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1、第三部分 名人故事(一)1. Alfred Nobel, Founder of the Nobel Prizes阿尔弗雷德诺贝尔诺贝尔奖的创始人在世界科学史上,有这样一位科学家:她不仅把自己的毕生精力所有奉献给了科学事业,并且还在身后留下遗嘱,把自己的遗产所有捐献给科学事业,用以奖掖后人,向科学的高峰努力攀登。今天,以她的名字命名的科学奖,已经成为举世瞩目的最高科学大奖。她的名字和人类在科学摸索中获得的成就一道,永远地留在了人类社会发展的文明史册上。这位伟大的科学家,就是世人皆知的瑞典化学家、诺贝尔奖的创立人阿尔弗雷德诺贝尔。诺贝尔奖颁发给在物理,化学,医学,文学,和平和经济六个领域中成就最突

2、出的人。Some names have become famous because they are always connected with important things. One of these names is that of Alfred Nobel, who founded the famous Nobel Prizes.Nobel was born in Sweden in 1833. He became an engineer and an inventor. He was particularly interested in explosives. These were

3、 very dangerous in those days, and Nobels own brother was killed in an explosion in their factory.In 1867, Nobel invented dynamite. This was a very powerful explosive, but unlike the others it was safe to handle. The invention made Nobel a very wealthy man.However, he was never particularly happy. H

4、e realized that his invention was being used for warlike purposes, and that thousands and perhaps hundreds of thousands of people were being killed and injured in wars with his explosives.When he died in 1896, he left over 3 million pounds to be spent setting up five prizes each year. These prizes w

5、ere to be given to people who had made outstanding contributions to peace, to science, and to literature. Originally there were five rewards: literature, physics, chemistry, medicine and peace. Economics was added in 1968, just sixty-seven years after the first award ceremony.These Nobel Prizes beca

6、me famous and because of them we still remember the name of Nobel.Comprehension Questions:A. it is less powerful and safe to handle. B. it is more powerful but less safe to handle.C. it is both powerful and safe. D. it wont kill people.4. Rich as he was, Alfred Nobel was never particularly happy bec

7、ause _A. his dynamite was not safe enough. B. his explosives were being used in wars. C. his brother was killed by the explosives invented by him. D. he had killed hundreds of thousands of people with explosives.5. Those who had made outstanding contributions to peace, to science and to literature _

8、 A. could get three million pounds. B. were given five prizes each year. C. could see Alfred Nobel himself. D. could receive Nobel Prizes.(CACBD)2. The General and the Corporal, A Story About George Washington将军和下士乔治华盛顿的故事乔治华盛顿,美国首任总统(17891797),美国独立战争大陆军总司令。1789年,当选为美国第一任总统,因对美国独立作出了重大奉献,被尊为美国国父。她有一

9、句有关自由的名言:“由于剑是维护我们自由的最后手段,一旦这些自由得到确立,就应当一方面将它放在一旁。” 下面这篇小故事通过一件平凡事,反映了一种伟人的博大胸襟。George Washington was the first President of the United States. It was he who led the armies during the long war that brought the American people independence and made America a free country. He was a great man, not only

10、 in great things, but also in little ones. He was never too great to do a kindness. He was never too high to stoop to those who were lower than he and in need of help.Then Washington ran up, and with his strong arms gave them the help they so much needed. The big log was lifted on the breastwork, an

11、d the men looked their thanks at the stranger who had been so kind.“Why dont you take hold and help your men?” Washington asked the corporal.“Why dont I? Dont you see that I am the corporal?”“Oh, indeed,” said Washington, as he unbuttoned his overcoat, and showed the uniform which he wore. “Well, I

12、am the general, and the next time you have a log too heavy for your men to lift, send for me!”You can imagine how the little corporal felt when he saw it was General Washington who was standing before him. It was a good lesson for him, and there are little men still living who may learn a good lesso

13、n from the story.Comprehension Questions:1. _ he was a great man, George Washington was ready to do a kindness. A. Because B. Though C. If D. As long as2. At first the corporal and the soldiers did not know _ A. who was the general. B. who was Washington. C. what the general was. D. the man was Wash

14、ington.3. The corporal was _ A. too little to do the heavy job. B. too weak to help his men. C. so great that he could not do such a small thing. D. feeling he was such an officer that he was ashamed of giving help.4. The little corporal felt very _ when he knew it was General Washington who was sta

15、nding before him. A. glad B. proud C. sorry D. crazy5. When do you think the story most probably took place? _ A. During the War of Independence. B. During the Civil War. C. During World War I. D. During World War II.(BDDCA)生产力的发展作出了杰出奉献。她改良了蒸汽机、发明了气压表、汽动锤。后人为了纪念她,将功率的单位称为瓦特,常用符号“W”表达。People had kno

16、wn about steam power for hundreds of years, but they did not know how to apply it to machines. About 300 years ago, some mining engineers discovered that they could use steam power to force water out of deep mines. This helped miners dig deeper than ever. But little more was done with steam power un

17、til one man, James Watt, discovered how to make steam turn a wheel.When he was a boy, James Watts parents had scolded him for playing with mechanical things. There were few complicated machines then. And almost nobody could make a living by fixing them. So Watts parents thought that fooling around w

18、ith machines was a waste of time. But someone asked Watt to repair a steam coalmine pump. Watt fixed the pump and he began to build models of other pumps.Once Watt had built his first steam engine, steam power was used to do many things. Machines were built that could weave, spin, grind flour, drive

19、 a boat or a train, and even make other machines. Nearly anything that needed pushing or turning could be powered by steam. Within 50 years of Watts invention, steam engines were producing and transporting things in ways that were impossible with muscle, wind, or waterpower.Comprehension Questions:1

20、. James Watt was the first person who _A. applied steam to machines. B. discovered steam power could be used to force water out of deep mines. C. helped miners to dig deeper than ever. D. discovered how to make steam turn a wheel.2. Steam power was not used to turn a wheel until _A. three hundred ye

21、ars ago. B. some mining engineers discovered how to force water out of deep mines.C. James Watt was born.D. James Watt found out the way of doing so. 5. Nearly half a century had passed _A. since James Watts steam engines were used widely. B. until James Watt had invented his steam engines. C. befor

22、e steam engines could be used to produce and transport things. D. and steam engines were doing things that were impossible to be done in the past.(DDACD)4. Galileo, Famous Italian Astronomer伽利略意大利出名天文学家伽利略伽利雷 (15641642) 是意大利文艺复兴后期伟大的意大利天文学家、力学家、哲学家、物理学家和数学家。也是近代实验物理学的开拓者,被誉为“近代科学之父”。传说1590年,出生在比萨城的意

23、大利物理学家伽利略,曾在比萨斜塔上做自由落体实验,将两个重量不同的球体从相似的高度同步扔下,成果两个铅球同步落地,由此发现了自由落体定律,推翻了此前亚里士多德觉得的重的物体会先达到地面。Galileo (1564-1642) was an Italian physicist and astronomer. He was born in Paris, where he studied medicine and later became professor of mathematics. During this period he made two important discoveries. T

24、he first was that a pendulum always wings at the same time. The second was that bodies of different weights fall with the same speed. He made the second discovery by making an experiment from the leaning tower of Pisa.Galileo was one of the first men to look at the skies through a telescope. He disc

25、overed that the moon has mountains and valleys, that the Milky Way is made up of innumerable stars, and that Jupiter has four large satellites. He discovered sunspots and noticed that they move across the surface of the sun.In 1632 Galileo was condemned by the Inquisition because, like Copernicus, h

26、e had stated that the earth traveled round the sun. The Churchs view then was that the earth was the center of the Universe. Galileo was tried by the Inquisition and forced to say he was wrong. He lived the rest of his life under house arrest.Comprehension Questions:B. the moon has mountains and val

27、leys. C. sunspots move across the surface of the earth. D. there are innumerable stars in the Milky Way.4. The Inquisition condemned Galileo because _A. what he said about the movement of the Earth didnt agree with the Churchs view. B. he said that the Earth was the centre of the Universe. C. he lik

28、ed Copernicus. D. he was wrong. 5. As a result, Galileo _A. knew that he was wrong to say that the Earth was the centre of the Universe. B. knew that he was wrong to say that the sun was the centre of the Universe. C. lost his freedom. D. changed his view.(DDAAC)5. Mozart, Well-known Austrian Compos

29、er莫扎特奥地利出名作曲家莫扎特,奥地利作曲家,维也纳古典乐派的代表人物。1756年1月27日生于萨尔茨堡,1791年12月5日卒于维也纳,享年仅35岁。1762年,6岁的莫扎特在爸爸的带领下到慕尼黑、维也纳、普雷斯堡作了一次实验性的巡回表演,获得成功。莫扎特的短暂毕生写出了大量的音乐作品,体裁形式波及到各个领域,留下了许多不朽的杰作。Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791) was born in Salzburg, Austria. He had love for music when he was only three and took daily musi

30、c lessons from his father, a musical director. When he was five, he could not only play several musical instruments, but also had composed a number of short pieces of music. When he was seven he went with his family on a long music tour. Everywhere he went, he won great applause for his harpsichord,

31、 organ and violin playing. From the age of 13, he began to give concerts.In 1781, he moved to Vienna, where he met Haydn and they became great friends. This friendship proved to be important to both men, each learning a great deal from the other. Both composed their best music during the 10 years of

32、 their friendship, which ended only at Mozarts early death.Comprehension Questions:1. Mozart was born in _A. a rich family. B. a poor family.C. a musical family. D. a big family.2. Mozart was warmly welcomed everywhere he went because _A. he was very small.B. he had composed a number of short pieces

33、 of music.C. his father was a well-known musical director.D. he was very good at playing several musical instruments.3. If Mozart hadnt made friends with Haydn _A. he wouldnt have died so early.B. he couldnt have composed such wonderful music as he really did.C. his music couldnt have received so much praise.D. his music would have become better than that of Haydn.4. Mozarts health began to break because _A. he had worked too hard. B. he got too little money for the music that he had composed.C. his music was well received by the public. D. he had to support his family.

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