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1、三年级英语说课稿Good morning ,ladies and gentlemen !Im so honored to stand here that I hope all of you can support me !各位老师、评委大家好!今天很荣幸能站在这里,借此平台,我和大家一起分享小学三年级英语教学的说课。一:说教材我说课的内容人教版三年级下册 Unit 3 How many? 第二课时。本课是功能型的交际训练课主要是让学生掌握和运用询问多少的句型:How many can you see? I can see 以及单词:eleven twelve thirteen fourteen

2、 fifteen.根据小学英语课程标准,我将本课教学目标设计如下:(一)语言知识目标1、使学生掌握询问多少的句型。并且能在活动中灵活运用。How many can you see ?I can see.2、学习认读单词:eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen.(二) 语言技能目标1、使学生能够根据指令做动作。2、根据图片、实物和情境说出单词和句子。3、在图文或场景下进行简单的英语交流和表演。(三)、情感态度目标通过本课学习使学生有兴趣听、说英语、背歌谣、参与游戏,勇于开口、乐于模仿。(四)、说重点本课的重点是让学生掌握三会单词:eleven twelve

3、 thirteen fourteen fifteen和句型:How many can you see? I can see .(五)、说难点本课的难点是读准名词复数的读音。我主要通过感知新教材-设置-灵活运用着三个主要步骤来突破教材重难点。具体表现在课堂程序中。二、说教法在教学中我主要运用演示教学法和充分利网络资源教学法。运用实物、图片等给学生一个直观的的形象,再加上网络资源的动画效果。充分开发了学生的智力,提高学生对于学习英语的兴趣。三、说学法1、 模仿教学法-让学生跟着电视老师模仿。这主要是利用了小学生模仿能力强的特点。2、 小组活动学习法-把全班分成小组,学生互相交流、切磋、共同完成学习

4、任务。在合作中感受学习英语的乐趣及交流的意义。3、 情景教学法-设置各种不同的情景,是教学活动带有浓厚的情感色彩,激发了学生 想说的愿望。4、游戏法和鼓励法课堂评价主要以鼓励法为主,同时通过游戏进行操练和赠送小礼物的方法。是学生乐于参与,渴望成功的心理得到满足。四、说课堂程序整个教学程序我采用了听,说,玩,演,唱一系列的教学活动.具体的设计为热身-新知-趣味操练-巩固练习.Step1,课前热身1)、利用网络播放Lets say 部分的歌谣,并要求学生试着跟唱。这样课堂气氛充分调动起来。2),利用网络播放Lets say部分报电话号码的动画,让学生复习从1到10的数字。Step2、新知导入1)、

5、教师播放Lets learn 部分的内容,让学生感知新知。然后教师带着满脸疑惑问:How many numbers can you see? Do you know ?自答:I can see15. 这样一来How many can you see ?这 一句式就会在情景中被输入。2)、教师在动画画面上点击要学的新单词让学生模仿。板书三会单词并进行教学。3)、自己准备的图片,教师发出指令。Eg:Kite,学生即指出自己图上的风筝并说:I can see kites。教师重复说:I can see kites。这个游戏可以让学生掌握英语中名词复数的读音。Step3、趣味操练根据小学英语标准的基本

6、理念中采用多种途径,倡导体验和参与。我设置以下方法进行操练:1、练一练:运用网络资源播放一张图片,是由数字连起来的动物的形状。要求学生听音按顺序 把所听到的用线连起来,后看看是一只什么动物。这游戏不仅让学生复习到数字、提高了听力,且激发了学生动手的能力。2、做一做:把全班分成5个小组,教师发出指令。要求学生站队报数,从1到15。通过感知、体验、实践、参与合作的方式发挥了以生为主体教学标准3、在英语课程任务中提出要求让学生了解世界文化差异,增强世界意识,使学生成为二十一世纪的栋梁。通过设计“幸运数字”这一环节让学生了解西方人眼中的幸运数字是哪些。Step4巩固练习1、 作出一个chantCat

7、cat eleven catsRabbit rabbit twelve rabbitsTiger tiger thirteen tigersBird bird fourteen birds这部分主要是让学声巩固名词复数的读音。2、利用光盘把教学的重点播放,让学生对已学的知识进行回顾,起到了巩固的作用。五、总结并布置任务1、教师和学生一起总结所学的单词及句型。并要求回去把单词读给爸妈听,让学生爱表现的心理充分得到发挥,增强学习英语的信心和兴趣。2、利用网络资源播放Ten little candles dance 的歌曲。让学生在轻松愉快的气氛下结束新课。以上便是我的说课,谢谢大家!小学英语教案格

8、式ITeaching Contents(教学内容): ( I 、II步骤可以调换顺序)II Teaching Objectives/Aims (教学目标) : (目标可选这两个词中间任一个)1Knowledge Aims(知识目标):/ Knowledge and Ability2Ability Aims (能力目标):/Process and Method3Emotion, attitudeandvalues (情感态度目标):III Teaching Key/main Points(教学重点):IV Teaching Difficult Points (教学难点): V Teaching

9、Methods(教学方法):VI Teaching Aids (教具) :VII Time Allotment(课时):VIII Teaching Procedures (教学过程)Step OneWarming up(热身准备)Step Two Review(复习)StepThreePresentation(呈现)/ Step Three Lead-in(引入)StepFourPractice (操练)StepFiveConsolidation (巩固) (巩固环节后,结束课前一般要小结“Today we learned ”对当堂所学的知识做一个 Summary)StepSixHomewor

10、k (作业) A Telephone Call I. Teaching MaterialA: May I speak to Jim, please?B: Sorry. Hes not at home.A: Where is he now?B: He went to the bookshop.A: Would you please take a message?B: Sure.A: Tomorrow is Teachers Day. Well have a party at school.B: What time is the party?A: At three thirty in the af

11、ternoon.B: OK, Ill tell him When hes back.A: Thank you.II. Teaching Aims1) Enable the students to make telephone calls in English andget them to know how to behave themselves on the telephone.2) Raise the students interest to learn English.3) Encourage the students to have good cooperation with one

12、another.III. Teaching contents1 ) Patterns:May I speak to .?Would you please take a message?2) Vocabulary: message, party, take a messageIV. Teaching Methods 1. Communicative approach/method 2. Task-based approach/method 3. Students-center method 4. Role playing method V. Teaching AidsFour toy telep

13、hones, a CD-ROM, a toy Santa Claus.VI. Time Allotment: 1 periodVII. Teaching ProceduresStep 1. Warming-up Sing the song Greetings.Step 2. Presentation Practice1) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the talk between the teacher and the person in the screen.2) After the talk, the teac

14、her tells the students how to make a telephone call in English. Write the pattern May I speak to.?on the blackboard and teach them how to use it on the phone.3) Using the four toy telephones, ask the students to make telephone calls in pairs with the following patterns:- May I speak to.?- Speaking.T

15、hose students who do not have toy telephones can use their pencil-boxes instead, or they can put their fingers to their ears as a sign to make phone calls.4) Ask one student his/her name and his/her home telephone number, using the following sentences:Would you please tell me your name?Would you ple

16、ase tell me your home telephone number?5) Make a telephone call to a student and get the students to learn the following short dialogue:T: Hello. Is that ?S: Yes.T: May I speak to Xiao Long?S: Sorry, he is not in the office.T: Would you please take a message and ask him to come to school this aftern

17、oon?S: Sure.T: Thank you.Step 3. Practice1) Ask the students to make calls in groups.Then ask some pairs to act out to see if they know how to use the patterns below:May I speak to.,?Would you please take a message?2) Ask the students to look at the screen and listen to the dialogue A Telephone Call

18、 with the following questions in mind:What is the message about?What time is the party?Then ask the students some questions if they have understoodthe dialogue.3) Ask the students to look at the dialogue on the screen and listen to it again.4) The teacher tells the students the meaning of the word t

19、omorrow with the help of a calendar and the following sentences:Well have a party at school.Ill tell him when hes back.5) Ask the students to read the new word and the sentences on the blackboard.6) Ask the students to retell the dialogue in their own words in pairs. 7) Play the game Throwing Santa

20、Claus to see if the students can say the sentences well.The teacher throws the toy Santa Claus to a student. When the student catches the Santa Claus, he or she must say one of the sentences on the blackboard, and then throws the Santa Claus to another student. 8) Ask the students to act out the dia

21、logue in roles.Step 4. Group activities1) Show the students three pictures on the screen. Ask them tomake telephone calls in groups based on the picture they have chosen.Picture One: You want to invite Tom to play football with you, but Tom hasnt got a telephone at home. You ask Rose to take a messa

22、ge to Tom.Picture Two: Miss Wu is ill. You want to pay a visit to her with Jack. But Jack is not at home. His sister picks up the phone.Picture Three: You will hold a birthday party on Sunday. You phone to Lily to invite her to your party, but she isnt at home. How do you speak to her mother, who is

23、 at home at that time?2) Ask some pairs to act out their telephone calls.3) Ask the students to make phone calls to the teachers who are sitting around the dassroom.The teacher tells the students: There will be a party on New Years Day. We will invite some teachers to come to our party.Write the nam

24、es and the telephone numbers of some teachers and make telephone calls to them.Step 5. SummaryTell the students the way of making a phone call in their daily life.Step 6. HomeworkAsk the students to make phone calls to their friends and tell them their school life after class.Step 7. EndingSing the

25、song Happy Weekend.In a Fast-food RestaurantTeaching material:In a Fast-food RestaurantWaiter: Hello, can I help you?Mum: Yes. What would you like, Dick?Dick: Id like a hamburger.Mum: Me, too.Waiter: Would you like something to drink?Mum: Oh, yes. Two glasses of orange juice, please.Dick: Mum, can I

26、 have an ice-cream?Mum: Sure. Two hamburgers, two glasses of orange juice and an ice-cream.Waiter: OK. Here you are. 38 yuan, please.Mum: Here the money.Waiter: Thanks.I. Teaching contentsWords:fast-food / restaurant / hamburgerPatterns:What would you like? Would you like something to eat/ drink?II、

27、Teaching Aims(教学目标):1. 能听、读、说fist-foodrestauranthamburger,并了解其含义;2能灵活运用重点句型,并清楚其运用的场合和语气;(1) What would you like?(2)Would you like something to eatdrink?3能模仿本文对话,并能在一定的语境中运用所学语言进行交际;4培养学生的注意力和观察力,激发学生积极思维,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。III、Teaching Important Points and Difficulties (教学重难点)1重难点句型:(1)What would you li

28、ke?(2)Id like (3)Would you like something to eatdrink?(4),please2掌握有关食物名称的词汇。 IV. Teaching Methods (教学方法):1. Demonstration teaching method.2. Communicative approach/method 3. Students-center method 4. Role playing method V. Teaching Aids(教具准备):食物图片:ice-cream, hamburger, cake, bread, juice, milk, wat

29、er,hot-dog, French fries等。食物和饮料:hamburger,cake,bread,milk,orange juice,cola等。道具:服务员工作帽、围裙、托盘。 多媒体课件一套。 VI. Time Allotment: 1 period VII、Teaching Procedures(教学过程):Step 1Warm-up activities (1)Do it! (学生按教师的指令做动作)T:Stand up!Sit down!Sit down!Stand up! (教师辅以手势)T:Walk!Stop!Jump 5 times!Stop!Push!Stop!Run

30、!Stop!(教师和学生一起做,每个动作持续一段时间后,教师突然说:“Stop!”要求学生立刻停下来。)(2)Do as 1 do?(教师做动作并表达,引导学生边做边说:“Me,too”)教师做睡觉状,并用低缓语调说:“Im tired”引导学生说:“Me,too”教师做笑脸状,并用欢快语调说:“Im happy”引导学生说:“Me,too”教师做干渴状,并说:“Im thirsty”引导学生说:“Me,too”教师手摸肚子,并说:“Im hungry. ”引导学生说:“Me,too”(3)Listen and act!(学生按教师的指令做动作。)教师说:“Lets eat!(做吃东西状),学

31、生跟着做动作。指令依次为:Eat slowly!Eat fast!Lets drink!Drink slowly!Drink / fast! Eat fast! (通过此活动,操练对话中的有关单词,例如:eat,drink,fast。)Step 2Revision and presentation (1)教师问:“What do you like to eat?”让学生根据自己的喜好,用已学句型“I like”回答。(2)教师出示卡片hamburger,并问:“Do you like a hamburger?”(3)学生学说hamburger一词,教师板书单词,并抽查一组学生,学生快速读词。(

32、4)出示有关食物的卡片(hamburger,cake,ice-cream,juice,milk,),让学生认读。(5)做游戏:“Whats missing?(教师从卡片中任意抽掉一张,再让学生看卡片读单词,然后让学生说出拿掉的是哪一张卡片。)Step 3 Pattern drills and dialogue teaching(1)选取单词卡片45张,同时出示给学生,并提问:“What would you like?引导学生回答:“Id like”教师把该卡片送给说出正确答案的学生。(2)教师把手中卡片送完后摊开双手说:“No food left! But dont worry,lets go

33、 to the restaurantYou can choose whatever you like”(3)屏幕上出现单词RESTAURANT及三幅食物图片:noodles,fish,rice。教师提问:“What would you like?让学生用“Id like ”回答。当学生选中一种食物时,教师点击该图,出现该食物的价格。教师对该生做手势并说:“2030yuan,please引导学生说:“Heres the money”当屏幕上显示的是免费食物时,教师则带领全班学生对该学生说:“Congratulations!”(noodles20yuan;fishfree;rice10yuan)(

34、4)屏幕上出现单词BAR和三幅图片:wine,coffee,juice (wine600yuan,coffee30yuan,juicefree),教师请一学生提问并操作(练习方式同上)。(5)教师指着juice说:“Id like juice very muchI even drink juice on my birthday”屏幕上出现Happy Birthday to you! 和一只蛋糕。教师说:“Suppose today was your birthday,what would you like?引导学生用“Id like”句型表达自己的愿望。6)屏幕上出现一叠叠钱的画面。教师问:“

35、If you had lots of money,what would you like?让学生继续用“Id like”句型回答。教师引导学生说:“A car? A computer?”等,拓展学生的思维。(7)教师说:“If I had lots of money,Id like to open a big fast-food restaurant”自然引出对话主题。教师出示快餐店图片,并介绍说:“Look,this is a fast-food restaurantA big nice fast-food restaurant! We sense hot-dogs,hamburger,sa

36、lad,French fries” (出示食物图片)(8)让学生模仿跟读单词fast-food restaurant,并选1、2组学生朗读,教师板书该词。(9)教师系上围裙,拿起装有食物(cake,hamburger,bread,juice,milk,water,ice-cream)的托盘,扮演服务员,并说:“Are you hungry? Would you like something to eat? What would you like?让学生回答,回答正确的学生可以得到该食物。(10)当食物分完后,教师解下围裙,做出疲倦状,并说:“Oh,Im tired and hungry”引导学

37、生说:“Would you like something to eat? What would you like?”教师收回学生所选的食物后说:“Im fullIm not hungryBut Im thirsty now”教师继续引导学生说:“Would you like something to drink? What would you like?”(11)教师说:“Im not hungry and thirsty nowThank you,boys and girlsYouve done a very good job today”Step 4. Communicative prac

38、tice(1)屏幕上出现招聘服务员的海报,教师扮成快餐店经理,并说:“Our fast-food restaurant needs a waiter or a waitressWhod like to have a try?(2)邀请几位学生上来,给他们戴上服务员的帽子,并让他们站成一排;然后,教师(扮演经理)对“应聘者”发指令:“Line up! Turn left! Turn right! Smile and say:Welcome! Can I help you? What would you like? Would you like something to eat?每做几个动作,就请

39、不合要求的“应聘者”回去,最后剩下两位“应聘者”。(3)教师对全班学生说:“Whos the best one? Please discuss in pairs”引导学生两人一组讨论,以确定最后被“录用者”。(4)请几组学生扮演顾客,来快餐店购物,比较两位应聘者所提供的服务。(5)最后选出最佳“服务员”。(6)教师说:“Now lets open our fast-food restaurant”教师出示有关食物,引导所选的“服务员”与全班同学进行以下对话:W:Can I help you?Ss:Yes.W:What would you like?Ss:Id like a hamburger.

40、W:Would you like something to drink?Ss:Two glasses of orange juice.W:OKHere you are48yuan, pleaseSs:Heres the moneyW:ThanksStep 5Dialogue practice屏幕上出现课文对话。教师让学生先听对话并跟读,然后分角色朗读。 Step 6. Homework Unit Two My days of the weekTeaching content:Part A Lets learnTeaching aims:Studentswillbeableto1) listen

41、 and answer “What day is it today? What do we have on Mondays?2) listen ,say, read and write “Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Friday”3) sing the song “My days of the week”Teaching main points To memory the words: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, FridayTeaching difficult pointsThe different

42、 pronunciation of “Tuesday” and “Thursday”Teaching aids:A hanging picture, pictures of people, word cards, tape recorderTime allotment:1 periodTeaching procedures:Step 1 Warming up Play the song “My days of the week”Step 2 Revision 1. Daily English practice. Hello, what time is it ?2. Use “Its 8 ocl

43、ock. Its time for Chinese. We have Chinese, English. on Mondays.Step 3 Presentation1. T takes the students to go over the words about teaching subjects.2. Show the hanging picture , introduce it “Its a time schedule . Lets have a look. Its 8:00. Its time for music, Its time for English. Its 9:50, It

44、s time for maths. Its 10:40. Its time for music. What day is it?” Show Monday and We haveon Mondays. T asks “What day is it today? What day do you like ?”Step 4 Practice1. Take the students to read the new words for several times.2. T writes the five new words on the board. Encourage the pupil to me

45、morize the words.3. Play a game to write the words.4. Listen to the tape and read after the tape.5. Listen to the tape and learn the song “My days of the weeks”Step 5 Homework1. Do the exercises in A Lets learn the activity book.2. Make an English teaching subjects.3. Sing the song for the families. Blackboard Design(板书设计)Unit Two My days of the weekWhat day is it today? ItsMonday Tuesday Wednesday ThursdayFriday Saturday Sunday

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