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1、本科生毕业设计(论文)外文科技文献译文 译文题目 施工质量控制 (外文题目) PROJECTCOSTCONTROL 系 名 称 土木工程系 专 业 土木工程 学 号 学生姓名 日 期 2013.03.01 指导教师签名 日 期 目录施工质量控制 (1)PROJECTCOSTCONTROL (12)施工质量控制一、 引言项目是企业形象的窗口和效益的源泉。随着市场竞争日趋激烈,工程质量、文明施工要求不断提高,材料价格波动起伏,以及其他种种不确定因素的影响,使得项目运作处于较为严峻的环境之中。由此可见项目的成本控制是贯穿在工程建设自招投标阶段直到竣工验收的全过程,它是企业全面成本管理的重要环节,必须

2、在组织和控制措施上给于高度的重视,以期达到提高企业经济效益的目的。二、 概述工程施工项目成本控制,指在项目成本在成本发生和形成过程中,对生产经营所消耗的人力资源、物资资源和费用开支,进行指导、监督、调节和限制,及时预防、发现和纠正偏差从而把各项费用控制在计划成本的预定目标之内,以达到保证企业生产经营效益的目的。三、 施工企业成本控制原则施工企业的成本控制是以施工项目成本控制为中心,施工项目成本控制原则是企业成本管理的基础和核心,施工企业项目经理部在对项目施工过程进行成本控制时,必须遵循以下基本原则。3.1 成本最低化原则。施工项目成本控制的根本目的,在于通过成本管理的各种手段,促进不断降低施工

3、项目成本,以达到可能实现最低的目标成本的要求。在实行成本最低化原则时,应注意降低成本的可能性和合理的成本最低化。一方面挖掘各种降低成本的能力,使可能性变为现实;另一方面要从实际出发,制定通过主观努力可能达到合理的最低成本水平。3.2 全面成本控制原则。全面成本管理是全企业、全员和全过程的管理,亦称“三全”管理。项目成本的全员控制有一个系统的实质性内容,包括各部门、各单位的责任网络和班组经济核算等等,应防止成本控制人人有责,人人不管。项目成本的全过程控制要求成本控制工作要随着项目施工进展的各个阶段连续进行,既不能疏漏,又不能时紧时松,应使施工项目成本自始至终置于有效的控制之下。3.3 动态控制原

4、则。施工项目是一次性的,成本控制应强调项目的中间控制,即动态控制。因为施工准备阶段的成本控制只是根据施工组织设计的具体内容确定成本目标、编制成本计划、制订成本控制的方案,为今后的成本控制作好准备。而竣工阶段的成本控制,由于成本盈亏已基本定局,即使发生了偏差,也已来不及纠正。3.4 目标管理原则。目标管理的内容包括:目标的设定和分解,目标的责任到位和执行,检查目标的执行结果,评价目标和修正目标,形成目标管理的计划、实施、检查、处理循环,即PDCA循环。3.5 责、权、利相结的原则。在项目施工过程中,项目经理部各部门、各班组在肩负成本控制责任的同时,享有成本控制的权力,同时项目经理要对各部门、各班



7、控制是施工项目管理绩效评价的客观、公正的标尺。五、加强项目成本控制的现实意义5.1 加强项目成本控制是铁路施工企业摆脱困境,增加收入的需要。目前铁路施工企业刚刚推向市场,参与市场竞争,将面临着严峻的市场考验。现在建筑市场放开,实行招投标制,并且标底压得都非常低,要想创造效益唯一的出路就是强化内部管理,苦练内功,向内部挖潜要效益。因此,加强项目成本控制是目前一条非常现实的途径。5.2 加强项目成本控制是适应市场竞争形势,加强企业内部管理工作的需要。随着铁路企业的快速发展,建筑市场竞争越来越激烈。今后一段时期,铁路施工企业将面临日趋激烈的市场挑战,施工企业的经营环境难有大的改善。增收提效,强化成本



10、接用于定量分析,只能对定量分析起一定的作用。 七、目前施工企业项目成本控制分析7.1 当前项目成本的问题及原因当前项目部实行项目转型后实行了“五项费用包干”、“百元产值工资含量包干”以及“承包指标倒扣”等多种形式的经济承包责任制管理,项目部在施工生产和队伍素质方面都有了长足的进步。但毋容置疑的是只管干活,不管算帐的生产模式仍然存在。有的只顾生产任务的完成,成本意识淡薄,把成本管理看作可有可无。近两年来在抓项目部达标升级,企业考核项目部的指标时,都重点放在生产任务完成上,客观上助长了这种行为。具体表现为:(1)在劳动力使用上,不按岗、不按实际需要配备人员,两人能完成的工作安排三人,可使用低工费的


12、料就换,无料就等。临时工未经过严格培训考核就上岗造成机械非正常损坏,影响施工进度。综上所述,当前项目部的成本管理,只是会计的事后核算,而不是事前预防和事中控制。原因有:成本意识淡薄,简单地认为成本管理是财务部门或者是上级领导的事,与自己无关,只是注重“生产任务的完成”和“承包盈亏”,在群体中产生“负效应”。因此,动员项目部全员参与成本控制,深化项目部的成本管理势在必行。7.2 项目部亏损的原因分析项目部作为建筑产品的直接生产者,既有按照合同和施工图纸、规范自行组织施工的权力,即对施工组织的安排,人员的调配,材料、部分设备的采购、保管、使用、消耗,安全、质量的管理具有一定的自主权;但同时也受发包









21、、项目部间接费等。7.3 遏制项目部亏损的对策为遏制因各种原因形成的工程项目亏损,按照责任明确的要求,项目部的成本控制应当以项目部能否对成本费用进行控制分别采取措施,对项目部能够控制的费用,由项目部进行控制;而项目部无法控制的成本或亏损,则应由企业采取措施予以控制。7.3.1自行施工的项目部的成本控制措施所谓自行施工的项目部,是指由企业直接组织内部员工和农民合同工、临时工和劳务队伍组成内部施工队、混编施工队和劳务分包施工队进行施工所组成的项目部。确定工程项目的总成本目标和盈亏指标。对每一项中标的工程,在正式开工前,确定该工程项目和分项工程所需的工日、材料、设备数量,同时确定该工程项目和分项工程






27、方位的成本控制,才能不断适应市场竞争的形势,摆脱困境,实现成本控制的目标。二、原文PROJECTCOSTCONTROLINTRODUCTION project a corporate image window and effectiveness of the source. With increasingly fierce market competition, the quality of work and the construction of civilizations rising material prices fluctuations. Uncertainties and othe

28、r factors, make the project operational in a relatively tough environment. So the cost of control is through the building of the project since the bidding phase of acceptance until the completion of the entire process, It is a comprehensive enterprise cost management an important part, we must organ

29、ize and control measures in height to the attention with a view to improving the economic efficiency of enterprises to achieve the purpose. 2, outlining the construction project cost control, the cost of the project refers to the cost and process of formation occurred, on the production and operatio

30、n of the amount of human resources, material resources and expenses, guidance, supervision, regulation and restrictions, in a timely manner to prevent, detect and correct errors in order to control costs in all project costs within the intended target. to guarantee the production and operation of en

31、terprises benefits. 3, the cost of the construction enterprise principles of construction enterprises control the cost of control is based on cost control of construction project for the center, Construction of the project cost control principle is the enterprise cost management infrastructure and t

32、he core, Construction Project Manager in the Ministry of Construction of the project cost control process, we must adhere to the following basic principles. 3.1 Principles lowest cost. Construction of the project cost control, the basic purpose is to cost management through various means, promote co

33、nstruction projects continue to reduce costs, to achieve the lowest possible cost of the objective requirements. The implementation of the principle of minimum cost, attention should be given to the possibility of reducing costs and reasonable cost of the minimum. While various mining capacity to re

34、duce costs so that possibility into reality; The other must proceed from actual conditions, enacted subjective efforts could achieve a reasonable level of the minimum cost. 3.2 overall cost control principles. Cost Management is a comprehensive enterprise-wide and full management of the entire proce

35、ss, also known as the three of management. The full project cost control is a system of substantive content, including the departments, the responsibility for the network and team economic accounting, and so on; to prevent the cost control is everybodys responsibility, regardless of everyone. Projec

36、t cost of the entire process control requirements to control its costs with the progress of construction projects in various stages of continuous, neither overlooked nor time when, should enable construction projects throughout costs under effective control. 3.3 Dynamic Control principle. Constructi

37、on of the project is a one-time, cost control should emphasize control of the project in the middle, that is, dynamic control. Construction preparation stage because the cost is under the control of construction design to determine the specific content of the cost, prepare cost plans, the developmen

38、t of a cost-control program for the future cost control ready. And the completion of phase cost control, as a result of cost financing has been basically a foregone conclusion, even if the deviation has been too late to rectify. 3.4 principle of management by objectives. Management objectives includ

39、e : setting goals and decomposition, the goal of responsibility and implementation of the aims of the inspection results of the implementation, evaluation of the goals and objectives that form the management objectives of the planning, implementation, inspection, processing cycle, PDCA. 3.5 responsi

40、bility, authority, in light of the profit principle. Construction of the project, project manager of the department, the team shouldering the responsibility for cost control at the same time, enjoy the power of cost control, project manager for the department, Teams cost control in the performance o

41、f regular examination and appraisal of implementation of a crossword punishment. Only to do good job duties, rights, and interests combining cost control, in order to achieve the desired results. 4, the construction cost control measures cost control measures. Reduce the cost of construction project

42、s means, we should not only increase revenue is also reducing expenditure, or both also increase savings. Cutting expenditure is not only revenue, or revenue not only to cut expenditure, it is impossible to achieve the aim of reducing costs, at least there is no ideal lower cost effective. Project M

43、anager of the project cost management responsibility for the first, comprehensive organization of the project cost management, timely understand and analyze profit and loss situation and take prompt and effective measures; engineering technology department should ensure the quality, Regular tasks to

44、 complete as much as possible under the premise adopt advanced technology in order to reduce costs; Ministry of Economic Affairs should strengthen budget management contract, the project to create the budget revenue; Finance Ministry in charge of the projects financial, Analysis of the project shoul

45、d keep the financial accounts of reasonable scheduling of funds. Develop advanced economies reasonable construction program, which can shorten the period, and improve quality, reduce costs purpose; paid attention to quality control to eliminate redone, shorten the acceptance and reduce expenses; con

46、trol labor costs, material costs, Machinery and other indirect costs. With the construction market competition intensifies, more and the price low, the scene increasingly high management fees. This requires project managers to more scientific and more rigorous management approach to the management o

47、f the project. As a management departments should be a reasonable analysis of regional economic disparities, to prevent the input across the board. From the foregoing analysis, project management and cost control are complementary, it is only by strengthening project management, can control project

48、costs; only achieve cost control project aims to strengthen the management of construction project can be meaningful. Construction of the project cost control of construction reflects the nature of project management features, and represents construction project management at the core. Construction

49、of the project cost control of construction project management performance evaluation of the objectivity and fairness of the scale. 5. Strengthen project cost control practical significance 5.1 strengthen project cost control railway construction enterprises out of their predicament, the need to inc

50、rease revenue. At present, the railway construction enterprises just into the market, to participate in market competition, will face a tough test of the market. Now the construction market liberalization, implement bidding system, and the strike has very low weight, To create efficiency is the only

51、 way to strengthen internal management and improve their internal conditions, internal efficiency potentials. Therefore, the strengthening of project cost control is a very realistic way. 5.2 Strengthening Project Cost control is adapt to the market competition, and strengthening internal management

52、 to the needs of their work. With the railway enterprises rapid development, construction increasingly fierce market competition. For a period of time, the railway construction enterprises will face the increasingly fierce market challenges Construction of the business environment difficult to be im

53、proved. Efficiency increases, effective cost control and claims will be strengthened in the future management focus. This requires the railway construction enterprises should respect the unity of the work to reduce costs and enhance efficiency objectives. In accordance with the requirements of the m

54、arket economy research, adjustment and improve the management system, to further strengthen the management of infrastructure, enterprise management from the physical management to value management, thus enabling cost management into enterprise management centers. 6, the construction project cost con

55、trol of construction cost control in many ways, this highlights deviation analysis. Deviation refers to the actual value of the construction costs with the planned value of the difference. Deviation analysis available Bar Graph method, the form, method. (1) Bar Graph method is different Transverse-L

56、ine marking the completion of the project has been the construction costs, End to construction projects have been completed and cost (the cost-effective construction, Transverse-Line length is proportional to the amount of their cases. Bar Graph with image, audio-visual, very clear advantages, It ca

57、n accurately express construction cost deviations, but one can feel the gravity of deviation. However, this method of information below. (2) Form method is error - Analysis of the most commonly used method, it will project code name, Construction of the cost parameters and construction cost deviatio

58、n integrated into the number one form, and in the form of direct comparison. As the deviations are shown in the table. Construction costs make integrated managers to understand and deal with these data. flexible, applicability; informative; forms can be handled by computer, thus saving a large amoun

59、t of data to deal with the human, and greatly improve speed. (3) curve is a total construction cost curve (S OK curve) for the partial construction costs A differential analysis methods. a figure which indicated the actual value of the construction cost curve, p. construction cost of the scheme said

60、 the value curve, The curve between two vertical distance between construction cost deviation. The method used is the same image analysis, and visual characteristics, but this is very difficult to direct for quantitative analysis of quantitative analysis can play a role. 7. Currently construction en

61、terprise project cost control analysis of the current project cost 7.1 problems and the causes of the current project implementation after the restructuring projects implemented five responsibility for the costs, 100 of responsibility for the content of the output value of wages and contracting indi

62、cators Kau various forms of economic management contract responsibility system. Construction projects in the Ministry of Production and quality aspects of the rapid progress. But beyond doubt is just working, regardless of the mode of production accounts still exist. Some only production tasks are c

63、ompleted, the cost of a weak awareness cost management as dispensable. In the past two years the Department of grasping items complain, enterprise project appraisal of the indicators, all focus on the production tasks to complete, objective, fueled by such acts. Specific indications: 1. in the use o

64、f labor, not by post, according to the actual needs staffing, they can complete the work for three; can be used for low-cost trades and the use of subjects of labor costs. To take care of relations, sensibilities and TWA also retained his spare time. Workers can be indifferent to the production and operation, but the monthly wages, allowances, and bonuses can spend less. Artificially expand the expenditure of funds. 2, material management, can

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