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1、大学英语1级模拟试题(二)Part I Vocabulary and Structure1. The palm tree is an essential source of food and _for people living in the tropics.A) built materials B) to build materials C) material buildings D) building materials2. He _ all his holiday doing part-time jobs at the restaurant.A) spent B) gave C) too

2、k D) served3. The name of the novel is on the _of my tongue.A) tip B) top C) edge D) bottom4. Unlike automobiles, _use a four-stroke engine, motorcyclists use a two-stroke engine.A) those B) that C) this D) which5. During the bleak winter, food became _scarce that starvation and the famine were wide

3、spread.A) such B) as C) too D) so6. Physicians from all parts of the world meet yearly in Hiroshima to _a conference on atomic war threats.A) present B) attend C) participate D) go7. His speech was so interesting that it was constantly _ by applause.A) interfered B) interrupted C) troubled D) distur

4、bed8. It is only through practice _ one will be able to swim skillfully.A) what B) that C) who D) which9. To be honest, I dont like _.A) making fun of B) being made fun ofC) to make fun of D) having made fun of10. Dont worry, I have already _them _ the decision.A) informed.with B) informed.ofC) info

5、rmed.for D) informed.that11. People who pride themselves on needing little sleep requirements may imagine themselves more efficient than others, but in fact they often prove to be _.A) low efficiency B) low efficient C) efficient D) less 12. The brain is capable of ignoring pain messages if _ to con

6、centrate on other activities.A) it allowed B) allowed C) is it allowed D) allowed it13. The child was sorry _ his mother when he arrived at the station.A) to miss B) having missed C) missing D) to have missed14. The answer is not, as _ happens, very precise.A) that B) which C) this D) it15. Much to

7、my surprise, they went away without telling us their _address.A) forever B) everlasting C) permanent D) eternal16. Until then, his family _ from him for six months.A) didnt hear B) hasnt been hearingC) hasnt heard D) hadnt heard17. The conference _ a full week by the time it ends.A) must have lasted

8、 B) will have lasted C) would last D) has lasted18. Students or teachers can participate in excursions to lovely beaches around the island at regular_.A) gaps B) rate C) length D) intervals19. Theres a msn at the reception desk who seems very angry and I think he means _ trouble.A) making B) to make

9、 C) to have made D) having made20. After the Arab states won independence, great emphasis was laid on expandingeducation, with girls as well as boys_ to go to school.A) to be encouraged B) been encouragedC) being encouraged D) be encouragedPart II Reading Comprehension Directions: There are 15 readi

10、ng passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice.Passage one Rites of PassageSuddenly there come times when everything is different youre somehow another p

11、ersonSeveral years ago my parents, my wife, my son, and I ate at one of those restaurants where the menu is written on a blackboard. After a wonderful dinner, the waiter set the bill in the middle of the table. Thats when it happened: my father did not reach for the bill.Conversation continued. Fina

12、lly it dawned on me. I was supposed to pick up the bill! After hundreds of restaurant meal with my parents, after a lifetime of thinking of my father as the one who had the money, it had all changed. I reached for the check, and my view of myself was suddenly altered. I was an adult.Some people mark

13、 off their lives in years; I measure mine in small events in rites of passage. I did not become a young man at a particular age, like 13, but rather when a kid walked into the store where I worked and called me “mister”. He repeated it several times, looking straight at me. The realization hit like

14、a punch: Me! I was suddenly a mister.There have been other milestones. The cops of my youth always seemed big, even huge, and of course they were older than I was. Then one day they were suddenly neither. In fact, some were kids short kids at that. The day came when I suddenly realized that all the

15、football player in the game I was watching were younger than I was. They were just big kids. With that milestone went the dream that someday, maybe, I too could be a football player. Without ever having reached the hill, I was over it.I never thought that I would fall asleep in front of the televisi

16、on set as my father did. Now its what I do best. I never thought that I would go to the beach and not swim. Yet I spent all of August at the seaside and never once went into the ocean. I never thought that I would like opera, but now the sadness and combination of voice and orchestra appeal to me. I

17、 never thought that I would prefer to stay home evenings, but now I find myself passing up parties. I used to think that people who watched birds were strange, but this summer I found myself watching them, and maybe Ill get a book on the subject. I long for a religious conviction that I never though

18、t Id want, and in arguments with my son, I repeat what my father used to say to me. I still lose.One day I bought a house. One day what a day! I became a father, and not too long after that I picked up the bill for my own father. I thought then it was a rite of passage for me. But one day, when I wa

19、s a little older, I realized it was one for him too. Another milestone.1.When the young man picked up the bill and paid it, _.A)he felt that his father should have paid itB)he was glad to have the chance pay the bill for onceC)he realized he was now an adultD)his father said he would pay it as he us

20、ually did so2.The man marked off his life not by the passing years but by _.A)comparing himself with other peopleB)certain meaningful eventsC)counting the milestones of his lifeD)recalling events of the past3.When the writer was young, _.A) he looked forward to the day when he would be like his fath

21、erB)it seemed to him that the policeman were big and tallC)he felt bird watching was an interesting hobbyD)he couldnt understand why his father fell asleep while watching TV4.Why didnt the writer go swimming while he was at the beach in August?A)Because he liked going to the opera.B)Because he prefe

22、rred to watch birds.C)Because he was not young anymore.D)Because he did not know how to swim.5.When the writer argued with his son, _.A)he used the same reasons as his father didB)he always succeeded in winning the argumentsC)he sometimes managed to persuade his son to agree with himD)he seldom succ

23、eeded in winningPassage twoThe verb procrastinate comes from the Latin procrastinate, which means to postpone until tomorrow. To procrastinate, then, is to delay doing something until some future time, and a procrastinator is someone who is always putting off what he or she should be doing right now

24、. Those of us who have a tendency toward procrastination know that it is a terrible habit. Every day we tell ourselves that we must start doing things immediately, and each day we postpone our work, are late for deadlines, and put off keeping our promises to other people. Because we are always in th

25、e process of procrastinating, we are also always trying to catch up. We are always doing yesterdays jobs today, and tomorrow we will be doing todays unfinished work. Maybe the way to overcome procrastination is to change our habits gradually. We can start with a daily schedule of the things we want

26、or need to accomplish. But lets be reasonable. We shouldnt crowd the list with too many tasks, and we should be realistic about what we can do. Especially in the beginning we should be lenient(宽大的, 仁慈的) with ourselves. After all, if we get discouraged at the start, we will go right back to our old h

27、abits. Finally, if we begin to follow our own schedule for each day, we will stop postponing the chores that face us. Life will become far less complicated and each day will be easier to face. We will undoubtedly feel better about ourselves, too, because we will know that we can overcome our weaknes

28、ses and improve ourselves.1. The first paragraph tells us _ of the word procrastinate.A) the originB) the meaningC) the historyD) both A and B2. A procrastinator is a person who always postpones _work.A) importantB) unimportantC) important or unimportantD) uninteresting3. The first step suggested by

29、 the author to change the habit of procrastinating is _.A) not to fill our plans with too many tasksB) to make a plan for everyday activitiesC) to list as many tasks as possibleD) not to be reasonable with our plan4. Procrastinators do not live a happy life, because_.A) life is complicated and uneas

30、y for them to faceB) they cant choose what to doC) things often become more difficult the next dayD) they will lose interest in doing things5. The author of the passage tries to tell us _.A) that to be a procrastinator is not easyB) to be procrastinatorsC) that to be a procrastinator is bad for ones

31、elfD) that being a procrastinator is good for othersPassage three A good reader is one who can read beyond the lines, seeing ideas implied through the words, and one who can bridge the gap between the obvious and the suggested, thus obtaining much more information. Lets look at the following sentenc

32、e: JOHN HENDERSON WAS DRIVING HOME LATE LAST NIGHT FROM AN EXHAUSTING BUSINESS TRIP. As you might have realized, this is the opening sentence of a story. It tells the reader whom the story is about - John Henderson, and when the event takes place - late one night, if we read carefully and thoughtful

33、ly we can also infer from this sentence that1. John Henderson may be a businessman because he has just finished a business trip2. John Henderson must be very tired because the trip is exhausting3. John Henderson must be very eager to get home because he is driving late at night right after this exha

34、usting trip.Making inferences while reading will always help us achieve a better comprehension. But we should keep in mind that inferences must be made with care and supported by evidence. In order to make reasonable inferences we should1. read and think beyond the primed words;2. analyze the inform

35、ation given in the text;3. determine the authors reason for his choice of words.1. According to the author, a good reader_.A) can read between the linesB) should have a large vocabularyC) knows enough grammar rulesD) must have a good knowledge of the author2. From the quoted sentence, you know John

36、Henderson was most likely_.A) a sellerB) a man on businessC) a driverD) a traveler3. From the quoted sentence, you know John Henderson had a _.A) tired tripB) bored tripC) boring tripD) tiring trip4. When the author asks us to make inferences while reading, he intends to say_.A) make guessesB) have

37、imaginationsC) do translationsD) reach conclusions5. The best topic of the passage is _.A) Reading SkillsB) Try to Be a Good ReaderC) Reading Is ImportantD) Reading Is ThinkingPassage four Mans first real invention, and one of the most important inventions in history, was the wheel. All transportati

38、on and every machine in the world depend on it. (The wheel is the simplest yet perhaps the most remarkable of all inventions, because there are no wheels in nature no living thing was ever created with wheels.) How, then, did man come to invent the wheel? Perhaps some early hunters found that they c

39、ould roll the dead body of a heavy animal through the forest on logs more easily than they could carry it. However, the logs themselves weighed a lot. It must have taken a great prehistoric thinker to imagine two thin slices of log connected at their centers by a strong stick. This would roll along

40、just as the logs did yet be much lighter and easier to handle. Thus the wheel and axle came into being, and with them the first carts.1. The wheel is important because _. A. it was mans first real invention B. all transportation depends on it C. every machine depends on it D. both B and C2. The whee

41、l is described as _. A. simple B. complicated C. strange D. light3. It was remarkable of man to invent the wheel because _. A. it led to many other inventions B. man had no use for it then C. there were no wheels in nature D. it was very complicated4. This passage says that the first wheel might hav

42、e been a _. A. round piece of stone B. heavy log C. piece of metal D. slice of log5. The idea of making wheels might have come from _. A. chasing an animal B. watching a rolling trunk C. watching running animals D. rolling the dead body of an animal on logsPart III ClozeHave you 1)_ asked yourself w

43、hy children go to school? You will probably say that they go 2)_ their own language and other languages, arithmetic, history, science and 3)_ subjects. That is quite true; but why do they learn these things? And are these things 4)_ that they learn at school? We 5)_ our children to school to 6)_ the

44、m for the time 7)_ they will be big and will have to work 8)_ themselves. Nearly all they study at school has some 9)_ use in their life, but is that the only reason 10)_ they go to school? There is 11)_ in education than just learning facts. We go to school 12)_ all to learn how to learn, 13)_ when

45、 we have 14)_ school we can continue to learn. A man who really knows 15)_ will always be successful, because 16)_ he has to do something new which he has never had to do 17)_, he will rapidly teach himself how to do it in the best 18)_ The uneducated person, 19)_, is probably unable to do something

46、 new, or does it badly. The purpose of schools, therefore, is not just to teach languages, arithmetic, etc., 20)_ to teach pupils the way to learn.1) A. either B. whether C. ever D. as well2) A. learn B. to learn C. and learning D. and to learn3) A. all another B. the other all C. all the other D. t

47、he all other4) A. those B. ones C. every D. all5) A. send B. present C. appoint D. select6) A. rely B. prepare C. make D. get7) A. that B. when C. while D. as8) A. for B. on C. with D. to9) A. true B. fortunate C. lucky D. practical10) A. why B. which C. because D. what11) A. much B. most C. a lot D

48、. more12) A. above B. over C. on D. in13) A. so as B. and that C. so that D. such that14) A. remained B. left C. got out D. sent15) A. how learned B. how to learn C. to how learn D. how learning16) A. whenever B. whichever C. whatever D. however17) A. ago B. later C. before D. after18) A. path B. co

49、urse C. road D. way19) A. on another hand B. on other hand C. on the other hands D. on the other hand20) A. and B. that C. but D. soPart IV Translation1. These qualities gave me a good foundation for a career in industrial engineering.2. Workers beyond him in line on his shift had to wait with nothi

50、ng to do.3. In a certain store where they sell puddings, a number of these delicious things are laid out in a row during the Christmas season.4. Amidst the crowd of happy, prosperous looking Christmas shoppers, the little black figure of the old man seemed pitiful and out of place.5. Now suddenly she began to sob, holding herself in as if weeping were a disgrace.6. 据报道, 那条铁路曾因洪水而停止修建.7. 我很想买这本英文词典,遗憾的是我身上带的钱不够.8. 整个上午他都在忙于写那篇故事, 只是偶尔停下来喝杯茶.9. 他常利用她缺乏生意头脑而欺骗她.10. 他那句话的含意是他想在政府部门找个工作.

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