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1、Useful Phrases(be) in deep water 水深火热A change is as good as a rest. 调节比休息更有效A good workman never blames his tool. 拙匠怨工具A little pot is soon hot. 小人物易发火。A long shot 胜算不大的冒险(投资)A matter of 大概、大概A month of Sundays. 很长时间A red-letter day. 大喜的日子A sly dog. 阴险的人A star is born. 新星诞生A thorn in ones flesh. 眼中钉

2、Ace 王牌;制胜法宝Act according the circumstances. 随机应变Act of God. 天意 / 天灾Afternoon tea 下午茶Air and graces. 装腔作势,装模作样。All ears. 全神贯注All ones geese are swans. 敝帚自珍;言过其实All walks of life. 各行各业的人Almost on a bar. 不相伯仲approhened 捕获;逮捕At first glance 第一眼看上去Back-breaking 非常辛苦Beat the heat. 避暑Birds of a feather flo

3、ked together. 物以类聚人以群分。Blind date 相亲Born lucky 天生幸运Brave out 敢于面对cash down 追踪castle in the air空中楼阁Chill out. 不要乱;冷静点。Clean your finger, before you point my spots. 先洗净你的手指再指出我的污迹。Coil up 盘成一团complling evidance 确凿证据Copycat 东施效颦cozy place 温暖安逸的地方Critical funtion 重要作用Crows everywhere are equally black.

4、天下乌鸦一般黑。Cut the grease. 解腻deadliesr desease 绝症 Decoration 装修;奖章、勋章;镶dilema 困境;窘境Do a double-take 没明白,再看一眼Dont dilly dally! 别磨蹭!Dont flimflam ! 别逗了!Dont follow the hert. 不要随波逐流Dont give it a second thought. 别揣摩了Down home cooking. 地道的家常菜Eat on the move. 边走边吃excesstive hunting 过度捕获Face to the music. 面对

5、现实,不要逃避。Fact is stranger than fiction. 世界之大,无奇不有。Fat cat 安于现状的人;fight back 反击frantic 狂妄的;疯狂的Fresh out 口袋空空;清洁From A to Z. 从头到尾;至始至终。Get a grip on yourself. 别慌乱get a hunch 有预感Go off the deep end. 忽然发火Go out. (go to bar)God helps those who help themselves. 自助者天助。Grow up! 成熟点!Hang out (do something, no

6、t special)Heads up. 注意。High season 旅游旺季Housing fund 住房公积金I have other fish to fry. 我尚有别的事情要做。Im in. 我加入算我一种。Im there. 我很感爱好。If you would be loved, love and be loveable. 若欲被人爱,需爱人且又可爱。In a rut. 反复做同样的事(无聊、乏味)In for a penny, in for a pound. 一不做,二不休。In the open air 在室外It takes two to tango. 孤掌难鸣Its no

7、big deal. 不用谢Its on the house. 免费的Its out of this world. 不同寻常Its really awesome. 真牛!Its right up your alley. 符合你口味的Its terrific! 太棒了!Its weird ! 太奇怪了!Its working. 奏效了、管用了、成功了Its worth a shot. 值得一试Jaw to drop. 目瞪口呆Laugh fit to kill 大笑一番Less and weaker defeat much and stronger. 以少胜多Light at the end of

8、 tunnel. 曙光在即;胜利在望Love handels 腰上的赘肉Magic hands 心灵手巧Main course 主菜Make a drink. (alcohol)Make a killing 发一大笔财Make ones day 成就某人的一天mirage海市蜃楼More than meets the eye. 深藏不露My better half 我那口子Never judge by apperance. / Never judge a book by its cover. 人不可貌相。Not run off the mill. 非比寻常Not worth the paper

9、 its printed on. 一文不值Nothing added but time. 纯天然的Opportunity seldom knocks twice. 机不可失,失不再来。Out on life 人生观Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。/ 太惊人了。pronounced 明显的;明显的Pussy foot around the issue. 模棱两可Rattle snake 响尾蛇 Risky profession 冒险的职业Safe and sound. 毫发无损 / 安然无恙Sale like a hot cake. 热销、强手Secret recipe

10、. 秘方Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。/ 百闻不如一见。Self-deception 自欺欺人Snake in the grass. 潜在的危机Stand sb. up 把某人晾在那Star with ABC. 从基本开始。Starter 头盘(头道菜)Sth. Caught me by surprise. 让我惊奇Sunday best 美丽衣服Take a load off. (pleaes sit down./relax)Take your time. 慢慢来。teem with 布满;富于Test the water 试水、投石问路That was a meal

11、and a half. 费老鼻子劲儿了。Thats the hot cake on the street. 热销产品Thats the right tool for the right job 欲善其事,必先利其器The cat that got the cream 得意洋洋The clothes make the man. 人靠衣装,佛靠金装The cream of the crop. 极品;最棒的the first line 前线;第一线The meat and potatoes. 重要的部分The onlooker sees most of the game. 旁观者清。The year

12、 of the ox. 牛年To be ebb and flow 跌宕起伏To make a comeback 东山再起Tough call. 左右为难Townhouse 超级大别墅Tread on sbs toes. 得罪、惹怒某人Treasure up 好好珍藏Use your noodle动动脑筋vilify 诽谤;污蔑viper蝰蛇Walk right into the trap. 自投罗网ward off 吓唬Way to easy 非常简朴We have/find a winner. We will chance our arm. 甩开手干When youre good to ot

13、hers, you are best to yourself. 善待她人既是善待自己。While the grass grows, the horse starves. 远水救不了近火。Who pleasure gives, shall joy receive. 予人以快乐者,自会获得快乐。Will do. 照办 / 我来做 / 我会做的with draw a remark 收回一句话With draw 收回;撤销;推出You have two left feet. 你笨手笨脚的You must learn to crawl before you walk. 你得循序渐进。You never know what you can do till you try. 不试试怎么懂得行不行。Zip your fly! 闭嘴!

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