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1、1Charlie came from a poor village. His parents had _1_ money to send him to school when he was young. The boy was very sad. Mr. King lived next to him. He found the boy _2_ and had pity on him and lent some money to him. So the boy could go to school. He studied hard and _3_ all his lessons. When he

2、 finished middle school, the man introduced him to his friend in the town. And he began to work.Once Mr. King was seriously hurt in an accident. Dying, he asked Charlie to take care of his daughter, Sharon. The young man _4_ and several years later he married the girl. He loved her very much and tri

3、ed his best to make her happy. He often bought beautiful clothes and delicious food for her. He was good at cooking and he cooked _5_ for her. So she became very fat and she felt it difficult to walk. And one day she found there was something wrong with her heart. Her husband wasnt at home and she h

4、ad to go to _6_ at once. The doctors looked her over and told her _7_ eat meat, sugar, chocolate and things like these. She was afraid _8_ the doctors words and wrote all the names of the food on the paper. When she got home, she put the list on the table and _9_. When she returned home that afterno

5、on, she found many kinds of food: meat, sugar and chocolate in the kitchen. Charlie was busy _10_ there. As soon as he saw her, he said happily, “Ive bought all the food you like, dear!”1. A. no B. some C. much D. enough2. A. lazy B. clever C. careful D. hard3. A. did well in B. was poor at C. was w

6、orking D. was good for4. A. was angry B. thought hard C. agreed D. said “No.”5. A. a little B. a few C. many D. a lot6. A. rest B. sleep C. hospital D. work7. A. should B. would C. to D. not to8. A. to remember B. to forget C. to catch D. to teach9. A. slept B. went out C. cooked D. ate10. A. readin

7、g B. seeing C. cooking D. writing1. A。查理家境贫困,父母没有钱资助她上学,故选no。2. B。根据下文,查理不负众望,阐明她聪颖好学,故选clever。3. A。查理学习刻苦,并顺利完毕了学业,阐明她各门功课成绩较好,故选did well in。D选项介词用错,对的词组为was good at。4. C。根据下文查理娶了金先生女儿为妻并精心庇护她,阐明查理批准了金先生的祈求,故选agreed。5. D。根据下文妻子胖得不能走路,阐明她食物吃得多。此外食物为不可数名词,因此只能用a lot of来修饰。6. C。心脏不好,应去医院检查,下文指出为她检查的正是

8、医生,故选hospital。7. D。由于她的病是因营养过剩引起的,医生应让她不要吃肉,糖果之类的食物,故选not to。8. B。她胆怯忘了医生的批示,因此将其写在纸上,故选to forget。9. B。与下文相相应,这里应填went out。10. C。擅长烹饪的查理将菜买回之后,肯定要忙着为爱妻做饭,故cooking为对的答案。2Different things usually stand for different feelings. Red, for example, is the color of fire, heat, blood and life. People say red

9、 is an exciting and active color. They associate(使发生联系) red with a strong feeling like 1 . Red is used for signs of 2 , such as STOP signs and fire engines. Orange is the bright, warm color of 3 in autumn. People say orange is a 4 color. They associate orange with happiness. Yellow is the color of _

10、5_. People say it is a cheerful color. They associate yellow too, with happiness. Green is the cool color of grass in _6_. People say it is a refreshing color. In general, people _7_ two groups of colors: warm colors and cool colors. The warm colors are red, orange and _8_. Where there are warm colo

11、r and a lot of light, people usually want to be _9_. Those who like to be with _10 _ like red. The cool colors are _11_ and blue. Where are these colors, people are usually worried. Some scientists say that time seems to _12 _ more slowly in a room with warm colors. They suggest that a warm color is

12、 a good _13_ for a living room or a _14_ . People who are having a rest or are eating do not want time to pass quickly. _15 colors are better for some offices if the people working there want time to pass quickly.1. A. sadness B. anger C. administration D. smile2. A. roads B. ways C. danger D. place

13、s3. A. land B. leaves C. grass D. mountains4. A. lively B. dark C. noisy D. frightening5. A. moonlight B. light C. sunlight D. stars6. A. summer B. spring C. autumn D. winter7. A. speak B. say C. talk about D. tell8. A. green B. yellow C. white D. gray9. A. calm B. sleepy C. active D. helpful10. A.

14、the other B. another C. other one D. others11. A. black B. green C. golden D. yellow12. A. go round B. go by C. go off D. go along13. A. one B. way C. fact D. matter14. A. factory B. classroom C. restaurant D. hospital15. A. Different B. Cool C. Warm D. All1.B。根据上文的strong feeling可知anger最合乎文意。2.C。下文所

15、列举的例子STOP signs和 fire engines都属于危险信号,故选择danger。3.B。根据常识,黄色应是秋天树叶的颜色,故应选leaves。4.A。下文提到人们把黄色和幸福联系起来,阐明黄色是一种布满生机的颜色,故选lively。5.C。下文提到黄色是令人快乐的颜色,根据常识太阳光的颜色是黄色,故选sunlight。6.B。绿色是春季里草的颜色,故选spring。7.C。speak背面往往接某种语言作宾语;say背面常接说话的内容;tell的宾语一般是人;talk about sth.意为谈论某事物。故C为对的选项。8.B。根据上文对yellow的解释。阐明yellow也属于w

16、arm color。9.C。与下文喜欢冷色调的人相相应,再根据上文对多种暖色调的选择,active合乎文意为对的选项。10.D。others相称于other people意为“别的人”。another指“另一种”。other one不可单独使用,the other one指“此外的一种”。11.A。四个选项中只有black可归纳到冷色调当中去。12.B。go around意为“到处走动”;go off 意为“离开,爆炸”;go along意为“迈进,进行”;go by意为“走过,流逝”。根据文意,应选go by。13.B。way根据上文,暖色调的环境下时间似乎过得更慢,阐明暖色调是用来装饰居室

17、和饭馆的好措施,故选择way。14.C。比较四个场合只有饭馆适合使用暖色调。15.B。与暖色调相对立,冷色调合用于办公室,以使人感觉时间过得比较快。3Why do I want to go to college? No one has ever asked me _1 _ a question. But many times I have asked myself. I have _2_ a whole variety of reasons. _3_ important reason is that I want to be a better man.Many things make huma

18、n beings different _4_ or better than or even superior to animals.One of the most important things is _5_ . If I fail to receive higher education, my education _6_. As I want to be a fully _7_ man, I must get a well-rounded education, which good colleges and universities are supposed to _8_. I know

19、one can get educated in many ways, but colleges and universities are _9_ the best places to teach me how to educate myself. Only when I am well-educated, will I be a better human being and _10_ fit into society.1. A. quite B. so C. such D. another2. A. come up with B. agreed with C. been fed up with

20、 D. got on well with3. A. Most B. The most C. More D. Much4. A. to B. around C. between D. from5. A. education B. weather C. temperature D. science6. A. finished B. dont finish C. will not finish D. has finished7. A. develop B. developed C. developing D. experience8. A. improve B. graduate C. hear D

21、. provide9. A. between B. among C. inside D. outside10. A. can good B. may better C. be able to better D. be able to best1. C。such常用在不定冠词或名词前修饰可数名词或不可数名词,表达“此类的”、“这种的”,故such为对的选项。2. A。come up with意为“提出、找出”;agree with意为“批准”;be fed up with意为“对厌倦”;get on well with意为“和相处得好”。根据文意A为对的选项。3. B。上文讲到我曾找到过多种各样

22、的因素,其中最重要的因素应当是,因此这里应用important的最高档,故选the most。4. D。固定构造be different from 表达“不同于”。5. A。本段着重阐明了教育在人的发展中的作用,以及大学在教育中的地位。作为总括句,本空应填education。6. C。这是一种具有条件状语从句的复合句,意为“如果我不能受到更高等的教育,我就无法完毕我的学业”,故选will not finish为对的选择。7. B。这里只能选可作定语的选项。过去分词developed表达“成熟的”,为对的选项。8. D。大学应是提供高等教育的地方, provide符合文意为对的选项。9. B。介

23、词among可表达”涉及在内”为对的选项。10. C。与前半句相相应,这里仍应用比较级,而may better意思不对,因此be able to better为对的选项。4Farley worked for the Canadian government. One day, he was _1_ to learn more about wolves. Do wolves kill lots of caribou(北美驯鹿)? Do they kill people?They gave him lots of food and clothes and guns. Then they put hi

24、m on a plane and took him to _2_. The plane put him down and went away. There were no houses or people in this place. But there were lots of animals and lots of wolves.People tell terrible stories about wolves. They say wolves like to kill and eat people. Farley remembered these stories, and he was

25、_3_. He had his gun with him_4_.Then one day, he saw a group of wolves. There was a mother wolf with four baby wolves. A father wolf and another young wolf lived with them.Farley watched these wolves every day. The mother was a very _5_ mother. She gave milk to her babies. She gave them lessons abou

26、t life. They learned how to _6_ food. The father wolf got food for the mother. The young wolf _7_ the children. They were a nice, happy familywolf family! Farley did not need his _8_ any more. In a short time, he got on well with the family. Farley watched them for five months. He learned that many

27、stories about the wolves were _9_. Wolves do not eat people, and they do not eat many large animals. And he also learned bad things about men. It was men who killed many caribou and wolves.Later, Farley wrote a book about wolves. He wanted people to _10_ them and not to kill them.1. A. seen B. told

28、C. heard D. found2. A. a small town B. a big city C. a far place D. a lonely village3. A. afraid B. happy C. angry D. tired4. A. at times B. all the time C. once a week D. every afternoon5. A. bad B. good C. hungry D. thirsty6. A. cook B. make C. get D. pick7. A. shouted at B. looked into C. laughed

29、 at D. played with8. A. food B. clothes C. gun D. plane9. A. not good B. not true C. not easy D. not clear10.A. grow B. have C. teach D. understand1. B。Farley是政府工作人员。从上下文得知, 她是被派去进行调查和研究狼的习性的,故选told。2. C。根据下文飞机把Farley送到了一种没有房屋和人的地方, 阐明了这个地方不也许是都市,小镇和村庄故a far place为对的答案。3. A。狼吃人的恐怖故事给孤身一人的Farley带来的应是

30、afraid。4. B。由于Farley胆怯, 因此枪应始终不能离身。all the time意为“始终、始终”。5. B。根据下文的描述,狼妈妈给孩子们喂奶,对孩子们进行训练,可见是一位好妈妈,故选good。6. C。狼只能猎取食物, 而不能烧食物, 生产食物。get合乎文意,为对的答案。7. D。shout at意为“朝大声叫喊”;look into意为“调查、观测”;laugh at意为“讥笑”。这三个词组都不符文意。play with意为“和一起玩耍”,合文意为对的答案。8. C。the nice happy wolf family让Farley不再胆怯,因此也就不再需要枪了,故选择g

31、un.。9. B。由于她的亲身体验与她所听到的相违背,阐明此前有关狼的说法是不对的, 故选not true。10. D。understand意为“理解”合乎文意,为对的答案。5Many people think that Americans 1 their cars almost more than anything else. When 2_ people are fourteen years old, they want to have their _3_ cars. They dont ask for a car from their 4_. So many of them work i

32、n _5_ time during their last year of high school to buy a car. Learning to 6 _ and getting a drivers license may be one of the most exciting things in a young persons life.Some people almost 7 _ go to a doctor when they are ill. But they will _8_ their cars to a garage as soon as they think there is

33、 a 9 . On Saturdays or Sundays some people may 10 most of their time washing and repairing their cars.1. A. prefer B. love C. drive D. play2. A. little B. big C. old D. young3. A. new B. own C. expensive D. cheap4. A, friends B. teachers C. parents D. brothers5. A. free B. busy C. study D. good6. A.

34、 make B. mend C. wash D. drive7. A. always B. never C. often D. usually8. A. take B. carry C. pull D. lift9. A. question B. wrong C. mistake D. problem10. A. cost B. get C. spend D. use1. B。通过下文的事例不难看出美国人对汽车不是一般的喜欢,故用love it,较贴近文章的意思。2. D。按常识,十四五岁的人应称为年轻人,故应说young。3. B。根据下文她们不想通过索要来获取别人的小轿车,而是想拥有自己的

35、小汽车,故选own。4. C。如果说想要索要小汽车的话,那只有先从父妈妈那儿开始了,故应选parents。5. A。十四五岁的年轻人大多在上学,因此工作占用的应是上学期间的空隙,故应选free。6. D。要想获得驾照得先学开车,故应选drive。7. B。与下文“车子一有问题就去修理”相相应,有人病了却从不看医生,故应选never。8. A。carry应为“搬运”,push 为“推”,lift 意思为“举,提起”都不合文意,take sth. to 某地,意为“把带到”。9. D。只能选择一种名词, 表达汽车的“故障,毛病”, 故选problem。10. C。spend some time d

36、oing sth.为一种固定搭配,意为“花时间干某事”。 6 Who designed (设计) the first helicopter (直升飞机)? Who _1_ of the most famous pictures in the world? Who knew more about the human body than most _2_? There is an answer _3_ all these questions - Leonardo de Vinci (达芬奇).Leonardo may have been the greatest genius (天才) _4_ h

37、ave ever known. He lived in Italy around the year 1500, but many of his inventions seem modern to us today. For example, one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter. Of course, he couldnt _5_ a helicopter with the things he had. But scientists say his idea would have worked.But Leonardo _6_ an

38、 inventor. He was one of the greatest artists of his day. By the time he was twenty years old, he was called a master ( 大师) painter, and as he got older he became _7_ more famous. Sometimes he drew a hand ten different ways _8_ he was ready to paint.Many of Leonardos wonderful paintings are still wi

39、th _9_ today. You may know one of his most famous works the _10_ woman known as the Mona Lisa.1. A. took B. made C. painted D. invented2. A. artists B. doctors C. painters D. people3. A. to B. of C. for D. from4. A. the scientists B. the artists C. the world D. people5. A. draw B. paint C. work D. b

40、uild6. A. was just B. wasnt just C. wasnt D. was no longer7. A. less B. no C. even D. very8. A. before B. after C. because D. when9. A. him B. us C. them D. you10. A. interesting B. crying C. smiling D. surprising1.C。为了引出话题人物达芬奇,这里引用了设问手法,问题应表达“是谁画了世界上最出名的画”,故选择动词painted。2.B。对人体比较理解的莫过于医生了,将达芬奇与医生相比

41、才干显示其对人体的精通。故选择doctors。3.A。介词to常表达一一相应的关系,“问题的答案”习惯体现为an answer to a question。4.D。达芬奇应是世人所懂得的天才中最伟大的人,the world 一般指每个人,相称于第三人称单数,故people为对的选项。5.D。draw和paint不合文意, work为不及物动词,不能直接接宾语。在那个时代,达芬奇所不能做的应是制造飞机,故选择build。6.B。这一句起承上启下的作用,意为“达芬奇不仅仅是一名发明家”,故选择 wasnt just。7.C。less和no不合文章,very不能用来修饰比较级,而even常用来修饰比

42、较级,意为“甚至更”,故为对的选项。8.A。为了使自己的画达到最高境界,应在画这幅画之前去尝试不同的画法,因此应选before。9.B。达芬奇的画今天仍然保存在世,为本文作者以及读者所共享,因此应选us。10.C。达芬奇的名作Mona Lisa以画中人物面部神秘的微笑而名扬天下,故选smiling。7Once, a king showed two men a large basket in the garden. He told them to fill it with water from a well. After they _1_ their work, he left them, sa

43、ying, “When the sun is down, I will come and see your work.”At last one of them said, “Whats the use of doing this foolish work? We can _2_ fill the basket.” _3_ man answered, “That is none of your business.” The first man said. “You may do as you like, but I am not going to work at _4_ so foolish.”

44、 He _5_ his bucket and went away. The other man said no word, and kept on carrying _6_. At last the well was almost _7_.As he poured the last bucket of water into the basket, he saw a bright thing in it. He picked it up. It was a beautiful gold ring. Just then the king came. _8_ he saw the ring, he

45、knew that he had found the kind of man he wanted. He told him to keep the ring for himself. “You _9_ so well in this little thing,” he said, “ _10_ now I know I can believe you with many things.”1. A. finished B. did C. began D. had2. A. ever B. never C. easily D. no3. A. The other B. Another C. One

46、 D. A second4. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything5. A. picked up B. put away C. took away D. threw away6. A. water B. basket C. well D. work7. A. full B. empty C. filled D. clean8. A. While B. As soon as C. Before D. Since 9. A. have done B. will do C. do D. are doing10. A. what B. wh

47、y C. when D. that1.C。这里did和finished都表达完毕了这项工作,而给篮子装满水是不也许的,国王应在两人开始打水后不久离开,因此应选began。2.B。往篮子里盛满水是永远不也许的,故选择never。3.A。两者中的另一种用the other加名词来表达。4.C。the first man想离开,由于她觉得自己干的是无用功,故选择nothing意为“从事某项工作”。5.D。pick up意为“拾起”,pick away意为“放好”,take away意为“取走”,而throw down意为“扔掉、丢弃”,比较贴近文意,为对的选项。6.A。根据文意,另一种人始终在打水,

48、故选water。7.B。不断地打水必然会导致井空,故选empty。8.B。while引导从句时,从句应用延续性动词,before和since不符合文意,as soon as表达“一就”为对的选项。9.A。国王是由于这个诚实的人所做过的事情而表扬她,因此应用完毕时态have done。10.D。国王讲的最后一句话是具有 “sothat”构造的复合句,意为“如此以致”故选that。8Many people think that Americans 1 their cars almost more than anything else. When 2_ people are fourteen yea

49、rs old, they want to have their _3_ cars. They dont ask for a car from their 4_. So many of them work in _5_ time during their last year of high school to buy a car. Learning to 6 _ and getting a drivers license may be one of the most exciting things in a young persons life.Some people almost 7 _ go

50、 to a doctor when they are ill. But they will _8_ their cars to a garage as soon as they think there is a 9 . On Saturdays or Sundays some people may 10 most of their time washing and repairing their cars.1. A. prefer B. love C. drive D. play2. A. little B. big C. old D. young3. A. new B. own C. exp

51、ensive D. cheap4. A, friends B. teachers C. parents D. brothers5. A. free B. busy C. study D. good6. A. make B. mend C. wash D. drive7. A. always B. never C. often D. usually8. A. take B. carry C. pull D. lift9. A. question B. wrong C. mistake D. problem10. A. cost B. get C. spend D. use1. B。通过下文的事例

52、不难看出美国人对汽车不是一般的喜欢,故用love it,较贴近文章的意思。2. D。按常识,十四五岁的人应称为年轻人,故应说young。3. B。根据下文她们不想通过索要来获取别人的小轿车,而是想拥有自己的小汽车,故选own。4. C。如果说想要索要小汽车的话,那只有先从父妈妈那儿开始了,故应选parents。5. A。十四五岁的年轻人大多在上学,因此工作占用的应是上学期间的空隙,故应选free。6. D。要想获得驾照得先学开车,故应选drive。7. B。与下文“车子一有问题就去修理”相相应,有人病了却从不看医生,故应选never。8. A。carry应为“搬运”,push 为“推”,lif

53、t 意思为“举,提起”都不合文意,take sth. to 某地,意为“把带到”。9. D。只能选择一种名词, 表达汽车的“故障,毛病”, 故选problem。10. C。spend some time doing sth.为一种固定搭配,意为“花时间干某事”。9Food is very important. Everyone needs to _1_ well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our minds also need a kind of food. This kind of food is _2_. We begin to g

54、et knowledge even _3_ we are very young. Small children are _4_ in everything around them. They learn _5_ while they are watching and listening. When they are getting older, they begin to _6_ story books, science books, anything they like. When they find something new, they love to ask questions and

55、 _7_ to find out answers. What is the best _8_ to get knowledge? If we learn by ourselves, we will get _9_ knowledge. If we are _10_ getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in the right way, we will learn more and understand better.1. A. sleep B. read

56、C. drink D. eat2. A. sport B. exercise C. knowledge D. meat3. A. until B. when C. after D. so4. A. interested B. interesting C. weak D. better5. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything6. A. lend B. read C. learn D. write7. A. try B. have C. refuse D. wait8. A. place B. school C. way D. road9. A. little B. few C. many D. the most10. A. often B. always C. usually D. something1.D。本句承办上文,进一步强调食物的重要性,要有强健的体魄得吃得好,故选eat。2.C。根据下文,大脑所需要的食物应为knowledge。3.B。按常理一种人在小的时候就开始学习了,因此应用when引导这里的时间状语从句。4.A。小孩对知识的接受重要依托于她们对事物

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