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1、1. accommodatevi. adapt 适应新的状况;迁就 vt. 容纳,向提供住处;协调 accommodation n.e.g. She accommodated herself to the new rules.2. aesthetica. 美学的;美感的;美的e.g. Some products are chosen for their aesthetic appeal.3. Arctica., n. 北极(的),北极圈(的)e.g. There is very little light in winter and very little darkness in summer

2、in the Arctic.4. atmospheren. 大气;氛围e.g. The space shuttle Columbia will reenter Earths atmosphere tomorrow morning.5. atmospherica. of, relating to, or existing in the atmosphere 大气的e.g. atmospheric pressure6. attainablea. that can be reached or achieved 可达到的;可得到的 attain vt. 达到;获得e.g. It is unrealis

3、tic to believe that perfection is an attainable goal.7. beliefn. 信念,信奉;相信e.g. He acted in accordance with his beliefs.8. Bengalin.,a. 孟加拉人(的);孟加拉语(的);孟加拉的9. bind(bound) vt. tie or fasten; tie together 捆,绑;将绑在一起e.g. The criminal bound the womans hands together behind her back.10. breeding ground动物繁殖的

4、地方 breed (bred) v. bear, produce (young) (使)繁殖;产(后裔)e.g. Poverty is a breeding ground for crime.11. call forrequire, demand 规定e.g. Faced with the threat of a civil war, the President has called for self-control and calm.12. cancern. 癌,恶性肿瘤e.g. The cancer has spread to her stomach.13. cataractn. 白内障e

5、.g. Age is not a factor in cataract surgery.14. chargen. a person or thing committed to the care of another 被照管的人(或事物)e.g. He has charge of the children while his wife is at work.15. combatv. fight or struggle (against) (与)斗争,战斗e.g. Many politicians emphasized the importance of combating internation

6、al terrorism.16. come throughexperience, survive or overcome (a difficulty, etc.) 经历;从(中)活下来(或挺过来)e.g. Its a miracle that some of the people working in the World Trade Center came through the terrorist attacks.17. concernn. 有利害关系的事,关怀的事;担忧e.g. What are your main concerns as a college student?18. con

7、flictinga. being in disagreement, collision, or opposition 不一致的,冲突的,矛盾 conflict vi.e.g. Our findings conflict with the results of the governments survey.19. congressn. 国会;立法机关;代表大会e.g. The President has lost the support of Congress.20. consequencen. the result or effect of an action or condition 后果,

8、成果e.g. An economic crisis may have tremendous consequences for our global security.21. conservevt. protect from loss or harm; preserve 保护;保存e.g. We must conserve water during the drought.22. consumptionn. the act of consuming; the amount consumed 消费(量)e.g. Consumption of oil has risen in recent year

9、s.23. contemporarya. current; modern 现代的,现代的e.g. She has worked in both classical and contemporary dance.24. creaturen. a living being, especially an animal 生物(尤指动物)e.g. Dont all living creatures have certain rights?25. currenta. occurring in or existing at the present time 目前的,目前的e.g. In comparison

10、 to the former ones, Coca-Colas current advertising campaign is more attractive and effective.26. deadlya. causing or able to cause fatal injury or serious damage 致命的,消灭性的e.g. Passive smoking can be deadly too.27. debaten. 辩论;争论e.g. There has been much debate about the cloning of human beings.28. de

11、mocracyn. 民主(制度)e.g. The election demonstrated democracy in action.29. denyvt. refuse to grant or allow 不给;不准e.g. The kid was denied the chance of going to school.30. dependencen. the state of being dependent 依托,依赖e.g. French doctors tend to regard drug dependence as a form of deep-rooted psychologi

12、cal disorder.31. disruptvt. throw into confusion or disorder 使陷于混乱;干扰e.g. An accident has disrupted railway services into and out of the city.32. distinctionn. difference 区别,差别e.g. Its hard to draw a distinction between popular and serious literature.33. distinguishv. recognize the difference (betwe

13、en) 区别,辨别e.g. He is too young to distinguish right from wrong.34. e.g.(abbr.) for example 例如e.g. We need helpers of all types, engineers, scientists (e.g. geologists) and teachers.35. ecologicala. of ecology 生态的;生态学的e.g. Large dams may harm ecological balance.36. ecosystemn. 生态系统e.g. The areas ecosy

14、stem ranges from rainforest to semidesert.37. eithera. 只能两者择其一的e.g. You can park on either side of the street.38. environmentala. (自然)环境的 environment n.e.g. The committee is passing new laws to preserve the environment.39. environmentalismn. 环保论;环境论40. excessn. more than the reasonable degree or amo

15、unt 过度,无节制e.g. Children are not allowed to see the film as there is an excess of violence in it.41. explorationn. the act or an instance of exploring 勘查,探测;摸索e.g. We devoted several days to the exploration of the magnificent Maya sites of Copen.42. fatala. causing death; bringing ruin 致命的;消灭性的e.g. T

16、he doctor said the patient was suffering from a fatal disease.43. faten. 命运;结局e.g. He expected to spend his life in Italy, but fate had decided otherwise.44. framen. state, condition; basic structure around which sth. is built 状态;框架,构架 frame of mind mental attitude or outlook 心绪;心境e.g. Lewis was not

17、 in the right frame of mind to continue.45. fundamentala. of the basis or foundation of sth. 基本的,主线的e.g. Teaching your children to distinguish right from wrong is one of the fundamental tasks of parenthood.46. generatorn. 发电机e.g. The generator has broken down.47. humanistica. of humanism or humanist

18、s 人本主义的,人文主义的e.g. Religious values can often differ greatly from humanistic morals.48. in partto some extent; partly 在某种限度上;部分地e.g. His failure was due in part to his laziness.49. in the name offor the reason of; using the excuse of 以为由;以为借口,以的名义e.g. They arrested him in the name of the safety of th

19、e country.50. junglen. 杂乱无章的事物;(热带)丛林e.g. Social security laws and procedure remains a jungle of complex rules.51. layern. a single thickness of a material covering a surface 层e.g. The cake has three layers.52. lessera. smaller in amount, value, or importance 较小的,更少的,次要的e.g. Ethiopia, and to a lesse

20、r extent, Kenya will be badly affected by the drought.53. livelihoodn. a means of living 生计e.g. Fishermen depend on the seas for their livelihood.54. loggingn. 伐木业 log v. cut down, trim, and haul (timber) 砍伐;伐(木)e.g. Logging companies would have to leave the forest before the end of the year.55. man

21、-centereda. 以人为中心的,只考虑人类的利益的56. matev. (使)交配e.g. Birds mate in the spring.57. meltv. cause (a solid) to become liquid (使)融化,(使)熔化e.g. The ice-cream has melted in the sun.58. moderatea. not extreme; within sensible limits 适中的;适度的e.g. A moderate amount of stress can be beneficial.59. nothing more than

22、just the same as; only 无异于;只但是,仅仅e.g. Dont be scared. It is nothing more than a nightmare.60. on the grounds offor reasons of 由于;以为理由e.g. She is suing the company on the grounds of unfair dismissal.61. organismn. 生物体,有机体e.g. Shes interested in the minute organisms in water.62. owln. 猫头鹰e.g. The hoot

23、ing of the owl scared the children.63. ozonen. 臭氧64. planktonn. 浮游生物65. pollutantn. something that pollutes 污染物e.g. Pollutants have contaminated the drinking water sources.66. proposaln. sth. proposed 建议,建议e.g. The president is to put forward new proposals for resolving the countrys financial crisis

24、.67. propositionn. 建议;命题e.g. We made him a proposition that he should accept the position.68. ragevi. continue with great force; be intense 剧烈地进行e.g. Price inflation still rages although the government has taken some measures to tackle the problem.69. realityn. 现实;真实e.g. We must face up to reality a

25、nd accept that weve failed.70. reductionn. making or becoming less or smaller 减少e.g. Many companies have announced dramatic reductions in staff.71. refugen. a place providing protection or shelter 庇护所;避难处e.g. They took refuge in foreign embassies.72. regardlessad. in spite of everything; anyway 不顾一切

26、地;无论如何e.g. His parents objected to his marriage, but he carried on regardless.73. regulationn. an official rule or order 规章;规定e.g. Under pressure from the government, the company obeyed the new safety regulations.74. reindeern. (单复同)驯鹿75. resistancen. opposition 反对,对抗e.g. There is strong resistance

27、to the plan for a new chemical plant near this area.76. restrictionn. sth. that restricts, such as a law or rule 限制;限制性规定e.g. The relaxation of travel restrictions means they are free to travel and work.77. ridiculousa. absurd 可笑的,荒唐的e.g. It is ridiculous to spend all her salary buying that so-calle

28、d antique.78. run against the grain ofbe contrary to ones inclination, desire, or feeling 与()格格不入;违背意愿(做某事)e.g. Underhand work of that sort runs against the grain of my will.79. selectivea. of or characterized by selection 选择的;有选择性的e.g. Im very selective about the people I associate with.80. self-pr

29、eservationn. 自我保护e.g. All animals have the instinct for self-preservation.81. sensitivityn. 敏感(性)e.g. He has the sensitivity of a writer.82. sentimentala. 感情用事的;多愁善感的e.g. Many people have a sentimental attachment to their birthplace.83. sentimentalismn. 多愁善感;感伤主义84. sentimentalizevt. treat or consid

30、er in a sentimental way 伤感地看待(或看待)e.g. Hes the kind of filmmaker who doesnt hesitate to over sentimentalize women.85. similarlyad. in a similar way 同样地,相似地e.g. He was late and his girlfriend was similarly delayed.86. snail dartern. 蜗牛鱼(一种濒临绝种的很小的淡水鱼)87. speculativea. 猜想性的,推测的e.g. His mother regarded

31、 with a speculative eye.88. spirituala. of the spirit as opposed to matter 精神的;非物质的e.g. Their friendship was strictly spiritual.89. threatn. 威胁e.g. There have been death threats against the witnesses.90. to the point ofto a degree that can be described as 达到的限度e.g. The salesmans manner was abrupt to

32、 the point of rudeness.91. unashamedlyad. without showing guilt or embarrassment 坦然地,满不在乎地e.g. Here in these areas drugs are sold unashamedly in broad daylight.92. universala. 全世界的;普遍的,全体的e.g. Human beings have to face up to the universal threat of pollution.93. urgenta. calling for immediate attent

33、ion 紧急的;急切的e.g. After the earthquake, there was an urgent need for food and medicines.94. votev. express ones choice in favour of (a person or political party) at an election 投票选举voter n. 投票者,(法定)选举人e.g. If we cant agree with each other about the plan, lets vote on it.95. well-beingn. the state of b

34、eing healthy, happy, or prosperous 幸福;福祉e.g. His work emphasized the emotional as well as the physical well-being of children.96. wildlifen. wild animals and vegetation, especially animals living in a natural state (总称)野生动植物(尤指野生动物)e.g. People were concerned that pets or wildlife could be affected by the pesticides.97. work ones waymanage to reach or go through; make efforts to attain ones goal 设法达到(或获得通过);努力达到目的e.g. Rescuers were still working their way to the trapped men.98. worshipn.,vt. 崇拜;崇拜e.g. Being competent and learned, he was worshipped by his students.

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