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1、分工:梅P142-145 芸P146-149 糖P149-155 元P155-161 丫P161-167 薇P167-173资料整顿:芸PPT制作:梅翻译:梅P142-145最初使用这些船舶是一种从美国新奥尔良和休斯敦湾港口的几种西非国家的每天固定的航次。船舶将能用集装箱携带重型设备和工程货品(一种或多种大型运送船来建造厂房,大坝等)。干散货船和油轮船舶(Dry Bulk and Tanker Vessels)远洋散货船是建造用于运送基本商品(例如:煤炭、谷物、铝矿、铁矿)或者初级产品(例如:羊毛、棉花)。运送石油和其她大宗液体散装货品的船叫做“油轮”,油轮是为了运送此类货品而进行特殊设计并建

2、造的。已被建造的最大船舶就涉及油轮。某些油轮和世贸中心双子塔大厦的其中一幢几乎同样高大(高1350尺,宽200尺)。但近年来,越来越多的实例表白,大宗新散货商品(例如可可和咖啡)都正在进行集装箱化用集装箱船进行运送。影响海运的因素(Factors Influencing Marine Transportation)海洋运送营运商,跟其她运送模式同样,必须考虑一系列对生存安全至关重要的因素。一、明确谁是顾客。(Clear idea of who the customer is.)客户需求会根据自己的竞争态势的变化而变化,这反过来又决定了她们需要从交通运送业得到如何的服务。某些客户只需要在一年里有

3、几种集装箱来运送;而此外某些客户需要足够的运送力来保障一种或更多的营运商有25000个集装箱,业务维持至少一年。某些客户需要服务于短距离的市场(例如近海地区、内陆河流等);另某些客户则延伸到全世界。某些客户的货品需要特殊解决,像危险货品或冷藏货品;而此外某些则需要按照可靠的时间表来满足产品和客户的运送需求。二、充足理解业务。(Full understanding of their business.)营运商与否提供严格的港口到港口服务?由顾客决定货品如何运离和运抵码头?或者,营运商与否提供门到门服务?账单由顾客所有支付还是剩余一部分由承运人承当?或者,该服务与否介于两者之间?三、集中航次和多端

4、口航次的对比。(Loadcenter v. multiple ports-of-call.)船舶的操作和费用有时会限制每个航次中呼喊的次数。对某些规模庞大的船舶来说,营运者每天花在港口费用上需要35000到50000美元之间。在这样的状况下,在港口耗费的时间越少越好。在另一种方面,集装箱装卸的数量和地理分布在每个航次结束时也许会需要更多的港口。四、时效性货品V无时效性货品。(Time-sensitive v. Nontime-sensitive cargoes.)如电子设备和零件,服装,易腐坏的食物等价值高、体积小的货品,需要可靠的服务和筹划,某些状况下,还需要迅速的搬运时间。相反,煤炭、矿石

5、、谷物等货品和石油等液体货品一般时效性较小,容许较低的效率和服务性能。再者,它波及到谁是顾客和顾客乐意为哪一种服务种类支付费用。五、资产配备:船舶,港口设备,集装箱。(Allocation of assets :vessels,terminalequipment,containers.)由于多式联运货运业是一种资金密集型的行业,营运商在如何及何时使用这些资产等方面必须采用额外的避免措施。集装箱运用率往往局限性50%;其他的时间要么是被转移到另一种位置,要么只是等待着被使用。六、与其她运营商合伙关系的发展趋势。(Trends in working relationships with other

6、 carriers.)一种解除管制的最突出的成果,资产和服务的合理化,满足客户需求的迅速变化,是寻找替代措施来应对竞争对手。有时候,如果这样做的成本较高,需要保持独立来保证更好的控制操作。或者,它也许意味着合并,形成联盟,买下竞争者或者被竞争者买下。七、与否保持一种同盟会。(To remain a conference member or not.)海洋会议,特别是波及与美国的贸易中,能合法限制利率的大幅波动和进度。她们的目的是为竞争剧烈的贸易路线引入稳定的形式。因解除管制,新兴技术的引进,贸易路线和模式的盈亏不定,某些公司也许会发现保持一种特定的会议会更加有利。那些波动也许会频繁地发生,或者

7、她们也也许意味着成为在单方向航线上的大会一员,在其她方面则是非会员。最后,随着联盟的壮大,可以说事实上,与其她合伙伙伴或联盟的竞争,也可以当作是会议成员间的比赛。换句话说,会议开始和结束的界线越来越模糊。像美国政府就不得不再看看会议系统的整个目的及法律义务。八、人事问题。(Personnel issues.)虽然不像计算机信息产业那么迅速剧烈,这个产业的变化,也是每18个月(仅仅几年前,人们普遍觉得,这些变化是每七年,后来演变成每五年,甚至三年),船舶运营商必须解决在硬件(船舶,集装箱等)和软件(通信系统)方面类似的变化。要做到这一点,并在一种需要更多的和更严格的安全法规的环境中保持竞争力,运

8、营商必须拟定,吸引,培养,并保持合格的决策者和技术人员可以应付这些挑战。在今天,有专业资格、有市场/利润驱动的态度,掌握不同的语言和文化技能,熟悉新技术,并乐旨在基于组织的产业和新兴技术的需求进行训练的决策者是一种新的重点。合格的人力资源的可用性一般依托一种优质的成本,并且也许需要承运人缴纳费用来维持一定水平的服务。在海事领域,特别是海洋操作,海员培训、发证和值班原则国际公约(STCW公约)新规定已经按照可避免事故成本的增长而加大了对航海人员的最低规定。这个规定是由“80%船舶事故是与人为有关”这一事实带动的;其他事故则是由于机械故障。九、决策程序。(Decision-making proce

9、ss.)烟囱式决策(能力只能集中在一种项目,活动,或模式)在航运业这个老式型工业中是一种老式惯例,可以追溯到几千年前。然而,根据全球化和重新关注客户的需求,老式的管理技术往往必须变化,有时为保持竞争力会大幅下降。某些公司不得不通过将最后的决策过程转换到地方一级,重新安排其管理构造,更强调和使用电子信息和通信,并在整个决策过程变得更加灵活。然而这样的转变并不容易,多数大型公司都是在别无选择的状况下才出此下策。十、弹性工作时间表。(Flexible schedules.)及时和有效的操作仍然是至关重要的,如果不是任何时候至少有的时候,规划者和经营者还必须足够灵活,来使用替代手段解决事故,天气,机械

10、故障,气候条件(冰封的港口,河流,海洋),大雾,沙尘暴,飓风,尚有任何能将吸引来的顾客赶走的因素。十一、调度操作。(Scheduling of operations.)调度操作在当今竞争剧烈的市场意味着承运人必须仔细地平衡在海上和岸上操作使所有阶段密切配合和同步。这意味着航程和或转运时间必须基于船员解决自然和人为因素(涉及在全球某些地区如远东及南美的海盗)时所面临的实际状况而仔细筹划。承运人必须坚持港口出发和达到的时间表,考虑集装箱的装货/卸货和其她形式的多式联运设备的可用性和性能。承运人还须考虑候补路线以防通过巴拿马运河和苏伊士运河其中一条时限制通行,还要考虑对承运商的国籍有冲击力的政治决策

11、的影响,考虑双边贸易协定的影响。承运人对既具有成本效益又能吸引顾客的时间表的形成和保持也需要仔细。租船:航运业的安全阀(Chartering:The relief valve of the industry)跟诸多产业同样,航运业在很大限度上依赖于租赁,当船舶的需求量不小于船舶所有人的立即可用船舶数量时“租船”。就像一种公司也许会租用一辆公共汽车或者厢式货车来为一种特别的活动提供协助,航运业也同样。在紧急运送货品时有一种高峰期或运送周期中有一种相对较短的高峰期如最后一刻,都是特别真实的,例如年终购买热潮。也有时候,由于船舶用于非常规业务或紧急服务,或者缩小船舶替代的缺口时,导致船舶工作效率有差

12、距时,运营商也许要租赁船舶。租船一般提成不同的类别:定期租船和航次租船,包运租船(船员和燃料来的包机)或光船租赁(只有船)。有些船自身安装了集装箱装卸设备。在停靠港口仅限于岸边装卸集装箱设备的贸易路线中常常使用“配有装卸设备的船”。“无装卸设备的船”没有集装箱起重能力。船舶率根据租船合同的条款和条件的不同而有所不同,租船合同是基于市场状况(供需)的变化而变化的。(图6.9展示了某些船舶在1997和1998的市场上浮现的多种不同类型的利率)木有图国内水路的国际货品多式联运活动(Intermodal movements of international cargo on domestic wate

13、rways)在内陆或近岸内航道操作驳船运送国内或国际货品。驳船运载国际货品,用多种措施在港口的入口转移货品。传播设施是广泛和多样的,涉及散货和集装箱的储存和传送装置。此外,驳船自身可以是能进行远洋的子母船。内陆和沿海航道的多式联运活动(Intermodal movements by inland and coastal waterways)美国有大概25000英里长的内河航道和沿海水域。下面是-P146芸P146-149 译文:这个系统重要用于运送大宗商品。其中大多数是石油、石油制成品以及煤炭。其他的重要是原木、木材、谷物、化学制品和钢铁。在驳船码头的多数联运换乘设备都被发展用于运送大宗散货,

14、而不是件杂货品。 在美国和世界其她地区的运送公司,特别是航运公司,都在探究用集装箱进行经由沿海和内陆的集散运送的因素。重要因素有:非时效性货品、时效性货品、对空箱以装载为中心的运作和调配以及对环境的考虑。非时效性货品某些对时间不敏感或是不需要尽快达到终点的集装箱很有也许参与到经由沿海与内陆的集散运送之中。这些集装箱内的货品也许规定有保证的时刻表,但是由于交通拥堵和其她操作性限制,公路或铁路运送不能总是提供。这种货品并不是JIT系统里生产和配送的必要构成部分,它可以把集装箱作为仓库来使用。哥伦比亚沿海运送公司就用一支驳船船队来运送集装箱,其中涉及了用于波士顿和诺福克之间的一周两次的服务的冷藏箱组



17、必要的状况下,将空箱沿着水道运送到港口或内陆终端。这种转运空箱的例子在欧洲的鹿特丹和安特卫普十分常用。那里重箱和空箱的失衡常常作为用于贸易模式转变的实例而两个港口都深受其影响。比方说,几年前,为了自己和竞争对手的集装箱调配需求,马特森多式联运系统就在空间容许的状况下在美国西海岸开通了服务 。对环境的考虑 特别在欧洲,人们越来越意识到,内陆和沿海的航运对环境更有利。由于它事实上以更高效的水运系统替代了公路运送。在美国和欧洲,某些政策正在接受检查。它面向于发明经济鼓励来鼓励环境敏感型的多式联运。欧洲的内河运送服务和美国相比,欧洲的针对集装箱和拖车多式联运的内河运送经验相称丰富。这重要是由于政策和经





22、06.0从鹿特丹港出发的平均周转时间(单位:天)欧式驳船长 105 米宽 11.40 米吃水 3.20 米 / 3.70米运力 3,200 吨最大载重标箱 208 内燃机船和顶推式驳船的船舶组合 长 186 米 宽 11.40 米 吃水 3.00 米/ 3.40 米 运力 5,000 吨 最大载重标箱 368 推式船 长 125 米 宽 22.80 米 吃水 3.50 米 / 4.00 米 运力 7,500 吨 最大载重标箱 384 欧洲内陆河道集装箱船的类型河港所面临的挑战出于缓和公路运送过于拥堵势头的需要,河运系统的多式联运化正变得越来越重要。欧洲最大的内陆多式联运河港之一就是杜伊斯堡。这





27、改善,这种运送方式的效能都能在墨西哥湾的其她港口以及全球的其她地区得到增长。糖P149-155Coastal ServicesCoastal water services operate between larger ports on all three coasts of the united states ,as well as the rest of the worlds coastal nations. most coastal intermodal services are in competition against rail and truck ,taking advantage

28、 of their relatively lower operating cost per TEU ,added costs of highway and railroad congestion ,and, from a political standpoint ,less polluting in terms of air. In some cases, water carriers provide the only services available because geographic, topographic, and political obstacles. The slower

29、water services can compete against rail or truck haul through lower prices , and in some cases more reliable schedules.Connecting inland ,coastal and ocean servicesLarger ocean containerships are coming into operation in order to reduce costs through economices of scale. It is economically necessary

30、 for large ocean-going vessels to make fewer port calls, bringing into play connecting ,self-propelled vessels and large services between ports. For example , boston suffered a decline in ocean containership calls in the late 1970s and early 1980s. its coastal barge services, however , have made up

31、some of the difference. Ship calls previously made at boston were replaced by calls at other ports, such as new york ,in order to connect with transocean vessels. A considerable amount of freight to and from England by passed boston entirely, via truck and rail , but a certain amount used bostons po

32、rt, moving in and out on coastal connecting barges. The boston example is more or less typical of what is occurring in many other places. As long-haul vehicles (ships,trains,trucks,and airplanes)get larger, there is strong economic compulsion to reduce their number of stops. When the number of stops

33、 made by the long-haul vehicle is reduced, fright at the bypassed location must be brought to and from that vehicle , rather than the vehicle being brought to the fright. Fright is brought to and from long-hual vehicle via connecting sevices , both single mode and intermodal, and in that way a hub-a

34、nd-spoke system is initiated.This is a standard scenario ,occurring as the worldwide intermodal transportation system develops.Barge v. container ro/roIn many parts of the global, island , some of which are heavily populated and have a substantial economy, and served mainly by marine transportation,

35、 especially for cargo. Some of these trade routes can accommodate both conventional containership operations as well as ro/ro. In either case, competition is beginning to increase between the carriers not only for customs, but for the most efficient means of transport. Some of the more heavily traff

36、icked trade routes connected with the united states are the west coast and Hawaii , East coast and Puerto Rico and other islands of the Caribbeanand although not technically an island, the West Coast and Alaska.For several decades, these trade routes were and continue to be served by both self-propr

37、lled vessels and tug-and-barge operations. Both offer unique characteristics that shippers find attractive in terms of type, quality, and price of services. In general, self-propelled vessels usually offer faster transit times, which often affects their high operating costs. Barges, on the other han

38、d, have slower transit times, but in most cases, lower operating costs. On the U.S. East Coast to Puerto Rico trade route , marine intermodal services are provided by several carriers, including Sea-Land Service(containership), Navieras de Puerto Rico (self-proprlled ro /ro ships), Crowley American

39、Transport(containership and tug-and-barge), and Trailer Bridge ,a relatively new operator founded by Malcom McLean. Trailer Bridge is a door-to-door motor carrier providing truck-load service, which is tied closely to a twice-weekly scheduled ocean barge operation. It owns and operates two triple de

40、ck ro/ro vessels-the jax-san juan Bridge and the juan-Jax Bridge. Each of these vessels is 736 feet in length, has a beam of 104 feet(makin g them able to pass through the Panama Canal), and has a capacity of 340 48-foot highway trailers and approximately 1050 automobiles. These barges are considere

41、d the largest ro/ro barges in the world. The decks of the two vessels have been modified to accommodate trailers with 102-inch axles. To load and offload these vessels, floating ro/ro ramps were constructed in Jacksonville, Florida , and San Juan, Puerto Rido . these tri-level access ramps allow the

42、 vessels to be discharged and loaded simultaneously. To complement this service, the carrier also owns and operates two 408-foot long container-carrying bargesthe Chicago Bridge and Charlot te Bridge. Each barge can carry 213 53-foot containers. Containers are loaded and unloaded by the use of a hea

43、vy-lift reach stacker that moves on and off the barges via a ramp ,which moves laterally along the pier. Both vessels provide six-day port-to-port service(Jacksonville to San Juan ).Worldwide Coastal or Short-Sea Shipping Growth Potential In 1997, the worlds short-sea container markets accounted for

44、 over 32 million TEUs. More than 15 million TEUs moved to and from hub ports, and about 16.5 million TEUs were transported in the intraregional trades. The potential for coastal shipping of containers is expected to grow about 44% over the next five years as deep-sea trades expand further and interr

45、egional trade links become stronger. Intraregional trade is expected to see the highest growth in the still-developing Asian and Caribbean/Central American markets. The majority of the growth in Europe is expected to come from the development of the Mediterranean feeder market. The largest intra-Eur

46、opean flows by sea continue to be door-to-door trades on the English Channel linking the United Kingdom and Ireland with mainland Europe. North America, because of its well-developed rail and highway corridors which parallel its extensive coastlines, is expected to grow only 2.5% for interregional t

47、raffic and 1.2% for feeder services. These projections assume that there will be no noticeable changes in American coastal regulations and strong competition from rail and highway carriers will continue.Different Sizes of Coastal Intrmodal Vessels The typical coastal feeder vessel can range from onl

48、y a few containers or trailers, such as those in regions of the globe where intermodal facilities are limited and channel depth are fairly shallow, to those which can carry 1000 or more TEUs. With the increased use of megasized container ships, operating costs which could reach as much as $50000 and

49、 restrictions brought on by limited port facilities and depth have caused their owners and operators to investigate feeder vessels to call at the other ports. Depending on the trade routes and the ports involved , carriers are looking at vessels which could fill the gap; namely; that they are big en

50、ough to economically carry a large number of TEUs and still be able to call at most of the ports tied to the hub. One such vessel is the compact feeder. These vessels fall into two categories:(1) newly constructed vessels offer the latest technology available to increase operating efficiency, and (2

51、) those displaced by the megavessels and capable of handing between 550 to 1500 TEUs. In places like Europe, these vessels are typically chartered by megavessel carriers, and have the ability to concentrate on daily operating costs limited by the terms of the charter agreement. These vessels, especi

52、ally in areas that do not have on-shore container cranes, usually have their own container handing equipment on board.European Coastal Services and Short-Sea Shipping Because of Europes extensive coastline and number of ports, dispersed through offshore islands such as Britain and Ireland , or in Sc

53、andinavia or the Baltic, coastal service(called short-sea shipping) for intermodal container transportation is a highly developed business. Feeder vessels in Europe typically handle between 150 to 200 TEUs, although some of todays vessels are a standard gearless 350 to 500 TEU. Most of these vessels

54、 operate about 25% to 30% cheaper than with conventional means of transportation. With improved intermodal terminal operations and more efficient vessels designs, coastal container feeder vessels have an average speed of 16 knots and the capability to face the North Sea winter. Larger vessels (up to

55、 1500 TEUs) are in services to the Baltic and Russian ports from Germany and Rotterdam. Although the main feeder interchange ports are Rotterdam, for the whole northern coastline, and Hamburg for Scandinavia and the Baltic, there is a tightly spun web of services that ties the entire continent toget

56、her. While some dedicated feeders serve the larger container lines directly, mostly specialized private companies and alliance partners. Their schedules reflect the need to connect with the main route sailings, usually on a weekly basis.Bridge Service One of the most important developments associate

57、d with the revolutionary and evolutionary aspects of intermodal freight transportation was development of “bridge” services. These services permit substitution of land transport for part of an all-water carriage operation to provide a faster transit time and, at least in theory, competitive rates. T

58、here are two distinguishing characteristics of bridge service:(1) the entire movement is covered by a single bill of lading issued by a steamship company or NVOCC; and (2) goods remain in the same container for the entire movement.There are three types of bridge services. 1.Landbridge involves two o

59、cean movements joined by a land or transcontinental land-transportation system. 2.Minibridge uses the transcontinental land-transportation system as a substitute for moving cargo to the final destination coastal port. 3.Microbridge is essentially the same as minibridge , but the origin or destinatio

60、n is at an interior point. Use of bridge services can increase or reduce the range of a ports hinterlands and the number of ports of call for vessel operators along a coastal range.Bridge services have substantially increased competition between ports. Ports with no access to bridge services could e

61、ffectively be pushed out of the ocean intermodal transportation business.Landbridge Services First conceived in the early 1960s by Seatrain Lines,the landbridge concept was developed as a more efficient means of shipping containerized cargo between the Far East and Europe.The service used transatlan

62、tic and transpacific water transport combined with rail piggyback to move goods across the North American continent. The U.S. Landbridge was intended to compete against the all-water route via the Panama Canal at a time when the Suez Canal was closed and the Siberian landbridge was not yet in full o

63、peration.It could do this because such bridge traffic was outside the jurisdictions of U.S. Economic transportation regulations of the Interstate Commerce Commission(ICC) and the Federal Maritime Commission(FMC). The cargo was,in fact,moving through the United States in bond.(Minibridge and microbri

64、dge operation did not start until deregulation of the rail and ocean transportation industries at the end of the 1970s.) In Canada,the landbridge concept started earlier.In the late 1880s,the Canadian Pacific Railway, as CP Rail System previously was known, operated fast “Silk Trains”that rushed fine silks from the Orient to Europe.Although it is not clear ho

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