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1、 5A Unit 4 Halloween 课案(Teaching & Studying Plan)课 题 ( Title)5A Unit 4Halloween课型( Style)New 课时( Period)The first period理论支持(Supporting theories)英语课程标准中强调“英语课程要面向全体学生,注重素质教育。要关注每个学生的情感,激发他们的学习兴趣。英语课在目标设定、教学过程、课程评价和教学资源的开发等方面都要读注意学生为主体的思想。倡导让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知、体验、事件、参与和合作等方式实现任务目标,感受成功。”游戏的引入能有效的发挥学生的自主性

2、,参与性,可以很好的体现课程标准中教育要面向每个同学的要求,旧式“一言堂”式的课堂几经不再适应时代的要求了。同时参与游戏能促进合作学习,游戏过程中学生们要与他人合作,并体会成功的喜悦,这样有利于合作教学的开展,同时可以使同学生得到成功的信心,这样能使他们保持对英语的兴趣。同时,在游戏过程中遇到问题同学们可以集体讨论、研究找到答案,在寻求答案的过程中又可以不断发现问题,从而促进其创新精神的发展。“施教之功,贵在导入”。英语课的设计应着眼于学生的兴趣,在教学的最初阶段就牢牢地把握住学生的兴趣点,创设情境使学生对下面的内容充满期待。 因此在本课的学习活动中,我设计了肢体活动、游戏活动、思维活动、竞赛

3、活动和任务活动,让学生在玩中学、学中玩,为课堂营造了一个轻松和谐快乐的学习氛围。 新课标倡导学生是学习和发展的主体,根据新课标精神,在教学设计时,我围绕着教学内容力求密集、快速地进行,充分提高英语的使用率,促使学生对已有的知识广泛联系、综合运用,既体现交际性,又能引发学生的求知欲,做到多而不乱、杂而有序、环环相扣。教学内容(Contents)5A Unit 4Halloween Part B and C教学目标(Aims and Demands)语言知识(Knowledge)a) Enable the students to listen, speak, read and write the

4、new words, phrases and patterns correctly: a mask, a vase, a pumpkin, a chicken, a duck, a horse, a pig.b) Enable the students to listen, speak and read: Do you like?Yes, I do./ No, I dont. I like 语言技能(Language skill)Enable the students to communicate with daily English: Do you like? Yes, I do./ No,

5、 I dont. I like 情感态度(Feeling)Encourage the students to take actively part, improve their interest in learning English and form the good habit of helping others by many kinds of means. 教学重、难点(Key points & Difficulties)1. Enable the students to understand like 后面加名词的复数形式。2. Enable the students to read

6、 Part B fluently.教学方法(Teaching Methods)1. Entirety method.2. Task method.课前准备(Aids)pictures, recorder and CAI 教 学 设 计课前延伸预习是学生在课前预先学习相关的资料,找出自己的疑问和困惑,初步了解学习内容的重难点及认识新旧知识之间的联系。它是课堂教学中的重要环节,能使学生针对性地听课,做到有的放矢,从而提高课堂效率。同时还能培养学生自主学习的能力,即靠自己的能力去发现和解决问题,从而获得新知识的能力。有了这些积累和铺垫,学生在英语学习中更加充满自信,并能在轻松愉快的学习氛围中轻松地完

7、成学习任务。因此我把预习作业设计成问题练习,并以表格的形式打印出来,发给学生作为课后作业,让他们提前完成,老师课前及早检查批改。1. Preview Part B& C, listen, read after the tape and write down the questions.2. Underline the useful words, phrases and the main drills.3. Fill in the preview form. Unit 4 HalloweenLets learn Part B and C Name Class Number 1. I have r

8、ead it for _ times.2. I can read these words:Animals: Things: 3. I know these sentences: 4. The difficulties: 我今天进步了吗?A. 进步大( ) B. 进步一般( ) C. 没进步( )您对孩子今天的表现:A. 满 意( ) B. 基本满意( ) C. 不满意( )家长签名 教师寄语: 课内探究教 师 活 动( Teaching plan)学 生 活 动( Studying plan)设 计 意 图( Aims)一、复习交流,新知导入T: Class begins.T: Good mo

9、rning, boys and girls.T: OK. Sit down, please.T: Nice to see you again.T: Do you like English?T: Do you like apples? /peaches? /swimming /fishing?T: Very good! Sit down, please.T: Lets sing a song We can sing and dance together.S: Stand up.S: Good morning, Miss Yan.S: Nice to see you, too.S: Yes, I

10、do.S: No, I dont.S: Thank you.S: Sing the song.Do you like? 这个句型在三年级已经学过,所以在新授之前复习这个知识,为新知识做了铺垫。唱歌能让学生心情愉悦,迅速进入英语学习状态。同时这首歌还复习了Unit3的内容。二、合作探究,自主学习1. Learn the new word “mask”.T: In Halloween, people like to put on masks. This is the most important sign for Halloween. Look, I have some masks. What m

11、asks are they? Lets play a guessing game. OK? (准备四个面具“rabbit, cat, pig ,tiger”让学生看面具反面)Look, here is a pig mask.(Teach : mask)板书mask 并领读T:I have some masks here. Are they nice? Do you like them? If you need them, come here. 2. Learn the new word “pig”.T: This is a mask. This is a pig mask. (Teach :

12、pig) do the action板书pig并领读3. Learn the new word “chicken, duck” and “Do you like? Yes, I do.”(课件呈现鸡叫声)T: What is it? Ss: 鸡、chickenT: Yes, its a chicken.(呈现) 教学:chicken T: chicken chickens I like chickens.(呈现一群鸡,板书复数。)T: , do you like chickens? S1: Yes, I do.板书 Do you like?T: , do you like chickens?

13、S2: Yes, I do.板书Yes, I do.T: I have a box. (师手拿一个小盒子) Whats in the box? Guess.T: Look, theres a duck in the box.(从盒子里拿出玩具鸭子) 教学:duck T: duck, duck,嘎,嘎,嘎 I like ducks.(板书ducks)T: , do you like ducks? S3: Yes, I do.S4: Miss Yan, do you like ducks? T: Yes, I do. Pair work: Do you like? Yes, I do. / No,

14、 I dont. 4.Learn the new word “ horse” and What do you like?T: 画出horse的简笔画What is it?Ss: 马,horse T: Yes, its a horse. 教学:horseT: I like horses. ., do you like horses? S5: Yes, I do.T: ., do you like horses? S6: Yes, I do.(生问)Ss: Miss Yan , do you like horses? T: Yes, I do. (指板书的其他单词)S2:Miss Yan, do

15、you like?T: No, I dont. (强调两遍)S7: Miss Yan, do you like? T: No, I dont.T: . , do you like?(问学生不喜欢的动物)S8: No, I dont. (板书,并领读)T: What do you like?S8: I like rabbits.Play a game: 1.T: 做动作 S: 说单词 2.S:做动作 其他学生说单词5. Learn the new word “vase”.T: Look, there are some beautiful flowers, do you like them?Ss:

16、 Yes.T: Look, where are the flowers?Ss: Theyre in the vase.板书vase 并领读|a:| - |a:| -vasePlay a game: “magic eyes”.6. Learn the new word “pumpkin”.T: 通过“magic eyes”。Whats this?Ss:南瓜。板书pumpkin并领读用所学的知识,引导学生问老师,两名学生。Pair work: A: Do you like? B: No, I dont. A: What do you like? B: I like Chain game: A: I

17、 likeWhat do you like?B: I like7. Chant 巩固所学单词和句型Chickens, chickens, I like chickens.Ducks, ducks, do you like ducks?Yes, I do,. Yes, I do.Pigs, pigs, do you like pigs?No, I dont. No, I dont. What, what, what do you like?Horses, horses, I like horses.8. Part C(1) 课件呈现Picture1/2(2)课件呈现Picture3/4A: Do

18、 you like?B: No, I dont.A: What do you like? B: I like I likes. I like s.到讲台前来挑选面具,并回答Which mask is it?边做动作边说单词。Students look at the screen, listen to the voice of the chicken.Students read “chicken and spell.(group by group )Students guess whats in the box?Students read and spell.(boys first, then

19、girls read)Practice the sentence.Practice the sentences.Practice the sentences.Students look at the flowers and think over “Where are the flowers? ”Students read the word and spell.( high to low or low to high)Students read “pumpkin after teacher one by one.Students say the chants.生Pair work生Pair wo

20、rk: 如果学生喜欢就送给学生,这样学生的学习兴趣更加浓厚了。用动物的叫声来引起学生的兴趣,对单词的教学,句型的操练起到了事半功倍的效果。用猜的方式来导入单词,学生的求知欲更加强烈,学得也快,也不易遗忘。简笔画是学生喜闻乐见的,这能使课堂气氛更加活跃,通过简笔画,学生对于单词:“horse” 的映象更加深刻。通过漂亮的花来吸引学生的眼球,把语言学习生活化。在游戏中导入 “南瓜”让学生在不知不觉中就学到了新知。师生互问可使师生关系更加融洽。学生对于巨型的操练更加深刻。兴趣是最好的老师,通过琅琅上口的chant,不仅让学生巩固了新知,同时把本节课的单词和句型融合到一起,学生学习兴趣盎然,热情高涨。

21、用书本上现成的图片,让学生进行有针对性的操练,进一步巩固已学知识。三、精讲点拨,综合运用Do a survey (课件出示表格) 师先作记者采访一名学生,可用Do you like? 也可用What do you like?进行采访,师作好示范,让生仿照采访四位好朋友。学生用本课句型采访其他同学,达到学以致用。此环节也是为了操练句型,通过小记者的调查活动,让学生的积极性增强,同时参与面广,进一步注重了全员参与。让学生把课堂上的模拟情境与实际生活中的真实情境紧密结合起来,把课堂所学语言运用到实际生活中去,主动参与,以达到用语言交际的目的。 课后延伸四、强化练习,拓展延伸Todays homewo

22、rk: 1. Copy the new words of Part B and recite the words.2. Finish the survey after class.3. Look, listen and learn Part A by yourselves.4. Surf the Internet about “Halloween”.抄写作业要求培养学生听、说、读、写综合能力,养成良好的学习习惯。夯实基础,同时注意适当拓展、延伸。5A Unit 4 Halloween 课案(Teaching & Studying Plan)课题 ( Title)5A Unit 4Hallowe

23、en课型( Style)New课时( Period)The second period理论支持(Supporting theories)学生的发展是英语课程的出发点和归宿。英语课程的目标是在学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整体发展的基础上,培养其综合语言运用能力。英语课程既是提高学生综合语言运用能力的课程,也是培养学生综合人文素养的重要课程。而且新课程标准比以往教学大纲都更注重培养学生用英语交际和思考的能力。这些要求都切中时弊,体现了全新的英语教育观,其中更闪烁着英语整体教育的思想。英语教学不仅要介绍语言知识并进行“四会”技能训练,更应该把这种学习与训练放到文化教学的

24、大背景中进行,“语言既是文化的载体,又是文化的写照”,最终使学生具有跨文化用英语进行交际的能力。营造英语氛围,找准学生学习英语的兴奋点,让学生们在一个良好的语言环境中熟悉语言、习得语言,有利于培养孩子们一定的语感和良好的语音、语调,使学生逐步获得用英语进行日常交流的能力。因此在本课的学习活动中,我采用了多样化的教学手段:歌曲、表演、比赛、游戏等,特别采用了多媒体教学手段,营造了一个万圣节的氛围,有利于提高学生的兴趣,而且还有利于学生的视听、思考、言语整体结合。 教学内容(Contents)5A Unit 4Halloween Part A Read and say教学目标(Aims & Dem

25、ands)语言知识(Knowledge)a) Enable the students to listen, speak, read and write the new words and phrases: family, thing, need, buy things, a Halloween party, a pumpkin lantern.b) Enable the students to listen, speak and read the patterns correctly: What do we need? We need some What else do you need ?

26、please. Here is your change.语言技能(Language skill)Enable the students to communicate with daily English: What do we need? We need someWhat else do you need? ., please. Here is your change.情感态度(Feeling)Encourage the students to take actively part, improve their interest in learning English and form the

27、 good habit of helping others by many kinds of means. 教学重、难点(Key points & Difficulties)1. Enable the students to understand and grasp Part A.2. Enable the students to read Part A fluently and act it out.教学方法(Teaching Methods)1. Entirety method.2. Task method.课前准备(Aids)pictures, recorder and CAI 教 学

28、设 计课前延伸教育归根结底是培养习惯,行为养成习惯,习惯形成品质,品质决定命运。良好的习惯是孩子所储存资本,会不断地增值,而人的一生就在享受着他的利息。预习是一种良好的学习习惯。通过预习,不但可以提前了解学习内容,降低课堂学习难度,促进课堂参与学习的积极性主动性,提高学习效率,而且可以培养学生自主学习的能力。因此我把预习作业设计成问题练习,并以表格的形式打印出来,发给学生作为课后作业,让他们提前完成,老师课前及早检查批改。1. Preview Part A, listen, read after the tape and write down the questions.2. Underlin

29、e the useful words, phrases and the main drills.3. Fill in the preview form. Unit 4 HalloweenLets learn Part A Name Class Number 1. I have read it for _ times.2. I can read these words:Animals: Things: 3. I know these sentences: 4. The difficulties: 我今天进步了吗?A.进步大( ) B. 进步一般( ) C. 没进步( )您对孩子今天的表现:A.满

30、 意( ) B. 基本满意( ) C. 不满意( )家长签名 教师寄语: 教 学 过 程 (Teaching Procedures)课内探究教 师 活 动( Teaching Plan)学 生 活 动( Studying Plan)设 计 意 图( Aims)一、复习交流,新知导入T: Hello, boys and girls, how are you?T: Im fine, too.T: I like ducks very much. Do you like ducks?T: What do you like?T: Good. Lets play a game together.(List

31、en and guess.)Review pig, horse, chicken, duck, mask.S: Fine, thank you. And you?S1: Yes, I do.S2: I like(practice in pairs)Review and prepare for the new class. Change the pictures of part B into the real imitated seats, review the words and phrases and drills of part A. 二、合作探究,自主学习1. T: At Hallowe

32、en, people wear masks. What do people usually do at Halloween? Lets listen to a story about Halloween.T: At the same time, 用课件呈现一些英文介绍和相关图片。T: When is the Halloween? (课件呈现三个日期供学生选择:10月31日,12月25日,11月30日。)T: Yes, Halloween is on October 31st every year.T: If you have a Halloween party, what do you nee

33、d?教师领读need, What do you need?T: Do you like masks?T: (Take out the object) Do you like this mask?T: What else do you need? (呈现句型:What else do you need? We need)教师领读a pumpkin lantern T: (PPT show a pumpkin lantern) Call a student, do you like this pumpkin lantern?T: I dont like this pumpkin lantern.

34、Its too big. I like small one. Look, I have a small pumpkin here. How to make a pumpkin lantern? First, carve a face, two big eyes, a triangle mouth, and a big nose, and dig them. Then put a candle in it. Oh, what a nice pumpkin lantern! Today one family is in the sitting-room. They like Halloween,

35、too. They are talking about Halloween. Lets look.T: What else do you need?2. 呈现课文的前言部分。T: This is Ben. Theyre his family members.(呈现课文中的图片,并教读单词family。)T: Its Halloween tomorrow.(教师领读单词tomorrow。)T: They would like to buy things for a Halloween party. What do they need? ( 教师领读单词 buy things)3. First r

36、eadingT: What do they need?T: Maybe. Please listen to the dialogue.(学生听课文录音,帮助Ben 完成购物单。)T: What do they need?4. Second readingT: Now they go to the shop and buy things. What do they buy? Please read the dialogue by yourselves and circle the things they buy. 5. Third readingT: What masks does Ron li

37、ke?T: I also have some masks. If you want to some masks, please come to the front.T:(带上服务员证,并且给学生40元)What masks do you like?T: Here you are.T: Thirty yuan.T: Heres your change. Give ten yuan. What does the word “change” mean?(教师领读Heres your change.)三、精讲点拨,综合运用1. 模拟购物活动T: Use PPT show a shop .Here is

38、 a shop. There are many things in it. Im the assistant. Who wants to be a customer. A= assistant(服务员) C= customer(顾客)A: Can I help you?C: I need .A: What else do you need?C; I need .A: Here you are.C: Thank you. How much are they?A: yuan.C: Here you are.A: Thank you. Heres your change.2. Lets have a

39、 chantHalloween, Halloween, its coming.What do you need? What do you need?Masks, flowers and chocolate.Halloween, Halloween, its coming.What do you do? What do you do?Lets have a party.3. Play a game: Trick or treatT:At Halloween, children like playing a game “Trick or treat?” They wear masks, knock

40、 on doors and say: “Trick or treat?” People will give them. sweets and chocolate.Shall we play the game?T: Who wants to get sweets? T: What do you need? What do you need?T: OK. Here are some sweets for you.(学生与教师一起做这个游戏,教师将糖果放在每组的盘子里。)T: I hope on October 31st, you all have a happy Halloween. And I

41、hope you can happy every day!4. Sing the song Happy Halloween (配上新年好的旋律唱)Happy Halloween.Happy Halloween.Happy Halloween to you all.Many masks ,pumpkin lanterns.Happy Halloween to you all.S: Listen to a story about Halloween.S: 10月31日S3: We need some masks.Ss: Yes, I do.Ss: Yes, I do.S4: We need a p

42、umpkin lantern.S5: Yes, I do.S6: We need some flowers.Ss: Some chocolate? A mask?Ss: They need a vase/ some chocolate/ some flowersSs: He likes horse, tiger and monkey masks.S7: Come to the front.S7: I like rabbit and dog masks.S7: How much are they? ( 在教师的引导下说出来)S7: Give forty yuan.Ss: 零钱。Ss: Say t

43、he chant.Ss: Play the game.Ss: Good idea.S8, S9S10:(戴上面具)Trick or treat? Trick or treat? Give me something to eat.S8, S9S10: Sweets,sweets,we need sweets.Ss: Sing the song.创设的图文并茂的情境使学生获得了丰富的有关万圣节的信息,同时,生动直观的图片能给学生强烈的视觉刺激,为之后学习做好铺垫。用Flash动画演示南瓜灯的制作过程,形象生动,易于学生理解南瓜和南瓜灯这些万圣节的标志性物品。先整体呈现语篇内容,使学生整体感知语篇,

44、第一次接触语篇时,让学生听对话,并完成较为简单的学习任务,此过程体现了从易到难的认知规律。这是细读语篇的环节,在阅读对话时,快速浏览,找到并圈出关键词,老师给学生提供这样一条阅读策略,有利于学生今后的学习。让学生把课堂上的模拟情境与实际生活中的真实情境紧密结合起来,把课堂所学语言运用到实际生活中去,主动参与,以达到用语言交际的目的。 “Trick or treat” 是万圣节传统的游戏,教师借助此游戏让学生进一步了解万圣节的习俗。为了让学生记住这个游戏,并且活跃课堂气氛,教师还将糖果带进课堂,激发了学生的兴趣!新年好这首歌是学生非常熟悉的歌曲,换歌词,但是旋律不变,这又是学生喜闻乐见的,带有很

45、强的趣味性,激发了他们浓厚的唱歌兴趣,使他们在玩的过程中巩固了知识。课后延伸四、强化练习,拓展延伸Todays homework:a. Surf the Internet and try to find out something about Christmas. Write a dialogue about it.b. Make a dialogue.(选择其中之一)Buy things for a Halloween party.Buy things for a Christmas party.Buy things for Womens Day.Buy things for Teacher

46、s Day.抄写作业要求丰富的作业形式激发了学生学习英语的兴趣,能培养学生的实践能力,还能激发学生的探究和操作欲望。5A Unit4 Halloween课案(Teaching & Studying Plan) 课题 ( Title)5AUnit4 Halloween课型( Style)New type课时( Period)The 3rd period 理论支持(Supporting theories)一、面向全体学生,注重素质教育。现代课程价值的取向就是要使每一个学生的个性得到充分的发展。在小学英语教学的整体目标上不仅仅是关注小学生知识有所得,能力有所提高,更重要的是要使小学生能够认识自我,建


48、生学习的合作者。教学内容(Contents)5A Unit4 Halloween (Part D/F/G)教学目标(Aims and Demands) 语言知识(Knowledge)a. To make the students can understand, read, say and spell the new words: animal.b. To make the students can understand, read, say and spell the sentences patterns: I like What do you like? What animals do yo

49、u like?c. To make the students can understand, read and say the words of i: .语言技能(Language skill)Develop pupils ability of speaking, reading and listening. 情感态度 (Feeling)a. Cultivate pupils sense of communication with others.b. Encourage students to speak English.教学重、难点(Key points and Difficulties)T

50、o make the students can understand、read、say and spell the sentences patterns: I like What do you like? What animals do you like?教学方法(Teaching Methods)1. Entirety method. 2. Task-based teaching method.3. Situational teaching method.课前准备(Aids)1. 有关活动的多媒体课件或图片2. 调查表3. G部分的教学挂图 教 学 设 计课前延伸新课程标准指出:“在英语教学

51、中,教师要有意识地帮助学生形成适合自己的学习策略,帮助学生有效地使用学习策略,不仅有利于他们把握学习的方向、采用科学的途径、提高学习效率,而且还有助于他们形成自主学习的能力,为终身学习奠定基础。” 同时也指出:“英语学习的最终目的是培养学生综合运用语言的能力。”那么如何在小学英语课堂短暂的40分钟内,提高实效和学生的认知能力,提升学生综合运用语言的能力呢?这就要求学生养成良好的课前预习习惯,并持之以恒,定能取得长足进步。所以,我在本课教学实践中尝试运用有效预习策略。“学起于思,思源于疑”。我把预习作业设计成问题练习,并以表格的形式打印出来,发给学生作为课后作业,让他们提前完成,老师课前及早检查

52、批改。1. Preview Part D/F/G, listen, read after the tape and write down the questions.2. Fill in the preview form. 5A Unit4 Halloween Lets learn Part D/F/GName Class Number1. I have read it for times.2. I can read these words:_ _3. I know these sentences:_ _ 4. The difficulties:_ _ 我今天进步了吗? A. 进步大( ) B

53、. 进步一般( )C. 没进步( )您对孩子今天的表现:A. 满 意( ) B. 基本满意( )C. 不满意( )家长签名 教师寄语: 课内探究 教 师 活 动( Teaching plan)学 生 活 动( Studying plan)设 计 意 图( Aims)一、复习交流,新知导入1.GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls.Im happy to see you again. 2. Free talkT: Whats in our classroom?Is there a computer in our classroom?Are there a

54、ny pictures on the wall?How many students are there in our class?T: I like animals. I like ducks. Do you like ducks?T: Do you like chickens?T: If today is your birthday, what do you need?GreetingS: Good morning, Miss Chen.Listen carefully and answer the teachersquestions. S: Yes, I do.No, I dont.S: I need a cake.S: I need some candles.S: I need some masks.我设置了让学生进行Free talk,主要复习Do you like ?句型。目的是为下面的谈论爱好埋下伏笔,而且这一环节的进行也起到了创设英语学习氛围的作用。二、合作探究,自主学习1. Revisiona. Guessing game(review the words)Show parts of the pictures, let the students guess, read and spell.b. Revi

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