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3、学生的综合排序成果是工资和福利待遇高下、晋升机会、单位所在都市的发达状况、与否有编制等。在就业竞争十分剧烈的今天,即将参与工作的学生对工资待遇的规定已超过现实,就业盼望值太高。(二)大多数学生有明确的职业目的与规划,少数学生职业目的模糊,对就业的准备不够充足1. 学生的规划局限性重要体目前两个方面:一方面是在校的学习规划,在大学的几年生活中只有少数学生有明确的学习规划,大多数学生学习不能自主,导致就业时才意识到自己的专业知识水平不满足工作规定;另一方面是职业规划,有不少学生表达在校期间没故意识到职业规划的重要性,到实习甚至毕业了才结识到这一点。2. 学生对就业的准备不够充足一方面,学生缺少全程




7、大学生就业现状不能仅凭借学生自身的能力,院校与社会政府也要投入进来,只有整个社会高度注重这一问题,“就业难”的现状才干在社会经济高速发展的步伐中有所改善。(一)院校方面1. 摸索新的课程体系,增强学生把理论知识与实践相结合的综合能力,提高知识转化率据记录:民办高校师资力量单薄、断层及不稳定的问题,是全国所有民办高校都面临的最普遍、最突出、对教学质量制约最大的问题。面临如此挑战,民办院校一定要加快课程改革的步伐,稳中求进,高效率地摸索出可以高效解决学生就业问题的道路。根据医学检查的专业特点,民办医学院校应把培养目的放在检查技师的培养方面:(1)精选专业课程,突出专业特点。检查技师的工作特点是专业

8、性强,院校要针对这一特点开设专业课程,加大专业课的学时比例,构建合理的专业课程体系。(2)优化实验教学模式,理论与实践相结合。实验教学是医学检查专业教学的重点,旨在巩固理论基本知识和培养学生的创新精神与实践能力。(3)调节选修课方向。选修课不仅开拓了学生的视野,还对学生起到了多角度思维的作用。医学检查作为医学专业,院校还应当单独开放医学类选修课,以便拓宽学生的知识范畴,增强专业技巧。 2. 增强就业指引与教育,拓宽就业渠道与服务学生在校期间的就业指引是引导学生认清就业形势、调节就业心态、减少就业盼望值的核心,学校对学生开展全程化的就业指引与教育有助于学生加强自我管理、拓展自身素质,提迈进入就业

9、与择业的状态。学校提供的就业渠道在学生的就业选择中占了很大比例,因此学校提供可靠的就业渠道与服务可以有效地提高毕业生的就业率。民办院校以“校企合伙”为基点完善对就业渠道的拓宽可以高效地提高学生的就业率。3. 加大对创业学生的扶持力度,鼓励学生自主创业面对日益加大的就业压力,有不少学生选择自主创业,学校要发挥高等教育资源优势,激发大学生自主创业热情,积极推动实现更高质量的就业,增长对在校期间创业学生的扶持,在各方面综合鼓励学生进行自主创业。(二)学生方面1. 认清就业形势,关注职业发展,端正就业观念如今大学生的就业形势严峻已经让人有目共睹,作为现代大学生,要领悟吃苦耐劳精神,培养较强的适应能力;

10、看待工作有热情、有责任心,树立对的的就业观念,要避免“眼高手低”的陈旧观念,既要建立自信又不能妄自菲薄。2. 打好专业基本,学会知识拓展学生的天职是学习,在学校期间加强专业技能与沟通能力的锻炼的同步积极关注与将来发展密切有关的人文社会科学类课程,开拓视野、发散思维。3. 多种择业方式,实现自主就业面临就业时,学生需树立远大抱负,努力掌握科学文化知识,变化老式理念,做到先就业再择业,先生存再发展,多种形式就业成才。对于学习成绩较好的学生,选择深造是个十分明智的选择。(三)社会政府方面大学生就业难不仅是一种现实问题,还是一种社会问题。各级政府应当认真贯彻有关大学生就业的各项优惠政策,同步引导毕业生

11、选择到基层单位就业努力营造稳定的就业环境、发明公平的就业机会;建立健全法律法规,把毕业生就业工作纳人规范化、法制化的轨道,切实保证毕业生和用人单位在双向选择中的权益;各用人单位要公平看待大学生,合适减少大学生就业的门槛等。学校是学生接受教育的主体,社会与政府还应当加大对高等民办院校的政策以及资金的扶持,协助学校不断加强软、硬件设施和师资队伍的建设,深化教学改革,拓宽学生的知识面,增长应用性强的课程,切实培养具有多种综合技能并且可以适应社会需求的综合型人才。Huanghe Science and Technology College is one of the first private col

12、leges and universities in our country, the medical examination is opened in , in recent years, the employment rate of medical students in medical examination was 100%. But in todays challenging economic environment, the number of graduates each year makes the employment difficult problem is widely .

13、com .cn concerned by graduates, parents and the media. For as much as possible promotion of civilian run colleges and universities of medical laboratory specialty education. Analysis employment situation, solving the employment problem, to further promote the medical inspection and vocational educat

14、ion a new round of curriculum construction and exploration of school enterprise cooperation in personnel training mode, improve the quality of teaching, this paper to the yellow River Institute of science and Technology graduates with the class of intern as the object of investigation, the investiga

15、tion and analysis, and puts forward corresponding countermeasures on the status of college students difficult employment.First, the survey object and method(a) the object of investigationSurvey for the Yellow River Institute of science and Technology graduates with the class of intern, which recover

16、 the effective investigation results including graduates of 58, interns 75 copies, in addition also includes to some unit of choose and employ persons issued recruitment information investigation.(two) the contents and methods of the surveyAccording to the different types of questionnaire for gradua

17、tes and interns, the research mainly includes the attitude of employment and practice, the tendency of employment region, self cognition, and the choice of employment industry. To avoid investigator answer sequence effect, we deliberately cross design issues related to various factors, for graduates

18、 and interns, we design different types of questionnaire, in May and June respectively of trainees and graduates are investigated.(three) statistical analysis of survey resultsThe results of the survey are summarized in Excel analysis.Two, survey results and analysis(a) most of the students do not k

19、now enough about the employment, and the expected value of employment is too high.With the rapid development of the society and let the students face the employment too idealistic, in to choose the work unit of the factors that affect the degree of the sort to, students comprehensive ranking result

20、is level of wages and benefits, opportunities for advancement, units of the host city of the development, whether there is a compilation. In the fierce competition in the employment of today, the students are about to participate in the work of the requirements of the salary treatment has exceeded t

21、he reality, the employment expectations are too high.(two) most of the students have a clear career goals and planning, a small number of students career goals, the lack of adequate preparation for employment1 lack of planning for studentsIs mainly reflected in two aspects: on the one hand is planni

22、ng to learn in school and in the University of life for a few years only a few students have clear study plan, most of the students can not be independent, resulting in the employment realized their professional knowledge level can not meet the requirements of the work; on the other hand is career p

23、lanning, there are many students said during the period of school have not realized the importance of career planning, to practice and graduate to understand this point.2 students are not fully prepared for employmentFirst of all, students are lack of integrated and systematic employment guidance, t

24、he students in the survey suggested that schools strengthen the process and systematization of the employment guidance, employment guidance through the students school life; secondly, private colleges teaching facilities are relatively poor, in do you think the current school curriculum and teaching

25、 whether the contents meet the practice need, 48% of the students think there is a certain lack of; finally, students participate in relevant professional practice project are few, 68% interns in practice did not participate in the relevant professional practice project, 98.3% of the graduates that

26、practice is very important, must have , 32% of the students hope College internship offers of help to increase employment training guidance, which shows the school practice project or experiment course for lack of cause Students rarely participate in the necessary practice projects.(three) many stud

27、ents have popular trend in employment choice, widespread phenomenon blindlyPublic trends in the following three aspects: (1) to prepare for employment in advance is not sufficient, the blind follow the employment approach. Investigation and 48.3% of students in large Sancai began to focus on employm

28、ent related information, only 36% of the students freshman, sophomore in the help of teachers or parents concerns ahead of employment information that students enter the employment status of the preparation period of late, the time is short, it is students in advance due to the lack of preparation a

29、nd blindly choose the key. (2) the choice of employment units to the economically developed city like a swarm of bees .com In the choice of the employment unit area, the vast majority of students choose the economic development of the first tier cities, up to 75.8% of the students are not willing to

30、 choose the first employment in the urban development, but also more willing to economically developed areas. (3) only a few students choose to continue their studies, the other students are selected to work directly after graduation. Survey results show that 74.1% of the students choose whether or

31、not satisfied, first to find a job to say, only 10.3% of students choose to study section to continue their studies.(four) in the face of the employment force, students will be affected by many factorsCollege students are young people who have just come from the ivory tower to the society. They are always affected by many factors in the face of employment. In the choice of work units, to consider the location of the unit, the unit of nature, wages and benefits, promotion opportunities; survey results, 25% of the students in the if you are in love, you choose to work.

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