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1、2020年春四川省泸州市泸县一中高一期中考试 英语试题第I卷(选择题,共100分)第一部分 听力(百强校英语解析团队专供)(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1. 5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. How many cups of sugar do the speakers want to use?A. Five.B. Two.C. Four.2. What does the girl want to d

2、o when she gets older?A. Performing operations on people.B. Being a family doctor.C. Operating on animals.3. Where are the speakers?A. On the road.B. In the dining hall.C. In the classroom.4. Why does the man think the womans outfit(服装)is not appropriate?A. Its professional.B. Its a little dirty.C.

3、Its in the middle of August.5. When will the speakers meet?A. At 2:30.B. At 3:00.C. At 3:30.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What does the woman think of the weather in Me

4、xico?A. Its rather hot.B. Its very cool.C. Its very windy.7. Where did the man have a big meeting?A. In Mexico City.B. In New York.C. In Los Angeles.请听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。8. What time is it now?A. 8:30 pm.B. 9:00 pm.C. 11:00 am.9. What will the man probably do next?A. Pay a late fee.B. Go out of town.C. R

5、eturn a DVD.请听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Who has got the invitation?A. Joan.B. Bill.C. George.11. What will the Marks do tonight?A. Give out some invitations.B. Hold a housewarming party.C. Move their furniture into new house.12. What day is it today probably?A. Tuesday.B. Wednesday.C. Thursday.请听第9段材料,回答第

6、13至16题。13. How old is the woman now?A. 11 years old.B. 20 years old.C. 21 years old.14. How will the woman probably travel around Europe?A. By car.B. By train.C. By plane.15. Where will the woman visit first from Spain?A. France.B. Morocco.C. Portugal.16. Whats the relationship between the speakers?

7、A. Friends.B. Relatives.C. Schoolmates.请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What does Mr. Jones do?A. A tour guide.B. A museum clerk.C. A head teacher.18. How long do the students have to work on the projects on a Science Night?A. 3.5 hours.B. 7 hours.C. 10.5 hours.19. What can the students do after breakfast in

8、the morning?A. Visit a gallery.B. Watch a film.C. Enter a competition.20. What does the speaker expect the students to do?A. Listen to his next talk.B. Come to a Science Night. C. Write reports on Facebook.第二部分 阅读理解(百强校英语解析团队专供)(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWhen

9、Warren Buffett was asked about the secret to his wealth and success, he said that he read every day500 pages. Unfortunately, if youre already working 9-5, you might not have the time to read at all, let alone an entire book a day. But what if you could get the benefits of reading without sacrificing

10、 all of your free time? You can! With the Blinkist app, you get the key learning from the best notification books in minutes, not hours or days. Our experts transform these books into quick, memorable, easy-to-understand insights. Start with the 3 most-read titles on self-improvement and see if you

11、dont feel a little more satisfied already.1. Thirteen Things Mentally Strong People Dont Do by Amy Morin12minRead it on BlinklstYou cant escape misfortune in life. But you can change how you respond it. Do you struggle to get over your failures? Or talk a lot about things out of your control? Gettin

12、g over these obstacles can have a very great influence on your everyday life. Morin shares how her most successful therapy patients overcame these difficulties.2. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie19minRead it on BlinklstHow would you feel it someone told you on Sunday evening th

13、at, come Monday morning, you would be thrown into a torture chamber(刑讯室)? Would you worry? Probably. But there would be a way to deal with those worries. Ever wondered why you cant stop worrying about something? No matter how hard you try, are you always thinking and talking on the same issue? By de

14、fining the source of your stress, you can get over it once and for all. Carnegie came up with a timeless formula that helps you handle any overthinking situation.3. How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clayton M. Christensen, James Allworth and Karen Dillon13minRead it on BlinklstWhat do you think wou

15、ld make you happier at work? Perhaps a little more pay might be nice, or maybe some more admiration from fellow colleagues. Are you making the right trade-offs in life? While career achievements can be satisfying, neglecting your family and friends can be harmful in the long-run in ways you cant eve

16、n imagine.21. You can read these books _according to this passage.A. by buying themB. in the reading roomC. on the Blinkist appD. in the library22. Which statement is NOT true according to the passage?A. Morin shares hoe her patients overcame these difficulties in her book.B. Carnegie came up with a

17、 way to help you handle any overthinking situation.C. The secret to Buffetts wealth and success is that he read every day.D. Reading “How Will You Measure Your Life?” only spends you 19min on the app.23. Where can you find this article?A. In a magazine.B. On a websiteC. In a guidebook D. In a newspa

18、perBShe was siting up at four months, walking at eight months and completing 100-piece jigsaw puzzles(拼图玩具)at 15 months. So it is no surprise that Abigail Wilson, 15, from Connecticut, USA, recently made history when she became the youngest black girl ever accepted into an American university! “Im p

19、roud of myself for getting in, but I usually find it hard to get excited. Its pretty cool, I guess,” said Abigail.Her mother, Nancy, said that Abigail was a quiet baby, born two weeks late on Christmas Day. She didnt speak her first words until she was 22 months old! Nancy and her husband thought so

20、mething must be wrong, but when she started to talk, her speech was perfect. She already knew her colours, letters and was able to read. Her parents read her normal bedtime stories and they didnt know she was learning all of it.Abigail has always been the youngest person in her class. At six she was

21、 in the fourth grade, at ten she took her first high school class in Maths. She has studied several languages, including Spanish, French, Chinese, Russian, Arabic and German.Abigail says that she doesnt usually plan when she studies, she calls herself scatterbrained(注意力不集中的)and she always delays(拖延)

22、things up to the last minute. This gives her the motivation to really do something.In her free time, Abigail plays basketball, surfs the Internet, reads, cooks and hangs out with her friends: they are all 17 and 18.She has also studied music. Her mother says that Abigails music lessons helped her to

23、 be a normal teen. She believes that Abigail needed to be in a situation where she had to fail in order to learn. “She found playing the piano very difficult, but it made her learn better,” said Nancy. “She cant always be successful, she wont be able to learn anything! People always learn more from

24、their failures than from their successes”.24. Why is it no surprise that Abigail went to university at 15?A. She was a hard-working girl. B. She was always ahead of other kids.C. She was brought up in a special way. D. She was no different than other black girls.25. What can we learn about Abigail?A

25、. She is crazy about sports.B. She has a gift for language.C. Her favourite subject is maths.D. Her success is due to good habits.26. According to the passage, which of the following is true?A. Abigail has a better education than others.B. Abigail wont be a normal girl without music.C. Nancy didnt l

26、ike Abigail when she was a baby.D. Abigail usually does things when they are emergent.27. What did Nancys words mean?A. Abigail failed to have a normal life. B. Abigail needed to learn from failures.C. Abigail was good at playing the piano. D. Abigail wanted to always be successful.CXander Roses rid

27、e to elementary school on Wednesday morning promises to be a journey to remember.Hundreds of local bikers were due to accompany the 10-year-old motorcycle enthusiast from Nova Scotia, Canada, right to the schools front door. The motorcyclists say theyre doing it to send a message to the fourth-grade

28、rs bullies(欺凌者): Dont mess with Xander. Hes got our support.The boys mom, Katie Laybolt, told CTV News this week that her son has been bullied in school for years.“Its been terrible. Hes gotten jumped on in the bus, hes had clothing ripped(撕裂)off his back, and hes been told to go die in a hole,” she

29、 said.In an effort to stop the bullying, Laybolt contacted Xanders school, the Childrens Aid Society of Cape Breton and the parents of other students. But nothing has worked, she said.So Laybolt reached out to Defenders of the Children for help. The group, which offers support to bullied children, r

30、esponded and shared Xanders story on social media. It asked motorcyclists in the local area if they would “give Xander a ride to school some time, in numbers, as a sign to kids and teachers that hes much loved and has a very protective family on two wheels.”The response to the post was quick, with l

31、ocal biker groups like the Cape Breton Bike Rally and other community members agreeing to send Xander to school on Wednesday.CTV reported that 30 motorcyclists participated in a “practice ride” with Xander.“Im hoping he knows from now on, if somebody bullies him, hes got somebody to turn to,” Mike B

32、asso from Cape Breton Bike Rally told CTV News. “He can look on the corner on any street. Hes now one of our brothers.”Basso said many bikers and non-bikers alike have expressed interest in participating in Wednesdays ride. “Its time to put up what we call a wall of leather and steel,” Basso said th

33、is week. “Were here for the kids. They need to know theres somebody out there protecting them.”28. What happened to Xander according to his mother statement?A. He was bullied by other students.B. His money was robbed in a bus.C. He had a fight with others.D. He was threatened by some motorcyclists.2

34、9. Where did the Cape Breton Bike Rally learn the story of Xander?A. On CTV report.B. From Xanders school.C. From what Basso said.D. On social media.30. Which of the following best explain “a wall of leather and steel” underlined?A. ProtectionB. ImportanceC. ConcernD. Challenge31. What is the main i

35、dea of the text?A. Helping young schoolkids.B. Sharing your bullying on social media.C. Saying no to school bullying.D. Discovering school bullying.DIt is quite natural for all of us to want to preserve and protect the foods we buy. We always think that the best way is by putting them in our refrige

36、rators. However, there are certain foods which should never be placed in the fridge. The foods listed below may surprise you.Bananas in the fridge? Because they keep nutrients better outside the fridge, they should never be placed inside the refrigerator. Bananas are better kept on the counter until

37、 they ripen. The cold temperatures actually slow down the ripening process of the bananas, while the moisture and darkness of the fridge will only make them go bad.Potato should be placed in a cool, dry and dark space. By reason of the cold temperatures of the fridge, it can turn starch(淀粉)into suga

38、r more rapidly. It is also recommended that potatoes be removed from plastic or paper bags they may have been placed in. Also, keep them unwashed, as well in a well-ventilated cardboard box.Placing your onions inside your refrigerator will eventually end up turning them moldy and soft. Unpeeled(未剥皮的

39、)onions should be kept out of plastic bags and fridge. One of the reasons for this is because unpeeled onions require and need air exposure for maximum life. If you have peeled an onion though, then you should keep it in the fridge, in a covered container.Believe it or not, placing garlic in your re

40、frigerator will actually cause it to sprout(发芽). The garlic will also got moldy and even rubbery. Moreover, inside your fridge, the look of the garlic will rarely change. This means you wont be able to tell if its any good until you finally slice it open.32. Which can be put in the refrigerator acco

41、rding to the text?A. Ripe bananas.B. Washed potatoes.C. Peeled onionsD. Fresh garlic.33. What will happen if you put garlic in he refrigerator?A. It can change the look of garlic.B. It can become moldy and soft.C. It will tum starch into sugar quickly.D .It will sprout and get moldy or rubbery.34. W

42、hat is the meaning of he underlined word in Para. 3?A. Hard to reach for.B. Hard to get dry. C. Easy to get sunshine.D. Easy to get fresh air.35. What can we infer about the foods mentioned in the text?A. They are special and invaluable.B. They are unfit to keep in the fridge.C. They are not easy to

43、 preserve.D. They are easy to sprout.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项Going to college is a new experience full of excitement of the unknown. Socialization is a big thing for college students and it is common to feel a little uncomfortable going into a situation where ever

44、yone is a stranger. You may probably miss your friends from high school. 36_ College is a great opportunity to make new lifelong friends. The question is: how?Get to know your roommate.You may find you have lots of things in common with your roommate, but even if you are completely different from ea

45、ch other, with a little effort and understanding the two of you may become best friends.37_If you leave your door open, this shows that you welcome visitors. As a result people will naturally stop in and say hello. Closed doors are not likely to bring many visitors and those who stay locked up in th

46、eir rooms may give others the impression of being cold. Other students will be less likely to stop in and build a new friendship.Join clubs or organizations.Getting involved in organized societies is a great way to meet new people. 38 _ By staying active in college groups such as clubs and organizat

47、ions you can meet lots of people with whom you share common interests.Talk to classmates.39 _ Starting conversations in class is a great opportunity to meet people who are interested in the same kind of studies as you are. Short friendly discussions can build lifelong friendships.Try out for a sport

48、.If you re athletic, trying out for a sport will do for you the same thing that joining a club will do. 40_ .A. Trying actively to find new friends can help ease the feelings of being lonely.B. Close the door to keep away from theft.C. Hang a welcome sign on your dorm room.D. It also helps you get m

49、ore familiar with the campus.E. Your roommate is the first person you will have close contact with.F. You will instantly meet a large group of people who share your interests in sports.G. Get to know your classmates as youll be spending several months with them.完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下列短文,从短文后所给各题

50、的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Laytons family and his friend Brian owned a dozen rental(租赁的)cabins on Shields Mountain. One cold night, Layton was 41 home when he got a phone call telling him that the 42 was on fire and Brian was up there. Layton 43 the gas to speed up. He made it as far as the main

51、 road to the cabins, only to find a policeman 44 all traffic. Nobody was allowed to pass. 45 , Layton turned around and 46 a back road. He drove about halfway up the winding path 47 his car gave up. He called Brian, who drove down in his pickup so they could 48 the flame together. They went first to

52、 their rental cabins to make sure the 49 were gone. And they were. At that point, Layton had a(n) 50 : try to save their cabins or rescue people renting other cabins nearby. On the mountain, there were not many 51 , mostly tourists who didnt know their way around.Over the next two hours they searche

53、d the 52 mountain, knocking on doors and 53 people to safety. Sometimes Layton would drive down the mountain on roads covered in smoke. But he could drive and know 54 where he was just by the 55 he traveled because he knew the mountain very well. 56 their transportation service, 14 people in total w

54、ere 57 .The fire caused many deaths that night in Sevier County, but it didnt 58 a single life on Shields Mountain. And though his 59 was destroyed, Layton didnt regret. “I wasnt worried about the wealth damage, not when I saw those families 60 on the mountain. I just knew I was gonna help them.”41.

55、 A. drivingB. ridingC. runningD. walking42. A. carB. villageC. mountainD. building43. A. hitB. filledC. burnedD. wasted44. A. watchingB. leadingC. blockingD. reducing45. A. ThereforeB. HoweverC. AnyhowD. Besides46. A. looked atB. drove acrossC. broke intoD. headed for47. A. afterB. beforeC. unlessD.

56、 while48. A. escapeB. fightC. lightD. seek49. A. neighborsB. policemenC. friendsD. guests50. A. ideaB. choiceC. decisionD. opinion51. A. huntersB. farmersC. localsD. drivers52. A. smokyB. quietC. crowdedD. clear53. A. forcingB. stoppingC. guidingD. following54. A. graduallyB. suddenlyC. occasionally

57、D. exactly55. A. directionB. speedC. roadD. time56. A. Thanks toB. As toC. Instead ofD. Out of57. A. foundB. pulledC. rescuedD. visited58. A. makeB. takeC. saveD. miss59. A. holidayB. businessC. dreamD. will60. A. cheatedB. employedC. trainedD. trapped第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)

58、或括号内单词的正确形式。One night, a mother and her daughter went out for dinner together. The mother was a heavy smoker, 61 (make) her daughter feel very upset and worried. She would often tell her mother that smoking was very bad 62 her health. But her mother wouldnt listen and refused to stop smoking.However

59、, at 63 (they) dinner that night, she noticed that her mother didnt have a single cigarette. As a matter of fact, she realized that she hadnt seen her mother smoke for 64 whole day.“I can see that youre not smoking at all today. Are you trying 65 (give) up smoking?” the daughter asked hopefully.The

60、mother answered, “No, Im just feeling a little bit sick right now. I dont smoke 66 (cigarette) when Im sick, because if I do, it takes me 67 (long) to get better.”The daughter 68 (reply), “Well, I guess you would 69 (probable) live a better life 70 you got sick a bit more often!”第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一

61、节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除和修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线(w.w.w.gkstk.c.o.m)划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。(此题要求把答案写在答题卡上)Dear Jerry,Im glad to know that you are interesti

62、ng in Chinese food. Here Id like tell you something about them. Chinese food is famous with its wide variety. The food in one area can be easy told from that in another. For example, Shanghai food, a little sweet, is different from Sichuan food who is rather hot. However, every kind of Chinese food is worth trying because each have a delicious taste and is good for health. Since the restaurant in China usually serves special dish of different areas, you can enjoy various Chinese foods no matter where you are. Im looking forward to meet you here so that I can tel

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