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1、 Good morning, ladies and Gentlemen. It is my privilege and great pleasure to host this meeting in honor of my distinguished guests. Please allow me to express the most heartfelt welcome to all of you on behalf of the Summary of Primary English teachers competition of Zhongshan. Though the weather i

2、s so cold, we have been looking forward to sharing teaching ideas and learning from each other for a long time. Thank you for sacrificing your Saturday to come here. I think it will be a wonderful day today. I do hope that you will enjoy your stay here. 介绍嘉宾 First,lets introduce todays honorable lea

3、ders and guests. Mr Tian,田湘军 from Shunde No.1 Middle School. 顺德一中 xxx Mr Guo Zhidong from Teaching Research Section(Unit) of Zhongshan Education Bureau. 中山市教育局教研室 xxx Mr Yang Yuanchuan, The vice president of Zhongshan Education Assosiation 中山市教育学会副会长 xxx 介绍比赛概况 In November and December, 31 energetic

4、 and creative teachers had joined the English teaching competition. Theyve presented a lot of wonderful teaching ideas to us. Some teachers focused on reading, some focused on writing and some focus on phonics. They really bring brainstorming to my mind. 介绍第一节课 Today We will bring two presents to yo

5、u as the New Years gifts. What are they? They are two wonderful lessons. Lets listen to the first lesson. It focuses on Phonics. We can get some ideas here on teaching phonics. Lets welcome Miss Yuan Haihong, from Shiqi Central Primary School to present a phonic lesson to us. Its from B7 U9 Sounds a

6、nd words. Lets welcome. 介绍第二节课 Thank you, Miss Yuan. I think you must have got many new ideas on teaching phonics. I really learned a lot from it. How about review lessons? How to make our review lessons effectively? Mr. Tian has got some good ideas. Hes going to present a review lesson to us. Befor

7、e that, I would like to introduce our distinguished guest Mr. Tian. He is an expert teacher of Shunde District, Foshan city, an excellent English teacher of Guangdong Province, An excellent English teacher of China. He won the first Prize of Guangdong Primary English Teaching Composition, the first

8、Prize of National Primary English Teaching Competition. He won the Special Prize of The 7th media software competition of China. He has been invited to give speeches all around the country. He was warmly welcomed by the primary English Teachers. Lets give a big hand to welcome Mr Tian to have a revi

9、ew lesson. xxx老师简介: 全国优秀英语教师,广东优秀英语教师,顺德市的“专家型教师”,曾获得过广东省小学英语教学比赛第一名、全国小学英语教学比赛一等奖,全国第七届多媒体软件大赛特等奖(全国唯一)等多项荣誉称号,多次应邀到全国各地讲学观摩,受到全国广大小学英语教师的喜爱。 中场休息 Thank you, Mr. Tian. Lets have a ten minutes break. 专家讲座 Welcome back, fellow teachers. Teaching benefits teachers as well as students. How do our teach

10、ers benefit from teaching? Mr. Tian will give you some good ideas. Lets welcome Mr Tian to give us a wonderful speech. The topic is “Classroom teaching and Teachers Growth” Lets welcome. xxx总结 Thank you, Mr. Tian. Lets give a big hand to Mr. Tian. We are impressed by your wonderful speech. Weve lear

11、nt a lot from you. How about the situation of the English Teaching competition? Mr Guo will give us a speech on the summary of the Primary English Teaching Competition. Lets Welcome! 颁奖 Now ladies and gentlemen, its time for us to present the prize to all the contestants. The third Prize goes to . P

12、lease come to the front to receive the awards. The second prize goes to . Please come to the front to receive the awards. The fires prize goes to Please come to the front to receive the awards. Congratulations to all the contestants! Happy times are always too short. we will always remember this beautiful memory. Thank you very much for your attendance of the meeting. Thank you for Langqing Primary School. They offer such a comfortable place for us. Thank you!

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