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1、TEM 8Worksheet BListening ComprehensionGeneral KnowledgeTranslation PRACTICE 1SECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening, take notes on the important points. Your notes will not be marked, but you will need them to complet

2、e a gap-filling task after the mini-lecture. When the lecture is over, you will be given two minutes to check your notes, and another ten minutes to complete the gap-filling task on ANSER SHEET ONE.For a single language to die is a (1)_ phenomenon, but today (1) _languages are dying in large numbers

3、.When surveying a language, people not only look at the linguistic features, they also pay attention to the numbers and (2)_ of the (2) _speakers of a particular language.The factors that have caused languages to die include:a) natural disastersb) genocidec) cultural assimilationd) (3)_ (3)_To prese

4、rve an endangered language, the following are necessary:a) the desire to save a languageb) the respect for minority languagesc) funding for teachers and teaching materialsd) (4)_ the language (4)_We should care about dying languages just as we care about the dying species of animals and plants so th

5、at we can maintain the (5)_ of (5)_our languages.Saving a few thousand languages is (6)_, but it will take a lot (6)_of will, time and money. Saving these languages is important because (7)_ (7)_ languages will die without leaving signs of their existence.Some statistics1. In about a century, the nu

6、mber of languages in the world will be reduced to (8)_. (8)_2. 96 percent of the worlds languages are spoken by (9)_ (9)_percent of the people.3. Saving the 3,000 dying languages over a period of three years would cost (10)_ million dollars. (10)_SECTION B INTERVIEWIn this section you will hear ever

7、ything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your colored answer sheet.Questions 1 to 5 are based on an interview. At the end of the interview you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the following five questions.1. W

8、hat is true of manners today?A. People are too busy to pay attention to etiquette.B. Formal etiquette has become more important.C. People are more considerate and kind than before.D. People have become vulgar and uncivilized.2. Which is good cell phone etiquette?A. You use your cell phone in a train

9、 but not at a theater.B. You are aware of where you are when using your cell phone.C. You refrain from talking about your personal matters.D. You do not talk about what happened to you the day before.3. Which is NOT good email etiquette?A. Check your email carefully before you send it.B. Pay attenti

10、on to punctuation and grammar if you are writing business letter.C. Do not forward stories and jokes to your friends.D. Send less than ten emails at one time.4. What does “umbrella etiquette” mean?A. Formal etiquette.B. Disregard for old people.C. Selfish concern for oneself.D. Violation of traffic

11、laws.5. Which of the following is true?A. The work cubicle protects privacy.B. Road rage is a sign of being in control.C. Women should initiate dates but men pay the bills.D. Who initiates the date pays the bill.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTIn this section you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen caref

12、ully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your colored answer sheet.Questions 6 and 7 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.6. President Bushs proposa

13、l intends to _.A. grant illegal immigrants permanent work statusB. allow illegal immigrants to stay in the US even without jobsC. make illegal immigrants more competitive against US workersD. grant illegal immigrants more legal status in the US7. Which of the following is true?A. The proposed new po

14、licy is applicable only to illegal immigrants already in the US.B. Illegal immigrants can stay in the US for no more than three years.C. Illegal immigrants can automatically become US citizens.D. The proposed new policy will make the US border more manageable.Question 8 is based on the following new

15、s. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.8. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an action taken by the protestors?A. Boycotting school B. Storming government officesB. Refusing to workD. Refusing to shopQuestions 9 and 10 are b

16、ased on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.9. The bill will _.A. make it difficult for a single woman to get marriedB. make it impossible for couples to have artificial inseminationC. get rid of the fertility t

17、echnologiesD. make artificial insemination less accessible to unmarried people10. The bill seems to protect the _ of embryos.A. healthinessB. sanctityC. privacy D. technological achievementGENERAL KNOWLEDGE1. The official name of Great Britain is _.A. The United KingdomB. The United Kingdom of Great

18、 BritainC. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and IrelandD. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland2. _has earned the name of “The Land of Song”A. Wales B. Glasgow C. Edinburgh D. Scotland 3. Of all the four parts of Island in Great Britain _ is the largest in area. A. Scotland B.

19、England C. Wales D. Northern Ireland4. The longest river in Britain is _. A. the Severn River B. the Thames RiverC. the Clyde River D. the River Tees5. The first king of England is _, who won the overlordship in 829. A. John B. James I C. Egbert D. Henry I 6. Westminster Palace is the _ ?A. seat of

20、the two houses of Parliament of UK B. seat of English churchC. residence of British Royal FamilyD. residence of the Prime Minister7. Which of the following is the British oldest daily newspaper? A. The Telegraph B. The Guardian C. The News of the World D. The Times8. The names Tuesday, Wednesday, Th

21、ursday and Friday came from _.A. Christianity B. Anglo-Saxons Teutonic religion C. DruidismD. Norman belief9. For nearly _ years Britain was under the Roman occupation.A. 300 B. 400 C. 500 D. 60010. The Canterbury Tales was written by _. A. Thomas Becket B. T.S. Eliot C. Geoffrey Chaucer D. a monk11

22、. The first king of the Tudors was _. A. Henry VII B. Henry VIII C. Edward VI D. Edward V12. The Renaissance began in northern _ in the early _ century. A. France; 14th B. Italy; 16th C. Italy; 14th D. England; 14th13. After the Glorious Revolution came the Age of _, a monarchy with powers limited b

23、y Parliament. A. the Commonwealth B. the Federal Republic C. the Constitutional Monarchy D. the special monarchy14. _ was the forerunner of the Conservative Party. A. The Liberal Party B. The Whigs C. The Tories D. The Labor Party15. The Industrial Revolution began in the late _ century and ended in

24、 early _ century and it first sprang I _. A. 18th ; 19th ; France B. 18th ; 19th ; Germany C. 18th ; 19th ; Britain D. 18th ; 19th ; Russia16. The two areas in Britain where a lot of immigrants live are_. A. London and Cambridge B. London and the Heart of England C. Manchester and Birmingham D. Edin

25、burgh and Nottingham17. _ divided Canada into Upper Canada and lower Canada. A. The 1763 Treaty of Paris B. The Quebec Act of 1774 C. The Canada Act of 1791 D. The British North America Act of 186718. Australia was first discovered by the _ in the early _. A. English; 1500s B. French; 1600s C. Dutch

26、; 1500s D. Dutch; 1600s19. New Zealand was first sighted by the _ seaman _ in _. A. English; James Cook;1642 B. French; Abel Tasman; 1642 C. Italian; Christopher Columbus; 1492 D. Dutch; Abel Tasman; 164220. The Suez Canal was first built by _ engineers. A. English B. French C. German D. EgyptianTRA

27、NSLATION SECTION A CHINESE TO ENGLISHTranslate the following underlined part of the text into English. 文化并不限于语言那么简朴,它涉及了思想、感情和我觉得特别重要的一环感官反映。要懂得自己的文化倾向,最精确的指标可以说是我们的直觉反映。语言固然是其中一种指标,由于没有多少人会用第二语言来体现突如其来的痛楚或快感;但同样我们也有非常明显的非语言指标,其中一项很重要的就是对食物的偏爱,特别是身体不舒服的时候想吃什么。上面所说的种种,大概可以概括地称为本能感觉。正由于这些反映完全不受我们自己或别人

28、的但愿支配和伪装,因此精确性很高。我的两个世界不仅有不同的声音,并且有不同的气味、质感,更以不同的节奏运作。如此具体的分别,令当年的我感到很奇妙,那种感觉就像同步看着两幅画,一幅是老式中国山水画,另一幅是欧洲印象派作品。但有一种很重要的分别:我不是在看画,而是同步生活在两幅画里面。PRACTICE 2SECTION A MINI-LECTUREWeighing Research MethodsTwo types of research methods: - Secondary Research uses secondary sources, i.e. (1)_ (1)_ - Primary R

29、esearch: two kinds - Quantitative Research a. Before the research begins, there is already a (2)_(2)_ b. The main idea is to separate things to be counted statistically c. The result of the research is (3)_(3)_ - (4)_ Research (4)_ a. The focus of the study becomes more apparent as time progresses b

30、. The result of the research may be (5)_(5)_ c. Feature: both research subjects and researchers may be (6)_(6)_ However, there is no clear line between the two kinds of research. Many disciplines use a (7)_(7)_ some aspects one needs to be careful with in primary research: - (8)_(8)_ a. Get permissi

31、on b. No physical or emotional harm c. Be accurate in report - Some pitfalls a. (9)_(9)_ b. Biased methodology c. Confusing cause and effect d. Fail to consider all aspects Four methods useful for writers: - Interviews - (10)_(10)_ - Observations - Analysis SECTION B INTERVIEW1.Which of following be

32、st expresses the reason for Mary to start writing?A.Despair. B. Anger. C.Hatred. D. Disillusion. 2. What is the result of the publication of Bad Behavior? A.The book turned her into a rich woman. B. The book won her a lot of fans. C. The book turned her into a monster. D.The book created a quite dif

33、ferent image of her. 2. Why does Mary include pop music in her writing? A.To make her works more contemporary. B.To address some social issues. C.To respond naturally to her own feelings. D. To appeal to younger generations. 4. According to Mary, stories have the power to _. A.heal C.nourish

34、D.guide5. What is Marys general writing process? A. From detail to story. B. From story to detail.C.From theme to story. D.From story to theme. SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTQuestions 6 and 7 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions

35、.Now listen to the news.6. Which of the following is NOT a result of the snow?A.People lost their lives B.Highways are damaged C.Churches dont give Christmas services D. Airflights are cancelled 7. What can we infer from the news? A. Its very rare to have three inches of snowfall in the southern cit

36、y of Texas. B. Some Northern states are the most seriously affected by the snowfall. C. The greatest trouble for most people is that there wont be any church services on Christmas.D. A state of emergency has been declared in the country. Questions 8 and 9 are based on the following news. At the end

37、of the news item, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.8. How many security personnel will be sent by UN Security Council to Haiti soon? A.800B. C.3500 D.9000 9. What will be the major task of the new UN personnel? A.Rescue the earthquake survivors. B.Take over

38、 the operation of airports.C.Ensure the safety of the aid supplies. D.Distribute the aid supplies. Question 10 is based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the question.Now listen to the news.10. What is the new discovery? A.New stars with orbit

39、ing planets are discovered.B.Traces of life are found on some planets.C.The orbits of some planets are discovered. D.New planets are found outside our solar system. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE1. Which is the largest racial group in the whole population of U.S.A.? A. Hispanics B. American Indians C. Non-Hispan

40、ics white D. Asian Americans2. The three main levels of courts of the federal judicial system in America are as follows Except_.A. the United States State CourtsB. the United States District CourtsC. the United States Courts of AppealD. the United States Supreme Court3. _ is the largest state in ter

41、ms of size and population in America. A. California B. Indiana C. Kansas D. Massachusetts4. The U.S. Congress has the power to make these laws except of _.A. defense B. citizenship and naturalization C. marriage D. the regulation of foreign trade5. The 1940s in Britain was regarded as the decade of

42、_ in economy. A. privatization B. nationalization C. unionism D. reformism6. The 1980s in Britain was remembered as the era of _. A. privatization B. nationalization C. unionism D. reformism7. The two very important crops in Britain are _ and _. A. barley; oats B. wheat; barley C. maize; potatoes D.

43、 millet; rice8. Which of the following statements does not properly describe Britains economy before the Second World War?A. Britain was known as the factory of the worldB. Britain had the highest standard of living in Europe.C. Britain gave up its economic hegemony in the world.D. Britain sold many

44、 manufactured goods.9. The life of the British Parliament is _ years and divided into _. A. 5; sessions B. 5; periods C. 4; stages D. 4; durations10. _ has the ultimate authority for law-making. A. The Monarch B. The Lower House C. The Upper House D. The Cabinet11. The House of Common is headed by _

45、. A. the Prime Minister B. the Speaker C. the Lord Chancellor D. the monarch12. Which of the following is NOT true about the British Parliament? A. Its main function is law-making and it is in the House of Commons that the ultimate authority for law-making resides. B. The Lord Chancellor is responsi

46、ble for the records of proceedings of the House of Lords and for the text of Acts of Parliament. C. British citizens and citizens of other Commonwealth countries together with citizens of the Irish Republic may stand for election as MPs provided they are aged 21 or over and are not disqualified. D.

47、The ministers of the House of Lords are salaried members.13. _ is the ultimate court of appeal in civil cases throughout the United Kingdom. A. The House of Lords B. The High Court C. the county court D. The Queens Bench Division14. _ is uniquely related to the Crown. A. Church of England B. Church

48、of Scotland C. The Methodist Church D. The Roman Catholic Church15. Australia and New Zealand were first discovered by the _ explorer Abel Tasman in 1642. A. French B. Dutch C. English D. Spanish16. The bulk of U.K. expenditure on education comes from _. A. general taxation B. public funds C. privat

49、e contributions D. financial aids17. The Open University is based in _. A. London B. Edinburgh C. the new town of Milton Keynes D. Cambridge 18. _ is the most typically English sports. A. Football B. Rugby C. Cricket D. Tennis19. Each year _ hosts the London Film Festival. A. the National Film Theat

50、re B. the National Film Archive C. the National Opera Theatre D. the National Ballet Theatre20. _ is NOT a “copyright” library. (更换!) A. The British Library B. The National Library of Northern IrelandC. Cambridge University Library D. The Scottish National LibraryTRANSLATIONSECTION B ENGLISH TO CHIN

51、ESEWhether work should be placed among the causes of happiness or among the causes of unhappiness may perhaps be regarded as a doubtful question. There is certainly much work which is exceedingly irksome, and an excess of work is always very painful. I think, however, that provided work is not exces

52、sive in amount, even the dullest work is to most people less painful than idleness. There are in work all grades, from mere relief of tedium up to the profoundest delights, according to the nature of the work and the abilities of the workers. Most of the work that most people have to do is not in it

53、self interesting, but even such work has certain great advantages. To begin with, it fills a good many hours of the day without the need of deciding what one shall do. Most people, when they are left free to fill their own time according to their own choice, are at a loss to think of anything suffic

54、iently pleasant to be worth doing. And whatever they decide on, they are troubled by the feeling that something else would have been pleasanter. To be able to fill leisure intelligently is the last product of civilization, ant at present very few people have reached this level. Moreover, the exercis

55、e of choice is in itself tiresome. Except to people with unusual initiative it is positively agreeable to be told what to do at each hour of the day, provided the orders are not too unpleasant. PRACTICE 3SECTION A MINI-LECTUREAcademic Writing for Postgraduate StudentsI. What is academic writing? wri

56、ting that is done by one scholar for other members of the scholarly communityII. Differences between writing of undergraduates and graduates Difference in audience Undergraduates: experts who know more about the subjectGraduates: audience are (1) _ (1)_ Difference in (2) _ (2)_Undergraduates: familiar with the work of experts use the work of experts to support a(n) (3) _ (3)_Graduates: familiar with all of the expert sources (4)_ to your scholarly community (4)_III. Process of academic writ

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