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1、南外本部初三英语加试模拟试题第一卷 Multiple choices 20%1.Our neighbors gave a baby bird yesterday that hurt when it fell from its nest.A. us, it B. us, itself C. ourselves, itself D. ourselves, it2. Have you heard news? The price of petrol is going up again!A. the, B. , the C. the. D., 3. I called Hannah many times

2、yesterday evening, but I couldnt get through. Her brother on the phone all the time!A. was talking B. has been talking C. has talked D.talked4.They will fly to Washington, they plan to stay for two or three weeks.A. where B. there C. which D.when5. -May I ask a question after class, Sir?- , but not

3、during my lunch break.A. Im sorry B. anytime C. certainly D. go ahead6. John promised his doctor he not smoke, and he hasnt smoked ever since.A. might B. should C. could D. would7. It was hard for him to learn English in a family, in which of the parents spoke the language.A. none B. neither C. both

4、 D. each8. After the long journey, the three of them went back home, .A. hungry and tiredly B. hungry and tiredC. hungrily and tiredly D. hungrily and tired 9. I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times .A. as much B. as many C. so much D. so many10. When Peter speaks i

5、n public, he always has trouble the right things to say.A. thinking of B. to think of C. thought of D. think of11. -Has problem been solved?-Not yet. Were trying to think of way out, but its quite difficult to find one.A. a; the B. the; a C. a; a D. the; the 12. -Why do you want to apply for the pos

6、ition as a history teacher?-This is the job that I .A. looked for B. had looked forC. will look for D. have been looking for13.The warning of the storm, over the radio and on TV, spread quickly through the province.A. broadcasting B. having broadcast C. broadcast D. to be broadcast14.Youd better beg

7、in the preparations now and the most important thing is to check the laboratory can be used for the tests.A. where B. when C. what D. that15. Was it the international conference that made the city the focus of this area?A. held B. hold C. holding D. being held16. If you have doubts about the attack,

8、 Mr. Brown can tell you the truth as he witnessed.A. it B. one C. them D. those17. Experts believe that language learning is a process skills are more important than grammar rules.A. whose B. when C. of which D. in which18. During job interviews, many graduates use the reputation of their schools to

9、 the full themselves to the employers.A. presented B. being presented C. to present D. having presented19. His novels sell best and have made him famous, but before that no one could have imagined how great a role he in the literary world.A. had played B. has played C. is playing D. was to play20. W

10、hen deeply absorbed in work, he often was, he would forget all about eating or sleeping.A. that B. which C. where D. when Find out the mistake. 10%21. “It is not as easier as drawing a picture,” Zhou said. He spent a lot of time doing A B C the calculation to decide the speed of the forces. D22. Dur

11、ing the process, we discovered a great deal and not longer found the theories A B C Boring.D23. If you dont know this song, you can search it, because Call Me Maybe is all over A B C the Internet. D24. APPLE went a step farther in with the release of its thinnest, lightest and A B C Dfastest phone,

12、the iPhone 5.25. Yahoo has made a list of the things that we are fascinated by over the past year as A B C Dpart of its review.26. I got this bicycle for something: My friend gave it to me when she bought a new A B C Done.27. A poet and artist are coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and p

13、ainting A B C Dtomorrow afternoon.28. What lessons can China draw from the financial crisis in the United State have A B Cbecome a hot topic in Beijing. D29. Jack wasnt saying anything, but the teacher smiled at him as if he has done A B Csomething clever. D30. The patient has tried quite a few kind

14、s of medicine, but no one had any effect on A B C his disease. D Cloze test 15%Inspiration“Mama, when I grow up, Im going to be one of those!” I said this after seeing the Capital Dancing Company perform when I was three. It was the first time that my 31 took on a vivid form and acted as something i

15、mportant to start my training. As I grew older and was exposed to more, my interests in the world of dance 32 varied but that little girls dream of someday becoming a 33 in the company never left me. In the summer of when I was 18, I received the phone call which made that dream a 34; I became a mem

16、ber of the company dating back to 1925.As I look back on that day now, it surely 35 any sense of reality. I believe I stayed in a state of pleasant disbelief 36 I was halfway through rehearsal (排练) on my first day. I never actually 37 to get the job. After being offered the position, I was completel

17、y 38.I remember shaking with excitement.Though I was absolutely thrilled with the change, it did not come without its fair share of 39. Through the strict rehearsal period of dancing six days a week, I found it vital to pick up the material fast with every last bit of concentration. It is that extre

18、me 40 to detail(细节) and stress on practice that set us apart. To then follow those high-energy rehearsals 41 a busy show schedule of up to five performances a day, I discovered a new 42 of the words “hard work.” What I thought were my physical boundaries were pushed much further than I thought 43. I

19、 learned to make each performance better than the last.Today, when I look at the unbelievable company that I have the great 44 of being a part of, not only as a member, but as a dance captain, I see a 45 that has inspired not only generations of little girls but a splendid company that continues to

20、develop and grow-and inspires people every day to follow their dreams.31. A.hobby B. plan C. dream D. word32. A. rarely B. certainly C. probably D. possibly33. A. director B. trainer C. leader D. dancer34. A. symbol B. memory C. truth D. reality35. A. lacks B. adds C. makes D. brings36. A. while B.

21、since C. until D. when37. A. cared B. expected C. asked D. decided38. A. encouraged B. relaxed C. convinced D. shocked39. A. challenges B. profits C. advantages D. adventures40. A. attention B. association C. attraction D. adaptation41. A. over B. by C. with D. beyond42. A. function B. meaning C. ex

22、pression D. usage43. A. necessary B. perfect C. proper D. possible44. A. talent B. honor C. potential D. responsibility45. A. victory B. trend C. tradition D. desire Reading comprehension 20%ALast week my youngest son and I visited my father at his new home in Tucson, Arizona. He moved there a few y

23、ears ago, and I was eager to see his new place and meet his friends.My earliest memories of my father are of a tall, handsome, successful man devoted to his work and family but uncomfortable with his children. As a child I loved him; as a school girl and young adult, I feared him and felt bitter abo

24、ut him. He seemed unhappy with me unless I got straight As and unhappy with my boy friends if their fathers were not as “successful” as he was. Whenever I went out with him on weekends, I used to struggle to think up things to say, feeling on guard.On the first day of my visit, we went out with one

25、of my fathers friends for lunch at an outdoor caf. We walked along that afternoon, did some shopping and laughed over my sons funny facial expressions, gone with my fathers critical(挑剔) air and strict rules. Who was this person I knew as my father, and who seemed so friendly and interesting to be ar

26、ound? What had held him back before?The next day my dad pulled out his childhood pictures and told me quite a few stories about his own childhood. Although our times together became easier over the years, I never felt closer to him at that moment. After so many years, Im at last seeing another side

27、of my father. And in so doing, Im delighted with my new friend. My dad in his new home in Arizona.46. Why did the author feel bitter about her father as a young adult?A .He was silent most of time B. He was too proud of himselfC. He did not love his children D. He expected too much of her47. When th

28、e author went out with her father on weekends, she would feel.A. nervous B. sorry C. tired D. safe48. What does the author think of her father after her visit to Tucson?A. More critical B. More talkativeC. Gentle and friendly D. Strict and hard-working49. The underlined words “my new friend” in the

29、last paragraph refer to.A. the authors son B. the authors fatherC. the friend of the authors father D. the caf ownerBEdward Wilson is Americas, if not the worlds, leading naturalist. In The Future of Life, he takes us on a tour of the worlds natural resources. How are they used? What has been lost?

30、What remains and is it able to continue with the present speed of use? Wilson also points out the need to understand fully the biodiversity(生物多样性) of our earth.Wilson begins with an open letter to the pioneer in environment protection Henry David Thoreau. He compares todays Walden Pond with that of

31、Thoreaus day. Wilson will use such comparisons for the rest of the book. The problem is clean man has done great damages to his home over the years. Can the earth, with human help, be made to return to biodiversity levels that will be able to support us in the future?Biodiversity, Wilson argues, is

32、the key to setting many problems the earth faces today. Even our agricultural crops can gain advantages from it. Only a hundred species are the basis of our food supply, of which but twenty carry the load. Wilson suggests changing this situation by looking into ten thousand species that could be mad

33、e use of, which will be a way to reduce the clearing of the natural homes of plants and animals to enlarge farming areas.At the end of the book, Wilson discusses the importance of human values in considering the environment. If you are to continue to live on the earth, you may well read and act on t

34、he ideas.50. We learn from the text that Wilson cares most about.A. the environment for plants B. the biodiversity of our earthC. the waste of natural resources D. the importance of human values51. How many species are most important to our present food supply?A. Twenty B. Eighty C. One hundred D. t

35、en thousand52. Wilson suggests that one way to keep biodiversity is to A. learn how to farm scientifically B. build homes for some dying speciesC. make it clear what to eatD. use more species for food53. We can infer that the text is A. a description of natural resources B. a research reportC. a boo

36、k review D. an introduction to a scientistCThe Queens English is now sounding less upper-class, a scientific study of the Queens Christmas broadcasts had found. Researchers have studied each of her messages to the Commonwealth countries since 1952 to find out the change in her pronunciation from the

37、 noble Upper Received to the Standard Received.Jonathan Harrington, a professor at Germanys University of Munich, wanted to discover whether accent changes recorded over the past half century would take place within one person. “As far as I know, there just is nobody else for whom there is this sort

38、 of broadcast records,” he said. He said the noble way of pronouncing vowel(元音)had gradually lost ground as the noble upper-class accent over the past years. “Her accent sounds slightly less noble than it did 50 years ago. But these are very, very small and slow changes that we dont notice from year

39、 to year.”“We may be able to relate it to changes in the social classes,” he told The Daily Telegraph, a British newspaper. “In 1952 she would have been heard saying thet men in the bleck het. Now it would be that man in the black hat. And hame rather than home. In the 1950s she would have been lors

40、t, but by the 1970s lost.The Queens broadcast is a personal message to the Commonwealth countries. Each Christmas, the 10-minute broadcast is put on TV at 3pm in Britain as many families are recovering from their traditional turkey lunch.The results were published(刊登) in the Journal of Phonetics.54.

41、 The Queens broadcasts were chosen for the study mainly because.A. she has been Queen for many years B. she has a less upper-class accent nowC. her speeches are familiar to many peopleD. her speeches have been recorded for 50 years55. Which of the following is an example of a less noble accent in En

42、glish?A. “duaty” B. “citee” C. “hame” D. “lorst”56. We may infer from the text that the Journal of Phonetics is a magazine on .A. speech sounds B. Christmas customsC. TV broadcasting D. personal messages57. What is the text mainly about?A. The relationship between accents and social classes B. The Q

43、ueens Christmas speeches on TVC. The changes in a persons accentD. The recent development of the English Language.DWhat makes a gift special? Is it the price you see on the gift receipt? Or is it the look on the recipients face when they receive it that determines the true value? What gift is worth

44、the most?This Christmas I was debating what to give my father. My dad is a hard person to buy for because he never wants anything. I pulled out my phone to read a text message from my mom saying that we were leaving for Christmas shopping for him when I came across a message on my phone that I had l

45、ocked. The message was from my father. My eyes fell on a photo of a flower taken in Wyoming, and underneath a poem by William Blake. The flower, a lone dandelion(蒲公英) standing against the bright blue sky, inspired me. My dad had been reciting those words to me since I was a kid. That may even be the

46、 reason why I love writing. I decided that those words would be my gift to my father.I call back. I told my mom to go without me and that I already created my gift. I sent the photo of the cream-colored flower to my computer and typed the poem on top of it. As I was arranging the details another poe

47、m came to mind. The poem was written by Edgar Allan Poe; my dad recited it as much as he did the other. I typed that out as well and searched online for a background to the words of it. The poem was focused around dreaming, and after searching I found the perfect picture. The image was painted with

48、blues and greens and purples, twisting together to create the theme and wonder of a dream. As I watched both poems passing through the printer, the white paper coloring with words that shaped my childhood, I felt that this was a gift that my father would truly appreciate.Christmas soon arrive. The m

49、inute I saw the look on my dads face as he unwrapped those swirling black letters carefully placed in a cheap frame, I knew I had given the perfect gift.58. The idea for a special gift began to form when the author was.A. doing shopping B. having a debateC. reading a message D. leaving for Wyoming59

50、. The authors inspiration for the gift came from.A. a photo of a flower B. a story about a kidC. a call from the mother D. a text about Christmas60. The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refers to a poem by .A. the father B. the authorC. William Blake D. Edgar Allan Poe61. The author made the gift

51、 by .A. searching for the poems onlineB. drawing the background by handC. painting the letters in three colorsD. matching the words with pictures62. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. to show how to design images for giftsB. to suggest making gifts from ones heartC. to explain how computers

52、help create giftsD. to describe the gifts the author has receivedE (Task- based reading)While it is impossible to live completely free of stress, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it cant be avoided. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers the following

53、 suggestions for ways to deal with stress.Try physical activity.When you are nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity. Running, walking, playing tennis, or working in your garden are just some of the activity you might try.Take care of yourself.You sh

54、ould make every effort to eat well and get enough rest. If you easily get angry and cannot sleep well enough, or if youre not eating properly, it will be more likely that you will fall into stressful situation. If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should consult a doctor.Make time for y

55、ourself.Schedule time for both work and entertainment. Dont forget, play can be just as important to you over-all-well-being as work. You need a break just from your daily routine to just relax and have fun. Go window-shopping or work on a hobby. Allow yourself at least a half hour each day to do so

56、mething you enjoy.Make a list of the things you need to do.Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that “theres so much to do, and not enough time.” Trying to take care of everything at once can be too much for you and as a result, you may not achieve anything. Instead, make a list of e

57、verything you have to do, then do one thing at a time. Set out to do the most important tasks first. Check off each task as it is completed.63. Can you write down a proper title for this article?How to 64. What is the meaning of the word “consult”?A. 征询 B. 建议 C. 拜访 D. 告知65. Translate the underlined

58、sentence into Chinese.第二卷 Fill in each blank with a suitable word. The initial letter of the word is given 10%1. Sally has already gone to the n to buy the China daily which she likes to read during the lunchtime.2. A k cannot jump if its tail is lifted off the ground. It needs its tail for pushing

59、off.3. The last room on the left of the corridor looked like a museum of electronic e of the army, some of which he had never seen before.4. The amount of p taken by the rural population in China has increased a lot over the past ten years. People living in the rural areas are becoming much healthie

60、r.5. There will be a total e of the sun next Monday. A lot of fans of astronomy are waiting for the day to come.6. Speaking no other languages than Chinese, an old couple from Beijing has traveled to move than 10 countries over the past three years by communicating with others all the way by g.7. Th

61、e western d always likes to criticize China for not giving its people enough rights. However, I truly doubt if people in those countries really enjoy so many rights as they claim.8. The International Olympic Committee launched an investigation into claims that officials and agents had been offering tickets for Olympic Game on the black market to mak

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