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1、九年级班主任工作计划九年级班主任工作计划亳州九中 : 周德才一、指导思想:以党的教育方针为指针,坚持以人为本,尊重学生的个性发展特点,培养学生热爱祖国语言文字的思想感情,培养学生社会主义的思想品质,努力开拓学生的视野,注重培养创新精神和创造能力,培养学生健康、高尚的审美情趣,提高学生的文化品味,发展健康个性,逐步形成健全人格。二、情况分析九年级(6)班情况分析:学生53人,女生33人,男生20人。个别学生平时较为散漫,课上都有无组织、无纪律的现象,没有良好的学习风气,学习习惯较差,有时甚至出现乱课现象。部分学生厌学、迷恋电脑游戏。在新学年中要不断努力,争取不断前进,树立良好的班风。依据学校德育

2、实施计划,坚持以“自主与责任”为主题,加强行为规范教育,深化爱国主义教育,做好德育工作的渗透和迁移。针对这些问题,本学期内我拟定一下几个对策:德育方面:(一)、当学生排斥时,我这样开展工作。 1、 敢于管理学生:对严重违纪的个别学生,不姑息纵容。 2、 有情感投入,化解与学生的对立情绪,使学生真正认识到违纪的后果。让学生感受到自己对他的真正关怀。比如我设置的家庭练习本对于某些学生的小错误错误我是耐性的指出,解释开导。对我曾经当着全班面狠批的学生进行心理疏导,慢慢化解对立情绪。 3、 鼓励正气,争取大多数学生的支持。我对孩子们说,九(6)班是个整体,一荣俱荣,一损俱损,任何个人的自私都有可能因此

3、损坏班级集体的荣誉。这一举措立刻引起了大多数同学的支持,为确立学生正确的集体主义世界观,事事班级为先的良好习惯打下基础。4、 争取家长的理解与支持。 经常和家长联系。不管是来访还是去电。对于家长的任何询问都给与及时的答复。并和家长一起督促孩子认真学习。(二)、当遇到学生无理取闹时,要据理力争,不能示弱。严格按照校纪校规做事。坚决刹住学生的歪风。至今还没有遇见与我正面冲突的学生,但是我班孩子喜欢跟老师讨价还价,有些孩子的行为习惯不佳,我都是严格把关,动之以情晓之以理。 (三)、从抓班干部的培养入手,扭转班风、学风。 班级干部是学生的骨干,班级干部的素质直接影响班风的形成,培养班级干部的凝聚力是关

4、键。我发现本班班干部都喜欢捂着藏着,全班学生目前为止还没能找到一个行事果敢,作风泼辣,勇于为班级出力做事的领头人,包括课堂上也一样,学生明明会做题,却就是不举手,让老师在课堂上唱独角戏的场景屡见不鲜,沉默已经成为了他们的习惯。后来我就跟班委开会,制定整改方案,社会需要个性张扬的人才,而不是羞答答的躲在后面的胆小鬼!(四)、解决学生与课任老师的矛盾,疏通各种关系。如学生对教过他们的某些学科老师的授课有意见,导致学科偏科现象很严重。此次更换了很多新老师,我在班级里介绍了这些老师的学识与风格,分析老师的特点,学生从情感上接受了,将来与老师也会配合默契。学生的学习积极性提高了,学风自然也会转变了。 (

5、五)、正确疏导中学生与异性交往,教会学生应该与异性沟通的方法。注重行为要合乎社会准则。 二:智育方面:纵观上学期期末的各科成绩,本班学生在学习上底子总体较薄弱,有尖子生,后进生不少,这是一个令人担忧的局面。我认为只有增强他们九年级的毕业意识,让他们有目的,有计划的学习。全面发展,避免偏科。同时有针对性的培养尖子生,帮助后进生进步。三:工作具体安排:(暂定)九月;把重点放在纠正全班学生的行为习惯,利用各种活动教育学生树立正确的人生观,世界观。要求他们养成良好的生活习惯,讲文明,懂礼貌,爱劳动,培养积极向上的班风。总结学习经验教训,并逐个整改错误的学习习惯和行为习惯。抓好学生从暑假懒散自由的生活和


7、,以身作则,有耐性的帮助后进生尽量缩短与优等生的距离。缩小两极分化的距离。一月:重点迎接学期期末测评,投入全部精力迎考。并作好考后总结。撰写学生评语,填写学生素质发展报告单,安排寒假具体工作。“教育之路漫漫,吾将上下而求索”!以上就是我本学期的班主任工作计划,我一直坚信“只要付出就有回报”!相信在学校领导的关怀下,在我和各位任课老师的引领下,九(6)班会走出属于自己的新的纪元。 2013.9.12013学年第一学期九年级英语教学计划亳州九中:周德才 一、 教学目标培养学生优良的英语学习兴趣、习惯,帮助学生树立自信心,养成良好的英语学习习惯,提高、发展自主学习的能力,形成有效的学习策略;使学生掌

8、握一定的语言基本知识和技能,有较好的语感,获得初步运用英语的能力,为实际应运打下扎实的基础。同时注重综合能力的开发、提高,培养他们的观察、思维、记忆、想象和创造等方面的能力;让学生了解中西方文化的差异,培养爱国主义精神,增强世界观意识,并结合课外学习,达到教学的最优秀性,培养学生良好的自学能力和习惯,并做到持之以恒,使本年段的英语教学能进一步提高。在这一学期中,主要培养学生学习英语的兴趣,继续培养学习英语的学习习惯,要很好地完成本学期的教学学习任务,重视阅读能力的培养,在实际教育工作中把做好学生思想工作放在学科教育的首位,通过师生的共同努力,为学科和学生本人再创佳绩。二、 教材分析九年级英语是

9、人民教育出版社出版的新目标英语,本册书依然是分为SectionA、SectionB、Self-check和阅读四部分,其中A部分为新课呈现,B部分为拓展延伸,教材编排有以下目的:1.要使学生受到听、说、读、写、英语的训练,掌握最基础的语言知识和语言技能以及培养初步援用英语交际的能力;养成良好的外语学习习惯,掌握学习外语的基本方法;为进一步学习和运用英语打下扎实的基础。2.使学生明确学习英语的目的性,3.培养初步运用英语交际的能力和自学能力。三、 教材重点、难点本册教材从语音、词汇、语法、阅读等方面着手1、语音教学 本册课本在上册的基础上进一步学习和运用音标和单词的发音规则,着重抓好学生的预习,

10、自学能力。2、词汇教学 本册课本所要学习、掌握的单词约400个,另有固定搭配和习惯用语若干条,任务较重。3、语法教学 本册课本的语法教学项目有:不定代词、动词过去完成时、不定式、被动语态、定语从句以及构词法。4、阅读教学 是重中之重,本册课本中的阅读课文比上学期难了很多,仍以对话为主,还有一些简单的短文。因此,提高学生的听说、表演对话的能力仍是本学期的一个教学重点,还应有一定的语法基础,具备相当的句子表达能力,能运用一定的词组和句型。四、 学情分析从整体情况来看,学生英语基础较差,兴趣不高,甚至有部分学生的听说读写能力还不够一年级水平,所以在课堂教学时,出现有学生不守课堂规则,不愿听课、睡觉或

11、是做与课堂无关事情的现象,这使得课堂难以调控,难以形成英语学习氛围。有少部分学生基础较好,自制能力较强,能认真听课,按老师要求完成各项任务,。五、 教学措施1、依据学生基本情况,逐步激励学生对英语产生学习兴趣。 2、重视课堂教学质量,逐步提高学生英语交际能力。3、有意识培养学生听力、表述、朗读、书写和作业的基本能力。4、重视思维过程系统编排,由浅入深,由易到难,由已知到未知,循序渐进,点面结合,逐步扩展,循环往现,以加深影响。5、特别注重阅读能力的培养。初三阶段的英语教学工作十分关键,而这届学生英语底子薄,兴趣不高,在这种情况下,就需要更加深入地研究教材,根据学科特点及学生特点研究切实可行的课

12、堂教学模式。努力探索适合学生特点、学生乐于接受的教学方法及模式。同时,要进行分层次教学。对于好的学生要加大知识的容量,拓展知识的层面,使好学生成绩更上一层楼;对于差生要因势利导,因材施教,使差生在原有的基础上有所提高。重点:一、笔头练习: 在教学过程中应保证学生在写之前明确他们要做什么,应有一定的示范、例子,使他们明白该怎么做;听写是培养学生写这一技能的有效方法。一、阅读训练1 读材料题目2 让学生用较快的速度默读一遍对话或短文3 当学生找到答案时,鼓励他们回答4 再细读一遍,进一步理解文章5 对于生词何习惯用语,让学生推测6 学生间的讨论7 加强阅读训练,培养阅读能力二、语法教学教师应控制讲

13、解时间,重点必须在学生言语训练上,启发学生自己发现,探索和归纳。三、其他方法、措施六、 教学进度第一周 unit 1 How do you study for a test? 第二周 unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark. 第三周 unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 第四周 unit4 What would you do ? 第五周 unit5 It must belong to Carla. 第六周 unit6 I like music that I can dan

14、ce to. 第七周 Review of units1-5 Revision 1-3 第八周 Revision 4-5 第九周 Mid-term exam 第十周 unit7 Where would you like to visit? 第十一周 unit8 Ill help clean up the city parks. 第十二周 unit9 When was it invented? 第十三周 unit10 By the time I got outside, the bushad already left.第十四周 Revision 6-10第十五周 unit11 Could you

15、please tell me where the restrooms are? Mainly revision2 第十六周 Revision units7-8 第十七周 Revision units9-10 第十八周 Final Revision 第十九周Final Revision第二十周 Final examination 2013年9月1 日 初三英语备课组计划一.指导思想: 深入贯彻教学理念。认真总结上一届初三的教学经验,努力把学生的英语基本功打扎实,同时还得加强对口语、听力和阅读能力的培养和指导,使学生在这方面的能力有所提高,为中考奠定基础。二.具体措施: 1 研究集体备课。集体备课

16、要定时间,有效率,内容切实落实。有针对性,让学生有收获,抓主题和重点。集体备课还要研究中考,把握中考方向,研究题型,做到早抓、多落实、多检验、找漏洞。 2. 了解学生,心中有数。各班都有不同层次的学生,要求老师们做到对学生的学习状况了如指点,有针对性地加以指导,注重面对面地的辅导掌,了解学生的弱点和不足。3. 针对中考题型,有目的、有针对性地有效练习,对学生进行解题方法和技巧的辅导。英语学科和其他学科有些差异,同样的意思,有不同的表达方式,但有的表达得分,有的就会丢分,特别是“任务型阅读”和“情景作文”这样的题型上,由于关键词和句型掌握得不好,失分较多。“作文”方面,我们很多学生文采飞扬,作文

17、写得很漂亮,但不能得满意的分数,所以在这方面,我们要帮助学生在答题技巧上下功夫,争取又有创意,又规范。4. 落实基础知识,掌握准确不丢分。三.活动安排:1. 做好新课结束工作.2. 做好口语考查前指导.3. 做好第一轮教材复习工作,利用好多媒体资源,精心做好课件,准备好试题.4. 做好第二轮语法复习工作,利用好多媒体资源,精心做好课件,准备好试题.5. 每两周一次集体备课,并认真讨论,填写备课记录,按时上交.6. 出好中考模拟试题,资源共享. 长沙市田家炳实验中学2010年上学期集体备课计划 初三年级英语学科 组长 鲍红周次主备人备课内容备 注1Unit 14新 授 课2 Unit 153七年

18、级上册第一轮复习4七年级下册5八年级上册units1-66 八年级上册units7-127八年级下册units1-68 八年级下册units7-109九年级units1-810九年级units9-1511名词,代词,数词,介词,冠词,形容词和副词第二轮复习12连词, 动词,动词的时态,动词的语态13句子成分及简单句,复合句,句子种类14主谓一致,there be句型人教版九年级英语上册期中考试试题(考试时间120分钟 满分140分)注意:1.本试卷分第一部分选择题和第二部分非选择题。 2.考生答卷时,必须将自己的姓名、考试号用黑色或蓝色钢笔或圆珠笔填写在试卷的相应位置。二、选择题。(15分)(

19、 )26. -What _ over there now? -Someone is hit by a car. A. happened B. was happen C. is happening D. had happened( )27. This pair of jeans looks nice _ Sandy ,because she looks very nice _ blue. A. on; in B. in; on C. for; on D. to; in( )28. Its generous _ them to donate money to UNICEF. They think

20、it important _ them to help poor children go to school. A. to; for B. for; of C. of; to D. of; for( )29. The teacher said that the earth _ around the sun. A. moves B. move C. moved D. had moved( )30. My brother _ for half a month. A. has been away B. went away C. has left D. left( )31. If it isnt yo

21、urs, it must be _ .A. somebody else B. somebody elses C. else somebody D. elses somebody( )32. Our school will hold a sport meeting _ next month. A. some time B. sometime C. some times D. sometimes( )33. Would you mind _? A. me to smoke here B. my smoking at here C. me smoking here D. if I will smok

22、e here( )34. We spend as much time as we can _ English. A. read B. to read C. reading D. have ( )35. _ of the students has an English exercise book. A. None B. Both C. All D. Every( )36. He always makes his class _ . A. lively and interested B. lively and interesting C. alive and interested D. alive

23、 and interesting( )37. If you dont go to the cinema tonight, _ . A. So will I B. Neither do I C. Nor shall I D. So I will( )38. The dinner didnt start _ all the friends arrived. A. when B. while C. until D. whether( )39. Bill Gates devotes much of his money _ need children. A. to help B. to helping

24、C. helped D. helping( )40. Dont forget to _ it back if you _ the computer to school. A. bring, take B. take, bring C. take, take D. bring, bring三、完形填空:阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将正确答案的序号填入答案卷相应空格内。(本题满分15分 每小题1分) The day after the result of Oscar Award is announced, everyone at s

25、chool discusses _41_ they like. Students ask each other,“Did you notice what Brad Pitt _42_?”or “How do you like Nicole Kidmans dress?” They may _43_ the movies a little, but much about the stars.Pop singers and movie stars are _44_ well-known that it seems that their jobs are the best in the studen

26、ts eyes. On TV, they can see their large houses, expensive cars and fashionable clothes. _45_ magazines cover what people in Hollywood are doing. Students spend hours _46_ such a life._47_, only a few studetns at theatre school really work hard for becoming stars. They _48_ acting in front of others

27、 in fact. Even students _49_ enjoy watching movies or reading about the stars do not practice hard to improve their acting skills.There are many _50_ in the world, but not many superstars. Why do _51_ people become actors or singers at last? In order to become famous, people _52_ talent as well as h

28、ard work. Anyone who really wants to be a superstar _53_ practice day and night.After years of hard work, maybe some students at the theatre school will finally become superstars. Most of them, however, will _54_ other less glamorous(有魅力的) careers. _55_ the end of the day they will come home and be

29、happy watching the superstars on TV.( )41.teachersB.detectivesC.actors and actressesD.workers( )42.A.put onB.woreC.triedD.dressed( )43.A.think aboutB.think ofC.talk aboutD.talk toB.veryC.tooD.quite( )45.A.two hundredsB.hundreds ofC.hundred ofD.two hundreds ofB.hopeC.hopingD.dreamingB.AlthoughC.OrD.H

30、owever( )48.A.are afraid ofB.are sure ofC.are excited aboutD.are afraid toB.whoC.whatD.howB.workersC.fansD.channels( )51.A.so manyB.so muchC.so littleD.so fewB.spendC.needD.take( )53.A.will mustB.will have toC.canD.mayB.giveC.getD.loseB.ToC.ByD.At四、阅读理解(40分) 【 A 】Trudys class has a newspaper. The st

31、udents write stories, articles and poems(诗) for it. Then one of them types their works into a computer and prints it out. The teacher pins(订) up everything on the wall so that it looks like a large, open newspaper.One day Trudy said to the teacher, “Most newspapers have advertisements. Can we have a

32、dvertisements in ours?”The teacher thought it was a very good idea. She made Trudy the advertisement manager(经理) and Trudy asked the other students to advertise in the newspaper. Here are some of the advertisements she received.FOR SALE Sony Walkman. In good condition(状况). Complete with earphone. Be

33、st offer. See MiriamGOOD HOME WANTED Six lovely Persian Kittens(波斯猫) need homes. They are the cleverest things youve never seen. Free to the right person. See JohnWORK WANTED Strong boy is willing to work in a garden or do housework. 3 hours a week. Not expensive. See TomWANTED PC In good condition.

34、 Must be at least Pentium II. See AllanCONCERT TICKETS Has anyone got a spare(多余的) ticket to the Raiders concert next week? Im desperate(非常渴望) and will pay well for a good ticket. See SheliaLOST A golden ring(金戒指) with a blue stone in it. Reward See PatriciaFOUNDED A golden ring with a blue stone in

35、 it. See AliceChoose the best answer (根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案):( )56. Who wanted to put an advertisements in the newspaper? A. Trudy. B. The teacher.C. Some of the students. D. Allan.( )57. What does Tom want to do? He wants to _. A. do other peoples homework B. do gardening or housework C. see six Persian

36、Kittens D. fix broken PCs( )58. Why will Shelia pay well for a Raiders concert ticket? A. Because she hates going to the concert. B. Because she wants very much to go to the concert. C. Because she likes collecting the concert tickets. D. Because her friends are going to the concert.( )59. What will

37、 Patricia give the person who finds her ring? A. Nothing but a golden ring. B. Another ring. C. A ticket to the Raiders concert. D. A reward.( )60. What is the main idea of this passage? A. Trudys class has a newspaper. B. Trudy wrote some advertisements for the class newspaper. C. The teacher wrote

38、 some advertisements for the newspaper. D. The students in Trudys class wrote advertisements for their newspaper.【 B 】 Mr. King is a tall and strong man. He teaches P.E. in a middle school. He wears a long beard(胡子)and takes good care of it.It was Sunday yesterday. There was a big football match of

39、the year on the playground in the centre of the city. Mr. king likes the game very much and of course he was going to watch it. With his friends help he got a ticket a few days ago. After breakfast he hurried to the bus stop, but a lot of people were waiting there. A bus came and he hardly got on. T

40、here were plenty of people in it and it was difficult for them to put their feet. He had to grip(抓住)a back of the chair. At the next stop a boy got on the bus. He was short and couldnt grip anything. Suddenly the bus stopped and the boy hardly fell onto the floor. He looked around and saw Mr. Kings

41、beard and grip it. The man found it at once and called out, “Let go of(松开)my beard, boy!” “Are you going to get off, sir?” asked the boy.( )61.Mr. King is a _.A. player B. runner C. teacher D. driver( )62.Mr. King was going to watch the match because _.A. he teaches P.E. in a middle school B. he lik

42、es football very muchC. he had already got a ticket D. he didnt go to work yesterday( )63.It was difficult for Mr. King to stand because _.A. he had drunk too much B. the bus was too smallC. he got on the bus too late D. it was very crowded in the bus( )64.The boy gripped Mr. Kings beard because _.A

43、 .he was afraid to fall again B. he wanted to make the man angryC. he hoped the man to find a seat for him D. he hoped the man to get off soon( )65.Mr. King was afraid _, so he shouted at him. A. the boy would pull him down B. the boy would hurt his beardC. the boy could be hurt again D. the boy wou

44、ld borrow his ticket【 C 】 There was little rain in some place for two years and a lot of people died of hunger. So a man reported a famine(饥荒)to an official(官员). The official asked, “How much wheat have you harvested?” “Thirty percent of the normal yield(正常产量的30%),” the man replied. “How much cotton

45、?”“Twenty percent.” “How much rice?” “Twenty percent.” The official got mad, “Youve already had seventy percent of the harvest, how dare(敢)you trump up(谎报)famine then?” The man said, “Ive never seen such a terrible famine in my life of a hundred and several scores of years.” “How could you have live

46、d so long?” asked the official. “Look, Im over seventy years old. My eldest son is over forty and my second son is over thirty. The total(总数)is a hundred and several scores of years.” All the people hearing this had a good laugh over that.( )66. A great _ happened in the place. A. flood B. disease C

47、. drought D. war( )67. The man said _. A. people had a bad harvest B. some of the crops were bad C. people lost their farms D. people had little food( )68. The word “mad” in the story means _. A. sad B. angry C. happy D. excited( )69.The official didnt think _. A. the people were hungry B. the droug

48、ht was serious enough C. the people had to be helped D. the famine was terrible enough( )70.Hearing the clever answer, people laughed at _. A. the old man B. the official C. the hungry people D. the policemen nearby the road【 D 】Television is also called TV. It is one of our most important means of

49、communication. It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes. People with a television set can sit at home and watch the President make a speech or “visit” a foreign country. Through television, viewers can see and learn about people, places, and things in faraway lands.

50、 Television even takes viewers out of this world with coverage of astronauts as they explore the outer space.In addition to all these things, television brings its viewers a steady(稳定的) stream of programs. In fact, TV provides many more entertainment(娱乐的) programs than any other kind. The programs i

51、nclude dramas serious, light comedies, soap operas, sporting events, cartoons, talk shows, films and so on.About 89 million homes in the United States or about 97% of all the countrys homes have at least one TV set. About 70% of American homes have two or more TVs. So there are about 214 million set

52、s in the United States. On the average, a TV set is in use in each home for about 7 hours each day. As a result, TV has an important influence on how people spend their time and on what they see and learn.Because of its great popularity, television has become a major way to reach people with adverti

53、sing messages. Most TV stations carry hundreds of advertisements each day. In the mid-1980s, about $24 billion a year was spent on television advertising in the United States.( )71. You can _ if you have a television at home. A. watch the President make a speech B. travel to a foreign country by pla

54、ne C. talk with astronauts as they are exploring the outer space D. go to the outer space by spaceship( )72. Many entertainment programs are provided by TV except _ according to the passage. A. playing chess and dancing B. soap operas and sporting events C. talk shows and motion pictures D. dramas s

55、erious and light comedies( )73. The underlined word “influence” means _. A. plot B. play C. result D. effect( )74. TV has become a main way to reach people with advertising messages because _. A. TV is useful to people B. TV can carry pictures and sounds C. TV is more popular D. TV is helpful( )75.

56、According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A. TV is one of our most important means of communication. B. TV provides the most entertainment programs. C. About 97% of American homes have at least two or more TV sets. D. TV has an important influence on our lives.第二部分 非选择题(45分) 五、用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。(10分) 1. He is just 1.5 metres in _(high). 2. Our sports meeting will be held in the _ (come) week. 3. Her sudden _(die) surprised her friends. 4. Tom said that he _( visit) the Palace Museum the next day.5. I am too busy doing my homework _(go) out with you.6. They

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