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1、 课题: Unit 8 Happy New Year 第 1 课时 课型:新授课【教学目标】(一)知识目标 1. 能整体理解Story time对话语篇 2. 能听懂、会说、会读单词doll, ball, robot, CD;能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词happy, new, year, car, for 3. 初步掌握句型Whats this/ that? Its. This is for you./ Its for you.并能发现Whats this?和Whats that?的不同点。(二)能力目标 学会新年的节日祝福,并能初步运用所学句型赠送礼物,表达谢意。(三)情感目标 明白中西方互

2、送礼物时的差异【教学重难点】重点:1. 能三会掌握单词doll, ball, robot;四会掌握单词happy, new, year, for2. 能初步掌握句型Whats this/ that? Its. This is for you./ Its for you.并能发现Whats this?和Whats that?的不同点。 难点:能初步掌握句型Whats this/ that? Its. This is for you./ Its for you.并能在情境中正确运用【教学准备】1. PPT2. 教学挂图3. 单词卡片【教学过程】先 学 预 设后 教 策 略调整与反思Step 1.

3、PreparationA. Sina a song “Happy New Year”B.Free talkStep 2. Presentation1、 教授单词doll, ball, robot, CD, car;句型Whats this/ that? Its. A.T: There are many gifts in the bedroom.Whose bedroom is it? (用课件出示Uncle John) Ss: Uncle Johns. 用课件呈现出Uncle John的家,在带领学生参观的时候,学习单词句型 T: Whats this? S2: Its a CD.以CD这个单

4、词的教学开始,从易到难地讲授单词 同法教授单词robot T: Whats that?(用课件出示car的图片,并引导学生回答) S3: Its a car. 同法教授单词doll, ball T:Can you find the difference between whats this and whats that? 通过让学生观察课件中询问的物品的远近发现不同点B. Play a game “ Whats missing?”巩固单词C. Work in pairs T: (手拿单词卡片)Whats this/ that? S4: Its a. Then let the Ss make a

5、 dialogue like this2、 Learn Story timeA. T: These presents are not Uncle Johns. He will give them to his relatives or friends. Let the Ss watch the cartoon and answer these questions: Q1: What are the presents? Q2: Who are they for?B. Read and match Helen a ball Mike a robot Tim a doll T: Who is the

6、 ball/robot/doll for?C. Read and underline Let the Ss underline these sentences: What does Uncle John say when he gives presents to Helen, Mike and Tim? How do they answer?D. Let the Ss read after the tape and try to imitate the toneStep 3. PracticeE. Think and sayT: If Tim goes home, what does he s

7、ay to Uncle John? Step 4. ProductionT: The doll is for Helen. The ball is for Mike. The robot is for Tim. What are the CD and car for?用课件出示Su Hai和Su YangT: Uncle John is at Su Hais home.He gives the twins two presents. Can you make a dialogue like the story?Step 5.ProgressA. Let the Ss make a dialog

8、ue about New Year. 可以加入以前学习的衣服类的单词 B. Ticking time 让学生同桌相互检测学习情况,完成表格Ticking timeI can use “ happy New Year” to greetI can use “ Whats this/that”to ask the things nameI cam use “ This is for you./ Its for you”to give the gifts 利用歌曲揭题,引导学生联系生活实际,回忆自己在新年得到了些什么T: What do we get from our relatives on Ne

9、w Years Day?用课件呈现出自己的新年礼物,与学生交流,复习之前学习的单词、句型,同时熟悉句型Whats this? Its a.T:Whats this? Look at my. What colour is it?利用参观Uncle John的家,发现Uncle John家中的礼物,学习单词和句型,再利用 “Whats missing”的游戏进行巩固单词,运用Work in pairs巩固句型呈现课文动画,让学生初步对课文有所感知,然后让学生快速阅读,找出物品归属者,最后通过细读学习送礼物的句型。在讲授送礼物这个环节时,渗透中西方的文化差异:中国人收到别人礼物时是等别人离开时再拆开

10、;西方国家收到别人礼物时是当场拆开并表示自己很喜欢。相同的都是要谢谢对方。让学生注意到读This is for you.时要连读,在读Whats this/ that?时要读降调。让学生想像Tim 回家时看到礼物会和Uncle John说什么?巩固句型Whats this/ that?Its . This is for you./ Its for you. Thank you.创设情境,让学生仿照书上的Story进行改编对话,巩固所学句型T: New Year is coming. What presents will you give to your family or friends?在学生相互检测时对所学知识进行回顾作业设计1. Recite Story time2. Prepare a New Year present for your family or friends板书设计 Unit 8 Happy New Year Happy New Year! This is for you./ Its for you. Whats this/ that? Its a doll/ ball/ CD/ car/ robot. How nice! Thank you!【教后反思】

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