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1、ASP数据库基本原理Rich Smith2003第一部分:如果你学习过ASP,你可以做出相当酷的交互式网页。但怎样你都要利用ASP去共享各种数据库。许多应用都会因为大型数据库而受益,比如:论坛信息,购买清单,用户登录等。本系列文章的目的就是介绍ASP访问和连接数据库的基本概念。通过这些知识,你能利用ASP协议来创建动态数据站点。用ASP连接数据库的最基本方法就是使用ADO。ADO是Active X数据库专用对象集,是一个由微软编写的,用于编写Windows应用程序,去访问由微软或其他公司提供的相关的或不相关的数据库的交互接口。ADO能利用不同的Windows语言,包括VB和VC+。例如,你可以

2、用ADO去连接VB应用程序和Oracle数据库,或者,VC+应用程序和SQL Server数据库。我们的案例中,我们主要集中在ASP的使用。另个,在我们的例子中,我们会利用Microsoft Acces数据库作为后台的数据库。许多服务器提供商都提供ASP空间,但是大部分都会收取额外的费用而使用更好的数据库如SQL2000。但另一方面,一部分提供商使用MS Aceeess数据库,并只是收取很小的费用或根本不用收取任何费用。当使用ADO访问数据库,第一件事是先建立连接。对于数据库应用来说,有时候这会是一个难点。有两种方法去连接数据库,第一种是使用连接字完全限定数据库的名称,数据库驱动程序,位置。第

3、二种是为数据库创建一个与连接字相关的DSN(数据源名)比如,创建一个完全限制连接的例子如下:一旦一个DSN建立了,那么,数据库驱动,数据名,位置等信息就确定了。当要利用这些信息的时候,只需要使用DSN就可以了。例如:一个DSN叫做“MyDB”,连接信息将如下:ADO是一个程序交互对象。在外部组件中,意味着你会使用不同的对象去连接数据库。第一个使用的对象将会是连接对象。下面来看一个数据库连接对象的编码: 上面的例子中,创建了一个叫“conn”的作为ADO连接的对象。一量连接对象建立,就可尝试使用打开对象的方法去打开连接了。不得不说明的是,在对象创建方法注明一个“ADODB”的连接对象,事实上,如

4、此表达是行不通的,因为IIS不会知道这是什么对象和如何创建的。有两种方法可以让IIS认识到这些对象。第一种方法是在Global.asa文件中创建与ADO对象库相关的对象。如何做可以参见我的Global.asa的相关文章。另一种方法是,使用Adovbs.inc模型。它可以包括在任何ASP页面中的,来自IIS的一个包含文件,包括有在代码中使用ADO对象的适当声明。完成相关数据连接对象后,最重要的是正确地关闭和解除连接,否则有可能会因为内存被分配了数据而没有被释放而引潜在的数据溢出问题。跟着将是一个合理的关闭和解除ADO数据连接的方法: 可以看到,第一件事是关闭到数据库的虚拟连接,然后给对象一个“n

5、othing”的值,该供值可以解除虚拟连接并释放内存给操作系统。一旦建立了到数据库的连接,就可以向数据库的适当位置写入信息了,或者在网页上查找和读出已经存在的数据。下一章将会介绍Recordset对象,和利用该对象在数据库中读出信息。第二部分:第一部分,介绍了ADO相关知识,学习了用不同的方法去建立连接,如何管理连接对象。继续前面的方法,现在将学习利用Recordset对象在数据库中读出数据。什么是Recordset对象?一个ADO Recordset对象用于控制一组属于一个数据表或多个数据表的记录。类似于关系数据库,Recordset对象包括有记录和列,而且在ADO中是十分的重要和常用的。本












17、点。我们还欠缺什么呢?最后两个关于交互数据方面的问题是最重要的。如果仅仅是插入和查看数据,很多应用是没有办法完全实现的。没有数据维护方面的相关机制,程序的应用范围将非常之有限。如果你的数据应用程序没有更新和修改数据的能力,其潜能将被限制。例如,一个客户表,你没有修改客户联系方式的能力,你就不能修改客户的通信地址, ,电子邮箱。那么,对于一个库存管理系统又如何更新库存中的每一件物品的价格和数量信息呢?目前主流数据库应用程序,数据维护都是十分必要的。最后,利用ADO更新信息的主要方法有两个,这些方法与我们在学习插入数据时讨论的方法非常相似,包括使用记录集对象和连接对象。如同插入记录到一个记录集一样







24、读者有义务以最优的安全或执行方法去购买正版。我们不对任何我们的文章所带来的负面的结果进行负责。如果这是硬件,将不会开放或修改你的硬件。ASP Database FundamentalsContributed by Rich Smith2003Part 1Ok. So youve learned ASP and you can make some pretty cool and interactive web pages. But sooner or later you are going to have a need to use ASP to access a database of som

25、e sorts. There are many applications that would benefit from database integration. Examples might include message forums, product listings, and user sign-in databases among other things.The purpose of these articles is to introduce you to the base concepts of accessing and utilizing a database with

26、ASP. With this knowledge, you should be able to begin creating dynamic data-driven websites using the ASP architecture.The default method to communicate with a database from within ASP is to use ADO. ADO stands for ActiveX Data Objects, and is an application program interface from Microsoft that let

27、s a programmer writing Windows applications get access to a relational or non-relational database from both Microsoft and other database providers. ADO can be utilized in many different development languages for Windows, including Visual Basic and Visual C+. As an example, you might using ADO to con

28、nect your Visual Basic application to an Oracle Database, or your Visual C+ application to SQL Server. In our case, we will focus on its use within ASP.In addition, in our examples we will utilize a Microsoft Access database as the back-end data repository. There are many web hosting providers avail

29、able that will host your ASP websites, but most of them charge extra for usage of a robust database like SQL2000. On the other hand, most of these providers offer the usage of MS Access databases at a very small fee, if any at all.When accessing a database using ADO, the first thing you need to do i

30、s make a connection. Creating a connection to a database can sometimes be the hardest part of building an ASP application. When you create a connection object, you can reference the database one of two ways. The first way is to fully qualify the database name, the driver, and location within the con

31、nection string for the database. The second is to create a DSN (Data-source name) for the database and refer to it by name in the connection string.For example, connecting to an access database using a fully qualified connection string may look like this:Being that information about database driver,

32、 name, and location are specified when a DSN is created in the system control panel, you only need to specify the DSN name when utilizing it. For example, to reference a DSN called MyDB, the connection information would look like this:ADO is an object-oriented programming interface. In laymans terms

33、, this means you will be working with different objects in order to communicate with the database. The first of these objects you will work with is the Connection Object.Lets take a look at a code sample that creates a database connection object:In the above example, you can see that we create an ob

34、ject called conn, which is defined as an ADO connection. Once we have an object for the connection, we attempt to open that connection using the open method of the object.One thing Id like to mention here is you will see that I am referencing the connection object of the adodb class in my createobje

35、ct method. By default that statement will fail, since IIS does not know that what object is or how to make it. There are two ways to make this information known to IIS. The first is to create an object reference to the ADO library inside your GLOBAL.ASA file. See my article on the GLOBAL.ASA to see

36、how this is done.Secondly, you can use the ADOVBS.INC module. This is an include file that comes with IIS, that you can include in any ASP page. It contains the appropriate declarations to be able to used the ADO objects within your code.When you are finished with the reference to the database conne

37、ction object, it is important to correctly close and destroy it. Not doing so can potentially cause issues on your web server, due to memory resources that have been allocated but not properly released.Follows is an acceptable method for closing and destroying a ADO connection object: As you can see

38、, the first thing we did was close the actual connection to the database. Next, we set the object to a value of nothing, which destroys the actual object reference and releases the memory back to the operating system.Once you have established your connection to the database, you are able to begin pu

39、tting the pieces in place to add information to the database, or to search and extract existing data for presentation on your website.In the next article in this series, we will go into recordset objects, and how you use them to pull information out of your database.Part 2 In part 1 of this series,

40、we had an introduction to ADO. We learned about the different methods of making a connection, and how to manage the connection object. Now, continuing along the path of enlightenment, we will learn how to extract data from a database using recordsets. What is a recordset? An ADO recordset object is

41、used to hold a set of records that belong to a database table or tables. Like any relational database, the recordset object consists of records and columns. In the world of ADO, this object is one of the most important and is the most commonly used.In essence, a recordset is a collection of records

42、from your database. If you are looking to read data using ADO, a recordset object is what you use. After making the proper connection to the database, you create a recordset object and specify the data you would like the retrieve. You can opt to retrieve all the records in a table, in multiple table

43、s, or even a small subset of records inside a table.In addition to controlling the records that are to be retrieved, you can also specify precisely which columns to return as well. For example, if your table has 15 columns, but you only want to see the first two columns, it is much more efficient to

44、 only bring back the 2 columns, especially when working over a network.A recordset object is created in the same manner as a connection object. Follows is an example:It is important to remember to close and destroy a recordset object when you are done with it, just as with a connection object. Here

45、is an example:Now that we know how to create and destroy a recordset object, lets learn how to fetch some data.Lets start simple. For our example, lets assume that we have a database on the machine, with a DSN called “MyDB”. In this database, we have a table named “Customers”. This table contains 5

46、columns, named “CustomerID”, “FirstName”, “LastName”, “PhoneNumber”, and “Status”.When creating a recordset, one of the parameters in the Open method determines the data that you wish to retrieve. If you want to return all of the records in a table, then you specify only the table name.The following

47、 example will create a recordset containing all of the records in the Customers table:Specifying a table name in your open method is not the only way to specify data for your recordset. You can also use SQL to determine the precise data you wish to retrieve. Using SQL, you can specify the exact rows

48、 and columns to be returned.Here is an example how to accomplish the same results with SQL, as we did in our last example by specifying a table name: You will notice that not a lot changed between the two examples. But if we make a small change to the SQL statement, the data returned can vary greatl

49、y. For example:rs.open“select*fromCustomerswherestatus=Active”,connYou will notice in the above line I added a WHERE condition to the SQL statement. This specifies to ADO exactly which records should be placed into the recordset. This article is not going to go into the intricacies of SQL, and will assume that you are familiar with at least the very basics of SQL.Well, now we have created a recordset obje

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