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1、参照范文 Nowadays, (1)different people hold different views about whether or not one should expect a reward when doing a good deed. Some people think that a good deed should be given a certain reward. They say it is agreeable with the rule of fairness. (2)Also, rewards can stimulate peoples enthusiasm t

2、o to good deeds. (3)However, there are many others who take Leifeng as a model and be always ready to help others without expecting any reward. Everyone may be in trouble.(5)Only if you help othres unselfishly, you can get others help when you nedd it. (2)Besides, they maintain that one can enjoy ha

3、ppiness in doing good deeds, (6)they think, (7)which is the best return. (8)Weighing up these tow arguments, I prefer the second one. (2)First, being happy to help others is one of Chinese peoples traditional virtues.(2) Second, this virtue(9) is of more significance for the creation of a harmonious

4、 society. (2)To conclude, (10)it is every citizens responsibility(10)to do good deeds without expecting any reward. 点评 (1)用于引出对某事物的不同观点。 (2)衔接词语使文章条例清晰、意思连贯。 (3)转折出另一种观点。 (4)意为“不盼望任何火爆”,介词短语充当状语,注意此处without的用法。 (5)意为“只要”,引导条件状语从句。 (6)插入语。 (7)which引导非限制性定于从句。 (8)用于引出个人观点,weigh up意为“权衡”。 (9)“be of +n.

5、”相称于“be+adj.”。 (10)固定句式:It is.for sb.+to do sth.其中it是形式主语,不定式短语是实际的主语。5. 论证观点型作文构造 论证观点类作文一般需要考生按照提高规定提出论点,通过举例等方式论证观点,最后再对论点进行总结。 例:Directions: For this part, your are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Haste Makes Waste. You should write at least 120 words and you should base y

6、our composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 为什么说“欲速则不达”? 2. 试举例阐明。 构造公式陈列 第一段 提出观点 1. 通过背景描写益处论点或直接提出论点。2.论点中的道理或对的性体现。3.Besides/In addition,进一步论述论点中的道理或对的性体现。/The truth of it is deep and profound./The truth of it is self-evident. 第一段 提出观点 1. 主题句:提出观点 2. 扩展句一:论述论点中蕴涵的道理或对的性体现。 3. 扩展句

7、二:进一步论述论点中蕴涵的道理或对的性体现,或是强调论点的对的性。 第二段 列举论据 4.There are numerous examples supporting this argument./Many remarkable examples contribute to this argument.5.A case in point is 第一种例子。6. 进一步阐明例一。7.For another example, 第二个例子。8.进一步阐明例二。 第二段 列举论据 4. 主题句:引出论据,开始论证观点。 5. 扩展句一:列举第一种例子 6. 扩展句二:进一步阐明例一 7. 扩展句三:列

8、举第二个例子 8. 扩展句四:进一步阐明例二 第三段 总结观点 9.All the above-mentioned tell us that/It is no doubt that/Judging from the evidence offered, we might safely draw the conclusion that 重申观点。10.提出建议或指出注意事项。11.To conclude/Therefore,总结全文,呼应论点。 第三段 总结观点 9. 主题句:承办上文,重申观点。 10. 扩展句:提出建议或指出对的的做法或态度,呼应论点。参照范文 Haste Makes Wast

9、e The Proverb “Haste makes waste”has been widely accepted for many years. It reminds us that if we are to achieve our final goal we have to do it in a (1)down-to-earth way. (2)The truth of it is deep and profound. (3)There are numerous exmaples suppoorting this argument. (4)A case in point is the an

10、cient Chinese story of (5)“Helping the shoots grow by pulling”. This story proved that the haste caused not only waste but great loss. (6)For another example, some parents and teachers,(7) in order to improve childrens academic performance in a short time, tend to put too heavy burden on children. T

11、his, (7) as a result, brings the children(8) nothing but great pressure. (9)All the above-mentioned tells us that we shouldnt(10) be over anxious for quick results. Everything has its own (11)developing law. Therefore, (12)whatever we do, we should not pay too much attention to the speed and ignore

12、these laws. 点评 (1) 意为“脚踏实地”。 (2) 意为“其中蕴涵着深远的道理” (3) 用于引出例证。 (4) 意为“典型的例子”。 (5) 引用“拔苗助长”的故事 (6) 用于引出此外的例子 (7) 插入语 (8) 意为“只是,仅仅”。 (9) 常用于得出结论 (10) 意为“急于求成”。 (11) 意为“发展规律”。 (12) 引导让步状语从句,意为“无论什么”。 6. 叙事类作文构造 四级写作中设计的叙事类作文一般是规定考生论述一种时间发生的通过,如车祸、生病或一次难忘的经历,然后谈谈自己的感受或得到的启示。 例:Directions: For this part, yo

13、ur are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic pickpocketing. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 描述一下你在公共场合亲眼目睹的扒窃事件。 2. 谴责这种犯罪行为 3. 在构建和谐社会的进程中,人人都应当有正义感。 构造公式陈列 第一段 交代时间背景、 1.引出时间背景。2.进一步描述背景状况或概述事件的特点

14、。3.有背景引出具体时间或阐明事件的重要性。 第一段 交代事件背景 1. 主题句:总数时间发生的背景。 2. 扩展句一:进一步描述背景状况或概述事件的特点。 3. 扩展句二:有背景引出具体事件或阐明事件带来的重要性。 第二段 论述事情通过 4. Now I still remember clearly引出事件/There is one thing that is still vivid in my mind until now.5.事件发生的事件和当时的情形。6.接下来的状况.7. 进一步发展。8.As a result/However,事件成果。 第二段 论述事件的通过 4. 主题句:概括引

15、出要讲述的事件。 5. 扩展句一:交代事件发生的事件和当时的状况。 6. 扩展句二:描述接下来的状况。 7. 扩展句三:描述事件的进一步发展。 8. 结尾句:阐明事件的成果或影响。 第三段 谈个人感受 10. Every time I recall该事件,“我”的感受或得到的启示。/该事件left me in deep thought/gave me a significant lesson.10.第一点感受。11 11. 第二点感受。 第三段 谈谈个人感受 9. 主题句:“我”由这件事而发的感受或得到的启示。 10. 扩展句一:“我”的第一点感受。 11. 扩展句二:“我”的第二点感受 根据所给提纲的不同,考生要灵活运用构造公式,不能生搬硬套

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