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1、商务英语复习资料Section Directions: fill in the blanks with the appropriate word.1. When granting mortgage (按揭贷款)loan to individuals, banks should closely evaluate any assets being put up as collateral.2. A tax haven (避税地)is a place where certain taxes are levied at a low rate or not at all.3. A joint ventu

2、re (合资公司)(often abbreviated JV) is an entity formed between two or more parties to undertake economic activity together.4. Land banking (地产储藏)is the practice of purchasing land with the intent to hold on to it until such a time as it is highly profitable to sell it on to others for substantially mor

3、e than was initially paid.5. Banks provide bridge loan(过渡性贷款) to help the borrowers to bridge the gap in time between buying a new house and selling the old house.6. Averages are of two kinds: general average(一般海损) and particular average.7. A golden parachute (金降落伞)is a clause (or several) in an exe

4、cutives employment contract specifying that they will receive certain significant benefits if their employment is terminated when their company is acquired.8. Different companies in different nations will have their own advantages,which decide their positions in the world industrial chain .(产业链)9. T

5、he exchange rate (比价)today is 300 Japanese yen to the pound.10. Companies that sell world-wide have benefited from economies of scale .(规模经济)11. Earnest (保证金)money is money given to the seller as a first payment by the buyer to show that he agrees to the contract of sale and intends to honor it.12.

6、The exchange rate(比价) today is 300 Japanese yen to the pound.13. Dirty (不清洁提单)B/L is one into which the ship-owners have put a clause stating that the conditions of the goods or packing when received were unsatisfactory.14. A credit note(贷项告知单) is a monetary instrument issued by a seller that allows

7、 a buyer to purchase an item or service from that seller on a future date.15. INCOTERMS (国际贸易术语解释通则)are a set of international rules published by the International Chamber of Commerce,Paris,for deciding the exact meaning of the chief terms used in foreign-trade contracts.Section Directions: translat

8、e the following terms and expressions from Chinese into English.1. 跨国公司(multinational company或transnational corporation或MNC) 2. 百货批发(general wholesale) 3. 半成品(semi-finished product或intermediate goods) 4. 报关(declare sth at customs或apply to customs) 5. 不冻港(ice-free port或open port) 6. 法人(artificial per

9、son或legal person或legal entity) 7. 多式联运(multimodal transport或forwarding) 8. 多米诺(骨牌)效应 (domino effect) 9. 集装箱(container) 10. AA制(go Dutch 或go fifty-fifty) 11. 解决价(bargain price或reduced price) 12. 报盘(quotation) 13. 净重(net weight)14. 唛头(shipping marks)15. 不可抗力(an act of God与force majeure) 16. 代理人(man of

10、 business) 17. 舱位(shipping space) 18. 超前消费(excessive consumption)Section Directions: translate the following terms and expressions from English into Chinese.1. go Dutch(AA制) 2. force majeure(不可抗力) 3. best-seller(畅销) 4. shelf life (pull date保质期) 5. BRIC group(金砖四国) 6. net weight(净重)7. bill of exchang

11、e(draft汇票) 8. trade quotas(贸易配额) 9. adverse balance(逆差) 10. bar code(条形码) 11. offer(报价或报盘) 12. pyramid selling(传销)13. counter-offer(还价或还盘) 14. domino effect(多米诺骨牌效应)15. artificial person(legal person法人) 16. down-market goods(低档货) 17. Bretton Woods system(布雷顿森林体系18. cash on delivery(货到付款) 19. futures

12、 market(期货市场) 20. break even(收支平衡)Section Directions: translate the following sentences from Chinese into English. 1. 我们一般用个案分析为客户提供征询服务。(We provide consulting services to clients, usually through case analysis)2. 她们成交之前还要谈判付款条件。(They have to negotiate about the payment terms before concluding a tra

13、nsaction)3. 发货前要检查。(Goods must be examined before they are dispatched)4. 合同规定,乙方的保底收益为200,000美元。(According to the contract,Party Bs minimum earnings are $200.000)5. 本产品保质期为一年。(The quality of this product is promised to be guaranteed for a year)6. 定价应考虑地区差价。(Regional price differences will be taken i

14、nto account at the time of setting prices)7. 发票上要写明大小写金额。(Amount in both words and figures should be given on the invoice)Section Directions: translate the following sentences from English into Chinese. 1. We should like to fill your order,but the fact is that we have received more orders than we ha

15、d expected,with the result that our large reserve stock has been sold out.(我方很想按贵方订单交货,但接到的订单太多,超过我方预料,成果,我方大量存货已经售磬) 2. Insurance of the goods shall be covered by us on 110of the CIF value,and any extra premium for additional insurance,if required,shall be borne by the Buyers.(货品的保险将由我方以CIF价的110投保。

16、如果规定附加险,额外保险费将由买方承当)3. We are enclosing our Quotation No.3571 for your consideration,and hope to receive your trial order in the near future.(随函附寄我方第3571号报价单,供贵方考虑,但愿近期能收到贵方试订单)4. We could book shipping space on S.S. “Manhattan Maru” before 5 May. This is the only vessel sailing direct for Tianjin w

17、ithin these two months;otherwise,we have to wait for another two months,as the next sailing for Tianjin will be on 5 July.(我方可在五月五日之前向“Manhattan Maru”轮订舱,这是两个月内唯始终航天津的轮船,否则我们要再等两个月,下班驶往天津的轮船将在七月五日启程)5. Promoting the development of electronic commerce is one of the key factors in the effort to make t

18、he European Union the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world.(在使欧盟成为世界上最具竞争力、最活跃的知识经济体的努力中,增进电子商务的发展是核心)6. We wish you to reconsider your price and give a new bid,so that there can be a possibility for us to meet halfway.(我方但愿贵方重新考虑一下价格,然后重新报价,以便我们双方各让一半)7. To reduce loss

19、and increase overall profits, the CEO told his product managers to get rid of all the dogs.(为了减少亏损,全面增长利润,公司的首席执行官告诉产品部经理们销毁所有次品)8. The advertising campaign has been planned to raise the awareness of the product amongst the public.(此广告促销筹划的目的就是提高产品的出名度)9. For millions of Americans,retirement plannin

20、g is all about accumulating a “nest egg of savings and investments to generate enough income to pay for a comfortable standard of living after they stop working.(对于许多美国人来说,退休筹划就是储藏一笔存款和投资资金,以便退休后来有着足够的收入来保持舒服的生活水平)10. It is a sellers market now and many commodities are in short supply,so prices are

21、high.(目前是卖方市场,许多商品供不应求,因此价格偏高)11. According to international practice,you are requested to establish the LC two months before the time of delivery.(按照国际惯例,你方应在交货前两个月开出信用证)12. To avoid counting the same output more than once. GDP includes only final goods and services, not those that are used to make

22、 another product.(为了避免反复计算同一产值,GDP只涉及最后产品和服务,而不涉及那些用于制造另一产品的产品和服务)1、翻译下列段落:为了弥补两国双边贸易中的逆差,中国削减了1/4从日本购入的货品,但为了此后中日贸易的发展,长期稳定的平衡是十分重要的,中日双方都必须进一步努力。(to make up for)To make up for the deficit in the bilateral trade between the two countries, China has cut its purchase of Japanese goods by one-fourth,

23、but to strive for the future development of Sino-Japanese trade, its important to achieve a persistent and steady balance, for which both countries must make further efforts.2、翻译下列短语(1)在世界范畴内广泛地发展商务联系to develop business communications extensively on a global basis(2)为适应竞争环境而采用的措施measures taken to su

24、it the competitive environment(3)对公司生存起核心作用的研究与发展活动the research and development vital to the companys survival(4)加强对海外市场的控制以稳固其在制造业的地位to tighten its grip on overseas markets to hold a steady position in the manufacturing industry二、回答what is market-based economy?A market-based economy may be describe

25、d as a spatially limited social network where goods and services are freely produced and exchanged according to demand and supply between participants (economic agents) by barter or a medium of exchange with a credit or debit value accepted within the network. Capital and labor can move freely across places, industries and firms in search of higher profits, dividends, interest, compensations and benefits. Rent on land allocates this generally fixed resource among competing users.

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