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1、一、 语音辨析:从ABCD中选出一项划线部分读音不同旳选项(5分)( )1. A. contest B. attend C. market D. method( )2. A. speech B. cheap C. choose D. technology( )3. A. excellent B. example C. extra D. exhibition( )4. A. commodity B. promote C. method D. improve( )5. A. attended B. graduated C. promoted D. bored二、 单选题:(20分)1.Should

2、 you give me something _?A. eaten B. eating C. to eat D. eat2.Those _ want to earn much money set up some companies. A. which B. that C. who D. whom3.The old professor raises his voice in order to make himself _ by everyone. A. hear B. heard C. to hear D. hearing4.They just keep on _ by themselves.

3、A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learned5.The young men put what they have learned _ practice. A. into B. in C. to D. at6.The old man states his view _. A. with confidence B. on confidence C. in confidence D. with confident7._ words and idioms you know,_ English becomes. A. The more, the easier B

4、. The more, the more easy C. The much, the easy D. The most, the easier8. Many students find _ difficult _ spoken English. A. it, understanding B. it, to understand C. that, understanding D. that, to understand9. That book is very good. Kate recommended it _me. A. for B. to C. at D. in10. We admired

5、 him _ his work .on the medical research. A. in B. with C. for D. at11. The boy is _ young _ carry the heavy box.A. tootoo B. toto C. to too D. tooto12. He has given up _. A. playing football B. playing the football C. to play the football D. to play football13. The student studied very hard and _ a

6、 good example to his classmates. A. took B. made C. got D. set14. We must try our best _ English. A. learn B. learning C. to learn D. learned15. Please think _ what I said just now. A. about B. of C. over D. for16. She has his son _ in a famous middle school of this city. A. study B. to study C. stu

7、died D. studying17.She is a shy girl _ we cant talk with her. A. so, that B. so that C. such, that D. such that18. Reading _ an important way for Chinese students to learn English. A. is B. are C. am D. be19. She forgot _ a letter, so she wrote it again. A. write B. writing C. to write D. written 20

8、. I will tell him the truth if he _ here tomorrow. A. come B. will come C. comes D. is coming三、 完形填空:(10分)A blind boy sat on the steps of a building 31 a hat by his feet .He held up a sign which said , “I am blind ,please help.” There were only 32 coins in the hat .A man was walking by. He took a fe

9、w coins from his pocket and 33 them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around and wrote some words .He put the sign back 34 everyone who walked by would see the new words.Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man 35 had ch

10、anged the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, “Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? 36 did you write?”The man said, “I only wrote the truth. I said what you said 37 in a different way.”What he had written was, “Today is a beautiful day and I ca

11、nnot see it.”Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying 38 thing? Of course both signs told people the boy was blind .But the first sign simply told people to help by 39 some money in the hat. The second sign told people they were able to enjoy the beauty of the day, but the boy cou

12、ld not enjoy it 40 he was blind .( )31. A . for B. inC. withD. on( )32. A. few B. a fewC. manyD. a lot( )33. A. droppedB. dropedC. dropD. was dropping( )34. A.for that B. so as to C. in order toD. so that( )35. A. for whom B. whomC. whoD. whose( )36. A. Why B. WhoC. WhatD. How ( )37. A. then B. butC

13、. however D. and( )38. A. same B. the same C. differentD. difference( )39. A. puttingB. put C. putingD. asking( )40. A. since B. as C. forD. because四、 阅读理解:(30分,每题2分) ADo you know why different animals or insects have their special colors? Colors are used mainly to protect themselves.Why cant some b

14、irds easily catch locusts(蝗虫)? It is because locusts change their colors together with the change of the colors of crops. When crops are green, locusts look green. But as autumn comes, locusts change to the same brown color as crops have. Some other insects with autumn comes, locusts change to the s

15、ame brown color as crops have. Some other insects with different colors from plants are easily found and eaten by others. So they have to hide themselves for lives in the day and appear only at night.If you study the animal life, youll find the main use of coloring is to protect themselves. Bears, l

16、ions and other animals cant be easily seen by hunters(猎人). This is because they have the colors much like the trees. Have you ever noticed an even more strange thing? A kind of fish in the sea can send out black liquid when it faces danger. While the liquid spreads over, its enemies cant find it. An

17、d it quickly swims away. So it has lived up to now though it is not strong at all.( )41. From the article we learn that locusts _.A. are dangerous to their enemies B. are easily found by birdsC. change their colors to protect themselves D. are small animals( )42. How can insects with different color

18、s from plants keep out of danger? A. They have to move quietly.B. They hide themselves in the day and appear at night.C. They have the colors much like their enemies.D. They run away quickly.( )43. Bears and lions can keep safe because _. A. they live in forestsB. they like brown and grey colorsC. t

19、hey move quietlyD. they have the colors much like the trees( )44. Why can a kind of fish in the sea live up to now? Because _.A. it is very big and strongB. the liquid it sends out can help it escape away from its enemiesC. the liquid it sends out can kill its enemiesD. it swims faster than any othe

20、r fish( )45. Which is the best title for this passage?A. The Main Use of Colors for Animals and InsectsB. Colors of Different Animals and InsectsC. The Change of Colors for Animals and InsectsD. The Change of Different Animals and PlantsBMa Yan is not really a writer. But this 15-year-old girl has w

21、ritten a book that has moved many people around the world. “Ma Yans Diary” tells us about Mas life. She lives in a poor village called Zhangjiashu in Tongxin, Ningxia, and she has no money to go to school. But she is brave and has a strong desire to go to school.Her mother gave her diary to a French

22、 reporter, Pierre Haski when he went to Zhangjisshu in . Now, it has been published in France Italy, Germany, Japan and China.Ma is now a Junior Three student at Yuwang Middle School in Tongxin. Before this, she had to leave school twice. When she had to stop going to school the first time, her mum

23、told her there was no money for her to go to school. She worked for 21 days and saved 13 yuan. With this money, she went back to school. The second time, her family told her she had to leave school but her two brothers could stay.“I want to study,” Ma wrote in her diary. “Why can boys study but girl

24、s cant? It would be wonderful if I could stay at school forever.”Ma loves school so much because she wants to have a better life.“My parents work hard in the fields but they are still poor. They have no knowledge. Most girls in my village leave school early and get married young. I dont want that ki

25、nd of life,” Ma said.After her story became known, many French student sent money to her. Mas dream is the same as ever. She hopes to go to Tsinghua University and become a reporter. “Then , I can find poor kids like me and help them, ” she said.( )46. Which of the following can describe Ma Yans cha

26、racter(性格)best? A. Brave.B. Pretty.C. Lucky.D. Poor.( )47. Now you can find “Ma Yans Diary” in all the following countries except _. A. GermanyB. BritainC. JapanD. France( )48. Which of the following is the main reason for Ma Yans Diary to be published?A. Her mother gave her enough money to publish

27、the book.B. She wrote about the poor life in her village.C. She is very good at writing. D. Her diary was read by a French reporter.( )49. Which is the reason for her leaving school for the second time?A. She had to help her mother do some housework.B. Her brothers studied better than she did.C. Gir

28、ls were not equally treated(平等看待)in their village. D. She didnt study hard.( )50. Ma Yan wants to study because she wants to _. A. teach her parents knowledge B. get more money for her study in Tsinghua UniversityC. become more famous D. get more knowledge to change her own life CThe first chocolate

29、 was eaten by people in South America hundreds of years ago. In those days, the people did not really eat chocolate. They used the cocoa bean (可可豆) to make a chocolate drink and they enjoyed it very much. Many years later, the cocoa bean was brought to other countries and people came to love the tas

30、te of chocolate.In 1824, John Cadbury opened a small shop in Britain. One of the things he sold was chocolate drink. In 1831, he opened a factory to make chocolate drink. He wanted to encourage people to drink chocolate instead of other drinks. A few years later, a man called Joseph Fry found a way

31、to make chocolate instead of only drinking it. But at that time chocolate was very expensive and only the rich people could buy it. Later, ad more and more chocolate bars were produced and sold, it became cheaper.However, a T first only plain chocolate (a kind of chocolate without milk and with very

32、 little sugar) was produced. Milk chocolate came later and this was made by adding milk to the chocolate. The first milk chocolate bar was made in Cadburys factory in 1897. Their most famous chocolate, Cadburys Milk Bar, was made in 1905, It has been the most popular chocolate in Britain and around

33、the world for over 100 years. The Cadbury factory is still in Britain and the chocolate produced there is eaten all over the world. Every year, thousands of visitors visit the factory in order to see how chocolate is made.( )51. Hundreds of years ago, people first began to drink chocolate in . A. So

34、uth AmericaB. South AfricaC. BritainD. Australia( )52. John Cadbury opened a factory to make chocolate drink in . A.1824B.1831C.1897D.1905( )53. People had the chance to eat chocolate instead of drinking it for the first time_ .A. when chocolate was cheaperB. when more and more chocolate was produce

35、dC. when John Cadbury started to make chocolate drinkD. when Joseph Fry found a way to make chocolate bars.( )54.At first, not many people bought chocolate _.A. because it was very expensive B. because people didnt like the tasteC. because they wanted to have other drinksD. because there was no choc

36、olate sold in the shops( )55.Cadburys Milk Bar _.A. was first made in 1897 B. is a kind of plain chocolateC. is famous neither in Britain nor in AmericaD. is popular not only in Britain but also around the world五、 单词匹配:(10分)1. contest A. say sth again and again2. commodity B. competition3. method C.

37、 become better and better 4. improve D. goods, something for selling or buying 5. repeat E. way, means六、 补全对话:(10分,每题2分)Mary: Hello, Tim. _1_Tim: Next Sunday. Mary: _2_Tim: I will go there by train.Mary: _3_Tim: My brother is going with me. By the way, _4_?Mary: I want to go to Qingdao. My parents h

38、ave never seen the sea, so I am going there with them by sea.Tim: Thatd great. _5_Mary: Thanks. The same to you, bye!A: Have a good trip!B: You are so lucky!C: When will you go on a trip to the Great Wall?D: Why do you want to go to the Great Wall?E: How are you going there, by train or by car?F: Wh

39、ere will you go , Mary?G: Who will go with you?七、 拼写单词:(5分)1. Can I get a _(折扣) if I buy a whole case of wine?2. _ (努力)and time will pay off.3. The two women are choosing some decorating _ (材料).4. I dont think the thing is so _ (简朴旳).5. Some _ his (顾客) talk about the quality of this commodity.八、 词形变

40、换:(5分)1. The supermarkets _ (serve) is very bad.2. At the _( begin) of this term, they made a new plan.3. Do you think his words are _ (help).4. She fest _ (bore) at the news.5. Form his _ (express), we know the truth.九、改错:(10分,每题2分)1.Blue and green make the room more comfortably. A B C D2. The old

41、professor recommended that more than one expert was sent to the disaster-area. A B C D3. This room is enough big to live in for eight men. A B C D4.My car broke down on my way home, and I have it to repair. A B C D5.He likes classical music, so I do. A B C D十、写作:(10分)现代人旳生活压力越来越重。请以“Less pressure, B

42、etter life.”为题,谈谈你旳见解。周测3 答案一、 语音辨析:1-5 CDBDD二、单选:1-5 CCBBA 6-10 AABBC 11-15 DADCC 16-20 ACABC三、完形填空:31.C 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. C 36. C 37. B 38. B 39. A 40. D四、阅读理解:A: 41.C42. B43.D44.B45.AB: 46. A47 .B48. D49.C50. DC: 51.A52.B53.D54. A55. D五、单词匹配1-5 BDEAC六、补全对话:1-5 CEGFA七、单词拼写:1. discount 2. Efforts 3. material 4. simple 5. customers八、词形变换:1.service 2. beginning l3. helpful 4. bored 5. expression九、改错:1. D-comfortable 2. D be sent 3. B-big enough 4. D repaired 5. D-So do I十、写作:

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