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1、巴黎Paris. 一座坐完美和激情相融合的都市A city of perfection and passion and, 在它的边界上on its border, 一座宫殿有着隐秘谜不为人知的秘密a palace filled with secrets dark and strange.命运多舛的玛丽安 托瓦内特的绝密书信The encrypted letters of the ill-fated Marie Antoinette火枪手们的致命绝技the deadly skills of the musketeers.暗杀武器的制作过程and the invention of an assas

2、sination machine.秘密就隐藏在眼前Secrets hidden in plain sight尽在凡尔赛宫城堡inside the Chateau of Versailles.每年Every year, 巴黎郊区on the outskirts of Paris, 均有上千万的游客涌至曾为ten million visitors flock to a museum 曾为皇家宫殿的博物馆: 凡尔赛that was once a royal palace:Versailles. 在这些房间里In these rooms,曾统治法国和欧洲大部分国家的君主kings ruled Fran

3、ce and much of Europe都自称君权神授, 来降服臣民。by convincing their subjects they were appointed by god.可称为剧院的Its a theatre, 凡尔赛宫Versailles.它是君主彰显自己独特个性Its a place for permanent show 和皇室权力的恒久秀场by the king of his unique persona and power.从1682年”太阳王”路易十四占有此宫From the arrival of the “Sun King” Louis the Fourteenth

4、in 1682,直到17891879年法国大革命打响之前until the beginning of the French Revolution in 1789, 凡尔赛都是整个国家的中心Versailles was the epicentre of the nation.在这里Here,法国君主珍藏了无数稀世珍宝the monarchs of France commissioned exquisite treasures生出了美丽的子嗣后裔made beautiful babies并开始了血腥战争and started bloody wars. 这个庄严的画廊被誉为战争厅This solem

5、n gallery is known as the Hall of Battles.这里展示了许多法国军团Many French regiments are represented here, 许多也流传至今including some that still exist today. 但是这种制服只流传了几十年But this uniform was only worn for a few decades. 制服上有火枪手的白色十字标记It has the white cross of the Musketeer. 电影中In the movies, 一群随遇而安的火枪手开始了一场探险之旅th

6、e Musketeers are happy-go-lucky warriors off on an adventure.波尔多斯Porthos, 阿多斯Athos,阿拉米斯Aramis, 尚有年轻的达达尼昂在一片欢and the young DArtagnan thrust and parry在一片欢呼声中获得了胜利their way to victory with a cry of 我为人人one for all, 人人为我and all for one.但是什么是火枪手呢But what was it really like to be a Musketeer?这就是我们博物馆之谜Tha

7、t is our museum secret.故事来源于17世纪的沃子爵府邸The story begins at the 17th Century Chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte, 法国国王路易十四参与奢华派对时where Louis the Fourteenth attended lavish parties,随行的就是火枪手accompanied by his Musketeers. 这些现代剑客是火枪手历史和These modern swordsmen are experts in the Musketeers history 决斗技巧方面的专家and fighting

8、 technique. 现今她们批准培训新人And today they have agreed to train a new recruit.你好!Hello! 欢迎来到我的击剑室Welcome to my fencing room!罗伯:非常感谢 Rob: Thank you very much,我叫罗伯Im Rob.见到你很开心Nice to meet you.我是米歇尔Michel罗伯特迈尔斯在三个火枪手中Robert Myles is an actor whos going to play DArtagnan扮演达达尼昂in the Three Musketeers.罗伯:今天要学点

9、什么呢Rob: So what are we going to be doing today then?米歇尔:我们要学习如何像火枪手同样打斗Michel:Were going to learn how to fight like a Musketeer!哦 Ah, 听起来不错sounds good to me.在这里作为一名英国演员To be here as a British actor,和这些法国人对决fighting these French,她们都是擂台格斗赛的前世界冠军former world champion stage combat fighters, 这样的机会不多见you

10、dont get opportunities like that very often,说实话to be honest, 我真的特别但愿我能充足好好运用好这次机会and Im really hoping that I can make the most of it.罗伯也但愿能学习到Rob also hopes to learn something about火枪手作为常人的一面the Musketeers as people. 事实上达达尼昂的虚构形象It turns out that the fictional DArtagnan 来源于加斯科涅历史上的一位贵族was based on a

11、 real nobleman from Gascony, 这个地方以盛产热血勇士闻名a region famed for producing fiery warriors.达达尼昂作为一种一般人是什么样的What about the attitude of DArtagnan as a person?她喜欢打斗吗Did he like fighting?她打斗与否由于她迫不得已Did he do it because he had to?我是达达尼昂I am DArtagnan.你是达达尼昂You are DArtagnan,好吧okay. 如果我这样做If I do this好吧Okay,

12、那她是喜欢争斗so he wants to fight.是的Yes,很易怒 非常易怒quick to anger. Very quick to anger.好Okay, 这是条好新闻thats good stuff to know. 是不是和她的家乡有关And is that because of where he comes from? 与否能看出加斯科涅的痕迹Is that a Gascon trait?噢Oh, 好吧okay.我明白了I see.现实中In reality,同电影中呈现的同样as in the movies, 火枪手们被训炼练成了让人闻风丧胆的剑客Musketeers t

13、rained to be deadly swordsmen.打到了我这里Got me there. 绝对是个错误 害我性命不保Absolutely made a mistake and it cost me my life.好莱坞的火枪手Hollywoods Musketeers 和红衣主教的教徒争斗spar with the Cardinals men多数只是了为了引人发笑and their exploits are often played for laughs. 真正的火枪手有更严肃的使命The real Musketeers had a more serious mission.她们制

14、服上的十字架代表着她们的圣召The crosses on their uniforms symbolized their holy calling.她们是君主的护卫They were the kings bodyguards,也就是上帝的护卫which made them gods bodyguards. 每一种火枪手都宣誓用生命Every Musketeer swore to protect 保护神王的安危his god-king with his life. 当君主参与社交活动时When the king attended social functions, 像城堡的派对like the

15、ones at this chateau,她收受到潜在刺客的威胁 he faced potential threats from assassins. 她的火枪手随时At any second, 她的火枪手都将受到考验his Musketeers might be put to the test.阿拉米斯Aramis, 无论如何whatever you do, 不要杀她dont kill him!我来告诉你如何成为一名火枪手Ill show you how to be a Musketeer.这是我爸爸的剑This is my fathers sword!要想扮演真正的火枪手To really

16、 play a Musketeer as is required, 并符合公众心中的形象and as the public pictures it, 罗伯需要更加凶猛的招式和无穷的能量Rob needs to have more dramatic movements and energy.但我不紧张But Im not worried,我觉得她会成为一名优秀的火枪手 I think he will make a good musketeer if,再来一次once again, 我们来教她加斯科涅的技巧we teach him the technique from Gascony.罗伯开始觉得

17、火枪手的毕生其乐无穷Rob is starting to think that the life of a musketeer would have been great fun, 就像电影里演的同样just like in the movies.我为人人 人人为我(法语)Un pour tous! (One for all and all for one!)但她不懂得的是But what he doesnt know is that 当路易十四宣战的时候when Louis the Fourteenth declared war, 一切都变了everything changed. 为理解状况

18、To understand what happened, 罗伯参观了凡尔赛的战争厅 Rob visits Versailles Hall of Battles 拜访了历史学家 哈尔维德维拉to meet historian, Herv Drvillon.她们的使命Their mission, 一方面first,是保护国王的安全 was to protect the kings life. 但是她们的使命也涉及参战But they also had the mission to fight in battles. 在她们的旗帜上On their flag, 你能看到一枚炸弹正在坠落you can

19、 see a bomb falling. 她们的标语是And the motto was “所经之地 所向披靡”Where they fall, the death is running with them. 我明白了I see.好的 Okay. 好吧Right.是这样Yes. 就是只要她们浮现So wherever they go.就会所向披靡death follows with them. 是的Right. 哇Wow.真是圣言 Biblical.作为国王的护卫As the kings men, 人们盼望她们是最勇敢they were expected to be the bravest 最

20、能引领人们的领袖and the ones to lead the charge.她们常常被称为敢死队They were often called enfants perdus, 迷失的孩子lost children.迷失的孩子? Lost children? 真的吗Really?是的Yes. 她们被这样称呼They were called so 是由于在战争中有非常高的死亡率because there was a very high rate of losses during the fight.电影中In the movies,达达尼昂最后完毕了自己的使命the story ends wit

21、h DArtagnan receiving his commission 成为了真正的火枪手and a musket.现实中In real life, 达达尼昂被火枪击中喉咙 DArtagnan got a musket-ball through the throat 死于战场and died on the battlefield.诸多的火枪手在保卫神王的战斗中死去So many musketeers were lost defending their god-king 而路易十四最后裁减了这支军团that Louis the Fourteenth retired the name of th

22、e company.说到这Coming into this, 很显然obviously, 仅从流行文化中理解达达尼昂是不够的with only an understanding of DArtagnan from pop culture, 我确信自己目前能呈现不同样的达达尼昂its really shown me how I can maybe do it differently 或许打破我来这之前的想法and perhaps change the performance做出不同的表演that I was intending to give prior to coming here.一种黑暗的

23、A darker, 励志的达达尼昂或许是时势所需grittier DArtagnan may be just what is needed 带领火枪手走向新时代to revive the Musketeer franchise for a new generation. 接下来是Up next 国王情妇的神秘之死the mysterious death of a kings mistress.在凡尔赛宫At the Palace of Versailles, 法国国王基于巩固政治同盟的需要来选择妻子the kings of France chose their wives to enhance

24、 political alliances 并选择王位继承人 and produce heirs to the throne. 但是为了爱情和肉体欢愉But for love, and for sexual pleasure, 国王将目光投向了kings looked elsewhere 宫廷外的女子to the ladies-in-waiting of their court. 法国历史上最出名的凡尔赛宫情妇Some of the most famous mistresses in French history graced Versailles 蓬巴杜夫人Madame de Pompadou

25、r,杜巴丽夫人 Madame du Barry, 和路易斯第十四的蒙特斯潘夫人and Louis the Fourteenths Madame de Montespan.蒙特斯潘夫人是当时拥有绝顶智慧和美貌的女子She was enormously clever and the greatest beauty of her generation. 她富有激情She was extremely passionate, 光彩夺人extremely glamorous. 赌博时犹如酩酊大醉的士兵She gambled like a drunken soldier行床第笫之事时犹如巴黎的放荡女and

26、made love like a Parisian whore. 她的个性非常鲜明She was really a quite extraordinary character. 作为国王的情妇 And it wasnt considered at all scandalous 并不被觉得是可耻的行径to be the lover of the king. 私生子不可避免The inevitable illegitimate children国王的多情such liaisons produced 被视为男性气概were welcomed as proof of a kings virility.

27、但有一段时间 But there was a time 情妇的身份是可耻的when it was scandalous to be a mistress. 在动乱的十五世纪In the turbulent 15th Century, 法国大部分地区被英国侵占much of France was occupied by the English.法国国王The French King, 查理七世Charles the Seventh, 被迫同她的王庭一起was forced to flee with his court 从巴黎逃到了卢瓦尔河谷from Paris to the Loire vall

28、ey. 虽然查理有妻儿Although Charles had a wife and children,但她为此外一位女子所倾倒he was transfixed by the arrival of a new lady 这名女子叫阿涅丝索蕾in waiting named Agnes Sorel. 查理带阿涅丝上了她的床Charles took Agnes to his bed.但是当了国王6六年的情妇后 But after 6 years as the kings mistress,这位年轻的女子忽然身亡 死因不明the young woman dropped dead of unknow

29、n causes.阿涅丝索蕾究竟怎么死的How did Agnes Sorel die?有留下证明其死因的证据吗?And did she leave a mark on history? 这些就是我们的博物馆之谜Those are our museum secrets.在今天的法国 In France today, 法医界的古病理学家there is no history detective more accomplished 菲利浦查理than forensic paleo-pathologist, 是还原历史的最佳人选Philippe Charlier.我的工作是进行法医尸检My job

30、is doing forensic autopsies. 因此我必须采集所有的样品So I have to take all these samples,进行分析 以调查死因to analyze them in order to say what is the cause of death, 死亡发生时的周边环境是什么样what is the circumstances of death, 死亡方式the manner of death. 我就像医生同样Im like a doctor, 但是一名”太晚”的医生but a too late doctor.近来Recently, 查理到理彻斯小镇

31、Charlier went to the town of Loches 来调查阿涅丝索蕾的死因to investigate the death of Agnes Sorel.有人猜想她最后的停留位置就是在小镇的Some suspected that her final resting place was here, 这座中世纪教堂里in this medieval church.圣坛旁边Beside the altar 是一副石棺 there is a sarcophagus 上有一种带翅膀的天使with the wings of an angel 一行小字写着”美丽女子”and an ins

32、cription that reads “the woman of beauty.”因此我们想进行尸检So we wanted to exhume the body, 检查尸体的残留物or what remain of the body, 一方面拟定这个物质的性质and to first confirm the identity of this individual then try, 再有也许的话if possible, 查明这个女子的死因to find the cause of death for this woman.埋葬的骨灰盒里是一种人类头骨。The burial urn conta

33、ined a human skull. 牙齿分析表白死者是一名年轻女性Analysis of the teeth revealed it was that of a young woman.面部特性与阿涅丝索蕾安吉里斯索瑞尔相符And facial reconstruction matched the likeness of Agnes Sorel. 她的石棺埋葬在城堡的附近Her coffin is next door to the castle 也是她度过她生命最后几年的地方where she spent the last years of her life. 在这里Here, 她给查理国

34、王生了三个子女she bore King Charles three children, 也在潮流发展史上绽放了自己的光彩and also made her mark on the history of fashion.她身穿非常有名的蕾丝裙子She wore one of these famous lace dresses 凸显了她得天独厚的身材that allowed her to show off her magnificent bosom.阿涅丝把此前妓女的打扮风格带到了宫廷Agnes brought a style formerly reserved for prostitutes

35、to the kings court. 但她不是单纯的花瓶But she wasnt just eye candy. 她对政治有着强烈的爱好She took a keen interest in politics.阿涅丝理解到法国同英国的战争前景堪忧Agnes learned that the war with the English was going badly, 由于她最爱的国王为了支付军队费用花光了钱because her beloved king had run out of money 支付军队费用花光了钱to pay his troops.她用自身魅力说服有钱的贵族增援国王She

36、 used her considerable charm to convince rich nobles to back the king.运用美貌的优势Without taking undue advantage of her stunning looks, 她资助了查理七世的军队she made it possible for Charles VII to finance his campaign.有了这些资源With these resources,查理打败了英国 Charles defeated the English 保卫了边境的安宁and secured his borders.

37、为向阿涅丝表达感谢To show Agnes his appreciation, 查理做出了法国君主从没有过的举动the king did something no French king had done before: 她封阿涅丝为”皇室情妇”He made her his official mistress.这名皇室情妇在宫廷里立即上任The official mistress was effectively a job at court.她有自己的寝殿 She would have her own apartment. 她有自己的仆人She would have her own ser

38、vants. 她有权接见拜访She would receive visits in her own right 犹如宫廷里其她权贵同样as a significant member of the court.教廷高层非常震惊Church elders were horrified 卑微的情妇居然拥有如此高的地位that a mere mistress should be given such high status.查理未受吓唬Undeterred, 她做出了更让人出乎意料的举动Charles went one step further: 她公开体现了对阿涅丝的爱意he showed his

39、love for Agnes 让她们的子嗣合法化by making their children legitimate.这个举动激怒了查理的长子This infuriated Charles eldest son, 她紧张这会威胁到她的王位继承who feared the children would one day threaten his claim to the throne.有也许就是这些人想措施想要除掉她她It is possible that these people thought of ways to get rid of her.她的敌人有理由置她于死地Her enemies

40、 had reasons to want her dead. 但是要发现她被谋杀的证据But to discover proof that she was murdered, 菲利普查理菲利浦查理需要通过尸检Dr. Philippe Charlier needed to determine her cause of death, 来拟定她的死因by examining the physical evidence.我们发既有大量的虫卵和寄生虫We found a lot of eggs and a lot of parasites 残留在她的体内inside the remains of the

41、 body.查理还检测出少量的汞Charlier also detected small amounts of mercury.为什么会有汞Why mercury? 我们懂得汞的用途We know that mercury was used 在这个时期during this period, 中世纪middle ages, 文艺复兴时期Renaissance, 重要是为了杀死体内的寄生虫for the cure of internal parasites.汞可以被解释成为药物治疗The mercury could be explained as medication. 但当查理对她的头发做了同样

42、的测试后But when Charlier did the same test on her hair汞含量飙升the mercury level spiked.这表白This testify, 事实上really, 在她死亡两三天前曾服用大量的汞of the very large amount of mercury in the two or three days before death.或许有人在她的药物里添加了汞Perhaps someone added mercury to her medication 或是逼迫她服用or forced her to ingest it.不管如何Ei

43、ther way, 她服用的剂量足以致命Agnes received a lethal dose.这有也许是一场意外So it was maybe an accident. 是有这种也许性的Its possible. 但或许是一场谋杀But maybe it was also a crime 为了消除她对国王的影响力in order to destroy the most important influence she had on the king.如果有人谋杀她是出于这个目的But if someone took her life to end her influence,那她们就失败了t

44、hey failed. 由于从那个时候起From that time on, 做国王的情妇不再是可耻的了being the kings mistress was no longer scandalous.而成为了一种严肃而正式的职业It was really a career and a very serious one at that.只要有空缺And one for which many, 诸多女子都乐意many women were very happy to,去争取这个职位 to compete. 而第一种正式情妇就是阿涅丝索蕾The first official mistress was Agnes Sorel. 自此后来After that, 受到国王青睐的女子it was used for every woman 都会得此名号who occupied the position of the favoured lover of the king在阿涅丝死后After her death, 国王悲哀欲绝了很长时间Agnes Sorel was long mourned by her king. 我们甚至猜想她的棺木是用国王的眼泪做成的We suspect that on her coffin are traces of his tears.

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