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1、Internet is influencing peoples life style and concept of values in a large scale. No one can deny its convenience as information technology has broken up the limit of time and space. In our groups opinion, network has brought so many advantages to us. And here are some of them: I will focus on the

2、social significance, and my partner will introduce the individual part to you. 1. The financial significance. It is with the information technology that the electronic commerce develops. Now people can shopping on line by clicking on the things they want through the mouse. Instead of driving to the

3、shopping mall, change the goods with cash, it is more convenient. And the enterprise can also show their new product, deal with the work on line. This new commercial style really can low down the price. 2. The political significance The internet has become a new stage for government and people to co

4、mmunicate. Through the internet, government can release news to their people while people can offer their ideas to the government freely. The speech on the internet play a more important role as the years goes on. 3. The cultural significance Network culture offers the youth new ideas of value such

5、as openness, freedom, democracy and equality. In addition, with the help of digital library, distance learning, search option and free E-mail, we can enjoy ourselves in the ocean of knowledge. Furthermore, there are no national boundaries and class limitations on the internet, no matter you are Chin

6、ese or English, doctor or work, rich or poor, you have the same rights to get the information which attracts you. This character make different cultures blend in and help to improve peoples level 第一篇:英语辩论网Internet, advantages and addiction 一、陈述观点阶段 正方一辩(丁) :Respected chairman, each leader, and frien

7、ds from the opposite side, Good morning!In todays information age, the Internet is more and more strongly involved in our lives, more and more close to everyone of us. We firmly believe that the Internet does more good than harm! First of all, the Internet is a virtual treasure trove of information.

8、 It makes the global sharing of information resources, any kind of information on any topic under the sun is available on the Internet. Secondly, the Internet brings great convenience to our lives. Many services are now provided on the internet such as online banking, job seeking, purchasing tickets

9、 for your favorite movies, guidance services on array of topics engulfing the every aspect of life, and hotel reservations. Often these services are not available off-line and can cost you more. Thirdly, the Internet has greatly improved work efficiency. Not only education and learning, but also tra

10、de conference can be conducted online. The companies in different areas can hold online meetings through the internet to bargain important issues of business. Finally, the internet can open our minds. Today, we are in an information society, internet is an encyclopedic world with extremely rich info

11、rmation. We can timely understand current events, access to the latest knowledge and information through the internet. Therefore, we firmly believe that the internet does more good than harm! Thank you! 反方一辩(蒋) :Internet plays a very important role in modern life. It has revolutionized our lives in

12、many ways as the affirmative side described. However, it is the innovative change of the Internet era that Pandoras box is opened at the same time. a virtual world Internet provides, in which persons surfing on the Internet dont know each other, they just identify others identification through onlin

13、e login account so that it is lack of basic trust relationship because all you know is only his/her e-mail or QQ number and you should not blindly believe in the Internet. While more and more people lose themselves in online games, which is not only waste of money but also waste of time. some feel l

14、ost without the internet like a man without a soul, a slave to the internet. others even have an addiction problem to the internet to the extent of medical treatment. Moreover, parents nowadays, have been worried about what their kids read and see on-line because of pornography or violent scene bein

15、g full of Internet, and these teenage will go out in real life and function. All of the above statements prove that Internet has done more harm than good to society. 二、自由辩论阶段 正方(邓) :Our viewpoint is “Internet does more advantages than harm”. The spreading speed of traditional books, newspapers an d

16、magazines is so slow. With the developing of the Internet, people can get plenty of information from the networks quickly and conveniently, and they feel the world become much smaller. For example, we knew the exact news from Internet about the earthquake in WenChuan several minutes after its happen

17、ing. And the popular word “earth village” can support our opinion, too. 反方(马) :Excuse me, I cant agree with you. I think Internet do more harm than good. Although we can get information quickly on Internet .But it also brings new problems. For example many Publishing Company went bankrupt, and Many

18、people lost their jobs. At the same time, the copyright status is very bad in China. There is a joke: a young man to Microsoft interview, he answer the interviewer a question and he was driven out .because the interviewer asked him Do you know the price of Microsoft operate system in China? The youn

19、g man asked: 5 yuan. Is this good to you? 正方(丁) :Although the Internet makes some industries closed down, but it has also produced some new industries. The defenders only see the Internet makes some people lose jobs, but do not see the Internet gives more people new jobs, so the defenders point of v

20、iew is one-sided. With the development of Internet, the communication between people is more easily, we can communicate with others through a lot of ways provided by the Internet, such as QQ, EMAIL, chat room, and so on. 反方(蒋) :Please note, you confuse a basic concept, the distance between people is

21、 to rely on people themselves to decide, ever not the network. The network is changing people s way of communication. people put too much effort and emotion in the Internet, reduced face-to-face communication with the family, friends, colleagues, so that the distance between two hearts increased, it

22、 makes people become distant. 正方(邓) :In addition to the front view of our partners , I think the Internet has created a new way of life. Chat online, checking information online, learning online, or even work online , people can complete many things remain indoors, which is impossible previously. 反方

23、(马) :Im sorry, I dont agree with you. I feel the Internet can help us to do many thing, at the same time, people become more and more lazy ,more and more weaker, even lost the joy of living. Which is more important, pronunciation ( 发 音 ) and intonation (语调) or fluency (流畅)? 一、陈述观点阶段 正方一辩(丁) : With t

24、he arrival of the globalization, English is becoming more and more important. How can we speak these English which foreigners can understand. Which is more important, pronunciation and intonation or fluency ?We firmly believe that the innovation is more important than pronunciation and fluency. I ha

25、ve three reasons to prove this point. Firstly, the innovation is really more important than so-called native pronunciation. Especially Britain, English pronunciation of each region has a little different, word “but” has two different pronunciation in different areas. Secondly, language is used to co

26、mmunicate. Even if we have a beautiful pronunciation, we cant use it to communicate ,which is not good. Thirdly, the pronunciation of word is just one brick. If we always pay no attention to innovation, we can easily make foreigners puzzle. The innovation likes design paper. How can we pack the bric

27、k, which design whether we is to build gigantic buildings, or cozy cottages. So, foreigners can easily understand. Thank you! 反方一辩(蒋) :The innovation is important in English. But the innovation is not the whole of English, which includes many aspects, such as pronunciation and fluency. If we only kn

28、ow the innovation, we also can not speak good English. The pronunciation is also important. Firstly, accurate pronunciation can boost our confidence. Secondly, it can help us remember words quickly. English pronunciation has its inherent strong regularity, but if we master accurate pronunciation,we

29、can read its correct pronunciation, which you give a word. Thirdly, accurate pronunciation can enhancement reading ability. Reading ability is good or bad not only according to the vocabulary and grammar, but also based on language sense. Language sense is a virtual thing,Even though we cant grasp i

30、t, we can feel the existence of it .When we read native books, we can roughly know what it means which we dont understand. If we can not pronounce accurately, we can cultivate our own language sense difficultly. Forth, accurate pronunciation can help us to improve our listening ability. Thank you! 二

31、、自由辩论阶段 正方(邓) :We all know that Indians speak English with a strong account. But the foreigner say that it sounds better than us. Because their intonation in step with them, only with local account. So, India can become a “world office”, handling instruments of foreign companies and telephone hot li

32、ne services, while China can only become the “worlds factory. I wonder if you have the experience of it: we obviously pronounce very accurately, and also speak some sentences fluently. But the foreigners do not understand what youre saying? Whats the problem of our oral? A few days ago, I saw a pass

33、age that a hostess imevon asked her British friend to listen to Daily says on her website, but her friend did t understand what she said. It shocked me. Why? 反方(马):Our opponent regard innovation as the most important in English. The pronunciation contains a lot of emotional component, and sometimes

34、it is a virtual thing, which is difficult to express in words. So, we should not look down on the pronunciation. We should try to figure out internal change of it, and master the essence of it. Many friends who learn English pay more attention to words than pronunciation. They often listen to Englis

35、h in the way of Chinese language.The result is that they cant listen to many words. So,they will complain the tape is not good. In fact, this is because their pronunciation is not standard. 第一篇:英语辩论网? 正方一辩:谢谢主席。各位观众,对方辩友,大家好。我方的观点是网络对于大学生利 大于弊。随着经济的发展和信息时代的到来,我们的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化,这就要求 我们大学生应该掌握更多更新的多方面信息

36、, 要求我们大学生从众多角度来分析问题, 那么 我们大学生获得信息的渠道应该是什么呢?对了,就是网络。网络的优点有以下几个方面。首先, 网络可以给我们大学生提供更为广阔的学习空间和学习资源。大学生可以通过网络进 行英语四、 六级的学习和计算机等级考试的学习等等, 而且在大学里同学们在学习上搞不懂 的问题很多都可以在网络上经过探讨获得一个比较令人满意的答案。除此之外, 大学生也可 以登陆众多学校的网站, 与其他学校的老师和学生交流学习体会, 使得自己的知识更加的完 善和全面。其次,大学生今后要从事的行业的动态信息对于大学生也是十分重要的,那么这 些信息的来源的途径之一就是网络,而且网络的速度快,

37、更新快,可以使大学生对自己专业 的动态信息了如指掌,这就使大学生今后的就业既有方向性,又有目的性,使大学生对自己 所学习的专业的要求有更加深刻的了解与认识, 让他们的学习不再盲目, 让他们的就业更加 顺利。总而言之,网络是大学生所必需的,也是必要的,网络对于大学生利大于弊。谢谢大 家! 反方一辩:谢谢主席,大家好。首先非常感谢对方辩友的精彩陈词,但是,在这里,我要指 出一点,无论是学习还是专业动态的查找,网络都不是唯一的途径,也未必是最好的途径, 希望各位对于以上问题要三思而后行啊。下面,阐述我方观点,网络对于大学生弊大于利。网络的发展促进了社会的进步是一个不可辩驳的事实, 但是, 我们不能只

38、看到事物的一个方 面,我们应该坚持两分法,学会全面的看待和分析问题,所以,我们也要看到网络的弊端还 是相当之多的。第一,网络使得大学生消沉。由于网络资源的共享性,使得无论是否适合于 大学生的信息都不得不被其所接受, 而这里面就包含着相当的色情和暴力方面的信息, 那么 试想大学生如果被这样的信息所教唆的话,后果将是不堪设想的。第二,网吧的环境不好, 根据统计,有八成以上的网吧烟雾缭绕、气氛紧张,绝大多数网吧存在着安全隐患,由此可 见,大学生的上网环境根本得不到保障,怎么能够更好的利用网络呢?所以,这一点大家一 定要注意和重视。因此,网络对于大学生蔽大于利。谢谢! 英语辩论 Shanzhai cu

39、lture is good to China 开场陈词 the beginning state Good evening, honorable judges, chairman, ladies and gentlemen, Our view is that Shanzhai culture is good to China For years, most users used “shanzhai” to just mean “fake”. But the vicious rivalry among shanzhaiji manufacturers is shifting the industr

40、y from imitation to innovation. With more than 10,000 black market handset makers in Shenzhen alone pushing units for profits of 10 to 20 yuan ($1.5-3) apiece, low revenues and high competition means shanzhaiji makers must now get creative to survive. “Shanzhai mobile phones have shown pretty impres

41、sive innovation in terms of technology, appearance and manufacturability, which find no parallels,” said principal of Newport Technologies Karl Weaver, who specializes in shanzhaiji. “A lot of unusual technologies and designs are combined together. These combinations bring out a wild variety of func

42、tions, although most infringe on the original manufacturer in some way.” China is the worlds largest handset market with about 650 million mobile users and another 8.52 million sets sold every month. Last year, about 250 million shanzhaiji entered the market, Weaver says. In Beijings Zhongguancun el

43、ectronics market, vendors peddle fake Nokia phones with electric shavers and two SIM card slots features the real brand doesnt offer. 3G iPhone replicas with exteriors identical to the real devices are sold for 400 yuan compared to $299. Others are printed with names like “Sunyericcsun”. The vast ar

44、ray of knockoff name-brand products, such as cell phones, DVDs, MP3 players, have made shanzhai the hottest word of the year. Now we wear shanzhai watches, talk through shanzhai cell phones, play shanzhai video games, use shanzhai computers, even watch shanzhai TV shows. Once a term used before some

45、 electronic products to suggest a copycat version of inferior quality, shanzhai now suggests to many Chinese creativity and trendiness. With the media all over the rise of shanzhai culture, public opinions are clearly divided. How to half agree with an opinion 表示部分同意 Yes, perhaps. Well, yes. Yes, in

46、 a way. possibly. Yes, I agree up to a point. Well, youve got a point there. Theres something in that, I suppose. I guess you could be right. Yes, I suppose so. Thats worth thinking about. How to disagree politely with an opinion 进行有礼貌的否决 I am not sure really. I cant possibly agree with you. Do you

47、really think so? Well, it depends. Im not so certain. Well, Im not so sure about that. No, I dont think so really. Im afraid i disagree. im afraid i have a different opinion. im afraid i dont share your opinion. i see your point, but i cant really agree with you. I dont think so. thats not (entirely

48、) true. i find that hard to swallow. all right, but dont you think? How to disagree strongly with an opinion 坚决的否认 I disagree. I disagree with you entirely. Im afraid I dont agree. Im afraid you are wrong there. you cant be serious. youre really stretching the truth. I wouldnt accept that for one mi

49、nute. what are you talking about? you must be joking. You cant really mean that. youve got it all wrong. no, i wont agree! dont waste your breath. You cant be serious. You must be joking. you dont have a leg to stand on. 征求他人观点或意见的用语 I would be glad to hear your opinion of wellwhat do you think(abou

50、t)? How do you see it? Do(dont) you agree? Whats your view on the matter? Are you of the same opinion as I? Lets have your opinion. I was wondering where you stood on the question of Do you think that? 引入自己的新观点或看法的用语 Another point is that Another way of looking at it is I forgot to say / tell you th

51、at in my opinion Personally I think I believe that I think that My (the) point is that if you ask me. Id like to say this Id like to point out that Speaking for myself . As far as Im concerned,. 就自己阐述的观点进行总结时的用语 what I said was what I mean to say was let me repeat what I said. let me rephrase what I

52、 said. Thats all I want to say. Do you agree? Im sure you agree. 常用句型 1 Can you believe ? 2.If I want you to choose from and , which will you join in? 3.If you , can you? I dont think so. 4.To my defense. 5.My dear friend give me a clear answear please now. 亲爱的朋友,请现在就给我一个清楚的解释. 6.I guess what you sa

53、id just now is too far from our topic to catch it ,we have no interest in it. 我想你刚才所说的离我们的话题太远了,我们对那不感兴趣. 8.If you keep on such stupid type like this,nobody will believe the simple lies that you fed. 如果你仍然坚持如此愚蠢的观点,没有人会相信你所说的谎言. 9.your word made me think of such a thing:though the stars shinning in

54、the sky,tell me why do you know how they can fall above,tell me why. .your word made me think of such a thing:though the stars shinning in the sky,tell me why do you know how they can fall above,tell me why. 你的话让我想起了这样一件事:天上的星星在闪烁,告诉我你怎么会知道它能掉 下里来呢,告诉我为什么! Everything has two sides 每件事情都有两面 Benefits

55、are more than disadvantage. 利大于弊 Positive/Negative more than impact/reports 积极/消极作用/报道 Decide(强调) Existence means truth.存在即是真理 Import/support our viewpoint 包含/支持着我方的观点 提问人的追问 2009-10-07 15:33 感谢你的答案,不过,我不是很妥当!辩题是山寨文化,你显然只大篇幅的说 了山寨产品的好处,几乎没友说文化!看看我的吧,希望能给点建议! Firstly,let us check out the definition o

56、f culture culture means a situation or a cerain consequence which people are appealed to interested in and tend to discuss it ofen Thus Shanzhai could be relevent to culture it must be a thing worth concentrating on ,worth caring about and worth discussing Secondly,There is a say goes take this :any

57、thing that exists is reasonable Although Shanzhai culture oriented from invitating,it had developed as an accepted element of Chinese culture.No one can deny that the freat influence of Shanzhai culture has been accelerating the paces of overspreading in digital product,the growing of entertainment

58、community as well as in other aspects Thridly ,Every author knows that a good article may always begin with copying.It turns out the same way with culture The branch of culture may also appear from copying Shanzhai culture is a way of development.Its benefits can be found in many aspects.For example

59、, manufacturers who are making Shanzhai products can learn from famous brands and gradually develop their own style.With moderate government regulation, Shanzhai enterprises can even compete with those monopoly entreprises in domestic mrarkets It provides many opportunities for people to enjoy a kin

60、d of culture which we have never experienced before.While enjoying the creativity among the Shanzhai culture, people find their way of life revitalized and full of vigo 门门精通不可能,人的精力是有限的,只精通一门也是不够的。最好以一门为主,多门为辅。这样精一门还是比精多门重要,又不至于把精通一门极端 化了。 我觉得“门门通”肯定不会很精通,只是了解而已; 我支持“一门精” ,因为人的脑力有限, 装不了太多的东东,就算装多了,

61、时间长了也会一团乱的, 与其三心二意, 不如一心一意, 去做好一件事! “门门通”肯定不会很精通,只是了解而已; 这的确不假 但是在当今的社会 我们却是很需要这样的人才,社会进步加快 智能 化的水平变搞,以前的司机都会开车,而且会修车 但是近几年的发展告诉我们 不会 修车的司机越来越多 我们要在当今社会生活的舒服和安逸 就必定要知道怎么看地图 去想去的地方 不用自己来画地图 看到喜欢的游戏 要了解怎么玩的游戏规则 不用自己去设计 。“一门精” ,因为人的脑力有限, 人的大脑潜力是无穷的, “一门精” ,也是社会发展的趋 势使然 我们却是很需要这样的人才,社会进步加快 智能化的水平变搞,以前的司

62、机都会开车,而 且会修车 但是近几年的发展告诉我们 虽然不会修车的司机越来越多 然而故障的 解决还是要靠“一门精” ,你对于社会的“门门通”也不起作用 我们要在当今社会生活 的舒服和安逸 就必定要有一门精来测量地图后 你才能去想去的地方 有了喜 欢的游戏 要靠一门精设计出来 你才能玩 光了解怎么玩的游戏规则 无疑是画 饼充饥 。 “ 通 ” 是 “ 精 ” 的 基 础 ;“ 精 ” 是 “ 通 ” 的 极 至 。在 “ 门 门 通 ” 中 实 现 “ 一 门 精 ” 才 是 市 场 最 需 要 的。 王 远 郑 彬 我 欣 动 着 要 领 海涛 现 在 能 更 在 工 赏“ 一 门 精 ”,这

63、 个 社 会 是 多 元 化 的 ,各 种 尖 端 科 技 在 推 各 个 元 的 发 展 。显 然 , 尖 端 科 技是 “ 一 门 精 ” 人 才 活 动 的 主 域 ,而“ 门 门 通 ”的 人 在 这 一 领 域 只 能 望 洋 兴 叹 。 张 的 社 会 ,分 工 越 来 越 细,在 很 多 领 域 都 需 要 有 专 业 知 识 ,才 有 利 于 工 作 , 所 以 “ 一 门 精 ” 是一 种 很 好 的 选 择 , 也 是 我 们 作 中 得 心 应 手 的 有 力 武 器 。 黄 永 明 竞 创 各 己 新 争 新 有 独 世 是 需 独 特 纪 裴 新 要 特 的 绽 长 时 专 的 表 放 太 代 门 声 现 出 的 人 音 方 别 生 才 ; 式 样 存 方 式 , 创新 是 抢 占 制 高 点 的 唯 一 途 径 , 而 ,专 才 是 各 个 领 域 的 中 坚 力 量 。鸣 叫 的 百鸟 , 娇 艳 的 鲜 花 ,各 有 自 己 的 色 彩 ,专 才 都 以 自 而 存 在。所 以 我 认 为 , 只 有 “ 一 门 精 ” 才 能 在 的 花 朵 。 一招鲜,吃遍天.人的精力是有限的,如果把有限的精力分配到很多的事情上去,势必都难以 学好,还不如把所有的精力都放在一件事情上,坚持不懈,自然能精通运用自如

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