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1、 噢噢噢噢噢 Oh oh oh oh ooh 噢噢噢噢噢 Oh oh oh oh ooh 噢噢噢噢噢 Oh oh oh oh ooh 噢噢噢噢噢 Oh oh oh oh ooh 我浑身伤疤 经历再多失败 I messed up tonight I lost another fight 告诉自己重来 不留遗憾 I still mess up but Ill just start again 路并不平坦 不顾一切往前闯 I keep falling down I keep on hitting the ground 尽管前路漫漫 又如何 I always get up now to see wha

2、ts next 没有不断留 歇脚的飞翔 Birds dont just fly They fall down and get up 没有不跌倒受伤的成长 Nobody learns without getting it wrong 我不放弃 我不会认输 I wont give up, no I wont give in 直到有一天 卷土重来 Till I reach the end And then Ill start again 我不胆怯 我要感受所有的 No I wont leave I wanna try everything 我要经历哪怕是 不完美 I wanna try even t

3、hough I could fail 我不放弃 我不会认输 I wont give up, no I wont give in 直到有一天 卷土重来 Till I reach the end And then Ill start again 我不胆怯 我要感受所有的 No I wont leave I wanna try everything 我要经历哪怕是不完美 I wanna try even though I could fail 尝试一切 Oh oh oh oh ooh Try everything 尝试一切 Oh oh oh oh ooh Try everything 尝试一切 Oh

4、 oh oh oh ooh Try everything 噢噢噢噢噢 Oh oh oh oh ooh 每一天都会有新感觉 Ill keep on making those new mistakes 每一天都会有新发现 Ill keep on making them every day 有新发现 Those new mistakes 尝试一切 Oh oh oh oh ooh Try everything 尝试一切 Oh oh oh oh ooh Try everything 尝试一切 Oh oh oh oh ooh Try everything 噢噢噢噢噢 Oh oh oh oh ooh 尝试一

5、切 Try everything 恐惊 背叛尚有血腥Fear. Treachery. Bloodlust.很早很早此前Thousands of years ago.这是主宰我们世界的重要力量these were the forces that ruled our world.那是一种弱肉强食的世界A world where prey were scared of predators.而食肉动物均有着And predators had an uncontrollable.她们难以克制的生物本能biological urge.她们到处杀戮,以及.to maim, and maul, and.啊!鲜

6、血!鲜血!鲜血!Blood! Blood! Blood!以及、死亡、啊And death.那时 世界分为两个阵营Back then, the world was divided in two.凶猛的食肉动物Vicious predator.温顺的食草动物or meek prey.时过境迁、我们不断进化But over time, we evolved.许多动物都挣脱了野蛮的本性And moved beyond our primitive, savage ways.目前食肉和食草动物和平共处Now, predator and prey live in harmony.所有的小动物均有了大量的机遇

7、And every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities.是的Yeah.我不用再躲在羊群中I dont have to cower in a herd anymore.我梦想、成为一只宇航羊Instead, I can be an astronaut.我再也不用孤单地追捕猎物了I dont have to be a lonely hunter anymore.目前我可以追捕偷税漏税者Today, I can hunt for tax exemptions.我要当一种计算大师Im gonna be an actuary!我可以让世界变得更美好A

8、nd I can make the world a better place.我将来要当一种.I am going to be.兔子警官!A police officer!哈哈.兔子警官?Bunny cop?这可是我听过最傻的事儿了That is the most stupidest thing I ever heard.在目光短浅的人看来是不也许It may seem impossible to small minds.我就说你呢、小吉丁Im looking at you, Gideon Grey.但是,距离这里211英里之外But, just 211 miles away.就是伟大的都市动

9、物城啦stands the great city of Zootopia!我们的祖先最早在那里签订了和平公约Where our ancestors first joined together in peace.那里面说每个动物均有无限的也许性!and declared that anyone can be anything!谢谢人们 晚安Thank you and good night!哈哈哈,朱迪,懂得为什么Judy, you ever wonder how your mom and me.我和你妈妈过的这样幸福吗?got to be so darn happy?不懂得Nope.由于、我们放

10、弃梦想、选择安定 对吧?Well, we gave up on our dreams and we settled. Right, Bon?恩 没错 就是这样 我们很安定呢Oh, yes, thats right, Stu. We settled hard.你看 这就是知足常乐的好处See, thats the beauty of complacency, Jude.如果你不做新的尝试就不会出错If you dont try anything new, youll never fail.可我就喜欢尝试I like trying actually.你爸爸的意思是What you father m

11、eans, hon.当警察挺难的 甚至不也许is its gonna be difficult.特别对于你来说.impossible even, for you to become a police officer.没错、兔子历来不当警察Right. Theres never been a bunny cop.-没有过 -也当不了警察- No. - Bunnies dont do that.-当不了 -当不了- Never. - Never.噢 那我就会是第一种了Oh. Then, I guess Ill have to be the first one.由于我想要这个世界Because I

12、am gonna make.变得更美好the world a better place.呃哈哈、或者、哦、你看这儿Or, uh, heck, you know, you want to talk.让世界变美好尚有别的措施about making the world a better place.例如当个种萝卜的农民no better way to do it than becoming a carrot farmer.没错 你爸爸和我Yes! Your dad, me.尚有你275个兄弟姐妹your 275 brothers and sisters.-我们都在变化世界 -没错- Were ch

13、anging the world! - Yeah.-用胡萝卜变化 -感谢上帝- One carrot at a time. - Amen to that.种胡萝卜可是崇高的职业Carrot farming is a noble profession.嗯Mmm-hmm.只要把种子放进地里Just putting the seeds in the ground.和土壤融在一起 再用泥土掩盖Ah, at one with the soil. Just getting covered in dirt.对啊You get it, honey.梦想的确美好Its great to have dreams.

14、是啊、只要梦想别太离谱就好Yeah. Just as long as you dont.3c&H000000&fs30believe in them too much.她跑哪儿去了?Whered the heck she go?快把你的票给我Give me your tickets right now.否则我把你的羊屁股踢烂!or Im gonna kick your.-嗷!你要干什么啊?- meek little sheep butt. - Ow!3c&H000000&fs30Cut it out, Gideon!咩 咩 你想干什么 哭吗Baa! Baa! What are you gonn

15、a do? Cry?嘿 不许你这样 快住手Hey! You heard her. Cut it out.制服不错 兔崽子Nice costume, loser.你脑子是不是被门挤扁了What crazy world are you living in.觉得兔子还能当警察呢?where you think a bunny could be a cop?你乖乖的把票还给她们!Kindly return my friends tickets.你来拿啊Come and get them.你别忘了我是只狐狸But watch out, because Im a fox.就像你那个愚蠢的舞台剧里说的and

16、 like you said in your dumb little stage play.我们食肉动物是吃兔子的us predators used to eat prey.杀戮的本能还在DANA里And that killer instinct is still in our Dunnah.呃、我记得那个词叫DNAUh, Im pretty much sure its pronounced DNA.我懂得叫什么,小催巴儿Dont tell me what I know, Travis.你吓不到我的,吉丁You dont scare me, Gideon.目前胆怯了吧?You scared n

17、ow?看她那抽搐的兔鼻子Look at her nose twitch!她胆怯了She is scared!哭吧 小兔崽子Cry little baby bunny.哭吧Cry, Cry.噢 你是不到黄河心不死呀?Oh, you dont know when to quit, do you?我给我好好记着I want you to remember this moment.你就是一只the next time you think.该死的只会种萝卜的愚蠢兔子 除此之外you will ever be anything more than just a stupid.你什么都干不了carrot-f

18、arming, dumb bunny.你伤的好重啊!That looks bad.你没事吧,朱迪?Are you okay, Judy?没事 我不要紧Yeah. Yeah, Im okay.-给你 -噢- Here you go. - Oh!哇噢 你抢回了我们的票Wow! You got our tickets!你真棒 朱迪Youre awesome, Judy!对,我看那只臭狐狸就是在胡说八道!Yeah, that Gideon Grey doesnt know what hes talking about.但是,她倒是说对了一件事.Well, he was right about one

19、thing.我就是不懂得死心I dont know when to quit.你们听好了Listen up, cadets.动物城内一共有十二个Zootopia has 12 unique.独特的生态系统ecosystems within its city limits.冰川区Tundratown.撒哈拉沙漠区Sahara Square.雨林区 等等等等Rainforest District, to name a few.你们必须要掌握每个地区的Youre gonna have to master all of them.生存方式才干上任 否则的话before you hit the stre

20、ets, or guess what?你就会死掉!Youll be dead!模拟沙尘暴Scorching sandstorm!你死了,兔子宝贝Youre dead, Bunny Bumpkin!高空云梯1,000-foot fall!哇噢Whoa!你死了,小萝卜头Youre dead, Carrot Face!冰山攀岩Frigid ice wall!呜呼Whoop!你死了,小村姑Youre dead, Farm Girl!打击大型罪犯Enormous criminal.你死了,死了,死了!Youre dead. Dead, dead, dead!哇噢Whoa.掉进马桶Filthy toile

21、t!你死了,小不点Youre dead, Fluff Butt.放弃回家吧,小兔子!Just quit and go home, fuzzy bunny!兔子当不了警察!Theres never been a bunny cop.-当不了 -当不了- Never. - Never.你就是一只该死的只会种萝卜的蠢兔子Just a stupid, carrot-farming dumb bunny.作为动物城的市长 我在此骄傲地宣布As mayor of Zootopia, I am proud to announce.我们的哺乳动物招募行动that my Mammal inclusion Ini

22、tiative has produced.已经涌现出了第一届警校毕业生its first police academy graduate.有请同届中的佼佼者Valedictorian of her class.动物城警局的第一位兔子警官ZPDs very first rabbit officer.朱迪霍普斯Judy Hopps.好样的!太棒了!Oh, gosh.嗯嗯,对不起,羊副市长 她的徽章Assistant Mayor Bellwether, her badge.-哦,对了,对了 -谢谢- Oh, yes. Right! - Thank you.耶 朱迪Yay, Judy!朱迪Judy.我

23、非常荣幸能将你分派到动物城的it is my great privilege to officially assign you.中心区域to the heart of Zootopia:城中区的Precinct One.第一分局City Center.祝贺你,朱迪警官Congratulations, Officer Hopps.我不会让你失望的I wont let you down.这是我儿时就有的梦想This has been my dream since I was a kid.懂得吗?你可是我们小动物的骄傲Its a real proud day for us little guys.腾

24、个地儿?让让 Bellwether, make room, will you? Come on.合个影吧,警官,一起说茄子!Okay, Officer Hopps. Lets see those teeth!-看这边,朱迪警官 - Officer Hopps, right here! - Look this way please!说茄子.保持微笑Hold still. Smile!我们为你骄傲,孩子Were real proud of you, Judy.是啊,但是也胆怯Yeah. Scared, too.-是啊 -其实我们是- Yes. - Really, its kind of.又骄傲又胆

25、怯a proud-scared combo.毕竟是动物城 那么远 那么大一种都市I mean, Zootopia. So far away. Such a big city.老爸Guys.我为了它 努力了这样久Ive been working for this my whole life.我们懂得 我们就是We know. And were just.在为你快乐 可是也为你紧张a little excited for you, but terrified.我们唯一要胆怯的,就是胆怯自身The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.还怕熊,熊很可怕A

26、nd also bears. We have bears to fear, too.更别说狮子和狼了Say nothing of lions and wolves.-狼?-黄鼠狼- Wolves? - Weasels.你还老和她玩牌呢You play cribbage with a weasel.是啊 她总是出老千Yeah. And he cheats like theres no tomorrow.懂得吗,食肉动物都一种德行You know what, pretty much.动物城到处都是all predators. And Zootopias full of them.行了!Oh, St

27、u.特别是狡猾的狐狸!And foxes are the worst.是啊,爸爸说的不是没道理Actually, your father does have a point there.这是动物的本性Its in their biology.记得那个坏狐狸吉丁吗?Remember what happened with Gideon Grey?那是我9岁的事了When I was nine.吉丁是个无赖,碰巧也是只狐狸Gideon Grey was a jerk who happened to be a fox.我懂得诸多兔子也是无赖I know plenty of bunnies who ar

28、e jerks.是,你说的我完全赞同 但是以防万一Sure, we all do. Absolutely. But just in case.我们给你做了一种we made you a little care.-爱心应急包给你带着 -嗯哼- package to take with you. - Mmm-hmm.我还放了某些零食在里面And I put some snacks in there.-强力防狐喷 -有了它才安全- This is fox deterrent. - Yeah, thats safe.-随身防狐喷- to have that. Okay. - This is fox r

29、epellent.带着这两样The deterrent and the repellent.-就万无一失了 -再看这个!- thats all she needs. - Check this out!哦,她爸Oh, for goodness sake.她不用随身带着狐狸电击枪吧?She has no need for a fox Taser, Stu.你别管,这是击退狐狸的最佳武器Oh, come on. When is there not a need for a fox Taser?好了,我带上这个 你们不用再说了Okay, look! I will take this, to make

30、you stop talking.太棒了,这就放心了Terrific! Everyone wins!到动物城的列车进站了Arriving, Zootopia Express.好了,我得走了,拜!Okay, gotta go! Bye!再会,朱迪!Bye, Judy!加油,朱迪!Bye, Judy!嗯Mmm.我爱你们!I love you guys.我们也爱你!Love you, too.哦天啊,我要哭出来了Oh, cripes, here come the waterworks.别当着孩子哭Oh, Stu, pull it together.再会!你们保重!Bye, everybody!-再会

31、,宝贝 -再会,朱迪!- Bye-bye, Judy! - Bye, Judy!朱迪,我爱你!I love you!拜拜Bye! Bye!再会Good bye!我是夏奇羊 欢迎来到动物城Im Gazelle. Welcome to Zootopia.欢迎光顾穿山甲公寓Welcome to the Grand Pangolin Arms.布满魅力的豪华公寓Luxury apartments with charm.每月一次免费除虱Complimentary delousing once a month.别弄丢钥匙Dont lose your key.谢谢你Thank you.噢 嗨 我叫朱迪 你们

32、的新邻居Oh, hi! Im Judy, your new neighbor.是吗 我们很吵Yeah? Well, were loud.别指望我们为此道歉Dont expect us to apologize for it.油腻的墙壁Greasy walls.嘿 闭嘴Hey, shut up!摇晃的床Rickety bed.-你闭嘴 -你才闭嘴- You shut up! - You shut up!闭嘴好吗Will you shut up?疯狂的邻居Crazy neighbors.我都叫你闭嘴了I said, Shut up!我喜欢I love it!闭上你的嘴 闭嘴Shut your mo

33、uth, shut up.闭嘴Shut up!拜托Come on!她先露出牙齿的He bared his teeth first!打扰一下Excuse me.在下面Down here.你好Hi.天 啦 噜O-M-Goodness!她们真的招了一只兔子They really did hire a bunny! What!我跟你说你比我想象中的I gotta tell you, you are even cuter.还要可爱than I thought youd be!噢 呃 你也许不懂得Oh, ah. You probably didnt know.一只兔子可以说另一只兔子 可爱but a bu

34、nny can call another bunny Cute.但其她动物这样说but when other animals do it.就有一点.its a little.噢 真抱歉 我,人们都叫我豹警官I am so sorry! Me, Benjamin Clawhauser.她们都觉得我the guy everyone thinks is just a flabby.只是个爱吃甜甜圈的胖子 个人偏见真伤人donut-loving cop, stereotyping you. Oh.这没关系 噢 你那里有一种No, its okay. Oh, youve actually got.-有一

35、种 -一种什么- Theres a. - Um. A what?在你的脖子上 褶子里面的In your neck. The fold.-哪里 噢 -那个 嗯 是的- Where? Oh! - The. Mmm-hmm. Yes.哦,你在这儿我的小甜甜There you went, you little dickens! Mmm.我该去报到了 我该往哪走I should get to roll call, which way do l.?噢 办公室在左拐处那边Oh, Bullpens over there to the left.-好的,谢谢 -哦- Great. Thank you. - Aw

36、.可怜的小兔子会被生吃了的That poor little bunnys gonna get eaten alive.嘿,我叫朱迪Hey, Officer Hopps.准备让世界变得美好吗?You ready to make the world a better place?全体注意Atten-hut!安静,安静,都坐下吧All right. All right! Everybody sit.今天我有三件事要交代Ive got three items on the docket.第一件,该死的First. we need to acknowledge.大象警官是不是来了?the elephan

37、t in the room.弗朗辛Francine.生日快乐Happy birthday.噢 耶Oh, yeah.噢 噢Oh. Oh.第二件事Number two.我该向人们简介几位新来的同事There are some new recruits with us I should introduce.但是我不打算简介but Im not going to.由于我懒得简介because I dont care.最后 我们有十四起哺乳动物失踪案Finally, we have 14 missing mammal cases.都是食肉动物 大到北极熊All predators, from a gia

38、nt polar bear.小到水獭to a teensy little otter.市政厅一只催着要我找到她们And City Hall is right up my tail to find them.这事是我们警察局的当务之急This is priority number one.分派任务Assignments.灰熊佐利Officers Grizzoli.尖牙狼 德尔加多警官Fangmeyer, Delgato.你们组负责Your teams take missing mammals.雨林区失踪案from the Rainforest District.麦克角 犀维茨 狼法德警官Offi

39、cers McHorn, Rhinowitz, Wolfard.你们负责撒哈拉广场那边Your teams take Sahara Square.河马斯 熊咆洛 象科比警官Officers Higgins, Snarlov, Trunkaby.冰川区Tundratown.最后一项 我们的小兔子And finally, our first bunny.朱迪警官Officer Hopps.交通协管Parking Duty.解散Dismissed.交通协管Parking duty?局长- Chief! - Hmm.牛局长Chief Bogo?长官 你说有十四起动物失踪案件Sir, you said

40、there were 14 missing mammal cases.-没错 -我想我能负责一起- So? - So, I can handle one.您也许忘了You probably forgot.我是我们这届最优秀的学员but I was top of my class at the Academy.我没忘,那又怎么样?Didnt forget. Just dont care.局长,我不是只会花拳绣腿Sir, Im not just some token bunny.那这样的话 一天开一百张罚单Well, then writing 100 tickets a day.应当不是难事sho

41、uld be easy.一百张罚单这也太小看我了100 tickets. Im not gonna write 100 tickets.我中午之前就能开出Im gonna write 200 tickets.200张罚单Before noon.耶Boom!中午前开出罚单200张200 tickets before noon!噢Oh.二百零一张201.嘿 看着点路 狐狸Hey, watch where youre going, fox!嗯Mmm.她去哪了Whered he go?听着 我不懂得你大白天在这附近Listen, I dont know what youre doing skulkin

42、g.鬼鬼祟祟的干什么around during daylight hours.但是我不想给店里带来麻烦but I dont want any trouble in here.因此赶紧走人So, hit the road.我也不想带来任何麻烦的 先生Im not looking for any trouble either, sir.我只是想买一种大号冰淇淋I simply want to buy a Jumbo Pop.给我的孩子for my little boy.你想要红色的 还是蓝色的呀You want the red or the blue, pal?嗷Aw.我真是Im such a.噢

43、 行了 孩子 回去吧Oh, come on, kid. Back up.听着 伙计 为什么Listen, buddy. What?你们镇上那一片就没有There arent any fox ice cream joints.狐狸冰淇淋店吗in your part of town?不 不 有Uh, no, no. There are.固然有 只是 我的孩子 这个小傻瓜There are. Its just, my boy, this goofy little stinker.她喜欢所有和大象有关的东西he loves all things elephant.她但愿长大成为一只大象Wants to

44、 be one when he grows up.这是不是很可爱Is that adorable?噢Oh!谁忍心破坏她小小的梦想呢 嗯哼 对吧Who the heck am I to crush his little dreams, huh? Right?听着 你也许不识字 狐狸Look, you probably cant read, fox.但是这块牌子上写着but the sign says.“我们有权回绝向任何动物We reserve the right to refuse service.提供服务” 因此 请出去.to anyone. So, beat it.你挡住背面的人了Your

45、e holding up the line.你好 抱歉打扰了Hello? Excuse me.嘿 开罚单的 你得和Hey, youre gonna have to wait your turn.其她人同样排队点单like everyone else, meter maid.事实上 我是名警官Actually, Im an officer.只是有个小问题Just had a quick question.你的顾客们懂得Are your customers aware.她们的小甜饼和冰淇淋theyre getting snot and mucus.是鼻涕味的吗with their cookies

46、and cream?你在瞎说什么What are you talking about?我不想给你惹什么麻烦Well, I dont want to cause you any trouble.但是我觉得不佩戴鼻套but I believe scooping ice cream.直接用鼻子挖冰淇淋with an ungloved trunk is a Class 3.是违背卫生条例的health code violation.这似乎是个大麻烦Which is kind of a big deal.固然 要是你们佩戴好鼻套的话Of course, I could let you off with

47、a warning.我也可以只予以警告 尚有 或许可以if you were to glove those trunks and, I dont know.卖给这位好爸爸和她儿子一种finish selling this nice dad and his son a.一种什么来着What was it?一种大号冰淇淋 拜托了A Jumbo Pop. Please.一种大号冰淇淋A Jumbo Pop.十五美元$15.太谢谢你了 谢谢Thank you so much. Thank you.噢 不是吧 逗我呢 我没有带钱包Oh, no. Are you kidding me? I dont ha

48、ve my wallet.我今天真是没带脑子出门Id lose my head if it werent attached to my neck.真是没措施Thats the truth.噢 儿子 对不起 小家伙Oh, boy. Im sorry, pal.这也许是史上最糟糕的生日了Got to be about the worst birthday ever.请不要生我的气Please dont be mad at me.不管如何 谢谢你Thanks anyway.不用找了Keep the change.警官 真是太感谢你了Officer, I cant thank you enough.你

49、人真好 真的 我该怎么报答你呢So kind, really. Can I pay you back?噢 不用了 算我请吧Oh, no, my treat. It just.只是 看到人们对狐狸抱有You know, it burns me up to see folks.既有的偏见 让我很是愤怒with such backward attitudes toward foxes.我只是想说 你是个好爸爸I just wanna say youre a great dad and just a.并且口才很棒a real articulate fella.噢 你过奖了Oh, well, that

50、is high praise.像你这样不带有色眼镜的人也不多Its rare that I find someone so non-patronizing.你叫?Officer.朱迪,你是?Hopps. Mister.尼克 尼克狐尼克Wilde. Nick Wilde.尚有你 小家伙And you, little guy.长大后你想成为大象是吗You want to be an elephant when you grow up?你会成为大象的You be an elephant.由于这里是动物城Because this is Zootopia.每个人均有无限的也许Anyone can be

51、anything.看吧,我早跟你说了Oh, boy, I tell him that all the time.好了拿着这个,两个爪子All right, here you go. Two paws. Yeah.真棒,看把你快乐的Oh, look at that smile.过生日就该这样快乐Thats a Happy birthday Smile.好了,来吹个“拜拜”的调调All right, give her a little bye-bye toot-toot.嘟嘟Toot-toot!拜拜啦Bye, now.再会Goodbye!噢Oh!嘿 小嘟嘟Hey, little Toot-Toot

52、.冰棍Pawsicles!爪子冰棍来一种Get your pawsicles!噢Oh.木材到了Lumber delivery.这怎么个颜色Whats with the color?什么颜色The color?啊 这是红木的Uh, thats red wood.啊 这是红木39, 40. There you go.拿着吧,儿子的点子还真绝,伙计Way to work that diaper, big guy.嘿 不跟爸爸来个吻别么Hey, no kiss bye-bye for daddy?明天你再亲我You kiss me tomorrow,我就咬掉你的脸Ill bite your face

53、off.再会Ciao.哼 我为你挺身而出 你却欺骗我Well. I stood up for you, and you lied to me.你这个骗子You liar!那叫智取 亲爱的Its called a hustle, sweetheart.尚有 我不是骗子 她才是And Im not the liar. He is.嘿Hey!你个狡猾的狐狸 你被捕了All right, slick Nick, youre under arrest.是吗 为什么Really? For what?你想懂得吗 例如无证销售食物怎么样Gee, I dont know. How about selling f

54、ood without a permit.跨区运送未申报货品呢Transporting undeclared commerce across borough lines.虚假广告False advertising.许可证 货品申报回执Permit. Receipt of declared commerce.尚有我没有虚假宣传任何东西 好走不送And I didnt falsely advertise anything. Take care.你跟那只老鼠说那些爪子冰棍杆是红木You told that mouse the popsicle sticks were redwood!没错 红色的木头

55、Thats right. Red wood. With a space in the middle.被染成的红色 简称红木Wood that is red.你抓不了我 小不点儿You cant touch me, Carrots.我从小就在这儿混Ive been doing this since I was born.我可警告你,不许叫我小不点儿Youre gonna want to refrain from calling me Carrots.我猜你肯定是从一种My bad. I just naturally assumed.种萝卜的穷乡僻壤来的 对吧you came from some

56、little carrot-choked Podunk, no?才不是呢Uh, no!鹿岭才是穷乡僻壤Podunk is in Deerbrooke County.我是从兔窝镇来的and I grew up in Bunnyburrow.好吧,我给你讲个故事怎么样?Okay. Tell me if this story sounds familiar.从前有个天真的小村姑很有抱负Naive little hick with good grades and big ideas.有一天她想我要搬到动物城去decides, Hey, look at me! Im gonna move to Zoot

57、opia.那里的食肉和食草动物很友爱where predators and prey live in harmony.还会一起唱抱负歌儿and sing Kumbaya.成果只发现 该死Only to find, whoopsie.我们相处得并不好we dont all get along.而那想成为大都市警官的梦想呢And that dream of becoming a big city cop?又该死 她但是是个开罚单的Double whoopsie. Shes a meter maid.再一种该死And, whoopsie number three-sie.没有人在乎她或她的梦想no

58、one cares about her or her dreams.不久那些梦想都将死去And soon enough, those dreams die.然后我们的兔兔意志消沉and our bunny sinks into emotional.萎靡不振 住在桥下的纸板箱里and literal squalor living in a box under a bridge.直到最后她别无她法 只得夹着till finally she has no choice but to go back home.那毛茸茸又软绵绵的小尾巴with that cute, fuzzy-wuzzy little

59、 tail between.滚回家做.her legs to become.你来自兔窝镇 你刚是这样说的吧Youre from Bunnyburrow, is that what you said?因此种胡萝卜怎么样 我说的没错吧So how about a carrot farmer. That sound about right?噢Oh!小心点 否者破碎的Be careful, now, or it wont just.就不只是你的梦想了be your dreams getting crushed.嘿 嘿 没有人能对我的将来说三道四的Hey! Hey! No one tells me wh

60、at I can or cant be!特别是那种Especially not some jerk.没什么本领who never had the guts to try to be.只会用冰棍来搞敲诈 自作聪颖的小混混anything more than a popsicle hustler.这样说吧,每个人来到这里的动物All right, look. Everyone comes to Zootopia.都觉得她们可以脱胎换骨thinking they can be anything they want.但其实不能Well, you cant.你只能是你自己You can only be

61、what you are.狡猾的狐狸 愚蠢的兔子Sly fox, dumb bunny.我不是愚蠢的兔子Im not a dumb bunny.好吧 这也不是湿水泥Right. And thats not wet cement.你永远都不会成为真正的警察Youll never be a real cop.但是 你倒是个挺可爱的交通协管员Youre a cute meter maid, though.或许哪天你就当上了主管呢Maybe a supervisor one day.坚持住噢Hang in there.噢 嘿 亲爸亲妈Oh, hey, its my parents.噢 是她 嗨 小甜心Oh, there she is! Hi, sweetheart!嘿 朱迪小家伙Hey there, Jude the dude.第一天执勤感觉怎么样啊How was your first day on the force?-感觉较好啊 -真的吗- It was real great. - Yeah?一切都如你所愿吗Everything you ever hoped?嗯 固然啦Mmm. Absolutely.

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