesD.they have a bigger resource to learn44.How does Lei Wuming improve his students attendance

45、?A.He sets up a micro-blog for his students.B.He expresses thanks to all his students.C.He offers some food as rewards.D.He uses moral encouragement.45.Huang Huiqiong allows her students to play with cell phones in class because .A.she doesnt like to disturb her students in classB.her students can h

46、ear something interestingC.she thinks students are the main role in classD.her students may feel much more relaxed46.How can Huang Qiangs students make use of his micro-blog?A.They can express themselves by texting a message.B.They can get relaxed without standing up.C.They can put their opinions on

47、 the screen.D. They can get everybodys attention.ECertain plants and animals can survive under what seem like impossible conditions. Blind fish live freely under ocean depths that are absolutely dark and cold. Bacteria live at temperatures of 600 F or a higher in places where the heat comes from the

48、 deep earth. One of the most remarkable achievements that we can observe directly is the ability of the plants and animals in the desert.In the Death Valley,temperatures of 134 F in the shade have been officially reported. Yet lizards live there,along with 600 species of plants, 30 species of mammal

49、s and even fish. While the days are terribly hot, the nights are extremely cold. Temperatures can fall down by as much as 50 F.Plants called xerophytes are perfectly adapted to the extremely dry conditions. These plants have survived by developing techniques for coping with their environment. Like a

50、ll living things,they must have water,and they get it in several ways.The mesquite and the prickly (多刺的)pear pick up moisture in opposite ways. The mesquite sends its roots down as deep as 60 feet to tap the water table. The prickly pear, on the other hand,spreads its roots wide. These roots are sha

51、llow but they pick up whatever moisture is available at ground level. The paloverde saves water by shedding (脱落) leaves in times of extreme drought. The barrel cactus makes sure of a water supply by storing water in the plant itself. The saguaro cactus stores so much water that it can survive years

52、of drought. But even the saguaro will die sooner or later if there is no rain. All these plants,although well adjusted to their environment, must eventually get water.Even if the parent plants die, there are always seeds to keep the species alive. Since the desert is so tough, thousands of seeds mus

53、t be released to produce one plant. To get rooted, these seeds must have exactly the right conditions. They can lie dormant (休眠)for months, even years, until a little water stimulates the sparks of life.47.Which of the following can best express the main idea of the passage?A. The Death Valley is a

54、living museum,where many plants and animals exist.B. Plants and animals can survive in the desert by adjusting to the environment.C.Days in desert can be deadly hot, while nights can be terribly cold.D.Bacteria survive in the ocean depth and the desert burning heat.48.The prickly pear survives in th

55、e desert by_.A.shedding leaves in times of droughtB.sending its roots down 60 feetC.spreading its roots wideD.storing water in itself49.The word xerophytes possibly comes from two Greek word roots that have the meaning of_A. special techniquesB. living animalsC. water shedsD. dry plants50.What is th

56、e most important information the writer wants to tell readers in the last paragraph?A.Seeds can keep plants alive.B.Water is a must in the desert.C.Desert plants depend on seeds as well as water.D. Seeds get dormant for a very long time in the desert.第二节:根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项多余选项。(共5小题

57、;每小题2分, 满分10分)A: Hi, Susan. Are you interested in buying some used books? You can really save some money.B: 51A: Er. Let me see. I have a science book called Todays World, and Im selling it for 30 dollars.B: 52A: Maybe so, but I bought it for 60,and I put lots of notes in it. That should help you.B:

58、 53A: Oh, Ive got an English writing textbook for 14 dollars,a math book for 23 and a novel for only 7.B: Er.A: You know, these things go fast. 54B: Well.,OK, Ill take the writing textbook and the novel. I need both of them for sure.A: No more textbooks?B; 55 Teachers are always changing their minds

59、 about textbooks.A: All right. Here are the books you need,21 dollars in total.B: OK. Here is the money.A.Not now.B.Its up to you.C.That sounds great.D.Well,what do you have?E.What else are you selling?F.How much do I need to pay you?G.30? Thats too expensive for an old book like that.第I卷:非选择题部分 (满分

60、60分)第三部分:写作(共三节,满分60分)第一节:阅读表达(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读下面短文并回答问题 (请注意每题词数要求)。A new smart-phone has caused excitement recently. It is Mi-2, launched by a China-based company called Xiaomi Technology. Lei Jun,the man behind Xiaomi,won the Best Newcomer at 2020 CCTV China Economic Person of the Year Awards.

61、 The company he founded less than three years ago is valued at $ 4 billion.“People become great because they have dreams.” said Lei. As a student in Wuhan University, he read a book, Fire In the Valley, which tells the story of Apples Steve Jobs. Encouraged by the book, the 21-year-old set up a comp

62、any. But his venture soon failed because he lacked a long-term plan.After graduation, Lei joined Kingsoft, a software company. In 16 years, he became one of the top IT company leaders. His life could have continued this way, successful and steady. But he always felt his dream calling for him every n

63、ight. At 38,he left Kingsoft and started his own company. This time, he knew what would make a promising new company: following the trends but keeping your innovation. He entered the smart-phone market.Lei is a big fan of the iPhone. But instead of creating a copy of it, he wanted to created his own smart-phone. Most big companies view phones as an accessory (附属品)to computers. However, Lei wanted to replace computers with smart-phones. The greatest challenge was making the phones input a

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