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1、高考英语一轮完形填空+语法填空练习(2)李仕才第一部分:完形填空AA little girl lived in a simple and poor house on a hill. Usually she _1_ play in the small garden. She could see over the garden fence and across the valley a wonderful house with shining golden windows high on another hill. _2_ she loved her parents and her family,

2、 she desired to live in such a house and _3_ all day about how wonderful and exciting _4_ must feel to live there.At the age when she gained some _5_ skill and sensibility (辨认力), she _6_her mother for a bike ride _7_ the garden. Her mother finally allowed her to go, _8_ her keeping close to the hous

3、e and not _9_ too far. The day was beautiful. The little girl knew _10_ where she was heading! _11_ the hill and across the valley, she rode to the _12_ of the golden house._13_ she got off her bike and put it against the gate post, she focused on the path _14_ to the house and then on the house its

4、elf. She was very disappointed when she _15_ that all the windows were _16_ and rather dirty.So _17_and heartbroken, she didnt go any further. She _18_, and all of a sudden she saw an amazing _19_. There on the other side of the valley was a little house and its windows were golden. Looking at her l

5、ittle home, she _20_ that she had been living in her golden house filled with love and care. Everything she dreamed was right there in front of her nose!1A. mightB. shouldC. would D. must2A. Unless B. AlthoughC. Since D. But3A. dreamed B. worriedC. asked D. shouted4A. this B. thatC. it D. which5A. d

6、ifferent B. scientificC. musical D. basic6A. begged B. blamedC. invited D. paid7A. inside B. outsideC. through D. along8A. insisting on B. relying onC. arguing about D. wondering about9A. traveling B. runningC. riding D. walking10A. madly B. rapidlyC. exactly D. possibly11A. Over B. DownC. Around D.

7、 Beside12A. windows B. stepsC. center D. gate13A. Until B. AsC. While D. Because14A. getting B. introducingC. leading D. moving15A. felt B. learnedC. concluded D. found16A. transparent B. brightC. plain D. wide17A. anxious B. angryC. serious D. sad18A. turned around B. cheered upC. settled down D. d

8、ropped in19A. hill B. valleyC. background D. sight20A. imagined B. decidedC. realized D. guessed文章大意这山望着那山高,这话一点都不假,在生活中我们很容易犯这样的错误,即自己拥有着美好的东西却去羡慕她人所拥有的,等置身于“她山”时才发现本来自己始终都拥有着这种美好的东西。1C。would表达过去常用的状况,意为“总是,老是”,这里是说这位小女孩常常在自己家的小花园里面玩耍。2B。此空所在句子中逗号前后两部分之间有明显的转折意味,即虽然她很爱她的父母和家庭,但是她渴望能住在这样的房子里面。这样的房子是

9、指她看到的对面山上的那个有着金闪闪窗子的美丽的房子。3A。与前面的动词desired并列,并且符合句意的只有A项,即这个小女孩梦想着住进那房子的美妙感觉,空背面都是她梦想的内容。4C。此空所填词应当可以替代to live there这个不定式短语,因此选C项,此处it作形式主语。她梦想着住在那里一定会很美好、很兴奋。5D。此空所填的词应当是同步修饰skill和sensibility这两个中心词的,结合文意可知应选D项。6A。等到她获得了基本的技能和辨认力的时候,她开始恳求妈妈让她在花园外骑自行车。beg sb. for sth.“向某人恳求获得”。7B。下文提到她离开了自己的家来到了梦寐以求的

10、那个房子里,据此可知应当是她在花园外面骑车。这也与1空背面的“in the small garden”相相应。8A。空背面的内容是妈妈的主张,妈妈最后容许她去骑自行车,但是坚持规定女儿在家附近骑车。9C。前文浮现了“for a bike ride”,下文也有rode等核心词复现;故此处表达妈妈坚持规定女儿不要骑得太远,要在接近自己房子的地方骑车。10C。与前文的女孩的梦想相呼应,这里应当选择C项,这个小女孩心里很清晰自己在往哪个方向骑,到花园骑车只是借口,她真正的目的是看看那所心目中美好的房子。11B。文章第一句交代了女孩家住在小山之上,那么她要穿越山沟必然要下山。12D。由下文中的“put

11、it against the gate post”可知D项对的。她骑车来到了那个房子的大门口。13B。空背面的动词短语got off表达的是瞬间动作,因此不能选择while,while所引导的从句中的动词应当是延续性的。as在此表时间,引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”。14C。此处应是目前分词短语作path的定语,此处只有C项符合语境。lead to“通往,通向”。15D。结合语境可知,空背面的内容是那个女孩发现的,故选D。16C。该空所填内容应与“rather dirty”并列,故此处应填plain “极一般的”。当她发现所有的窗户都很一般并且相称脏的时候她感到非常失望。17D。所填词与h

12、eartbroken应是同义词,并且与上段女孩的心情保持一致,因此应当选择D项,即女孩很伤心并且心都碎了。18A。只有转身才干看到自己家那个方向,才干看到自己家的房子,因此选择A项。turn around“转身”。cheer up“振奋起来”;settle down“定居下来”;drop in“顺便拜访”。19D。此空所填词应当可以作动词see的宾语,可以看到的固然是sight“风景”。女孩转过身忽然看到了令人惊叹的风景。下文有对她所看到的风景的描述。20C。下文描述的是女孩的心理活动,是她所意识到的内容:看到自己的小家,她忽然意识到她始终住在布满爱和关怀的金闪闪的房子里面。B“Paul mu

13、st have been trying to carry his waste paper to garbage can and dropped a few pieces.” I _1_, picking them up._2_ later I found more pieces. No quiet sighing this time.I _3_, “Who is throwing garbage?” No answer. Instead, I saw more bits of paper silently floating _4_ from upstairs. Looking up, I sa

14、w my sevenyearold son, Paul.“Stop making a mess.”“Its not a mess. Theyre _5_”“Sorry, what did you say?” I hadnt heard him clearly.He didnt answer me. Paul has autism(自闭症) and _6_ answers a question, especially when hes _7_ attentively on something else. He ran down the stairs. “Where are my other bu

15、tterflies?” he asked,_8_ around. Every time Paul _9_ five or more words together, my heart says a _10_ of thanks. But lately he seems to _11_ that the benefits of forming complete sentences when communicating are _12_ of the effort.Butterflies. Of course. I rushed to _13_ them from the garbage,_14_

16、them off and handed them to my young artist. “Want to see them _15_ again?” he asked with a shy smile.“Oh yes! Theyre beautiful,” I whispered. He ran back upstairs to float his _16_ down again.They really did look like beautiful butterflies.That day Paul _17_ me to look up at _18_ instead of down at

17、 garbage. How many other masterpieces do I miss because Im too caught up in my _19_ to take time to appreciate whats right in front of me? Life is not what happens to us. Its _20_ we look at it. Now, I look up.1.A.laughed Bsighed Camazed Dshouted2A.Days BYears CMoments DWeeks3A.called out Bturned up

18、 Cgot in Dadded to4A.up BdownCawayDoff5A.planes Bpapers Cleaves Dbutterflies6A.rarely Bfrequently Cwillingly Deagerly7A.devoted Bdepended Cfocused Daddicted8A.showing Blooking Cplaying Ddrawing9A.spells Bputs Cpushes Daccumulates10A.sound BremarkCreport Dprayer11A.refuse BhearCmind Drealize12A.worth

19、y Baware Cfond Dtypical13A.hide Bdestroy Crescue Dremove14A.tore Bdusted Ccut Dseized15A.throw Bflow Cland Dfly16A.masterpieces Bschoolwork Cinventions Dimagination17A.reminded Bforced Cintended Dpermitted18A.mistakes Bweaknesses Cbeauty Dscenery19A.amusement Bhousework Ccommunication Dhomework20A.w

20、hen Bwhether Cwhere Dhow【解题导语】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。“我”七岁的儿子Paul患有自闭症,但是她却把飘着的纸片看作是飞舞的蝴蝶,而“我”看到的只是地上的一堆垃圾。生活亦如此,不是我们身上发生了什么,而是我们应当如何看待它。1解析:选B。考察动词辨析。根据第一段第四句“No quiet sighing this time.”可知,“我”叹了口气,把掉在地上的几张废纸捡了起来。B项意为“叹气”,符合语境。故B项对的。A项意为“笑”;C项意为“使惊奇”;D项意为“大喊”,都与语境不符。2解析:选C。考察名词辨析。根据语境可知,一开始只是几张废纸,于是“我”边走边拾,过了一

21、会儿发现了更多的废纸。由此可推知,时间应当很短。C项意为“半晌”,符合语境。故C项对的。A项意为“数日”;B项意为“数年”;D项意为“数周”,都与语境不符。3解析:选A。考察动词短语辨析。根据语境可知,这一次“我”不再静静地叹息,而是大声喊:“是谁在扔垃圾?”call out意为“大声叫喊”,符合语境。故A项对的。turn up意为“浮现”;get in意为“进入”;add to意为“添加到”,都与语境不符。4解析:选B。考察副词辨析。根据本句中的“from upstairs”可知,纸是从楼上飘下来的;又由倒数第二段倒数第二句“He ran back upstairs to float his

22、 _ down again.”可知,空格处意为“向下”。故B项对的。A项意为“向上”;C项意为“离开”;D项意为“切断,走开”,都与语境不符。5解析:选D。考察名词辨析。根据第三段第四句中的“Where are my other butterflies?”可知,“我”的儿子觉得这是蝴蝶。D项意为“蝴蝶”,符合语境。故D项对的。A项意为“飞机”;B项意为“纸”;C项意为“树叶”,都与语境不符。6解析:选A。考察副词辨析。根据“Paul has autism(自闭症)”可知,儿子有自闭症,她很少回答问题。A项意为“很少”,符合语境。故A项对的。B项意为“常常地”;C项意为“乐意地”;D项意为“渴望

23、地”,都与语境不符。7解析:选C。考察动词辨析。根据语境可知,儿子专注于飘落的纸片,不回答“我”的问题。focus on为固定搭配,意为“专注于”,符合语境。故C项对的。devote意为“献身于,专注于”,与to连用;depend on意为“依托”;addict意为“上瘾”,与to连用,都与语境不符。8解析:选B。考察动词辨析。句意:她一边问一边到处看。look around意为“到处看,环顾四周”,符合句意。故B项对的。show around意为“带领某人到处参观”;play around意为“到处玩耍,鬼混”;draw around意为“围拢,聚拢”,都与语境不符。9解析:选B。考察动词辨

24、析。根据上文可知,Paul患有自闭症,很少说话,因此每次当Paul把5个以上的词放在一起时,“我”就很激动。B项意为“放”,符合语境。故B项对的。A项意为“拼写”;C项意为“推”;D项意为“积累”,都与语境不符。10解析:选D。考察名词辨析。根据语境可知,每当Paul多说话时,“我”就会因感谢而祈祷。D项意为“祈祷”,符合语境。故D项对的。A项意为“声音”;B项意为“评论”;C项意为“报告”,都与语境不符。11解析:选D。考察动词辨析。根据本段第四句Paul的提问“Where are my other butterflies?”可推知,近来她似乎结识到了交流时说完整句子的好处。D项意为“结识到


26、:选B。考察动词辨析。根据常识可知,垃圾堆里是很脏的,据此可以判断,要除去上面的灰尘。B项意为“除去灰尘”,符合语境。故B项对的。A项意为“撕开”;C项意为“切”;D项意为“抓住”,都与语境不符。15解析:选D。考察动词辨析。根据本段中的“He ran back upstairs to float his _ down again.”可知,儿子拿到了“我”递给她的碎纸片,害羞地问我:“还想看它们飞吗?”D项意为“飞”,符合语境。故D项对的。A项意为“扔”;B项意为“流动”;C项意为“着陆”,都与语境不符。16解析:选A。考察名词辨析。根据“young artist”以及最后一段第二句中的“Ho

27、w many other masterpieces do I miss”可知,患有自闭症的儿子让这些碎纸片像蝴蝶那样在空中飞舞,这是“艺术家”儿子的杰作。A项意为“杰作”,符合语境。故A项对的。B项意为“功课”;C项意为“发明”;D项意为“想象”,都与语境不符。17解析:选A。考察动词辨析。句意:那一天,Paul提示了“我”要昂首看美的东西而不是低头看垃圾。A项意为“提示”,符合语境。故A项对的。B项意为“逼迫”;C项意为“打算”;D项意为“准许”,都与语境不符。18解析:选C。考察名词辨析。根据本句中的“instead of down at garbage”可知,空格处与该处形成对比,由此可


29、料,在空白处填入合适的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的对的形式。(郑州市第一次质量预测)Tea is consumed around the world more than any other drink except water. Originating in China, tea has long established _1_ (it) as the national drink of this country.A century before the birth of Christ, tea _2_ (describe) in Chinese texts as a health drin

30、k that made one live _3_ (long). Today, it is still being regarded as such. Both green tea and black tea are claimed to be effective for _4_ (prevent) cancer, heart disease, and many other deadly diseases. There is only one point _5_ people need to be aware of when they drink tea is should not be dr

31、unk along with meals.Tea, a popular drink in China and many other countries, _6_ (be) carefully prepared according to local customs. The Chinese put loose tea in teapots, add boiling water, and serve it in teacups. The strong tea from Chinas Fujian Province is drunk in tiny cups before dinner. Light

32、er tea with jasmine (茉莉), rose or other _7_ (flower), usually served after dinner, is special to Chinas Changjiang River regions.Many English people, travelling away from home, feel _8_ a loss if their favourite teabags are not available. Afternoon tea in England is still a timehonoured tradition. I

33、ts a good opportunity for people to socialize or discuss business matters.In Japan, a tea ceremony is often held while people are drinking tea. The ceremony, usually _9_ (hold) in a teahouse, dates back to the 16th century. Guests follow strict rules set up then and the tea used is powdered green te

34、a. Though still practised today, the ceremony may not be as popular _10_ it used to be.【解题导语】本文是一篇阐明文,重要简介了茶的渊源及几种国家的茶文化。【段意梳理】第一段:简朴简介了茶的地位。第二段:简介了茶的作用和饮用时的注意事项。第三段:中国人饮茶的种类和措施。第四段:英国人的饮茶习惯和文化。第五段:日本人的饮茶文化和现状。1itself考察代词。此处填的代词与句子主语tea形成互指关系,故用反身代词。2was described考察动词时态和语态。根据语境中的时间状语“A century befor

35、e the birth of Christ”可知,事情发生在过去,且tea和describe构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用一般过去时的被动语态。3longer考察比较级。此处表达“让人活得更长”,故用longer。4preventing考察动名词。介词后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,故用动名词preventing。5that考察定语从句。that引导定语从句,在从句中作介词of的宾语,修饰先行词one point。6is考察主谓一致。句子主语为Tea,且与下文的“is drunk”在时态上呼应,故此处用一般目前时的第三人称单数形式。7flowers考察名词复数。flower是可数名词,由前面的other可知,此处表达复数概念。8at考察介词。固定搭配at a loss意为“困惑,不知所措”,故用介词at。9held考察非谓语动词。hold和句子谓语之间没有连词,故用非谓语动词。句子主语The ceremony与hold构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词形式。10as考察连词。由“as形容词as”的构造可知,此处应用连词as引导比较状语从句。

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