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1、高三学生学业水平监测 高三英语试题 1月第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分 35 分)第一节:单项填空 (共 15 小题;每题 1 分,满分 15 分)请阅读下面各题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. “Made in China 2025” initiative aims to transform China from a manufacturing giant into a world manufacturing power, _ driven by innovation and emphasizes quality over

2、quantity.A. the one thatB. one thatC. one D. the one22. On Nov.11, Alibaba sold more than 90 billion yuan _ goods on its e-commerce platforms T and TMall, making headlines all over the world.A. worth ofB. sum ofC. value forD. profit for 23. Younger people might like snow and cold, but for _, such we

3、ather is very tough; snow can turn into ice, _ is easy to slip on.A. people my age; whereB. my age people; whereC. people my age; whichD. my age people; which24. China may as well keep its growth rate above 7 percent. _, the rate may be set between 6 to 7 percent, for the sake of a healthy environme

4、nt.A. DifferentlyB. AlternativelyC. AccordinglyD. Conversely25.Will you have a second child? Havent decided yet. We _ about it the whole year.A. have thoughtB. had thoughtC. thoughtD. have been thinking26. How shocked he _ the news that the terrorists attacked Paris, leaving 129 dead and hundreds in

5、jured. A. was heard B. heard C. was to hear D. would hear27. The door was open, from _ he could see everything outside.A. whichB. after whichC. behind itD. where28. It is beyond awkward when everyone around you _ laughing at a joke that you do not find funny, especially if its a joke told in a forei

6、gn language.A. breaks intoB. bursts outC. yells outD. falls into29. The average income of the Changzhou, though still well below that of Suzhou, has been on the increase and is three times _ it was in . A. that B. which C. what D. how 30. Having a brother or sister protects adolescents against negat

7、ive feelings such as loneliness and guilt, but they also have to learn to _ and to control their emotions.A. competeB. compensateC. comprehendD. compromise31. The government must have taken measures to lower the house prices next year, _ it? Yes. I guess so. A. didnt B. hasnt C. mustnt D. wont 32. I

8、t was human errors, rather than the natural disaster, that _ for the death of so many innocent people in the landslide at an industrial park in Shenzhen.A. is blamed B. is to blame C. are blamed D. are to blame 33. How is the smog control going on in our capital city? It couldnt be worse. You _ beli

9、eve Beijing upgraded the smog alert from yellow to orange and then red again yesterday. A. wont B. mustnt C. neednt D. shouldnt34. Can you explain _Chinas football team failed again in the attempt for the World Cup? I am sorry, but this is the last time. We will behave ourselves.A. why is it that B.

10、 why it is that C. how it is that D. how is it that35. I still havent made any progress in writing an English essay. _. How can you expect to write a passage when you dont understand the words?A. Learn to walk before you run B. Practice makes perfectC. Dont put the cart before the horse D. Learn to

11、fish but not just ask for fish第二节:完形填空 (共 20 小题;每题 1 分,满分 20 分)请阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。It is dark now when I begin my early morning walk in the woods. And now that autumn has marched into winter, darkness persists well beyond my 6 a.m. start time.Paths have become familia

12、r after years of hiking. But rocks and tree roots have magically appeared from previously 36 ground.Certainly I hit my toe against or 37 on some unseen barriers. Fallen branches from last nights storm 38 in wait. Layers of autumn leaves create a false floor through which my trusting footsteps 39 . S

13、ometimes a piece of moon donates some 40 to the mystery path. But when skies are dark, there are no 41 clues for where I step.My very first night hike was during summer camp on a warm August night in the woods. Our leader 42 bright flashlights so we would not scare away the night creatures we hoped

14、to find.“See with your 43 ,” the leader told us over and over again. 44 , that advice took effect. With 45 and courage, it didnt take long before our feet became 46 to the grounds textures(质地) and irregularities. Toes learned to 47 for barriers before trusting full weight on feet. Holes and dips in

15、the ground were detected in 48 of possible fall But mistakes 49 happen. My foot gets caught on a trip and I fall. Since the pace is 50 , there is little damage except to pride. Once 51 , I pause to feel the firmness of earth beneath me.On my way home, as dawn 52 day, I think about how similar night

16、hikes are to journeys through life.The same rules often 53 for both: slow down, concentration, “see” with new senses and dont be 54 . Although the path is full of 55 hidden barriers, false surface, wet floor the earth is solid and firm beneath. It is the nature of night ground. It is the nature of l

17、ife. 36. A. level B. soft C. wet D. hard37. A. step B. tour C. trip D. go38. A. stand B. hang C. stainD. lie39. A. break B. sink C. walk D. remove40. A. coldness B. light C. loneliness D. courage41. A. vague B. typical C. visual D. conscious42. A. forbade B. shone C. removed D. collected43. A. eyes

18、B. toes C. handsD. feet44. A. Directly B. Amazingly C. Possibly D. Luckily45. A. contribution B. appreciation C. concentration D. expectation46. A. suspicious B. cautious C. tentative D. sensitive47. A. explore B. head C. clarify D. assess48. A. needB. search C. advance D. spite 49. A. also B. still

19、 C. even D. ever50. A. rapid B. mild C. slow D. gentle51. A. up B. down C. out D. away 52. A. makes up forB. makes way for C. makes use of D. makes sense of 53. A. work B. apply C. answer D. suit54. A. disappointed B. confused C. scared D. annoyed 55. A. darkness B. hopelessness C. anxieties D. unce

20、rtainties 第三部分:阅读理解 (共 15 小题;每题 2 分,满分 30 分)请阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。CThe Oxford dictionary has announced its word of the year. Its spelled . Actually, it isnt spelled at all, because it contains no letters, just a “face with tears of joy” emoji. “The fact that English alo

21、ne is proving not enough to meet the needs of 21st-century digital communication is a huge change,” says Caspar Grathwohl, president of Oxford Dictionaries. When one of his dictionary colleagues suggested using an emoji instead of the word “emoji”, “lightbulbs went off”. Until recently, Grathwohl, w

22、ho is 44, avoided using emojis altogether because he worried that he would look as if he “was trying to get in on teen culture”. “I felt inauthentic. But I think there was a tipping point this year. Its now moved into the mainstream.” Some 76% of the UK adult population owns a smartphone, and of tho

23、se, between 80% and 90% use emojis. Worldwide, six billion are sent daily. The “face with tears of joy” is the most used, representing 20% of all UK and 17% of all US emoji use. It has overtaken the standard smiley-face emoji in popularity, which may mean that emoji users are moving towards exaggera

24、tion or irony or fun, or that all this emoji use has brought everyone to a higher emotional plane. Even if you dont send emojis yourself, you will probably receive them.How far do emojis function as a language? “Theres a lot of prejudice against emojis,” Vyvyan Evans, a professor in linguistics at B

25、angor University, says. “A lot of people think they are a backward step, but this misunderstands the nature of human communication.” The picture is more complicated, with emojis offering both greater freedom and limitations than verbal language. “Emoji isnt a language as such. They dont develop in t

26、he way that the natural language does. But they are working according to the same principles of communication as the spoken language. What is the value of an emoji? I think I can prove this with an ordinary sentence.” There is a pause. “I love you,” he says. “Crikey(哎呀), I love you.” He says it agai

27、n. The first time I think he means it; the second time we both know he doesnt. “The meaning is coming from extra-language factors,” he says. “Emojis are performing the same function in digital speech.” Like any sort-of language, emoji is evolving. “I do think they are subtle(微妙) and rich,” Grathwohl

28、 says. “They can mean different things to different people. The fact that we are using emoji in combination to express more complex ideas and experiences is one of the most fun and playful parts of the whole words. Will emoji finally come to look something more like traditional language that we unde

29、rstand?” he asks. “That would be interesting.”61. The sentence “lightbulbs went off” (Para 2) means that _.A. the president became embarrassed and annoyedB. the president suddenly realized he was outdated C. the suggestion was immediately adopted D. the suggestion started a heated discussion62. The

30、“face with tears of joy” is more popular than smiley-face emoji, which means that _.A. emoji is changing constantly B. smiley-face emoji is too traditionalC. adults have more sorrow than joy in their daily lifeD. people like to express their emotions in a richer way63. Vyvyan Evans uses the sentence

31、 “I love you” as an example (Para 4) to prove that _.A. emoji can express the real meaning behind wordsB. emoji is different from the natural languageC. people feel free to use emoji in communicationD. emoji will limit people in expressing their feelings64. Which of the following statement might Gra

32、thwohl agree with?A. emoji is too childish for adults B. people have the same explanation for an emojiC. using emoji can add fun to communication D. emoji wont develop into a languageD“Hypotheses,” said Medawarin 1964, “are imaginative and inspirational in character”; they are “adventures of the min

33、d”. He was arguing in favour of the position taken by Karl Popper that the nature of scientific method is hypothetico-deductive and not, as is generally believed, inductive. The myth(误区) of scientific method is that it is inductive: that the formulation of scientific theory starts with the basic, ra

34、w evidence of the senses simple, fair, unprejudiced observation. Out of these sensory data commonly referred to as “facts” generalisations will form. The myth is that from a disorderly collection of factual information an orderly, relevant theory will somehow come out. However, the starting point of

35、 induction is an impossible one. There is no such thing as an unprejudiced observation. Every act of observation we make is a function of what we have seen or otherwise experienced in the past. All scientific work of an experimental or exploratory nature starts with some expectation about the outcom

36、e. This expectation is a hypothesis. Hypotheses provide the motivation for the inquiry(探究),and influence the method. It is in the light of an expectation that some observations are held to be relevant and some irrelevant, that one method is chosen and others abandoned, that some experiments are cond

37、ucted and others are not. Hypotheses arise by guesswork, or by inspiration, but having been started they can and must be tested thoroughly, using the appropriate method. If the predictions you make as a result of deducing certain consequences from your hypothesis are not shown to be correct then you

38、 abandon or adjust your hypothesis. If the predictions turn out to be correct then your hypothesis has been supported and may be kept until such time as some further test shows it not to be correct. Once you have arrived at your hypothesis, which is a product of your imagination, you then move on to

39、 a strictly logical and thorough process, based upon deductive argument therefore the term “hypothetico-deductive”. So dont worry if you have some idea of what your results will tell you before you even begin to collect data; there are no scientists in existence who really wait until they have all t

40、he evidence in front of them before they try to work out what it might possibly mean. The closest we ever get to this situation is when something happens by accident; but even then the researcher has to make a hypothesis to be tested before being sure that, for example, a medicine might prove to be

41、a successful solution to bacterial(细菌) infection. The hypothetico-deductive method describes the logical approach to much research work, but it does not describe the psychological behaviour that brings it about. The psychological behaviour is a much more complicated process involving guesses, rework

42、ings, corrections, and above all inspiration, in the deductive as well as the hypothetic component. However, describing the logical approach is like writing the final thesis(毕业论文) or published papers of research work. These theses and papers have been, quite properly, organised into a more logical o

43、rder so that the worth of the output may be evaluated independently of the behavioural processes by which it was obtained. It is the difference, for example between the academic papers with which Crick and Watson demonstrated the structure of the DNA molecule(分子) and the fascinating book The Double

44、Helix in which Watson (1968) described how they did it. From this point of view, the scientific method may more usefully be thought of as a way of writing up research rather than as a way of carrying it out.65. What is right about the deductive method and the inductive method according to the author

45、?A. They cannot exist in a research at the same time.B. The former one is of greater importance than the latter.C. The latter one is more scientific than the former one.D. The former is closer to the nature of scientific research.66. Which of the following best supports the authors main opinion show

46、n in paragraph 2?A. Usually facts are more convincing than predictions.B. People always observe based on what they have seen or experienced. C. It is impossible to generalize disorder facts into orderly theories.D. People all begin scientific work with the observation of evidences.67. Which of the f

47、ollowing about a hypothesis is right?A. It functions as a guide in the process of a scientific research.B. It works as a means that can help make unprejudiced observations.C. It is an expectation unrelated to guesswork and inspiration.D. It is a prediction which will be arrived at sooner or later. 6

48、8. According to the author, a good scientific research is a process _.A. starting from details and ending in generalisations B. where observations play more role than expectations doC. where hypothesis are gradually tested before finally approved D. which cannot be started before enough evidences ar

49、e collected69. What does the last sentence of the passage mean?A. The hypothetico-deductive method plays an important role in describing a research. B. The scientific method is more a way of describing research than a way of doing it.C. Describing the logical approach is harder than describing the p

50、sychological behaviour. D. Writing up a scientific research paper is as difficult as carrying out the research.70. Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage? A. Generalisations of Scientific TheoryB. Hypotheses of Scientific Research.C. The Psychological BehaviourD. The Scien

51、tific Method答案:一 听力1-5 CBAAB 6-10 CCACA 11-15 BACAB 16-20 CBACB二 单选 21-25:CACBDCDBCDBDABA 三 完形 36-40 DCADB41-45 CADBC46-50 ADBCD51-55 BAACD四 阅读 56-57 DB 58-60 CBD61-64 CDAC65-70 DBACBD五任务型 71.Shaping72.Difference(s)/Distinction(s)73. feed (live)74. independence75.labor76.cooperate77.starve78. lackin

52、g (weak)79.controlled80.similar(related, relevant)六书面体现Dear Minister,I hear that many people in your country are suggesting Britains education system should follow chinas after a BBC documentary, which reported a 4-week experiment ending up with Chinese teaching methods defeating British ones. It is

53、 said you are collecting opinions from Chinese students. The following is my view. Personally, I strongly advise you forget Chinese style of education. On one hand, Chinese students wining in test scores is in fact at the cost of their creative abilities and autonomy in learning. As a matter of fact

54、, many of my classmates could do nothing without teachers and parents help, let alone make great innovations in their later life. On the other hand, we Chinese students are suffering from a severe lack of sleep and good health, all due to the pursuit of a high score in numerous tests. Without a healthy body, nothing is meaningful. Do you really want young Britons to spend 15 to 16 hours a day on study? Therefore, dear Minister, you should think twice if you decide to follow that suggestion.

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