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1、2011年下半年口译内部真题、考官点评及权威参考答案 2011年下半年高级口译资格证书第二阶段考试已落下帷幕,回顾今年试题及考生情况,有几点体会与考生分享,供今后复习备考参考。1)重视教材,领会透彻,训练扎实。充分利用高口教程,熟悉教程内容。和历年一样,今年第二阶段的试题均涉及高级口译资格证书口译教材内容,分别为第12课的中国发展(英译中)和第9课的文化交流(中译英)。这验证了一句话:如果觉得题目难,很大程度上是因为对它不熟悉。如果没有事先看过口译书,将会很吃亏。同时,练习时不能只看书,而应做到手,耳,口三者结合。口译将听、写、说三方面结合起来,所以练习时一定要注重速记和口头翻译的锻炼。在练习

2、过程中,要有意识地将自己口译录下来,在回放过程中寻找自己的不足。根据考生经验,这一点对备考很有帮助。总之,妥善利用口译教程定将助力第二阶段考试。试看以下四例,尤其关注划线部分常用结构、词汇以及相对应的表达,这些都是考生应试过程中或多或少出现问题的部分。例1这个月中美两国的学生开展了为期半个月的“美中城市学生看中国”活动。两国学生在河北八卦岭走访农家,参加农村社区服务活动,互相教授英语和汉语;在北京参观长城、故宫等景点,并就校园生活、升学、就业等主题进行交流。这段考生总体表现较好,部分考生熟练度不够,语法小错误较多。“开展”这类常规词考生应十分熟练并常备几个词替换,如:launch, condu

3、ct, carry out等;“为期”因与时间短语搭配常用作前置修饰语,建议使用如译文提供的简单表达方式,以节约时间。专题活动、会议等名称英语惯用语多为名词或介词短语,极少出现动词结构或完整句形式,否则易出现语法错误。除约定俗成的专有名称,其他地名一般按拼音译即可。“就问题主题进行讨论交换意见交流”也是口译常用句型,须脱口而出,如:“hold talks / exchange views on issues concerning/ on such issues as”。活动中,两国学生克服语言和文化障碍,超越习俗和偏见,通过沟通和互动,结下了深厚的友谊。依依惜别之时,两国学生彼此承诺:努力学习

4、,健康成长,未来再相会。从两国学生的身上,我看到了中美人民之间的深厚友谊,看到了中美关系的光明前景。这段有的考生受中文字词表面意义的影响过多,如“依依惜别、深厚”,译文中式英语痕迹重;有的过于简化,信息遗漏多,如:“健康成长”等。“克服、超越”这类近义词应尽量用比“overcome”搭配力更强的一个词统领,从而把重点放在并列的宾语信息上,即:“语言和文化障碍,习俗和偏见”。“通过”这类表示方法和手段的词,可采用两种译法,一是用介词短语置于句末,如:“forgewith / through / by”。二是按原句顺序译,调换主从关系,把后半句译成结果,如:“they communicate an

5、d interact with each other, forging”。“惜别告别”常用表达为“part”,不熟悉这个词的人较多,需平时多积累。参考译文:This month American and Chinese students joined in a 15-day program entitled “China in the Eyes of American and Chinese City Students”.They visited farmers in Bagualing of Hebei Province, did volunteer work in rural commun

6、ities and taught each other English and Chinese. They visited the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and other tourist attractions, and had discussions on topics such as campus life, admission to college and job hunting. During the program, the students went beyond language and cultural barriers, differ

7、ences in customs and views, and forged friendship through communication and interaction. When it came to the time of parting, the students promised to each other that they would study hard, keep fit and meet again in the future. I see in these students the profound friendship between Chinese and Ame

8、rican peoples and the bright prospect of Sino-U.S relations.例2 我们历来主张中美两国文明虽有不同,却不相斥;虽有差异,却能交融。中美两国建交以来,人民之间的交往不断扩大。两国已缔结了163对姊妹城市。去年,到中国旅游的美国人多达182万人次,中国赴美探亲、求学、经商的有54万人次。 部分考生未透彻理解“相斥、交融”含义,或未注意中文重复结构与英文之间的转换,译文拖沓冗长,意义重叠。“相斥”可译为“go against / exclude each other”,“交融”可译为“coexist in harmony / accommo

9、date / integrate into each other”等。“虽然”建议多使用介词“despite”,可使语句简短。“姊妹城市”这类词不必死译,其含义为“友好城市”,此句可意译为“163 pairs of cities have built up friendly relations”。另外,基本的数字须译得准确、迅速,免得占用太多时间,影响其他部分的翻译。平时可多做数字练习加强。中国人民自古以来珍惜“和为贵”、“和而不同”的价值观。作为世界上有重要影响的大国,中美应该相互尊重、相互学习、求同存异、取长补短,为不同文明之间和谐共存、进行建设性合作树立榜样,为实现人类的共同发展作出贡献

10、。“和为贵”、“和而不同”意思近似“和平共处、和谐而不必完全一致”,此句也可合并译为“Chinese people have always cherished the values of peace / peaceful coexistence / coexistence in harmony”。对于 “求同存异、取长补短”这类常见词,虽然译法多样,也需根据信息多少、句式长短灵活处理,合并意义重复部分(“相互学习”),可译为:“recognize our similarities and differences, and learn from each others experience /

11、draw on each others strength / advantages”。“为作出贡献”也属常用句型,可直译为“contribute to / make contribution to”,也可意译为“促进推动”之意,如:“facilitate / propel / drive / press forward / promote”等。参考译文:We have always held that the Chinese and U.S. civilizations can get along with instead of repelling each other despite our

12、 differences. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, there are more extensive contacts between the two peoples, and 163 pairs of sister cities have been twinned.More than 1.82 million Americans visited China last year while 540,000 Chinese went to the St

13、ates for family reunion, education or business. Since ancient times, Chinese people have treasured the values of “peace as most precious” and “harmony without uniformity.”As major countries of globa1 influence, China and the United States should respect each other and draw upon our respective streng

14、ths, seek common ground while recognizing our differences. In so doing, we can set a good example for civilizations to coexist in harmony for constructive cooperation, hence contributing to the common development of humanity.例3Most of Chinas growth over the past 30 years can be explained by high rat

15、es of investment and the movement of workers from subsistence farming to more productive use in industry. But Chinas growth is not based simply on cheap labor. It also has the advantages of good infrastructure, an educated workforce, a high rate of savings available to finance investment and, most i

16、mportant of all, an extremely open economy. “can be explained by”为英语常用句型,表原因,译为“是因为”。这句考生理解上没问题,但表达速度略慢,对句型熟练度不够。另外,考生对划线部分的口译经济类常用词也不够熟悉,减慢了信息理解和处理速度;“available to”等惯用表达在中文对应词找得较慢,一时转换影响不过来,整体译文。平时训练需注重积累,并多做、常做视译练习,加快中、英文语言和思维转换速度。China has the lowest tariff protection of any developing country. M

17、oreover, China has welcomed foreign direct investment, which has bolstered growth by increasing the stock of fixed capital and providing new technology and management know-how. Joint ventures with foreign firms produce 28 percent of Chinas industrial output. As a latecomer, China does not need to re

18、invent the wheel, but merely to open its economy to ideas from the rich world which it has done with great enthusiasm. 本句问题与上句类似,主要是经济类常用词的理解和表达,另需关注英语常用的关系从句,即传统语法所说的定语从句译法。参考译文: 中国过去30年的经济增长主要归功于高投资率,归功于劳动力从自给自足农业流向工业,从而提高了生产力。但中国的发展并非仅依赖廉价劳动力,它还有其他许多优势:良好的基础设施,教育程度较高的劳动力,可用于金融投资的高储蓄,而最重要的是,中国的经济极

19、为开放。中国的关税保护是发展中国家中最低的。中国也欢迎外商直接投资,通过增加固定资本、引进新的技术和管理知识保持经济增长。中国与外商建立的合资企业产值已占工业总产值的28。作为后起之秀,中国不必重复别人走过的老路,而只需开放经济,吸收富裕世界的理念而这些正是中国满怀热情完成的事情。例4 Napoleon left with the world his famous saying that “Let China sleep, for when she awakes she will shake the world.” He was ahead of his time, but now the d

20、ragon is certainly awake. Since 1978, when Deng Xiaoping first set his country on a path of economic reform, its GDP has grown by an average of 9.5 percent a year, three times the growth rate in the United States, and faster than in any other economy. In fact, China was the largest economy for much

21、of the recorded history. 本句除经济类常用词和数字、倍数的理解和表达外,还应注意中文表达地道,语句间的衔接连贯,如:“was ahead of his time” ,以及关系从句“when”的译法。 Until the l5th century, China had the highest income per head and was the technological leader. But then it suddenly turned its back on the world. Its rulers imposed strict limits on inter

22、national trade and tightened their control on new technology.Measured by GDP per person it was overtaken by Europe by l500.Much to the surprise of the world, China is now rejuvenating itself, making up lost ground and catching up. 本句主要是熟练掌握划线部分经济和改革类常用词的理解和表达,另需关注固定词组如:“turned ones back on”。另外,像“mea

23、sured by”这类主要起语法作用的表达可直译为“按照根据”,也可融合在上下文里略去不译。参考译文: 拿破仑有句名言说,“让中国沉睡吧!当她觉醒时,全球将为之震撼。”拿破仑是有远见先见之明的。如今这条巨龙显然已觉醒。自1978年邓小平将中国推上经济改革之路以来,中国国内生产总值以年均9.5的速度增长,是美国同期增长的三倍,并超过其他任何一个经济体增长速度。事实上,有史以来大多数时间中国都是世界上最大的经济体。15世纪以前中国的人均收入为全世界最高,技术也处于世界领先地位。但后来突然中国闭关锁国,统治者对国际贸易实行严格限制,对新技术的引进也严加控制。到1500年,中国人均国内生产总值已被欧洲


25、展(妇女权利)、旅游参观(海南岛简介)、运动与健康(瑜珈)。资料来源大多出自北京周刊、时代杂志、经济学家等中英文期刊和相关网站。以下选取各段中的重点、难点进行分析,注意按照不同话题类别积累如划线部分的结构和表达。例1Asias success was the result of economic policies that encouraged business investment. It tells that domestic economic policies must continue to be geared toward building resilient and competi

26、tive economies. This requires, in particular, strengthening domestic sources of growth, including by vigorously tackling incomplete reforms in the financial and corporate sectors. It also requires pursuing policies that make economies more capable of absorbing economic shocks more easily.Next, growi

27、ng regional and global interdependence requires that policy makers pay increasing attention to the international context of their decisions. A regional focus that remains open to the rest of the world holds great promise for Asias long-term growth. 本句考生主要失误的地方是划线词语和句型的表达,如:“be geared toward, corpora

28、te sectors”,虽算不上完全陌生,但因平时自己使用不多,看到或听到时仅满足于大致理解,因此出现理解慢半拍,表达词穷的现象。另外,最后一句中的关系从句以及短语“holds great promise”也是给考生造成困难的部分,训练时这类句型要多关注,不断进行中、英文转换。参考译文: 亚洲的成功是奉行鼓励商业投资的经济政策的结果。亚洲的成功表明,国内经济政策必须继续朝着有利于建立灵活而有竞争力的经济方向发展,尤其是要加强国内发展源头,包括大力完善金融和公司部门的改革,以及奉行更容易消融震荡的经济政策。其次,地区和全球之间越来越相互依存,这要求决策者必须更多考虑决策的国际背景。一个面向世界的

29、地区焦点展示了亚洲长期发展的美好前景。例2The published economic data is igniting fears of a serious U.S. economic downturn. However, economic recovery has come full circle. The growth propped by the US economic recovery reached its peak last year. The engines to that growth have been weakened and left almost powerless

30、heading into the next half. Second, the US government will begin imposing more taxes on businesses. More signals are indicating a lack of growth motivation. 本句一开始的“ignite”一词就给考生理解上带来些小麻烦,在加上对 “downturn”和“come to full circle”两个表达理解不够透彻,所以译文出错。同时因为理解链暂时中断,影响到对后面几句逻辑关联的理解和笔记跟进。而其他如:“prop, engine, headi

31、ng into the next half”等划线词语和结构也延缓了考生的反应速度。其实翻译时若能选择“避开”战略,跳过“下半年”这部分,句子还是可以译得比较通顺的,但大多数考生纠结于听懂或译出每个词句,被字词束缚住了手脚,未能从上下文确定意义。因此以后考生需注意培养根据上下文推测词义、句意,并按照逻辑关系把握全篇的意识。参考译文:已公布的经济数据引起了对美国经济衰退的担忧。然而,经济复苏已全面来临。由美国经济恢复支撑的经济增长去年已达到顶点。这一增长的动力受到削弱,因而今年下半年已呈软弱无力之势。其次,美国政府将增加对公司企业的征税。更多迹象表明增长动力的疲乏。例3文化差异是由于地域、种族、

32、历史、环境,以及经济、科学、技术水平的差异产生的。文化差异呼唤文化交流。文化差异赋予我们色彩斑斓的世界和丰富多彩的生活。差异使我们相互吸引,差异使距离拉得更近。事实上,我们已经生活在一个文化彼此交融的时代。当然,不同文化的相聚不可能永远不发生冲突碰撞。 本句挑战性不大,只要考生对文化类话题的基本词汇和句型(如划线部分所示)熟练即可,但也不可忽视语言质量,避免过多或过于低级的语法和表达错误。参考译文:Cultural differences arise from a difference in region, race, history, environment and the developm

33、ent of economy, science and technology, and call for cultural exchanges. They also present us a diverse world and a colourful life, reducing the geographical distances and drawing us closer.In fact, we are living at a time when different cultures are merging into each other. It is true that differen

34、t cultures do not always come together without conflicts or collision.例4很高兴与各位共同参加中国上海国际艺术节。今晚的压轴表演为艺术节划上完美的句号。中国上海国际艺术节已连续举办了十一年,而且表演节目一年比一年精彩。在金融风暴肆虐下,艺术节振奋人心,让我们深深感受到艺术之美,人生之美。此外,艺术节亦展现上海作为亚洲文化中心的魅力,提升我们的软实力。 本句难度也不高,只是有些考生听到“压轴表演”以及稍微花哨一点的中文就开始头痛,未能积极思考对策,错失通过良机。这句完全可以避开“压轴”,只译“表演”,虽不精确,但至少意义接近,

35、远比胡译乱译好。“划上完美句号”也可译为“provide with / give a perfect ending”等。“连续十一年”还可译成“for 11 consecutive years”。还需理解并学会绕过“一年比一年”而专注于一般比较结构。“精彩”也可译为“wonderful, fantastic”等近义词,不过“engaging”词义更贴切,因含有“吸引注意力”之意。“肆虐”本为虚指,作用是加强语义,所以可以选择不译。“软实力”也可理解为无形的实力,译成“intangible strength”,甚至还可以笼统地译成综合实力“overall strength”,只要达意即可。高口的

36、汉译英部分要尤其注意“达意”的目标,避免“一叶障目”,“只见树木,不见森林”。参考译文:It is a pleasure to join you for this years China Shanghai International Arts Festival. The performance tonight concludes the Festival with a high note. The Festival has been held for 11 years in a row, with the performances more engaging. During the curre

37、nt economic turmoil, the Festival has lifted our spirits, reminding us of the beauty of art and life.It also enhances Shanghais appeal and soft power as a cultural hub in Asia. 例5 Stanford University is a university that is very open and inclusive to persons of all faiths, all races, all over the co

38、untry and the world. But we still have a long way to go if we are going to get the benefits that diverse perspectives provide. We must cast our net for excellence as widely as we possibly can.There has not been a single period in Stanfords history that it has achieved so remarkably.It is because we

39、see the potential of what is going to come. We take the long view and increase our investment, and bring in the best scholars, let them follow their imaginations, and dont try to direct them. In the long run, it is their knowledge that will pay off. 本句主要问题是考生对“inclusive to + sb.”这个结构把握不准确,致使翻译时思维受阻,

40、对略带比喻含义的“cast our net”短语意义也不很确定。至于其后的几个划线短语,均因中文表达不畅,一时找不到合适的对应词而失分。从本句看,考生在学习英语的过程中也应注重中文语言能力的提高。参考译文:斯坦福大学是一所非常开放的大学,无论你什么信仰、种族、来自美国哪个州,或哪个国家,任何人都可以进入斯坦福大学。但如想从多元化的好处中受益,我们仍有很长一段路要走。我们必须尽可能扩大网罗天下英才的网络。在斯坦福大学的办学史上,从来没有哪一时期像现在这样取得如此令人瞩目的成就。这是因为我们看到了发展的潜能,我们着眼未来,加大投资,引进一流学者,让他们充分发挥想象力时,不去指挥他们。从长远来看,正

41、是这些一流学者的知识才会有价值。例6On behalf of my fellow honorary graduates and myself, I wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to the University for the high honors which have been conferred on us and for the generous citations today. With its global vision and its mission to combine tradition with modernity, th

42、is university is a unique institution that makes an invaluable contribution. The University must be commended on what it has achieved.I trust that you will do your part to contribute to the development of your Alma Mater in future years. Youth is the trustee of posterity. Looking into the future, ou

43、r young people should, as much as possible, prepare themselves for the exciting challenges ahead. 本句较难,主要问题是不熟悉的词汇多,考生听到较陌生的词时仍会习惯性停下来思考,因而错过其他部分。如首句的“honorary”这个词,一旦词义理解受阻,考生似乎就自动停止,不再向前了。实际上,像“confer, citations”这些词时都可以依据上下文猜测大致含义。很多考生把“commend”误听成“comment”或“recommend”,说明对英语惯用法掌握不牢固。对于像“Alma Mater”

44、和“trustee of posterity”这种使用频率并不很高的短语,在不确定词义的情况下可以选择不译,以免出现重大错误,但选择不译时,要对译文进行适当调整或合理补充,如:“必定会竭尽全力为未来的发展做贡献”和“青年是未来的希望”等。参考译文: 我谨代表其他与我一起领受荣誉学位的人士,对校方今天颁予我们这项崇高荣誉及嘉许,致以由衷的感谢。这所大学既具备国际视野,同时又将传统性与现代性结合在一起,贡献卓著。贵校所取得的成就值得称颂。我深信你们他日必定会尽你们所能,为母校的发展作出贡献,回馈母校。未来掌握在年轻人手里。展望将来,年轻人应为迎接未来令人振奋的挑战而做好充分准备。例7随着电信技术的

45、迅速发展,世界贸易一体化的趋势不可逆转。当今,以网络技术为基础的电子商务是一个不可或缺的贸易方式。电子商务充分利用了信息网络技术的高科技手段,它的突出特点和优势是:向所有交易主体提供了先进的交易模式和平等的交易机会,大大减少交易的中间环节,缩短交易时间,从而打破资源局限,提高经济效率。本句难度不高,关键依然是词义理解和意义转换。“不可逆转”不一定非得译成“irreversible”,如果不知道这个词,或者一时想不起来,也可用其他词替换,改句合在一起可以译成“the integration of world trade is definite / certain”或“world trade is

46、 definitely / certainly moving towards integration”。“不可或缺”还可译成“essential / crucial”等意义接近的表达。“交易主体”也可译成“traders / business people”等类似表达。“中间环节”还可意译成“steps”或合译为“simplify the trading procedure”等。参考译文:Alongside the rapid development of telecommunication technologies, the trend of the integration of world

47、 trade is irreversible.Today, based on network technology, electronic commerce is an indispensable means of trade. Making full use of high technology such as information and Internet technology, E-commerce has its remarkable features and advantages. It offers all trading bodies advanced trading patt

48、ern and equal trading opportunities; it reduces intermediate links of trading and saves trading time, thus breaking the limitations on resources and improving business efficiency.例8 Every year, road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death for persons aged between 15 and 44. The estimated cos

49、t of death and injuries on the road is a staggering US$ 518 billion. We will encourage countries to implement the International Red Cross Plan of Action. We look forward to working with all concerned to find effective ways of addressing the terrible loss of life and resources which the global road t

50、raffic crisis has produced. As the old saying goes, All roads are covered with good intentions. Let us work together to make these intentions a reality. 本句除数字仍使有些考生头痛外,主要难点还是如何利用篇章逻辑确定常用词在上下文中的含义,如:“concerned”或“staggering”。此外,考生应牢记,在遇到熟悉的动词谓语出现在不熟悉的搭配中时,要依据“先宾后动”的原则,根据宾语转化动词表达,即先确定“good intentions”词

51、义及其与主语“all roads”之间的关系,然后再联系全篇思考有什么词可与这个含义搭配,如可译成“道路安全需要依赖于人们的良好愿望善意”等。参考译文:道路交通伤害占所有伤害致死的四分之一。更让人忧心的是,对15到44岁的人而言,道路交通伤害是死亡的罪魁祸首。据估计,道路致死及伤害造成的全球损失估计可高达5180亿美元。我们鼓励各国实施国际红十字行动计划。我们期待和有关方面合作找到有效方法,解决全球道路交通伤害所引发的重大人员和资源的损失。一句老话说的好,“所有道路都是由良好愿望铺成。”让我们共同努力使愿望成真。例9妇委会自成立以来,制定推动妇女发展的策略,研究妇女需要,解决妇女面临的各种问题

52、。政府全力支持妇委会的工作,努力消除社会上对妇女的偏见。我期望能继续与国内外的朋友保持紧密联系,就促进妇女权益和福祉互相交流、彼此学习,延续世界妇女大会的精神,继续致力提供有利妇女发展的环境,共同为促进两性平等而努力。本句整体难度并不高,都是些惯用词和句型(如划线部分所示,其中包括前文提到过的“就”结构),但有些考生一听到“妇委会”、“福祉”等词就认定句子很难,产生放弃的念头。口译因讨论主题较正式,内容与日常会话不同,可能略显枯燥,考生应逐步习惯,平时无论话题内容喜欢与否,都要反复训练,积极备战,不可厚此薄彼,存侥幸心理,避开自己不喜欢或不擅长的主题领域。参考译文:Since its esta

53、blishment, the Womens Commission formulated strategies for the advancement of women development, identifying womens needs and addressing all matters of concern to women. The Government has rendered its full support to the Womens Commission and will strive to eliminate any gender bias in the society.

54、I hope that we will continue to maintain close liaison with the friends from around the world, and to exchange and learn from each other to achieve the goal of promoting womens rights and interests. Let us build upon the spirit of the World Conference on Women, continue to foster a favorable environ

55、ment for womens development and join our hands to strive for gender equality.例10海南是位于中国最南端的美丽岛屿。这里的热带海洋气候特色非常明显,长达1528公里的海岸线一半为沙岸。海岸线阳光充足明媚,使得游客们在一年中多数时间都可进行日光浴。历史上的火山喷发,在海南岛留下了许多死火山口。岛上温泉分布广泛,大多属于治疗性温泉,非常适于发展融观光、疗养、科研等为一体的旅游。来海南旅游的人们被这座迷人的海岛所深深吸引,流连忘返。 本句初听似乎有点难,但实际上大多有难点的地方都可以通过避让或换词的方法解决。如只译“热带气候

56、”,避开“海洋”;用“volcanoes that are no longer active”替代“extinct volcanoes”;用“hot springs for medical purpose / for the treatment of diseases”表达“治疗性温泉”的含义。“被所吸引”也可译为“be enchanted by / be drawn to”;“流连忘返”还可译成“find it hard to leave”等。参考译文:Hainan, a beautiful island located at the southern tip of China, enjoy

57、s distinctively tropical maritime climate. Along the 1528-kilometer-long coastline of Hainan, the sandy beaches take about 50%. The ample and enchanting sunshine on the beaches allows the tourists to enjoy sunbathing during most time of the year.The volcanic eruptions in the history have left many e

58、xtinct volcanic vents on the island. Hot springs are widely distributed there, most of which therapeutic ones, which renders it an ideal place to develop integrated tourism that combines sightseeing, recuperation as well as research. Those who visit Hainan are usually so fascinated by this charming

59、island that they feel reluctant to leave.例12 The Indian tradition develops ways of describing the body as it is experienced, from the inside out. The Western tradition looks at the body from the outside in, and peels it back one layer at a time, and it believes only what it can see. The East treats

60、the person; the West treats the disease. Yoga relaxes you and, by relaxing, heals.When you do yoga, you initiate a process that turns the fight system off and turns the relaxation response on. The body seizes this chance to turn on the healing mechanisms. Yoga offers modern men and women a moment of

61、 relaxation when noise and agitation are everywhere. 本句有一定难度,属于理解不难,顺畅表达较难的类型,要求考生从整体上把握全篇,注意句与句之间的起承转合,适当补充添加,如第三句中的比较含义以及第四句中“heals”一词的补充译法。透彻理解后,表达时要能够摆脱原文形式上的束缚,跳出框框,准确达意,如第一、二句中划线部分的处理。其余部分的表现依然取决于考生对类似“initiate, mechanism”等常规词语的熟悉程度。参考译文: 在印度,人们对身体的认知是由里及外的。而西方的传统是由外及里地逐层认识人的身体,西方人只相信他们能看到的东西。


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