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1、一 单项选择1. Which of the underlined parts has a different pronunciation?A. courageB.paleC.ladyD.case2. -Do you play any other sports_football? -Yes, I also like football.A. with B.exceptC.besidesD.without3. -Your bike was broken. Were you late for class this morning, Linda? -No, luckily, Mr Green passe

2、d by and _.A. waited for meB.let me downC.kicked me offD.gave me a lift4. -Have you _the lift here? -Yes, everything is perfect.A.used toB.got used toC.get used to D.use to5.-Can you see the black smoke_high, dear? -Oh, yes. Look! The fire! Its a _building.A. rise;burningB.rise;burnedC.rising;burned

3、D.rising;burning6.-It seems that you had an_thing. -Yes, I forgot my classmates name yesterday.A. embarrassing B.embarrassed C.excitingD.excited7.I was about to do some shopping _John telephoned me.A. whileB.whenC.untilD.after8.-You look unhappy. What happened? -We have waited for hours in the cinem

4、a. However, that famous actor has never_.A. got upB.stayed upC.cut upD.shown up9. The girl asked if they_some food and drinks with them.A. takeB.would take C.will take D.are taking10. -You won first price in the English competition. -_.I made several mistakes.A. You must be joking. B.I think so.C.Yo

5、u are welcome.D.It doesnt matter.二 完形填空Joanne lost her job a month ago. There is 16 wrong with her car. Shes been donating blood to raise her son. So why is she smiling?“Oh, well,” she said, “ 17 I were ill in my first weeks, I would have lost the job. Im lucky I can get the salary(工资). I lost my jo

6、b, but I may find a 18 one anyway. There is wrong with my car, but 19 I have a car and it always 20 .Donating blood is no fun, but Im glad that Ive raised my son. Im lucky.Joanne 21 a job. On Friday she woke up 22 a cough and fever. The next day her boss called to tell her that he didnt want her to

7、work, but she 23 get her salary after two weeks. 24 can she be so positive? Shes ill, she doesnt have a good car and needs a 25 . And the salary will be delayed(拖延) by two weeks. But Joanne 26 the good in them. She is the 27 person I know. “If youve never been 28 , how can you tell what is up? I may

8、 not have much, but I know when life is 29 ,and Im alive. How can you ask for more than that?” She said.Whenever I have a problem, I think of Joanne and I 30 . Im alive. How can I ask for more than that?16.A. nothingB. somethingC. anythingD. everything17.A. whenB. whileC. ifD. though18.A. worseB. wo

9、rstC. bestD. better19.A. at least B. at lastC. at mostD. at first20.A. beginsB. breaksC. stopsD. starts21.A. hasB. haveC. hadD. received22.A. withB. intoC. outD. to23.A. mustB. couldC. needD. had to24.A. WhenB. WhereC. HowD. What25.A. houseB. machineC. parkD. job26.A. looks upB. looks forC. looks in

10、toD. looks after27.A. cleverestB. happiestC. most beautifulD. saddest28.A. downB. upC. rightD. left29.A. badB. boringC. goodD. sad30.A. singB. danceC. cryD. Smile三 阅读理解AValerie was very worried about her daddy. For some time she had noticed that every time she looked at him, he had less hair than be

11、fore. One day she asked, “Daddy, you have less and less hair these days. Why is that?” Her father smiled and said, “Its the hair thief who visits my head during the night when Im asleep. One by one he pulls out my hairs, as many as he likes. And theres no way to catch him!”This worried Valerie, so s

12、he made a decision to help her daddy. That very night she stayed awake. As soon as she heard her fathers snoring(鼾声), she held a hard stick and went straight into her parents bedroom quietly. When she got to her fathers bedside, she began to watch his head carefully, expecting to catch the hair thie

13、f as soon as he appeared. Before long, she saw a shadow(阴影) on her daddys head. With all her strength, she hit the shadow. “Oh my god!” Her father made a terrible shout and there was a big lump(肿块) on his head. With great shock, he turned the light on and saw Valeries moving her stick in the air. “I

14、 nearly caught him, Daddy! I thought I hit him, but it seems that he has escaped!” she said excitedly. Just then Valeries mother woke up. Seeing all that, she couldnt help laughing, “Well, thats what happens when you tell silly stories.” Her father had to explain that the hair thief doesnt exist and

15、 going bald(秃顶的) is something natural that just happens to most daddies. By then, the father just realized how important it is to tell children the truth. Valerie still worried about her daddy, but she no longer waited for the hair thief. Instead, she bought her daddy a very nice sleeping hat.1. Val

16、eries father_when he was asked by Valerie why he had less hair.A. told her the truthB.told her a silly storyC.asked her to help him D.said that it was natural2. The underlined word “exist” means_in Chinese.A. 消失 B.存在C.出现D.逃跑3. We can know about Valerie from the passage that_.A. she was very simple-m

17、inded, and hurt her father a lotB. She liked making fun of her father very muchC. She was excited because she caught the hair thiefD. Valeries mother liked to laugh at her husband4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Four different people were mentioned in the passage.B. Vale

18、ries father had less and less hair because of his illness.C. In the end, Valerie didnt catch any thief but hurt her father.D. Valeries mother liked to laugh at her husband.5. The best title for the passage can be “_”.A. A silly father B.A smaller girl C.The hair thief D.The worried motherBDoes every

19、one want to do things that are fun and meet people who are funny? Probably. But it does not always happen. Why? There are several reasons. Firstly, life is not a TV show. Secondly, people are easily tricked by advertisements. And thirdly, people do not always take time to appreciate the things aroun

20、d them.TV shows often show us people who live an unrealistic life. The characters in soap operas are beautiful people who often do not have to work or worry about their studies or work. They drive big cars, live in big houses, and spend their time worrying about who they are in love with. People who

21、 live in the real world also have problems with relationships, but their problems are seldom so exciting.Another problem is that people are often tricked by advertisements. When you look at an advertisement that is trying to sell a new car or a computer, it always looks better than that in real life

22、. Have you noticed how cars are always shown on an empty road in the country? Some advertisements tell the truth but some dont. Some advertisements can even be confusing or misleading. Sometimes the picture in an advertisement looks a lot better than the real thing. People buy what they see in adver

23、tisements, thinking that these things will improve their life. Often advertisements can lead them to buy something they dont need at all.However, your life isnt so interesting as what you see on TV, but does this mean that your life has to be dull and boring? No! A popular proverb says that we shoul

24、d take time to smell roses. This means that we should learn to appreciate the little things in life, like the taste of wellcooked rice and the sound of gentle music.1. There are _reasons that people cant always do things that are fun and meet people who are funny according to the passage.A. three B.

25、 four C. five D. six2. The author thinks peoples problems with relationships in the real world are _.A.exciting B. very funny C. not so exciting D. frustrating3. The authors opinion on advertisements is that_.A. people are seldom tricked advertisementsB. some advertisements tell the truth but some d

26、ontC. all the advertisements can be confusing or misleadingD. the picture in an advertisement always looks as good as the real thing4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. TV shows often show us peoples problems with relationships in real life.B. Things in advertisements can of

27、ten improve peoples life a lot.C. Advertisements can always lead people to buy something useful.D. We should take time to appreciate the things around us.5. Which is the best title for this passage?A.TV shows and advertisements. B. What the real life is like.C. The disadvantages of advertisements. D

28、. Learn to enjoy the real life.CEdinburgh is the worlds festival city.There are twelve festivals all the year round, many of which are celebrated during July and August. Here are some of them.Edinburgh Summer FestivalsThe Edinburgh International FestivalBegan in 1947. Actors, musicians, dancers and

29、opera singers from all over the world perform to lots of audiences. You need tickets for the events The Edinburgh Art FestivalIts modern and has been celebrated for around ten years. Its a good chance to see some of the citys best visual art in art galleries(艺术画廊) and museums. Most events are free h

30、ere. The Edinburgh Festival FringeThe largest art festival in the world. Began in 1947. Anyone can perform and over 200000 artists take part. You can watch the shows of magicians, acrobats(杂技演员) and comedians for free. The Edinburgh International Book FestivalThe largest yearly book festival. Began

31、in 1983 in Charlotte Square Gardens. Over 700 events for book lovers of all ages. You can take part without paying anything. 3._Began in 1978. Music lovers come to this festival to enjoy music show around the city. Everyone can enjiy the music and join in the dancing.1. Many of the festivals in Edin

32、burgh come in_.A. springB.summerC.autumnD.winter2. You have to pay some money if you go to _.A. the Edinburgh International FestivalB. the Edinburgh Art FestivalC. the Edinburgh Festival FringeD. the Edinburgh International Book Festival3. The headline(标题) of the last festival may be “_”.A. The Edin

33、burgh Food FestivalB. The Edinburgh Painting FestivalC. The Edinburgh Jazz and Blues FestivalD. The Edinburgh Photo Festival4. Which of the following is true?A. All the festivals in Edinburgh are in summer.B. The Edinburgh International Book Festival comes every year.C. You can enjoy music only in t

34、he Edinburgh International Festival.D. You must pay to go to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.5. _has the shortest history.A. The Edinburgh International FestivalB. The Edinburgh Art FestivalC. The Edinburgh Festival FringeD. The Edinburgh International Book Festival任务型阅读:1. Lin Tao is an English teach

35、er from Guangzhou. His major is computer. And he once learnt basic design skills. He has more than two years experience in designing.2. Zhang Ming is an English learner. He finds that he always has difficulty in reading English passages.3. Keller is six years old. There is something wrong with her e

36、yes and ears. She couldnt see or hear clearly since she was two.4. Mrs. Smith is going to send her son to take some lessons on singing during the coming holiday.5. Oliver is from Canada. He is now in China. He wants to know more about Chinese customs.A. An advertising company is looking for a design

37、er with at least one years experience. You must have received design education and have good computer skills. You should also be able to speak both Chinese and English.B. If you have any ideas about the weeks topic, or you have some questions about your life, you can write to forum.C. The teachers i

38、n New Life School are very friendly and they can bring new hope to many blind and deaf people.D. If you want to send your kids to practice singing, Dongshan District Childrens Activity Center will be your best choice. The singing lessons here are great and very popular with many families.E. Have som

39、e problems in reading or translating? Why not join us to learn English? We will give you some useful advice. Telephone: 536-24397.F. Dragon Boat Festival is an important festival in China. People eat rice dumplings and have dragon boat races on a river to celebrate it on lunar May 5th. Call us at 78

40、7-24687 to know more.四 词语填空give, hardly, careful, lie, married, unhappy, around, member, good, becomeIt was a fine Friday. I was at an ATM that (1)_ inside a petrol station(加油站). The guard who was a 72-year old man (2)_ reminded me that I couldnt use my cellphone (3)_ the ATM. When I came outside, I

41、 talked with the old man. At first, I felt a little sorry for him. In my opinion, he seemed like a poor elderly man who lived an (4)_ life and had to work at the ATM. As we spoke, he opened up quite a bit. He told me about his his life and his limited (有限的)income(收入).He spoke to me about his family(

42、5)_ ,particularly about his son and his daughter. He told me that his daughter always cared for him, even though she got(6)_ and became a mother of two kids. Then he described his son who(7)_ visited him. I thought about(8)_ him some money, but it didnt seem quite right. As we spoke, it(9)_ clear th

43、at he wanted my time, not my money. I didnt want to take away his dignity(尊严). By the time the conversation ended, I was close to tears. Sometimes, time is a(10)_ gift than any other gifts you can give to other people. So, give more time to people around you.五 单词拼写1. He arrived at the a_two hours be

44、fore his flight(航班)took off.2. As soon as he went to bed, the telephone r_again.3. I thought the cat would die. But luckily, it is a_.4. My clock didnt work this morning, so I o_and was late for school.5. Because of the bad weather,they decided to c_the flight.6. Johns words are b_because he is an h

45、onest boy and he never tells lies.7. The sun rises in the east and sets in the w_.8. The d_of electricity had made life more convenient.9. My friend and I live on the same b_so we often visit each other.10. It was sunny just now but the sun suddenly d_behind a cloud.六 书面表达仔细观察下面的图片,以Linglings day为题写一篇英语短文,描述一下玲玲今天发生的倒霉事。80词左右。

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