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1、-精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有-Safety work method statement 施工安全方案1 Safety Protection Measures施工安全保证措施1.1 Guidelines、Target、Management System and Pattern安全工作方针、目标、管理制度及模式n Guidelines: Safety goes first. Precautions must be taken.方针:安全第一,预防为主。n Target: no severe fire, equipment or personal incident. The rate of

2、 small incidents shall be less than one。目标:杜绝重大伤亡和火灾事故,杜绝重大设备和质量事故,一般事故频率不大于一起。n Management System and Pattern: 管理制度及模式: 0、 Casualty incident is zero;伤亡事故为零;1、 Juridical person representative is the first person with responsibility for safety construction;即法人代表是企业安全生产第一责任人; 2、 Safety management stan

3、dardization 、supervision security systematism安全管理标准化、监督保障体系化;3、 Do not hurt others ,self ,and be hurted即不伤害他人,不伤害自己,不被他人伤害;4、 The person who has hazard action concerning deadliness would be driven out of site有致命危险之行动立即驱逐出场。1.2 Safety Organization安全管理组织机构Under the direct leadership of the Project Man

4、ager, the safety organization chart is shown below.在项目经理的直接领导指挥下,建立安全管理网络组织体系如下:Subsidiary Team Foreman专业组长Project Manager项目经理Chief Engineer 项目总工Quality & Safety Dept.质安部Safety Officer安全员Technical Department 技术部Vice Project Manager项目付经理Construction manager 施工经理Workers施工人员2 Measures for construction

5、in good manner安全文明施工主要措施2.1 Safety responsibilities安全工作职责1) The project manger shall be the first responsible person for the overall construction safety.项目经理为安全生产第一责任人,对施工现场的安全生产、文明施工负全面责任。2) The chief engineer shall take responsibilities for technical safety and review all the safety measures and t

6、raining. The technical department shall be responsible for safety induction.项目主任工程师为安全生产负技术方面的主要责任,负责审核各项安全技术措施的编制、制订和教育工作。技术部门负责安全技术交底。3) The vice project manager has the direct leadership on safety construction and shall inspect, supervise and carry out the execution of the safety regulations, whi

7、ch shall be assisted by the Union Representative.项目副经理是安全生产的直接领导人,对安全生产制度的执行情况检查、监督、落实,工会代表协助该项工作的进行。4) The construction manager shall execute all the regulations and be responsible for safety construction on site .施工经理是生产各项制度的执行人,负责现场的安全生产工作。5) Each team shall persist in daily safety meeting and sa

8、fety diary. The part-time safety officer, foreman and safety officer shall patrol on site to stop any unsafe activities.施工班组要坚持施工班前会,并做好安全日记。班组兼职安全员、施工项目负责人和工地专职安全员应随时随地在施工现场,发现和处理不安全因素。6) Strictly execute the safety Award/Fine system and organize various forms of safety training.严肃安全奖罚制度,开展多种形式的安全教

9、育活动。2.2 Safety Regulations安全生产技术标准1) Safety Inspection Standard for Building and Construction JGJ5999建筑施工安全检查标准JGJ5999;2) Technical Safety Code for Work at Height JGJ8091建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范JGJ8091;3) Safety Regulations for Power On Construction Site 建设工程施工现场供用电安全规范GB50194934) Safety and Technical Procedu

10、res for Mechanical Installation Workers of China SANAN中国三安机械安装工人安全技术操作规程。5) Management System for Construction in Good Manner of the ISO system documents of China SANAN中国三安三体系文件安全文明施工管理制度。2.3 Safety Protection Measures安全防护措施A. Site Safety Management现场施工安全管理1) All the workers must strictly observe an

11、d abide by the relevant national safety regulations, rules, laws and codes as well as these procedures.全体施工人员必须严格执行党和国家有关安全生产的方针政策、法令和安全技术规程,自觉遵守本规定。2) Safety responsibility system must be established on site and all the responsible persons must fulfill his safety obligations properly.项目部必须建立健全安全生产责

12、任制。各责任人必须落实到位,都必须在各自的工作或生产岗位上对安全负责。3) On site certain signs must be established including name of the Contractor and the project, safety propaganda, fire notice, namelist of main management staff and site layout.项目经理部应根据实际情况,设立五(六)牌一图。4) Safety management system must be established on site. Safety o

13、fficer must be assigned to be in charge of site safety and each team shall have their own part-time safety officer.项目部必须健全安全管理体系,指定人员专管安全工作,每个班组设兼职安全员。5) Prior to construction, all the workers must be trained of safety. The safety and technical induction must be done with records taken.项目部对入场的施工人员必须

14、进行入场安全教育并考核。针对工程内容分别进行安全技术交底,并要认真做好书面记录。6) Properly wear hard hat, safety harness and safety pad, all of which shall be inspected regularly to exclude any unsafe equipment. 正确使用“三宝”(即:安全帽、安全带、安全网)防护用品,要定期检查,对不符合安全要求的要严禁使用,及时报废。7) All the lifting cranes and lifting devices must be inspected on their

15、safety devices prior to use. They must be adequately maintained and serviced. No overload operation is permitted. No maintenance or servicing during operation is permitted.起重机械使用前必须检查安全防护装置,安全防护装置应齐全有效。使用中应健全保养制度,不准“带病”运转,不准超负荷使用,不准在运转中维修保养。8) All the drivers or operators of lifting devices shall be

16、 trained and take examinations before starting work. The drivers or operators must familiarize themselves with site conditions, observe all safety regulations and instructions. Desertion from work or operation after drinking are not allowed.起重运输机械操作驾驶人员应按规定进行培训,经考试合格发证后持证上岗操作。各种机具、设备操作前应熟悉作业环境,操作中应遵

17、守现场安全规程,听从指挥,作业时不得擅自离开工作岗位,严禁酒后操作。9) All the lifting devices, slings and fixtures etc. shall be inspected according to the relative standards prior to and after use. All those pieces not satisfying requirements shall be replaced.吊具、索具、夹具等在使用前和使用中必须严格按有关标准进行检查:凡磨损超过规定必须及时更换。10) All the temporary powe

18、r supply wires shall comply with Technical Safety Code for Temporary Electricity on Site. All the electrical appliances must be adequately earthed. The wiring or disconnection of electrical circuits must be performed by competent electricians.架设临时用电线路应符合施工现场临时用电安全管理制度3014-2006的规定,办理用电审批手续。用电设备,必须全部接

19、地或接零。电气线路、用电设备驳接和拆除应由专业电工操作,严禁乱拉乱接。11) The electrical devices on sited must be furnished in compliance with electrical regulations and design requirements and shall not be used without the prior consent of the Chief Engineer and the Safety Officer.施工现场的用电设备必须严格按电气规程和施工组织设计的电气设计要求进行配置,经主任工程师和安全员验收合格后

20、,方准使用。12) The safety mechanism of mechanical equipment must be complete and work properly. All the portable electrical tools shall be well insulated and equipped with circuit breaker.机械设备防护保险装置一定要齐全有效,手持电动工具要设置漏电保护器。13) The material and setting up of scaffolding shall meet the requirements as stated

21、 in the Safety and Technical Procedures for Building Workers.脚手架材料、脚手架的搭设必须符合建筑工人安全技术操作规程的有关规定。14) Protections must be set up around the pre-left openings, access holes, stair openings and lift holes where there is the potential risk that the people or objects may fall. Protections and warning signs

22、 shall be established in the dangerous areas such like pits, openings, holes, temporary roads and residential area. Working at height must be adequately isolated, protected and closed up if necessary.在建工程的预留洞口、通道口、楼梯口、电梯口必须设有防止人、物堕落的措施。施工现场的洞、坑、壕池及临时马路和居民密集区等危险处,应按规定设防和示警。垂直作业必须有隔离防护措施,必要时应采取全封闭防护。1

23、5) All he hazard area on site must be hang with warning signs. Red light for warning shall be illuminated during night. Along the vehicle way there shall be limit and safety signs.施工现场的危险作业区必须设置警戒标志,夜间要设红灯示警,有车辆行驶的道路必须设限标志和安全标志。16) Anyone with bare foot or wearing slippery or high heel shoes shall n

24、ot be allowed to enter on site. No one working at height is allowed to wear shoes with hard soles or hobnails.严禁赤脚或穿高跟鞋、拖鞋进入施工现场,登高作业不准穿硬底或带钉易滑的鞋靴。17) Fire extinguishers on site must be sufficient in quantity and fire sources shall be controlled strictly. The electrical and gas welding shall meet th

25、e relative regulations. Electrical furnace or lighting is not allowed for heating purpose. 严格进行施工现场安全防火,加强消防器材检查,严格火源管理,电、气焊必须严格执行“十不烧”规定,严禁使用电炉或灯具取暖。18) The applicable safety measures shall be taken during cold and hot weather to prevent from freezing or coal gas poisoning.寒冬、高温季节来临前,应针对季节特点,编制和落实相

26、应的安全技术措施,做好防冻、防煤气中毒工作。19) Any personal injury or big traffic, fire and equipment incident must be reported immediately and the “three must-dos” must be inducted repeatedly to all the staff.发生工伤、交通、火灾和重大机械事故,必须按国家和公司的有关规定及时上报。不得瞒报或拖延不报,并按照“三不放过”的原则认真教育职工。20) Each worker shall he himself construct in

27、good manner. The site shall be kept clean. All the materials shall be stacked neatly. The access roads and water drainage shall be kept unblocked. Highly visible signs shall be seen in hazardous areas. 每个职工都必须在自己的职责范围内,做到文明施工,场容场貌整洁,材料堆放整齐,场地平整、道路和排水畅通,危险处有醒目的安全标志。21) All the project teams must exec

28、ute these procedures, any violations of which that may threaten the personal or property safety shall be stopped by the Engineering Department and Technical Supervision Department and rectified within a time limit. Such violations shall also be treated as described in the relevant national regulatio

29、ns and rules.本规定由各项目部贯彻执行,凡违反上述规定,危及职工生命或国家财产安全时,工程部、技术监督部门有权责令其停止,限期整改,并按国家有关安全法规和安全生产有关管理制度进行处理。B. Guidelines for construction in good manner职工文明施工安全守则1) All staff of Project office Actively take part in various safety activities. Everyone shall concern with safe construction to obtain efficiency

30、and benefit from safe work.项目部全体职工都应积极参加各种安全活动,人人关心安全生产,向安全生产要效益。2) Abide by labour disciplines, obey the instructions of safety officers and follow the Safety and Technical Procedures. The workers have right to refuse any improper instructions and have the responsibility to stop others violations.

31、遵守劳动纪律,服从领导和安全监督人员的指挥,严格执行“安全技术操作规程”,对违章作业的指令有权拒绝执行,并有责任制止他人违章作业。3) Workers of special trades must have qualifications.特种作业人员要持证操作,未经许可不得从事非本工种的作业。4) During lifting obey the instruction signals. Do not stay or walking underneath of the lifting arm or of the load.吊装作业时听从指挥信号,不在起重臂和起吊物下停留、行走。5) Take c

32、are when walking on site and stay away from the openings and holes if no necessary work is to be done near those areas.在施工现场行走要注意安全,不允许在“四口”、“五临边”周围无事停留。6) Properly wear PPE. Wear hard hats when entering on site and fasten safety belts when working at height. 按照作业要求正确穿戴个人防护用品,进入施工现场必须戴好安全帽,高处施工必须系好安

33、全带。7) Do not wear shoes with hard soles or hobnails when working at height and do not throw anything from overhead. Do not climb the scaffolding, mast or steel structures when no protection is present.高空作业不得穿硬底和带钉易打滑的鞋,不得往下投掷物料。无安全措施不得攀登脚手架,桅杆、钢结构框架等。8) Do not enter on site with bare foot or wearing

34、 slippery or high heel shoes. Do not smoke in fire forbidden area.严禁赤脚或穿高跟鞋、拖鞋进入施工现场。禁火区域严禁吸烟。9) Stay in work without replace others or escape away at his discretion. Do not start work after drinking.坚守工作岗位,不随便顶岗、溜岗。严禁酒后操作。10) Adequately maintain and service the safety devices and other protective f

35、acilities. Do not move or take away the protections, warning signs or other safety indications without prior consent.积极维护安全防护装置和安全防护设施,对各种防护设施和安全警告牌、安全标志不得任意拆除和随意挪动。11) Anyone who violates the above guidelines to work riskily and result in any incident, the main managers and the individual shall be

36、fined. 凡违反上述规定,擅自冒险作业或由此造成后果的,都将追究项目部主要领导及个人的责任,并按规定进行经济处罚。2.4 Safety induction and PPE安全技术交底及劳动保护1) The engineers shall carefully compile the safety induction documents and safety protection measures for lifting work, which must be inducted to the workers prior to start.施工技术人员认真编写单项工程安全技术交底和各种吊装的安全

37、措施,并在上岗前向操作者阐述清楚,和做好防护工作。2) The safety facilities shall be appropriate and adequate. Safety pad, warning signs, fences and cover plates etc. shall be in good conditions and ready for use.安全设施应齐全、安全网、警示牌、围栏、孔洞盖板等应完好齐备便于使用。3) All the workers working at height shall go through physical examinations and

38、 be issued with permits. Anyone who is not suitable for working at height shall not be allowed for such work.高空作业人员应进行身体检查,并持有效登高作业证。凡不符合高空作业人员决不准登高空作业。4) All the personnel on site must wear hard hats and fasten safety belts whenever working at height.充分发挥劳动保护用品的作用,安全帽、安全带准备齐全,进入现场必须戴安全帽,高空作业必须系好安全带

39、。2.5 Scaffolding脚手工具及脚手架1) The set up of scaffolding shall meet the requirements and be inspected by the safety officer prior to use.脚手工具必须符合安全规程要求,进入现场的脚手工具必须进行检查,合格后方可使用。2.6 Regulations for crane equipment & hoisting起重机具及吊装注意事项1) Prior to lifting the crane and all the lifting equipment must be dou

40、ble checked.进入现场的起重机具应确保完好,在使用前经检查认定的前提下方可使用.2) Prior to lifting the ropes, slings, hooks, sheaves, windlass etc. must be double checked. 重物起吊前应对桅杆的拖拉绳、索具、滑轮、卷扬机及跑绳,绑扎绳等全面进行一次检查、然后方可进行吊装。3) One person shall be assigned to be responsible for instruction with clear and recognizable signals and gesture

41、s. All the involved personnel shall have their minds concentrated during lifting. Working after drinking, joshing or fiddle-faddling is not allowed.重物起吊时,要由专人负责、指挥、信号要统一,明确,吊装人员精力要集中,不准酒后作业,说笑或打闹。4) No one shall be permitted to stay or walk underneath of the lifting arm. A try lifting shall be perfo

42、rmed before formal lifting.起重臂下不得站人或走动,起吊前应先进行一次试吊,无误后方可继续吊装。5) The position of the mobile crane shall be cautiously selected. Prior to lifting with load, the extension length and angle shall be simulated. 利用液压汽车吊、吊装物件时,吊车站的位置要选择合适,在没吊重物前,吊车杆伸出长度,转角范围应事先模拟一下,以防万一。6) The mobile crane performance shee

43、t shall be referred to prior to work to prevent overload lifting. 利用液压汽车吊,吊装物件时要事先核对吊车性能表,不得超载吊装。2.7 Use of electricity用电管理1) All the portable electrical tools shall be well insulated and equipped with circuit breaker.各种手持电动工具必须绝缘良好,用电插座回路装有漏电保护器。2) The wires for the temporary power supply shall be

44、tightly tied up and well insulated.临时用电线路,要绑扎牢固,确保绝缘良好。3) The switch housing shall be in good conditions and the capacity of the switch fuse shall coincide with that of power supply. The switch boxes shall be protected against rain or snow and locked up.开关箱的刀闸盖要其全,刀闸保险丝容量与用电容量应相符,开关箱应有防雨雪设施,箱门要完好有锁。

45、4) The temporary lighting circuit shall meet the requirements. Where it is contacting with metal surface it shall be well insulated. The movable lighting shall be of 36V while the lighting inside of the vessels or piping shall be of 12V.临时照明线路要符合有关规定,凡与金属物接触的地方应绝缘良好,要求行灯电压36V,容器或管道内照明选用12V电压。5) The

46、welding machine cable shall not mingle with steel wire so as to prevent any possible damage on the latter. Wherever necessary the welding shall be stopped to ensure safe lifting.电焊把线与钢丝绳不要交混在一起,避免打坏钢丝绳,必要时需停止一切焊接工作,确保重大吊装的安全进行。6) 未尽事宜详见公司的施工现场临时用电管理制度3014-2006规定要求。2.8 Fire protection measures消防安全保卫措

47、施1) Set up fire protection organization among the construction teams.施工现场以施工队为主建立安全防火机构,并充分发挥安全组织机构的作用。2) The use of temporary electricity shall be within the load with strong connections to avoid fire caused by overheat.现场施工用临时电,不得超负荷使用,并接头牢固,以免发热引起火灾。3) The electrical or gas welding shall be far a

48、way from the flammable objects, otherwise sufficient protection shall be adopted.在电气焊施工中,要检查周围环境,应远离易燃物品,否则应采取有效措施。4) Adequate fire fighting facilities shall be furnished on site, for example the extinguishers, sand barrels and shovels etc.施工现场应配备相适应的灭火器具(如灭火器、砂桶、铁铣等)。5) The hot work inevitable at p

49、laces forbidden for fire shall not be carried out without written approval from the relative authorities and protections prepared.现场禁止动火区域,动火前必须提出申请,并采取措施,经有关部门批准后方可动火。3 Construction in Good Manner现场文明施工措施1) Clean the site immediately after finish of work and collect reusable leftovers and label up.

50、班后及时清理现场,可利用的边角料及时回收,并挂牌标识。2) Waste, scrap and rubbish shall be cleaned and classified to send to designated scrap yard for disposal.废弃料及垃圾及时清理,分类堆放,并按规定运送到业主指定的垃圾场内。3) Train the workers to increase their environmental protection awareness to keep the tidiness of the living area. All the living garb

51、age and waste water shall be disposed to the location and by the means as indicated by the Owner.对于驻现场的工人进行环保意识的教育,确保生活区的整洁,生活垃圾、生活废水,按照业主方指定的地点及方式处理。4) The industrial as well as living wastes shall be collected for treatment. All the workers shall dispose the industrial wastes before they finish th

52、e work to keep site clean.保持文明生产不随地大小便,施工垃圾及生活垃圾集中堆放集中处理;下班前将自己的施工垃圾及时处理掉,保证施工现场的清洁卫生。5) All the signs and slogans on site must be arranged tidily and cleanly in accordance with site layout. The roads and water drainage shall be unblocked. The materials shall be stacked neatly.现场各种标牌、标语齐整,施工现场严格按施工平

53、面布置图布置,现场道路排水通畅,材料码放整齐,场坪混凝土硬化。6) The project manager will be responsible for construction in good manner. 各施工单位项目经理同时也是现场文明施工的负责人,各作业负责人对项目经理文明施工负责。7) The signs and layout shall be placed at high visible places. 工地在明显的位置设置七牌一图,认真执行三清六好标准,搞好文明施工。8) Monthly inspection on the construction in good mann

54、er shall be carried out to rectify anything not satisfying. The propaganda bulletin shall be vivid and attractive to praise good deeds. Working after drinking or working with smoking is not allowed.每月组织一次文明施工大检查,对各责任区进行评比,达不到要求的限期改正,宣传栏、板报生动活泼,及时表扬好人好事。严禁酒后和吸烟作业。9) The remaining materials supplied b

55、y the Owner shall be returned to the Owner when the work is finished. 当工作完成时应将剩余的由建设方所提供的材料退还给建设方。10) The workers on site must abide by all the rules and regulations, dress up neatly, wear PPE properly and help each other during work.所有职工进入施工现场必须遵守工地的各项规章制度,穿戴整齐,正确使用各种劳动保护用品,工作中要团结协作,互相帮助。11) The la

56、st operation must create good conditions for the next operation.上一道工序必须为下一道工序创造积极良好的条件。12) All the construction equipment and tooling must be clearly labeled and tagged to show their design purpose and way of use.施工现场的各种施工机具、设备要挂标志牌,表明设备的用途和使用。13) On site there shall be construction bulletin and sig

57、ns. Warning signs shall be set up in hazardous areas. 施工现场要设置施工公告牌,各生产现场及主要部位要设置标志牌,易发生事故的危险部位要设置警告牌 14) The working area shall be clean with the foreign objects cleared away at any time.操作地点周围要作到清洁,施工人员干活时注意随时清理脚下杂物。4 Emergency Response紧急事件应变措施n Emergency report and response system must be in place

58、 on site for any possible unexpected incident and emergency that may affect site safety and construction progress so that the best effective measures will be taken within the shortest time to minimize the injury or the damage to the project. 对于影响工地安全和正常施工的意外事故和紧急事件,建立报告程序和处理程序,以期能在最短时间内采取最有效的措施,将伤害或

59、对工程的影响降到最低程度。n The emergencies that may occur in this project include but not limit to: major incidents of equipment, fire, personal; material deficiency; transportation delay; progress delay etc.本项目的紧急事件主要包括:大型事故(大型设备事故、火灾、人身重大伤亡事故)、材料供应不足、设备运输延误、工程进度滞后等。4.1 Report process for major incidents大型事故通报

60、流程Insurance & notarization company 保险及公证公司Project manager 项目经理Investigator 专案负责人Emergency response team 紧急救援单位Companys representative 公司负责人Owners representative 业主工地代表Police 公安机关Individual 当事人4.2 Emergency response to fire火警应变措施1) Fire protection measures防火措施n The hot work, such as electrical weldin

61、g, gas welding, burning etc. if inevitable at places forbidden for fire, shall not be carried out without approval from the project manger and supervisor present.在严禁烟火区域从事电焊、气焊、生火、烧火等工作时,应征得项目经理同意并安排监护人员后方可使用。n All the fire extinguishing devices shall not be used for any other purposes.一切消防设备,不得用于非消

62、防目的工作上。n The storage of equipment and materials shall leave free access to the fire hydrants. 器材物料的堆存,不得妨碍消防设备取用。n If the electrical appliances catch fire, power or carbon dioxide extinguishers or sand shall be used to kill the fire instead of water if it is not sure that the power supply has been d

63、isconnected and there are no other electrical units nearby. 电器设备若着火,如未确认电源已切断及附近无其他电器设施,不可用水扑救,宜用干粉或二氧化碳灭火器或砂扑灭。n Smoking is strictly forbidden in highly flammable areas. All the butts produced in the smoking area must be crushed out and thrown into the garbage bin. 火灾危险工作区严禁吸烟,吸烟区的烟头应捻熄后丢入垃圾桶内。n Ev

64、ery worker must be trained to know how to use different types of extinguishers.每一位现场工作人员都需能熟悉各种灭火器材的使用方法。n When there is a fire, the existing fire fighting equipment shall be used to kill the fire.火灾发生时,应在最短时间内,应用现有的消防设备,立即展开救火。n When there is a fire, people must be rescued before property. And the persons who are fighting with the fire must be aware of self safet

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