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1、成功的人生从这里起跑无锡外国语学校简介无锡外国语学校是由无锡常春藤教育发展公司举办的小学、初中、高中十二年一贯制外语特色学校,是外籍、港澳台学生和归国创业人才子女入学的定点学校。学校既有高中部、初中部、小学部、国际部共100个班,340多名教职工,4200多名学生。学校撷山水之灵,育栋梁之才,以“鼎新力行”为校训,践行“为学生发展服务,为学生成功奠基”的办学理念,学校师资力量雄厚,致力于培养高素质、宽视野、强能力的国际化人才,每年为无锡和海内外高一级学校输送大批优秀学生,大部分学生升入无锡一中、天一等重点高中,学生家长满意度、社会美誉度不断提高,已经成为锡城优质教育品牌。 学校拥有雄厚的师资实

2、力。初中部既有省特级教师、中学高档教师33人,中学一级教师75人,市教学能手、市教学新秀21人,各学科均有经验丰富的领军把关教师。近几年一批青年教师脱颖而出,在无锡市青年教师优质课评比中,有11位教师获得一等奖,8位教师获得二等奖,获奖人数之多,在全市义务教育阶段学校中首屈一指。目前,在省语文、体育教学基本功大赛中,我校语文组吕春燕教师、体育组刘强教师分别荣获无锡赛区第一名,即将代表无锡市参与省赛。 学校精心打造外语教学特色。小学从一年级起开设英语课,强化口语据说能力的培养,学生小学毕业时掌握的词汇量以及口语能力可达一般学校初一水平。为了进一步强化外语特色教学,努力提高外语教学品位,我校每周专

3、设一节“外语特色教学课”,由本校外语教师担任;每周专设一节“英语口语课”,由四名优秀外籍教师担任,有效提高学生口语应用能力,为培养高档外语人才和精通外语的复合型人才打下良好基本。学校持续获得全市中小学英语口语大赛一等奖。学校同步营造多语种学习环境,开设日语、法语、德语等选修课程,供学生自主选学。学校还积极推动国际教育合伙和交流,与美国、澳大利亚、韩国等多所中小学结成跨国姊妹学校,定期开展师生互访活动,并每年组织优秀学生免费出国修学旅行,拓宽国际视野。 学校以学生终身发展为本,不断优化人才培养模式,全面提高学生综合素质。注重学生道德品质和文明习惯的养成教育,培养学生的社会责任感,学会做人;注重摸


5、,录取无锡市一中的人数保持在240人左右,占该校招生总筹划的40%左右。,无锡外国语学校升入无锡市一中的学生,计有75人被清华、北大、复旦、交大、同济、南大等国内名校或英国剑桥、牛津等国际名校预先录取。 为满足太湖新城对优质化、特色化、国际化教育的需求,同步切实改善学校办学条件,学校现正启动太湖新城新校区建设。省委常委杨卫泽批示,要把无锡外国语学校建设成为基本教育优质学校、素质教育示范学校和国际教育特色学校,为无锡教育事业增添新的活力,为无锡经济社会的优化发展做出新的奉献。 面对国家教育改革发展的机遇,无锡外国语学校将以科学发展观为指引,进一步践行开放式、创新型、国际化的教育理念,不断拓展优质

6、特色办学优势,坚定不移地朝着“高质量特色化,高素质国际化”的目的阔步迈进。Introduction: Wuxi Foreign Language School, with the nine-year compulsory education and foreign language characteristics, is designated for the students from Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, other areas and countries as well as the children of overseas Chinese talents.

7、It has a total of 70 classes (including the primary school and the middle school) and over 260 faculty members and more than 3,000 students. Capturing the spirit of landscape, our school has cultivated a large number of excellent talents for the country since its establishment. With the school motto

8、 of innovation and application, we have been practicing the school-running concept of serving the students and laying a good foundation for the development of students. We strive to cultivate international reserve talents with high quality, extensive knowledge and strong abilities. Through the years

9、 of cultural accumulation, we have developed a good school spirit, a good teaching style and a fine study style. Now with the increasingly high prestige, it has become a famous brand with high-quality education in Wuxi and also an ideal school for numerous students to study diligently.Teaching Staff

10、: The school boasts a high-level faculty with a reasonable construction. The middle school is staffed with over 150 teachers, including 3 special-class teachers at provincial level, 30 senior teachers, 92 first-grade teachers, 14 teachers with master degrees, and 11 teachers who are academic leaders

11、, experts or up-and-coming talented teachers at municipal level. The teaching procedures and teaching results of all subjects are supervised by experienced teachers. In recent years a group of young teachers stand out over the rest. In , two teachers from our school won the first prize and the third

12、 prize of the perfect lesson respectively at provincial level; and 16 teachers won the grand prize at municipal level. The number of our teachers winning the prizes and the grandness of the prizes is second to none in the compulsory schools in Wuxi.School-running Characteristics: Focus on creating c

13、haracteristics of foreign language teaching elaborately: We attach great importance to improving the students listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities. With the implementation of small class teaching, we have invited many foreign teachers to teach the students oral English. And we are also

14、 offering some optional lessons such as Japanese, Russian, French, and German for students to choose from freely. In , 17 students have won the special awards, the first, the second and the third prize respectively in National English Reading Contest for middle school students. Focus on creating cha

15、racteristics of science and technology education elaborately: We value to improve the students scientific literacy, cultivate their creative spirits and abilities of practice. 25 small inventions by the students have been applied for national patents in ; four students have won the National Top Ten

16、Awards in China Youth Originality Contest, and the school won the group gold medal; one student has won the top prize in the technology race called golden key among the students from the national primary and secondary schools. Focus on building characteristics of the international education elaborat

17、ely: We value to carry out the international education exchange and to widen students international vision. Every year we organize the students to go abroad to have study tours, and we also pay a visit to friendly brother schools abroad; In , we provide the new security channel( called Ivy U.S. High

18、 School Project) for the students. This project can help the students from rich families study directly in American high schools with good quality instead of looking for the agents. And in the future these students will have the opportunity to be admitted to Harvard University, Yale University and o

19、ther world-renowned universities. Focus on building characteristics of the moral education elaborately: We pay attention to the pertinence and actual effect of moral education. Our practices are close to students life and thinking. In order to develop the students sense of responsibility and civiliz

20、ed behaviors, we are deeply carrying out the practical activities of moral education. Thus, the students can understand how to learn, how to live and how to behave.A Tradition of a Century and Ascending Quality of EducationIntroduction to No. 3 Junior High School ofNanjingCityNo. 3 Junior High Schoo

21、l of Nanjing was founded in 1904. It was first named “Chengzhi High School” and located in Zhenjiang City. Later it was relocated in Nanjing City with a new name “Zhongying High School”, meaning “nurturing talents under Mount Zhongshan” in Chinese. In 1912, the school moved from the original positio

22、n of Hubu Street to the place now-named Nanbu Ting in Baixia District. In 1937, our school moved westward to Xi County, Anhui Province, and later to Changsha City, Hunan Province, and also to Guizhou Province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Only after the victory of the Anti-Japanese War did t

23、he school come back to Nanjing City. In 1954, the school was relocated in the historic site of Master Zengs Residence (8 Jiutiao Lane, South Zhongshan Road, Nanjing, i.e. the present location of the school). In 1956, the school was renamed “Nanjing No. 23 High School”, a comprehensive institution of

24、 both junior high school and senior high school. In , this school united Nanjing No. 3 High School and became “Junior High School of Nanjing No. 3 High School”. In December , the junior high school was honored as a modernized model junior high school of Jiangsu Province. In May , our united school s

25、eparated again into “No. 3 Junior High School of Nanjing City” and “No. 3 Senior High School of Nanjing City” in order to carry out the adjustment of education layout, to bring the senior high school to the status of four-star senior high school of Jiangsu Province, and to speed up governmental inve

26、stment in compulsory education.The long history of more than five score years has fostered our solid school culture. We have nourished many excellent people like Ren Xinmin the key scientist for A-bombs and H-bombs, Liu Xiyao ex-Minister of Education, Liu Yuyi a renowned artist, Ye Zhaoyan a well-kn

27、own writer, You Benchang a famous actor. In recent years, with the care and direction of leaders of various levels and with the combined efforts of both teachers and students, we have won fame in the following fields: modernized model junior high school in Jiangsu Province in December , advanced eth

28、ical school by the municipal Education Bureau and excellent school in teaching quality amongst the provincial modernized model schools in , advanced sector by the municipal government in , and Basis for Educational Practice by Nanjing Normal University in March . We teach students according to their

29、 various levels of ability so that students of diversified potentials all receive ideal education. From to successively, our students average scores for admittance into senior high school always stayed at the top of public schools in Baixia District. In , a student got the very top score for such ad

30、mittance and more than 50% of those scores reached the admittance line of provincial key high schools. In and , the school won the first prizes of “Assessments of Admittance into Senior High Schools” granted by the citys Bureau of Education. All this has won a high fame for the school.Our school now

31、 owns 26 classes of students, i.e. more than 1,010 students, and we have a faculty and staff of 113. The school covers 24,000 square meters of land and has 10,444 square meters of buildings. We also enjoy 5,000 square meters of trees and flowers, reaching 35.7% of the total, with 33 species of plant

32、s visible in the schoolyard. The school has four picturesque and reasonably-planned divisions, namely, teaching division, sporting division, managerial division and living division.Our school spirit of “Being Serious and Solid” comes out of our educational concept of “Teaching students to be upright

33、 and diligent” and advocating success education as well as scientific, standard and detailed management. Our teachers are experienced and conscientious, specialized and efficient. Their education backgrounds are ideal: 7 of them are part-time post-graduates for masters degrees. 15 of them are excell

34、ent teachers of the municipal or district levels or leading figures of their own disciplines. 85.2% of them hold intermediate or advanced professional titles, and some have overseas studying experience.Our school stresses quality-oriented education and optimizes structures of subjects, and emphasize

35、s reforms in disciplines and comprehensive practice. We employ foreign teachers all the year round to brush up students oral English. Students comprehensive capacity is rising every year and they have done well in various contests. According to incomplete statistics, they have won over 100 prizes in

36、 contests of the national, provincial, municipal and district levels. 70 students amongst them were rewarded in national, provincial and municipal contests. In , we organized a team to participate in the citys first “Four-Dimension Cup Oral English Contest for High-School Students”, teams from our s

37、chool,Nanjing Foreign LanguageForeign Language School (Xianlin Branch) and Jinling High School of Nanjing won the first four places for the contest. In and , many students won First Prizes, Second Prizes and Third Prizes for Junior-High Physics and Chemistry.In , three parents got the first prizes f

38、orNanjing City s “Good Parents” Composition Contest. In and , many students obtained first and second prizes in National English Contests for High-School Students. The abovementioned achievements are some flowers of quality-oriented education of our school.Our school enjoys a high level of moderniza

39、tion and information technology. All classrooms have the facilities of multimedia teaching systems, and we also own an Internet classroom, a large lecture room, a 200-meter plastic and rubber sports field and standardized physics, chemistry and biology laboratories of the provincial level. Our schoo

40、l also has an electronic library. In , our school website was rewarded as amongst the Top Ten School Websites of Baixia District. Strict management and rising quality of teaching and studying have brought praises from all circles and have made our school excellent educating resources in Baixia Distr

41、ict.Website:Telephones: +86-25-84547695, +86-25-84523570Address: 8 Jiutiao Lane, South Zhongshan Road, Nanjing City小学教导主任 吴万梅吴万梅,教导主任,女,本科,小教高档,毕业于天津师范大学。从事教学和管理工作,在工作中,坚持“教育即服务”的原则,秉承枫叶先进的教育理念,勤恳尽责,言传身教,一丝不苟,为人师表,严格制度管理。在教育教学中,率先垂范,主张把课堂还给学生,获得了可喜的成绩,赢得了学校、学生和家长的一致好评曾承当过双语教学-英数课的课题实验,论文多次在区级和市级获奖,一

42、次论文在国家级刊物上刊登,多次受到上级部门的表扬,被评为枫叶优秀员工;被枫叶评为优秀教师;被天津开发区评为“优秀教育工作者”;被开发区评为“首届教坛新秀”;被评为枫叶优秀教师;被江苏镇江新区社会发展局邀请做全区中小学教师培训;被评为天津开发区泰达奖教金优秀教师。在管理上,主张人性化管理,与各部门通力合伙,充足调动教师们的工作热情和潜力,努力营造和谐、互助、高效的团队,更好地服务学生。个人信条:“目中有人,言中有情,行中有样,教中有新、管中有度” I am Wu Wanmei. I am a teaching director with a bachelor degree and an “ele

43、mentary school senior teacher” professional title. I graduated from Tianjin Normal University and have been working as a teacher and management staff for 12 years. Sticking to the “Education is service” principle and Maple Leaf educational philosophy, I am responsible, conscientious and dedicated. I

44、 encourage students to play a major role in learning and my teaching is highly appreciated by students, parents and the school. I once worked on a bilingual project of math and English learning. My theses have won many prizes and one thesis was published in a national journal. I have won many honors

45、 such as Maple Leaf Excellent Staff in , Maple Leaf Excellent Teacher in , TEDA “Excellent Educator” in , TEDA “New Star Teacher” in , Maple Leaf Excellent Teacher in and TEDA Excellent Teacher in . I was invited to offer teacher training to elementary school and middle school teachers by Zhenjiang

46、Social Development Bureau, Jiangsu province in . In management, I believe in people-oriented management and collaboration with other departments. I am committed to motivating teachers working enthusiasm and creating harmonious and efficient team so as to provide students better services. Belief: res

47、pect others, care for others, set examples, be innovative in teaching and be appropriate in management.科学 郭淑红郭淑红Grace,科学教师,女,本科,从教来,注重探究式教学与学习,让学生享有每一种探究过程,感受科学的魅力,提高自己的科学素养。撰写过多篇教育论文获奖,曾在天津市基本教育“教育创新”论文评比中获三等奖;在天津市青少年科技创新大赛中获得优秀科技实践活动指引教师奖;获天津泰达枫叶国际学校科任组“快乐课堂最佳设计奖”和“活动项目优秀负责人奖”;并在开发区教学授课检查中光的反射一课得到

48、好评。开展了丰富的科技及航模制作活动课,并组织学生参与科技比赛,学生多次获得优秀成绩,并获得“优秀辅导教师”称号。 教育格言:斯宾塞这样说:“我觉得,教育的目的是让孩子成为快乐的人,教育的手段和措施也应当是快乐的。就像一根细小的芦苇管,你从这头输进去的如果是枯涩的汁水,在另一端流出的也绝不会是甘甜的蜜汁。” I am Grace. I am a science teacher with a bachelor degree. During the past 10 years of teaching, I have been focusing on inquiry-based teaching a

49、nd learning to allow students to enjoy the learning process, feel the charm of science and improve scientific quality. I have written many theses and won many prizes. I won the third prize in the Tianjin Basic Education “Educational Innovation” Theses Competition. I was elected the best instructor i

50、n the Tianjin Youth Scientific Innovation Contest in . My class won “the Best Design for Happy Class” and I was the best manager of a project at Maple Leaf International School-Tianjin TEDA in . My class “the Reflection of Light” was well reviewed by TEDA teachers. I have offered science and model a

51、irplane classes and organized students to compete in contests where they have achieved excellent results. I was also elected the best instructor.美术教师 张鸿斌 张鸿斌 Andy, 美术教师 ,男,毕业于天津美术学院国画系,从教9年。在课堂上,以“专家与互动、引导与示范、观测与体现、记忆与想象”等方式进行授课为重要教学风格,擅长专家彩墨画、油画、版画、剪纸、沙画。教学上引导学生感受美、发现美、发明美、欣赏美的情趣,不断丰富学生的审美经验,让学生体验自

52、由体现和发明的快乐。辅导学生多次获得国家级、市级、区级各类奖项,荣获-全国青少年科技创新大赛科幻画一等奖、二等奖;天津市文艺展演剪纸项目一、二、三等奖。先后多次被评为市级、区级“优秀辅导教师”。教育格言:把爱和快乐带给每个学生。 I am Andy and I am an art teacher. I graduated from the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. I have 9 years of teaching experience. My teaching styl

53、e is teaching and interacting, guiding and demonstrating, observing and performing as well as memorizing and imaging. I am good at teaching ink and colour painting, oil painting, printmaking, paper cutting and sand painting. I guide students to feel, discover, create and appreciate the beauty and en

54、courage them to express and create. I have won many prizes such as the first and second prize of sci-fi painting at - National Youth Scientific Innovation Contest, and the first, second and third prize of paper cutting at Tianjin Arts Exhibition. I was also elected asTianjinand TEDA “Excellent Instr

55、uctor”. Teaching Motto: I will bring love and joy to every student.体育 王立杨 王立杨 James,体育教师,男,本科,中共党员,毕业于天津体育学院运动训练专业网球专项,国家二级运动员,网球二级裁判员。曾担任天津体育学院运动训练三系09级学生班导师一职;荣获天津市“市级优秀班干部”称号;有7年以上网球教学培训经验。 教学中始终把网球运动融入到体育课程当中,让孩子们充足理解网球高雅内涵和运动礼仪,并且充足感受学习网球的乐趣,也在运动中领悟绅士修养。曾在、“快乐课堂百花奖”研讨课活动中获得“最佳新人奖”、“教学全能奖”称号。教育格

56、言:身教胜于言教。 My name is James. I am a PE teacher with a bachelor degree. I am a Communist Party member. I graduated from Tianjin Physical Education College. I am a national second-level athlete and second-level tennis referee. I was a tutor of the class from athletic training department at Tianjin Phys

57、ical Education College. I won the title of “Tianjin Excellent Class Leader”. I also have more than 7 years of tennis teaching experience. I integrate tennis into PE teaching, teach students the manner of playing tennis and allow them to enjoy tennis. I won the honor of “Best New Teacher” and “All-ro

58、und Teacher” in the and “Happy Class Competition”. Teaching Motto:Practice is better than precept.小学教务 薛玲 薛玲,小学教务,女,本科,毕业于牡丹江师范学院,获得文学和工商管理学双学士学位,中共党员。在教务工作中,努力提高业务水平和协调能力,将琐碎繁杂的工作做到极致;同步多次参与教育教学研究与研讨课活动,积累了大量的教育实践案例,灵活掌握并运用到平常的教育与管理工作中;尊重、关爱每一位学生,永远用欣赏的眼光看待学生,宽容的心态面对学生,协助孩子们在“枫叶”的人们庭中自由、健康、快乐的成长。 教

59、育格言:热爱每一位学生、热爱本职工作、热爱教育事业,与孩子们一起成长、与枫叶一起成长、与教育事业一起成长。 My name is Xue Ling. I am a teaching assistant with a bachelor degree. I graduated fromMudanjiangNormalUniversitywith literature and business administration degrees. I am a Communist Party member. I manage to improve working skills and coordinati

60、on abilities in my daily work. I also took part in many teaching and research activities and put my experience into daily teaching and management. I respect and care for each student. I will appreciate the students, treat them with patience and help them achieve a healthy and happy development at Ma

61、ple Leaf. Teaching Motto: I love each student, love my job and love the teaching career. I will grow up with the students, with Maple Leaf and with the teaching career.小学数学 贺亚男 贺亚男 Nancy,小学数学教师,女,本科,中共党员,毕业于天津师范大学,从教近四年,踏实进取,善于吸纳和反思,善于调动孩子学习的爱好,注重培养她们的创新精神和实践能力,让学生在参与中求体验、在快乐中求进步、在合伙中求创新,深受教师和家长好评。曾

62、在天津市数理科学大赛中荣获“优秀辅导员奖”;在“快乐课堂百花奖”研讨课活动中荣获“快乐教育新秀奖”;持续三年获得小学校区“数学学科年度人物奖”;天津园区“十佳班主任”称号。所教学生成绩优秀,其中多名学生在“陈省身”杯数学竞赛中荣获一、二、三等奖;在天津市数理科学大赛中获初级组一、二、三等奖。 教育格言:用真情教书, 用真心育人! I amNancy. I am an elementary school math teacher. I graduated fromTianjinNormalUniversitywith a bachelor degree. I am also a Communis

63、t Party member. During my 4 years of teaching, I have been focusing on motivating students interest in learning and developing their creativity and practical skills. I allow students to practice in participation, to make progress in happiness and to innovate in cooperation. I have won many honors, s

64、uch as “Excellent Instructor” in Tianjin Math and Science Contest, “New Star Teacher” in “Happy Class Contest”, “Math Teacher of the Year” at the elementary school campus for 3 years in a row, and “Excellent Homeroom Teacher” at Maple Leaf Educational Park-Tianjin. My students also have outstanding

65、performances in a variety of contests. Many students have won the first, second and third prizes in “Chen Xingshen” Math Competition and Tianjin Math and Science Contest. Teaching Motto: Teach with affection and teach with sincerity!小学数学 温乐颖 温乐颖,小学数学教师,女,本科,1988年参与教育工作,曾任南开区五马路小学16年级数学教学工作,并于作为天津市首批优秀教师赴甘肃省支教。自加盟枫叶教育集团,秉承枫叶教育理念,满腔热

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