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1、 完形填空基本建构:小学完形填空重要考察:1.动词的变化;2.词汇的常用搭配。应对完形填空的考察点基本上相似,应对完形填空的学习,我们需要培养:第一,勤于朗读和背诵,熟读和熟记常用的体现-应对词汇常用搭配的考察;第二,课堂上,注意语法的讲授,通过做讲义练习进行巩固-应对动词变化的考察。 ALi li, look 1 the picture. Its 2 picture of our classroom. In the picture, you can see some desks 3 chairs. 4 the blackboard, you can see two black and whi

2、te cats. A map is 5 the door. Its a map 6 Beijing. Under the 7 desk is a ball, but you cant see it. The girl in the hat is my good friend Kate. She is a new student. She is 8 English girl. She looks 9 Lucy . But they arent 10 .( )1.A. inB. atC. toD. on( )2.A.aB. anC. theD./( )3.A.orB. butC. andD. th

3、ere( )4.A. InB. OfC. AtD. On( )5.A.atB. inC. underD. behind( )6.A. ofB. onC. inD. for( )7.A. teacherB. teachersC. teachersD. of teacher( )8.A. /B. theC. anD. a( )9.A.atB. afterC. likeD. the same( )10.A. boysB. girlsC. twinsD. studentsB Jim and Tom are 1 .They look 2 same. They are 3 . Theyre twelve.

4、 They are in No. 14 Middle 4 . Theyre in the same 5 .But they 6 in the same room. Jim is in 7 301 and Tom is in Room 302 . 8 classmates all look 9 them. Now they are good 10 .( )1.A. twin sisterB. twins sisters C. twin brothersD. twins brothers( )2.A. aB. anC. theD. ( )3.A. newB. new student C. a ne

5、w studentD. a new ( )4.A. schoolB. SchoolC. schoolsD. Schools( )5.A. classB. ClassC. classesD. Classes( )6.A. isB. isntC. areD. arent( )7.A. roomB. RoomC. roomsD. Rooms( )8.A. HeB. HisC. TheyD. Their( )9.A. atB. likeC. afterD. to( )10.A. friendB. friendsC. studentD. students CI 1 a picture . Its a p

6、icture 2 a school. 3 the picture you can see a school and some trees. You can see some boys and girls. They are 4 the trees. The school is a middle school . Look 5 these two boys. 6 they good friends 7 brothers? 8 is their teacher? Oh, sorry, I 9 10 .( )1.A. isB. amC. areD. have( )2.A. toB. orC. ofD

7、. and( )3.A. InB. ToC. OnD. At( )4.A. inB. onC. underD. behind( )5.A. atB. ofC. toD. like( )6.A. Am B. IsC. AreD. Be( )7.A. butB. ofC. orD. and( )8.A. How B. WhoC. WhatD. Which( )9.A. isnt B. dontC. am notD. arent知识衔接进入初中后,英语完形填空的难度增长了,那么同窗们在做题的时候一定要注意:1. 通读全文,理解文章大意理解文章大意的好处在于对语篇有一种整体的理解,可以避免断章取义,减

8、少解题时的盲目性。但在迅速浏览全文的过程中,切勿望生词而却步,恰恰相反,遇到不明白的地方应掠过去,等到填空需要细读时再去理睬。2. 抓住首尾句在阅读时要特别注意文章的第一句和最后一句,由于它们一般是文章的主题句,是全文的中心所在。然后读一遍选项,懂得均有哪些备选项。3. 再读全文可以边读边用铅笔试着将选项的内容填在空白处。这是一种核心性的分析判断阶段,要瞻前顾后,仔细研究上下文,不能只看空格前后两个词,而是应当看完整的句子。这时,应调动你学过的所有语言知识,明确题目要考察的是你哪方面知识的掌握。4. 根据语言知识和语法知识解题完形填空中有相称一部分题波及多种句子构造、基本语法要点、固定搭配以及

9、习常用法。因此,在解题时需要运用掌握的语言知识和语法知识解题。5. 联系上下文要学会运用上下文中的多种语言线索和已有的语言知识来选词,切不可不读全文,见一空填一词。如果遇到一时难以拟定的答案可先不填,先去做背面的,或有把握的,待填完其她空白后,再回过头来做前面的。有时候,前后空白往往形成互相提示和补充。同步,还可运用排除法,一方面排除不合题意的选项,然后反复比较剩余的选项,这样就可以略为简朴某些。6. 运用背景知识解题背景知识在解答填空题时往往具有重要的辅助作用。有些空格不需要耗费太多的时间去研究上下文,有些无论从上下文还是从词汇、语法着眼都无法找到解题信息,而运用背景知识也许不久能找到答案。

10、因此,注意背景知识的运用是很有必要的。最后还要运用自己各方面的知识和语言知识、历史知识、生活常识等,细微分析比较,理解中心,全面验证。 A TomandFredweretalkingabouttheyear2050.“Whatwill_1_belikeintheyear2050?”askedTom.“Idontknow,”saidFred.“Whatdoyouthink?”“Well,nooneknows.Butitis2toguess,”saidTom.“Intheyear2050everybodywill3apocket computer.Thecomputerwillgivepeople


12、olidaysthere.”“Imvery_9_tohearthat.Ihopetoflytothemoon.AndIhopeIllbeabletolive_10_,”saidFred.“Wontthatbeinteresting?Justlikeafish.”( )1.A.thetrafficB.afactoryC.theworldD.ourhome( )2.A.pleasedB.nouseC.interestingD.unusual( )3.A.bringB.giveC.sendD.carry( )4.A.waysB.thingsC.answersD.news( )5.A.againB.t

13、ooC.alsoD.either( )6.A.seeB.lookC.listenD.call( )7.A.manyB.lotC.everyD.most( )8.A.dutyB.holidaysC.timesD.work( )9.A.gladB.sureC.afraidD.sorry( )10.A.intheseaB.onlandC.onthemountainD.undertheground 1-5:CCDCB 6-10:ADBAA BThe Turners 1 America. They are now 2 Beijing. This is their first visit to China

14、. They are going to stay in China 3 three months. They want to visit some big cities and villages. They hope to learn 4 Chinese , too.Mr turner is a driver. He 5 to drive in Beijing . Mrs Turner is a school teacher. She 6 a city school and a village school. 7 daughter is a middle school student. She

15、 meets some Chinese students.They 8 a lot of pictures in China . When they are back in America, they 9 show the pictures to their friends. They want 10 to know more about China.( )1.A.is fromB. are fromC. come toD. comes from( )2.A. ofB. atC. onD. in( )3.A. inB. onC. forD. from( )4.A. someB. manyC.

16、littleD. no( )5.A. likeB. likesC. wantD. is wanting( )6.A. visitB. visitingC. is visitingD. are visiting( )7.A. HisB. HerC. YourD. Their( )8.A. bringB. giveC. takeD. like( )9.A. go toB. is going toC. going toD. are going to( )10.A. AmericanB. the American peopleC. Americas D. a America C Li Lei is a

17、 middle school student. He is a good boy. Uncle Wu lives 1 him. Uncle Wu has 2 children and he cant see 3 . He works in the factory near Li Leis school. He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning and 4 home at 4:30 in the afternoon.Li Lei goes to school at 8:00 in the morning and comes home at the 5 tim

18、e as Uncle Wu in the afternoon. 6 weekdays Li Lei gets up early to take Uncle Wu 7 the factory. After school he takes Uncle Wu home. On Sundays Li Lei helps Uncle Wu 8 the house and do some 9 .Uncle Wu thanks Li Lei very much. He says, “Li Lei is a good boy. He 10 my son. ”( )1.A. next toB. nextC. n

19、earlyD. besides( )2.A. notB. not oneC. noD. nobody( )3.A. somethingB. anythingC. nothingD. every( )4.A. goesB. comeC. comingD. goes to( )5.A. sameB. someC. differentD. differences( )6.A. InB. OnC. AtD. Of( )7.A. awayB. fromC. toD. with( )8.A. cleansB. cleaningC. cleanningD. clean( )9.A. cookersB. co

20、okingC. cookD. cooks( )10.A. looksB. look likeC. likesD. is like 第三讲:阅读理解英语阅读试题的技巧与措施一、阅读信息文中找。小学阶段的阅读试题答案,基本都能在所给的阅读文中找到所需信息。学生只需带着问题或核心词以寻读的方式,迅速在文章中寻找所需信息,牢记不可任凭自己的想象,随心所欲的回答。如一道阅读填空:Tim and his friend in the sea.没有通过寻找核心词,在文章中寻找的方式,而是根据自己的猜想写出play.二、寻找信息的顺序性。一篇阅读文章之后的若干试题,一般根据自上而下的顺序出题。(固然也有个别例外

21、)第一道题所需信息一般在文中的首段,学生只需在文章的第一部分寻找,第二题的信息,则无需从文章的开始浏览,只要从第一种信息之后寻读即可,背面的题依次往下寻找。最后一道题的信息,基本在文章的末段。理解了寻找信息的顺序性,学生无需耗费较多的时间一遍又一遍通读全文,增长信息量,干扰阅读理解,影响做题速度。三、如何迅速寻找所需信息在那到一篇阅读试题时,大部分学生一方面会不自觉地通读全文,甚至因思考文中的生词而耗费较多的时间,然后再回到试题时,头脑中有关文章的信息已所剩无几。对的的措施是,一方面仔细阅读试题,圈出试题中的核心词。如何辨认核心词,需要教师在平时的阅读教学中指引、判断。例如:am, is, a

22、re , do, did, can, to, of 等虚词一般不也许是核心词,而名词、动词、副词一般为核心词。对于阅读文中的问答题,措施基本相似。一方面找出问题中的核心词,然后带着核心词在文章中寻找答案。四、判断正误。对于阅读试题中的判断正误题,相对比较简朴,但学生的出错率仍然较大,究其因素,学生不懂判断的措施,一般是读完试题之后,凭着自己对阅读文章的大体印象判断。事实上判断试题与选择、填空的做题措施基本一致,仍需找出试题中的核心词,带着核心词,在文中寻找所需信息,然后仔细判断与否与文中信息一致,如一致则对的,反之错误。练习:(1)Look at that boy. His name is L

23、iu Bing. Hes a Chinese boy. He is in the kitchen. He likes apples. Su Yang is at home too. She is in the study. She likes drawing. Is Gao Shan at home? No, he is in the park. He is thirsty. He wants to drink some juice. Miss Li is in the office. She is reading. 迅速判断:(对的的写T,错误的写S)( )1.Liu Bing is in

24、the kitchen .( )2.Liu Bing likes eating pears.( )3.Su Yang isnt in the study .( )4.Gao Shan is thirsty and he wants to drink.( )5.Miss Li is drawing .(2)Tom is my classmate. He is from London in England. But he likes China very much. Now he is in Beijing. He is a little fat. He has a round face and

25、big blue eyes. His hair is not black but yellow. His nose ,mouth and ears are ball big. He likes blue. He likes wearing a blue T-shirt and blue jeans. Look at his hand. He has a football in it. We often play football after class.阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。( ) 1. Tom is an English boy.( ) 2. Toms hair and eye

26、s are blue.( ) 3. The boy with big eyes, big ears ,a big nose and a big mouth is LiuTao.( ) 4. Tom likes basketball.( ) 5. Toms favourite colour is blue. AAmotherandheryoungsongetintoabusinasmallcityandsitdown.Thebusconductorcomestothemfortheirmoney.Themothersays:“Iwantoneticket(票)tothezoo”andgivesh



29、ysahalf-priceticketfortheboyC.sayssorrytotheconductorD.givesoneyuantotheconductor4.Whatdoestheword“conductor”mean?A.司机B.售票员C.乘客D.警察5.FromthestorywecanseeA.everyboymustbuyaticketinthebusB.whenachildisfour,hemustbuyaticketC.sometimesachildismorehonest(诚实)thanhisparentsD.womanarenotgoodmothers BComeand



32、thefollowingisthevisitingtime?A.8:30amMondayB.9:30amFridayC.3:00mSundayD.5:00pmTuesday4.Fromthepassagewecanguesstheanimal“giraffe”mustbeveryA.fatB.longC.strongD.tall5.Whichofthefollowingcanwedointhezoo?A.togivesomefoodtothefish B.totouchthemonkeyontheheadC.tothrowthingseverywhere D.tokeepthezooclean

33、 CTomlikesfishverymuch.Heoftenbuyssomefishintheshopandtakesithome.Butwhenhiswifeseesthefish,shesaystoherself,“Good!Icanaskmyfriendstohavelunch,andwecaneatthefish.Theylikefishverymuch.”SowhenTomcomeshomeintheevening,thefishisnotthereandhiswifealwayssays,“Oh,yourcateatsit”AndshegivesTomsomebreadforhis



36、iswifeC.fishD.hisfriends DAcrow(乌鸦)wantstodrink,buthecantfindwater.Helookshereandthere.Atlast,hecries,“Icanseeajar(罐子)andthereissomewaterinit.”Hetries(试图)togetthewater,buthecant.“HowcanIgetthewater?”hecries,“Icanputmybreak(鸟嘴)quiteclose(接近)toit.”Butstillhecannotdrink.“WhatcanIdo?Iwanttodrink.”Helook



39、.AClever(聪颖的)CrowB.AthirstyCrowC.ACrowandAJarofWaterD.ACrowandStones ETomlikesfishverymuch.Heoftenbuyssomefishintheshopandtakesithome.Butwhenhiswifeseesthefish,shesaystoherself,“Good!Icanaskmyfriendstohavelunch,andwecaneatthefish.Theylikefishverymuch.”SowhenTomcomeshomeintheevening,thefishisnotthere



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