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1、安慰/鼓励/祝愿 1. A measure of hope will take you through the unpleasant ordeal. With hope for a better tomorrow or a better situation, things may not be as bad as they seem to be. The unpleasant ordeal may be easier to deal with if the end result is worth having. 合适的但愿会让你经受住严酷的考研。明天会更好,情形会好转,带着这些但愿,或许,情形

2、就不会像看上去那么恶劣了。如果最后的成果值得期待,那么,痛苦的经历也许就能轻松度过。2. Anythings possible. 一切皆有也许。3. Be true to yourself.(对自己肯定)Dont compromise yourself or your beliefs in order to please other people or fit in with a system. Know who you are. Let other people know what you stand for. Do not give in to pressure to conform or

3、 to do things you do not agree with.4. Be strong. 坚强点。5. Beats sitting around doing nothing. 总比无所作为强。6. Betterthannothing. 有总比没有好。7. Beyond that 抛开这点8. Break a leg. 祝你表演成功。9. Cheer up! / Snap out of it/ Pull yourself together! 振作起来!10. Cheer up! Things will work out for the best. 快乐点儿。事情会有好成果的。11. C

4、hill out. 冷静点。12. Congratulation. What a lucky break. 恭喜你。这是个契机啊。13. Dont, for one repulse, forget the purpose that you resolved to effort. 不要只因一次挫败,就忘掉你原先决定想达到的远方。14. Dont be out of spirit. 不要无精打采的。15. Dont be so miserable! 别愁眉苦脸的。16. Dont let it get you down. It will be over with soon. 别为此烦恼。事情不久就

5、会过去的。17. Dont become a pricked balloon, 不要像一种泄了气的气球。18. Dont drive yourself too hard. 不要对自己太严格了。19. Dont think like that. 不要这样想。20. Dont panic. 不要恐慌。21. Easy does it. 不着急/小心谨慎/沉着从事。22. Every cloud has a silver lining. 再黑暗的地方也有一线光明。23. Everythings going to work out. 所有问题都会化解。24. Get use to it. 你会习惯的。

6、25. Get pass it. 淡忘它吧。26. Give my best regards to 代我向问好。27. Give my best wishes to 请把我的祝愿带给。28. Gowiththeflow. 顺其自然。29. God bless you. 上帝保佑你。30. Hang in there. Things will get better. 坚持住,状况会好起来。31. Have a nice day. 祝你今天快乐。32. Have a safe trip. 一路顺风。33. Hope you recover from shock. 但愿你能打击中恢复常理。34. H

7、ope you recover soon. 35. I can only hope that all you have made your peace. 我但愿人们都能安心下来。36. I have a feeling youre going to 我有预感你会37. I know how you feel. 我明白你的感受。38. I wish you the best of luck in your work. 我祝你工作顺利。39. Im sorry for your loss. 请节哀顺变吧。40. Im sure that will happen soon enough, 我相信你的

8、愿望不久就会实现。41. If someone hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them for theyve help you learn about trust and the importance of being cautious when you open your heart. (在敞开心扉的同步,保持警惕心态和真诚待人同样重要)42. If you dont believe in yourself, it will be hard for other to believe in you.43. It wo

9、uld be a test. 这将会是一次考验。44. Its not as bad as all that. 事情没有那么糟。45. Its not so bad, really. 已经不错了。46. Its probably not as bad as you think.47. Ive been through worse. 比这更糟的我都经历过。48. Keep it up! 坚持下去!49. Keep trying / punching! Dont give up the ship. 继续努力! 别容易放弃!50. Keep smiling! Things will calm dow

10、n. 乐观一点,事情会平息下来的。51. Keep your chin up. 别灰心。 52. Let bygones be bygones过去的,就让它过去吧。53. Lets just all hope it works. 一起祈祷它会奏效吧。54. Lets look on the bright side. 我们来看看它好的一面。55. Life is a mixture of good times and bad times, happy moments and unhappy moments. The next time youre experiencing one of thos

11、e bad times or unhappy moments that take you close to your breaking point, bend, but dont break. Try your best not to let the situation get the best of you. 当你下一次经受令你几近崩溃的磨难或痛苦时,弯下腰来,但别崩溃。尽的最大努力别按这样的境遇将你压倒。56. Look on the bright sight. 想开些/看好的一面吧。57. Loosen up! Its not worth getting upset about. 放松点

12、儿!不值得为这件事苦恼。58. Need I remind you that59. Negative results are still results. 没用的成果也是成果。60. Never hand back. 不要踌躇不前。61. Nevertheless/ whatever / regardless/ By all means 不管如何62. No one has to know. 没人懂得嘛。63. Not to be self-abased/unworthiness. 不要自卑。64. Nothing is impossible. 没有什么是不也许的。65. Pain can b

13、e controlled. You just disconnect it. 痛苦是可以克制的,只要你不去想它。66. Recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution. 意识到问题的存在是解决问题的第一步。67. Rejoice. 快乐点吧。68. Sleep tight. 祝你睡得踏实。69. step by step 一步一步70. Sometimes people things happen to you that may seem horrible, painful, and unfair at first, b

14、ut in reflection you find that without overcoming those obstacles you would have never realized your potential, strength, willpower or heart. 71. Stop carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. 别太操心了,没有你地球照样转。(carry the weight of the world on ones shoulders:自觉得重任在肩。)72. Suck it up. 忍着吧/别抱怨/

15、算了吧。73. Take care/Take care of yourself! 保重(可用于道别)!74. Take control of it isnt easy75. Take heart- well find a way out. 振作起来,我们会有措施的。76. Take it easy别紧张。77. Take them down. 搞定它们。78. Take things as they come. 既来之,则安之。79. Take your time. Theres no hurry. 不用急。慢慢来。80. Tears seem appropriate. 流泪是应当的。81.

16、Than be failure and take no action at all. 失败总比从未尝试过要好。82. That apparently is destined to go unsatisfied. 显然未能如愿。83. That wasnt so hard, was it? 也没什么难的,不是吗?84. Thats no reason to cry. 那也没理由哭啊。85. Thats part of life. 这本来就是生活的一部分。86. Thats where you come in, 这要看你的了。87. The bad experience can be learne

17、d from. 不幸的遭遇能让你有所领悟。88. The only thing you need to do 你唯一要做的是89. The past is the past. 过去的事情已通过去了。90. There, there. 好啦好啦。91. There has to be another way out. 肯定有别的措施。92. Theres no harm in trying. 试一下也没什么害处。93. Theres no need to get frustrated. Please learn at different rates. 用不着灰心,总有人学得快而有人学得慢。94.

18、 Theres nothing embarrassing/to be embarrassed about (that). 这没什么好丢脸/害臊的。95. Theres nothing to worry about. 那没有什么好紧张的。96. Theres nothing you can do about it, so relax. 事已至此,无力回天,你就歇会儿吧。97. Theresstillhope. 还是有但愿的。98. Theres still time. 尚有时间。99. This is not you fault.100. Things are never as bad as t

19、hey seem. 事情往往不像看上去的那么糟。101. Tomorrow is another day. 有明天就有但愿。102. We all make mistakes. 我们都会出错。103. Win a few, lose a few. Thats life. 有得也有失,生活就是如此。104. Whocares?谁管那么多?(也就是说没什么人会关怀这事。而有些状况下的意思是“Itdoesntmatter!”例如说你的朋友很容易杞人105. 忧天,你可以说“whocares?”来安抚对方事情没那么严重,不用太在乎。)106. Why dont you give it a try? 为

20、什么不试试呢?107. Why not take it in strike? 为什么不坦然处之呢?108. Whysopissedoff?Someonegotinyourway?干嘛发火,谁惹你啦?(piss本意是小便,语调较粗鲁,因此多在私底下使用。)109. Whytortureyourself?你这是何苦呢?110. When god closes a door, he opens a window. / When a door closes, another opens. 111. Workharder.再接再厉。112. All succeeding good things mere

21、ly offset the bad. Worse than normal wouldnt last long. 祸福相依,不顺心的事情总会过去。113. Youcancountonme. 包在我身上/你尽管放心。114. Youcaneaseup. 你就放心好了。115. You can make it. 你能做到的。116. You cant miss it. 你一定能找到的。117. You cant quit now! 你要坚持住! 118. You must be exhausted. You get a good nights sleep. 你一定累坏了,晚上好好睡一觉。119. Y

22、ou need to face up to it. 你得坦然面对它。120. You never know what tomorrow may have in store. 你不懂得明天会发生什么。121. You never know what you can do until you try.不试试看,就不懂得自己的潜力。122. You probably get everything under control. 你准能搞定。123. You should try it. 124. You should put a positive mindset. 你应当摆正心态。125. You s

23、houldnt give up just like that. 你不能就这样放弃了。126. You shouldnt have to back down. 你不应当退缩。127. Youd have a terrific chance. 你尚有机会的。128. Youll go through with it. 你会挺过去的。129. Youre going to embrace the other side. 你必须接受自己的另一面。130. Youve got to take the bull by the horns. 你要勇敢地面对困难。提示/建议/告诫1. A minute of

24、extra thinking beforehand can save hours of worry latter.2. Actionsspeaklouderthanwords. 坐而言,不如起而行。/事实胜于雄辩。To know peoples hearts, pay more attention to what they do than what they say.3. Always remember 记着点/要记住4. Always put yourself in others shoes. 要常常换位思考。5. Are you aware that? 你难道没意识到吗?6. As man

25、y people have learned the hard way 正如许多人学到的教训7. Attitude is everything. 8. Be careful not to fall ill注意不要生病了。9. Bepractical!实际一点吧!10. Be realistic. 别做梦了。11. Be safe. 注意安全。12. Better safe than sorry. 宁可事先谨慎有余,不要事后追悔莫及。13. Dont put the cart before the horse. 不要本末倒置。14. Cant you see shes using you? 你看不

26、出来她在运用你吗?15. Chances are, things didnt get that way overnight. 也许过了一夜事情就会变了。16. Concentration leads to success. The person who tires to do too many things at once may fail at all of them.17. Control yourself! 克制一下!18. Do you want to double-check? 你要不要再检查一下?19. Dont be so caught up in your own world.

27、 不要这样沉迷于自己的世界。20. Dont be blind enough to regard 不要误觉得21. Dont be chintzy with 不要吝啬。22. Dont bury your head in the sand.不要逃避现实。23. Dont dream away your time不要虚度光阴。24. Dont fall for it! 别上当!25. Dontgetmad.Itsnotworthit. 不值得为这点小事气愤。26. Dont let this get you down不要为此灰心丧气。27. Dont lose your head。 不要惊恐失措

28、/不要乐昏了头。28. Dontpassupagoldenopportunity./Dontpassitup! /Dontpassthisup! 勿失良机。29. Dont push your luck. It would be exhausted. 别心存侥幸,好运会用完的。30. Dont sit there daydreaming!别闲着做白日梦!31. Each person has his or her own purpose and distinct path,32. Face it. 认命吧。33. Factors such as self-confidence and ambi

29、tion, combined with determination and willpower, contribute to eventual success or failure. 34. Failure can in many cases be attributed to the lack of motivation.35. Focus on , not 把精力放在,而不是。36. For your information 供你参照37. Get a life in which youre generous. 要活得慷慨大度。38. Get a life in which youre no

30、t alone. 不要孤立地活着。39. get back on your rocker 回到你的人生正途40. Get real! 现实点/别幻想了!41. Getting upset will only make things worse. 发火只会让事情变得更糟。42. Hate to break it to you but 不想打击你,但是43. Have you come to the realization (that.)? 你们还没觉悟吗?44. How does one miss that? 怎么会有人连这个都想不到呢?45. I encourage you to try it

31、 on a regular basis. 我鼓励你定期尝试。46. I do hope you understand that the gravity of it. 我很但愿你能明白这其中的严重行。47. I dont mean to correct you on everything you think you know. 我不打算改正你觉得自己所懂得的一切。48. I dont think youre fully aware of the ramifications. 我觉得你还没充足意识到此事的后果。49. I must warn you 我必须提示你50. I should proba

32、bly give you a heads up about 我想我应当给你提个醒,有关51. If you pick a side, be sure its the right one. 如果让你二选一,最佳选对的的一种。52. If you werent such a goof and you developed this talent. You could 如果你不是疯疯癫癫的,而是充足发挥自己的天赋,你就能53. If you dont take my advice, youll be sorry. 如果你不听我的忠告,你会懊悔的。54. If you go down this road

33、, youre not going to like what you find. 如果你继续一意孤行,你会对你的发现大失所望。55. If you have time to, you have time to 你有时间不如56. If you really want to clean up your karma, 如果你真的想赎罪,57. If you start to question this, 如果你开始质疑这个,58. If youre still taking about what you did yesterday, you havent done much today.59. I

34、m stating it outright. 直截了本地说。60. In this way society exists. 社会正式以这种方式存在的。61. It amazed me how you constantly obsess fictional details when they are more important things to worry about. 你对虚构的情节如此着迷,真让我吃惊,现实生活中尚有更重要的事情需要紧张啊。62. It occurs to me you could solve all your problem by 依我看,你的所有问题都能通过解决。63

35、. It seems all right看来这没问题/看起来不错。64. It was more of 说更精确些。65. Its value is in its use. 它只有在被使用时才干体现其价值。66. Its being pushed to one of the extremes that makes us appreciate the middle more. 当我们被推倒极端时,才会更感谢居中的美好。67. Its essential to adopt effective measures to correct problems related to 68. Its highl

36、y recommended. 强烈推荐。69. Its just a question 问题是70. Its likewise no less important.71. Its no use complaining. 抱怨是没有用的。72. Its only a suggestion, and you can do what you please. 这只是个建议而已,你可以照你乐意的去做73. Its realistic to say that 可以很现实地说74. Just a suggestion. 只是个建议而已。75. Just imagine. 想象一下。76. Let me re

37、mind you, while my moral support is absolute, 我要提示你,尽管我在精神上完全支持你,77. If isnt a dress Rehearsal. 人生不是一次彩排。78. If you allow these morning hours of life to slip away, we shall never be able to recoup the loss. 如果你让这些生命的晨光悄然而逝,那损失将无法弥补。79. Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from thos

38、e moments everything that you possibly can, for you may never be able to experience it again. 让每天都意义不凡吧,爱惜每一刻,并充足感受它所带来的一切,由于每一时刻不会再次拥有。80. May I point that 请容许我指出81. Money is a blessing when it is used rightly. The same is true of all other good things. The y bless if used well; they curse when abu

39、sed. 当金钱被合法使用时,才会是一种幸福。一切美好的食物亦是如此:若被善加运用,就会赐福于你;滥加使用,这会降祸于你。82. Money is not the only answer to all problems.83. No matter how strong youre, how notable your attainment, you have enduring significance only in your relationship to others. 无论你多么强大,无论你的成就多么辉煌,只有在与她人交往的过程中,你才会有长期的价值。84. Not literally.

40、不是字面意义上的。85. Oh, come on. Face it. 得了吧/拜托,承认吧/面对现实吧。86. Once a secrets been told, it cant be untold. 一旦把秘密说出来,就很难保守秘密。87. One way to look at this is that 你可以这样看这个问题,88. Our life is nothing more than our time. To kill time is therefore a form of suicide. We are too often indifferent to the loss of an

41、 hour or of a day, forgetting that our life is the sum total of the day and of the hour we live. Whoever remembers this can never willingly waste a single moment of his life. 时间就是生命,因此挥霍时间就是变相自杀。失去一种小时或一天的时间对我们无关紧要,但是我们忘掉了,生命就是有这一天、一种小时所构成的。记住这一点,就不会有人甘愿挥霍生命的每一分钟。89. Relationships have to be cared f

42、or. 人与人之间的关系需要精心庇护。90. Remember that. Its important.91. Stop being mean to you. 别和自己过不去。92. Take a moment to wonder at 花点时间想想吧。93. That shouldnt be a problem. 应当不成问题。94. That was a dead end. 那是死路一条。95. Thats life. 这就是人生。96. Thats not what money for. 那不是金钱的用途。97. That seems like a bit of an overreact

43、ion. 这听起来有点过度吧。98. The importance of physical exercise cannot be overemphasized. Exercise can improve ones sense of well-being, enhance metal capacity and improve stamina. 99. The happiest people dont necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along the

44、ir way. 最幸福的人不一定拥有最美好的一切,她们只是最充足地爱惜了她们所拥有的一切。100. The law justifies and rationalizes what is right and what is wrong.101. The love of money is the root of all evil.102. There are no boundaries to what you can become or do. 没有什么可以制止你去做你能做到的事情。103. There were extenuating circumstances. 也有情有可原的时候嘛。104.

45、 Theres more to life than 生活不仅仅是105. Theres no fate but what we make for ourselves. 命运操纵在我们自己手中。106. Think this through. 你得三思。107. This isnt the place to have this conversation. 在这谈论这事不太合适。108. Time spent over them is wasted. 把时间花在这上面是挥霍时间。109. Today is the only guarantee you get. 你能把我的只有目前。110. To

46、my mind, the secret(秘诀) tolies in 111. Wakeup!醒醒吧!(谴责别人面对现实)112. We could do anything we set our minds to(用心), no matter how impossible it might seem or how strong the opposition is.113. We own a debt of gratitude to our parents who dedicate their lives to make us live better However, we must not re

47、st on our parents, but must instead (do) 114. What you need to do is115. What if 为什么不这样116. When are you going to figure it out? 你要什么时候才干想明白?117. Whether you choose to learn them or not is entirely up to you.118. Will you at least think about it? 你好歹考虑一下嘛?119. You cant let this kid get to you. 你不能被这

48、样一种小孩惹毛啊。120. Youcannevertellaboutthissortofthing. 这种事谁也说不准。121. You cant please everyone. 你无法使每一种人都满意。122. You couldto clear your head.123. You could put things in another perspective. 你可以换个角度看问题。124. You fail to take into account that 你忘了一件事125. You have absolutely no reason to be embarrassed. 你完全

49、没有理由觉得尴尬啊。126. You have to accept that there are certain things you wont understand right now. 你必须得承认某些东西你还不能立即理解。127. You look past the fundamental truth that its not our external resources that determine our success or failure, but rather our own belief in ourselves and our willingness to create a

50、 life according to our highest aspirations. 每个人都发明着自己的人生,拥有什么样的人生是你的权利。然而,人民常常否认她们有能力去庙会自己所期盼的人生。她们忽视了一种基本的事实,那就是:决定着我们成败的不是外部环境,而逝我们对于自身的信念,和追求我们最想得到的生活的意愿。128. You may not guarantee ultimate success, but the eventual pay-off could well be worth the effort. Achieving even partial success will benef

51、it you. 你也许无法保证最后的成功,但是最后的成功是值得你去努力的。虽然是获得部分的成功也能使你受益。129. You have to push yourself to accomplish things. 你必须迫使自己去做些事情。130. You have to remember that strength, however massive, cant endure unless it has the interlocking support of others. Go alone and youll inevitably tumble. 你要记住,没有她人的支持,无论你的力量多强大

52、,也很难持久。孤身而进,势必栽跟头。131. You must seek immediate solutions for 你必须寻找的迅速解决措施。132. You need to clear this right now. 你目前就需要搞明白这事。133. You should ask her out on a date. 你应当约她出来。134. You should draw a clear distinction between the primary and the secondary. 你应当分清主You should focus on the positive.135. You

53、should have a plan in case136. You should know you have to go on with your life. 你应当懂得你必须继续自己的生活。137. You should move. 你该行动了。138. You should need to get your mind off it. 你应当转移一下注意力。139. You should take responsibility for yourself and created a life of which you can be proud.140. You should think ah

54、ead. It enables you to be far more patient when things go wrong. 你应当提前规划好。这样你才干在事情出错时还保持耐心。141. Youll just have to accept the matter as it is. 你只能接受事实。142. Youll pay a heavy price.143. Your problem is you dont project confidence. 你的问题在于你没呈现出自信。144. Youre going to look back at this as well wasted. 你回

55、过头看,会觉得这真的很无聊。145. Youre not worth getting impatient. 你没必要烦躁不安。146. Youre seriously considering this? 你谨慎考虑过了?讥笑/批评/辩驳/否认/无奈/愤怒/炫耀1. Apparently so. 显然是这样的。2. Apples and oranges here. 性质不同。3. Are you done? 说完了吗?4. Are you in denial? 你还否认/顶嘴?5. Are you on crack? 你疯了吗?6. Are you trying to scare me? 你在吓

56、唬我吗?7. Arent you been a little hard on me? 你这样对我太绝情了吧?8. Back off. 别碍事。9. Bazinga!逗你玩/才怪/看玩笑的/你中招了/气死你! 10. Baloney! 胡扯!荒唐!11. Be a lame and 乖,12. Believe it or not! 信不信由你!13. Big mouth! 多嘴!14. Bite me! 咬我啊! 15. But facts are facts. 但是事实就是事实。16. But its close. 但是差不多。17. But on more serious note, 但是更

57、值得提示的是/更重要的是18. But one thing is for certain. 但是一件事不会变。19. But that doesnt mean it doesnt exist. 但是这并不代表它已经不存在了。20. But that is not what happened. 但是事实并不是这样。21. But that future no longer exists due to 但是这样的将来不会存在了,由于22. But you are really not. 但是你真的没有。23. Brag. 吹牛。24. Bullshit! 废话/胡说!25. But neither

58、 of this is a cogent argument for 但是它们都不是的有力论据。 26. But I cant say the same about., though. 但是我不能这样说/评价27. Canyoudoit?你行不行啊?(这句话有时在关怀别人,问她有无需要帮忙;有时在质疑对方有无足够的能力。)28. Cant you tell? 你看不出来吗?29. certainly not far from 远不是/绝不是30. Cheap skate! 小气鬼!31. Childs play. 小孩子的玩意。32. Come to the point!有话直说!33. Com

59、e on. 得了吧/别这样/加把劲。34. Crazy!神经病!35. Crazy persons choice. 你这样做简直疯了。36. Dumb-ass. 傻蛋。37. Did I insult you? 我有冒犯到你吗?38. Did you let him get in your head? 你让她给你洗脑了?39. DidntItellyoubefore? 我不是告诉过你吗?(before加重语调,表达不耐烦)40. Didnt you ever want to do something else? 你就没想过做点别的吗?41. Do I have to? 非做不可吗?42. Do

60、 I look like a man who exaggerates? 我像个讲大话的人吗?43. Do you bother that I can so easily manipulate you? 这样容易被我操控,你不烦恼吗?44. Do you get me?你明白我的意思吗?45. Doyouhaveanopinion? 你故意见吗?46. Do you have anything say for yourself? 你有什么要解释的?47. Do you know how that feels? 你懂得那是什么感受吗?48. Do you know what this means?

61、 你懂得这意味着什么吗?49. Do you realize who youre dealing with? 懂得你在和谁作对吗?50. Do you see the problem? 你发现问题了吗?51. Do you see where you went wrong? 你懂得你哪里错了吗?52. Do you think you can any time you want?53. Does it serve your purpose? 这对你有用吗?54. Dont ask for the moon. 不要幻想那些不能实现的东西。55. Dont bark at me. 别冲我发火/吼啊

62、.56. Dont be ridiculous. 别开玩笑了/别瞎说了。57. Dont be silly. 别胡闹了。58. Dont be so fussy!别挑剔了!59. Dont be ridiculous. 别傻了。60. Dont beat around the bush. 别拐弯抹角了。61. Dontbotherme. 别惹我。别烦我。62. Dont bring me into this, 别把我扯进来。63. Dont count on me别指望我。64. Dont drag the conversation round to 别把话题扯到65. Dont do tha

63、t. 别这样。66. Dont do this to me again. 不要再这样对我。67. Dont embarrass yourself. 别给自己丢脸了。68. Donteventhinkaboutit! 想都别想!69. Dont expect me to believe you. 别指望我会相信你。70. Dont flatter yourself. Im just ignoring you.不要自吹自擂/自鸣得意了,我只是不想理你。71. Dont get cocky. 别过于自信/骄傲自满。72. Dont get me wrong!你搞错了!/ 不要误会! 73. Dont get on your high horse. 别摆出了一副高高在上的样子。74. Don

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