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1、考法1| 词法错误错误1冠词有误1. (2015全国卷)Now I am living in a city, but I miss my home in countryside. countryside前加thein the countryside为固定短语,意为“在乡下”,故在countryside之前加the。2. (2015浙江高考)I was always interested to see the drivers in hurry in the morning. hurry前加ain a hurry为固定词组,意为“匆忙”,故在hurry之前加a。3. (2016四川高考)I ask

2、ed Mom to stay in the sitting room and I cooked in kitchen. kitchen前加the此处应指我们家的厨房,故在kitchen之前加the。 【导学号:90892026】4(2014全国卷)There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings. 去掉flowers前面的the表示“各种各样的花和树”时flowers and trees应为泛指,前面不能加定冠词。5(2016哈尔滨市第三中学模拟)As we know, TV plays im

3、portant part in our daily life. plays后加anplay an important part in为固定短语,意为“在中起着重要作用”,important以元音音素开头,故在plays之后加an。6(2016长春外国语学校质检)When I suddenly fell ill, you carried me to nearest hospital. nearest前加the在形容词最高级之前加定冠词,故在nearest之前加the。7. (2016东北师大附中模拟)During the holiday, I realized English was of gr

4、eat importance and made up my mind to make a progress. 去掉progress前面的amake progress取得进步,progress为不可数名词,前面不能加不定冠词。8(2016长春市十一高中仿真模拟)First, you should take a active part in the discussions and show your own opinions about the matters. aanactive以元音音素开头,故active之前的不定冠词为an。take an active part in意为“积极参加”。9(

5、2016吉林省实验中学模拟)This is a third year that I have been in this school. athe此处特指第三年,故把a改为the。10(2016潍坊市模拟)As long as you form regular habits and keep them, youll have a strong body and live the healthy life. thealive a .life意为“过着的生活”,故把the改为不定冠词a。感悟与反思冠词错误主要有四种情况:不定冠词a与an错用:元音音素前用an,辅音音素前用a。不定冠词与定冠词错用:泛

6、指用不定冠词,特指用定冠词。冠词的缺失:可数名词单数前缺少不定冠词或定冠词。冠词的多余:不可数名词前有多余的不定冠词,表泛指的可数名词复数前有多余的定冠词。特别提示:需注意固定搭配中冠词的应用。错误2名词有误1. (2016全国乙卷)My uncle tells me that the key to his success is honest. honesthonesty考查词性误用。主语是key,与表语构成同位关系,并非对主语的描述,故用名词。2(2016全国丙卷)The teenage year from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time for

7、me. yearyears13至19岁的那几年,year当然要用复数形式。3(2015全国卷)The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier. airsairair为不可数名词,故应把airs改为air。4(2015浙江高考)My old classroom was interesting because three side of the classroom were made of glass. sidesidesside为可数名词,在three之后当然应用复数。5(2015陕西高考)Mum taught me some basi

8、c step of baking. stepsteps表示“一些基本步骤”,step应用复数形式。6(2016张家口市考前模拟)My favorite sport is badminton, which brings me much happy. happyhappiness羽毛球能够带给我很多幸福,作及物动词bring的宾语应用名词形式。7(2016陕西师大附中模拟)We talked happily, and one of my new friend showed us the pictures of the places he had been visited. friendfriend

9、s通过one of可知friend应用复数形式。8(2016长春市十一高中仿真模拟)But I think you can make it if you follow the advices below. advicesadviceadvice为不可数名词,故应把advices改为advice。9(2016齐齐哈尔市模拟)Friendship is one of the greatest pleasure that people can enjoy. pleasurepleasures根据one of可知pleasure为可数名词,应用复数形式。10(2016天水一中模拟)But the pr

10、oblem is that there are not enough sports facilities to meet the public growing demand. publicpublics此处表示“公众的日益增长的需求”,应用所有格。感悟与反思名词错误有三种情况:名词数的错用:误把复数用作单数;误把不可数名词用作复数。名词格的错用:该用所有格时错用普通格。词性错用:该用名词时错用形容词。错误3介词有误1(2015全国卷)Unfortunately, on the development of industrialization, the environment has been

11、polluted. onwith表示“随着的发展”应用with the development of,with表示“随着”。2(2015四川高考)Please help with me and give me some advice. 去掉withhelp为及物动词,后面直接跟宾语。3(2015陕西高考)My soccer coach retired in last week. 去掉in当用作时间状语的词前有last,next时,其前不用介词。4(2014辽宁高考)Although weve been delighted to have you as neighbors, were hopin

12、g to settle something that bothers to us. 去掉bother后面的tobother为及物动词,后面直接跟宾语。5(2014四川高考)If you hear the alarm, stand in line at the door and wait your teacher to lead you outside. wait后加forwait为不及物动词,后跟宾语时应加for。6(2014浙江高考)If we could show concern to others on need, the world would be a better place to

13、 live in. oninin need为固定搭配,意为“需要帮助的;贫困中的”。 【导学号:90892027】7(2016长春市十一高中仿真模拟)Second, you should learn your classmates likes and dislikes. learn后加oflearn表示“学习,学会”时为及物动词,表示“了解,得知”时为不及物动词,后需跟介词of。8(2016吉林省实验中学模拟)In an autumn afternoon, we were sent to a farm where we learned to plant potatoes. InOn笼统地说“在

14、下午”用in the afternoon,但表示在“某一个下午”应用介词on。9(2016哈尔滨市第三中学模拟)Sitting in front of TV all day does harm for our eyes and wastes our time. fortodo harm to为固定搭配,意为“对造成危害”。10(2016哈尔滨市第三中学模拟)So we should take a correct attitude students watching TV. attitude后加towards或to表示“的态度”应用attitude towards/to。感悟与反思介词错误主要有

15、三种情况:介词的多余:及物动词后不能再加介词。介词的缺失:不及物动词后跟宾语时需加介词。介词的错用:介词的基本用法以及介词与动词、名词、形容词构成的搭配。需特别注意固定搭配中介词的使用,包括介词的缺失与多余。错误4形容词、副词有误1(2016全国丙卷)They were also the best and worse years in my life. worseworstand之前用了best,与之并列也应用最高级,故把worse改为worst。2(2016全国丙卷)At one time, I even felt my parents couldnt understand me so I

16、hoped I could be freely from them. freelyfreebe free from摆脱。3(2016四川高考)The dishes that I cooked were Moms favoritiest. favoritiestfavoritefavorite没有比较级和最高级。 【导学号:90892028】4(2015全国卷)Much rare animals are dying out. MuchManymuch修饰不可数名词,rare animals为复数形式,故应把Much改为Many。5. (2015全国卷)Dad and I were terribl

17、e worried. terribleterribly修饰形容词worried应用副词。6(2015陕西高考)I thought the biscuits were really well. wellgood此处应用形容词作表语,well作形容词时通常指健康状况,而此处指的是食物很好,应用good。7(2014全国卷)The fruits are small in size, but juicy and taste. tastetastyjuicy为形容词,与之并列也应用形容词,tasty表示“美味的,可口的”。8(2016山东师大附中模拟)Anyway, Ill get used to li

18、ving here and hope everything will be more better soon. 去掉morebetter为比较级,前面再加more就是比较级重复。故应去掉more。9(2016玉溪一中模拟)At school, all the teachers work very hardly, encouraging us to build up our confidence. hardlyhard所有老师工作都很努力,应用hard,而hardly意为“几乎不”。10(2016哈尔滨市第六中学模拟)Remember that three regular meals a day

19、 as well as a balance diet is essential for us. balancebalanced表示“均衡的饮食”应用a balanced diet。感悟与反思形容词、副词错误主要有四种情况:形容词之间或副词之间的错用:由于词形或词义的接近而引起的错误。比较等级的错用:特别是比较级与最高级的错用,还要注意比较级的重复。形容词与副词错用:作定语、表语时应用形容词,作状语时一般用副词(伴随状语用形容词)。形容词与名词的错用:该用形容词时错用名词。错误5代词有误1(2015陕西高考)I wanted to do anything special for him at h

20、is retirement party. anythingsomething表示“我想为他做一些特别的事情”,应用something,而anything表示“任何事情”。2(2016淄博淄川一中模拟)Mine own experience can serve as a case in point. MineMy此处表示“我的亲身经历”,应用形容词性物主代词my。3(2016长春市十一高中仿真模拟)As time goes on, people will know yourself better and be willing to make friends with you. yourselfy

21、ou表示“人们会更了解你”,应用you而非yourself。4(2016昆明一中模拟)The passengers got off one after others. othersanotherone after another表示“一个接着一个”。5(2016东北师大附中模拟)I think I can improve me a lot in this way, because where there is a will, there is a way. memyself表示“提高自己”用improve myself。6(2016山东师大附中模拟)Through these activiti

22、es, we can broaden us horizons and learn about western culture. usour名词前面应该用形容词性物主代词,我们能够开拓“我们的视野”,应用our horizons。7(2016太原五中模拟)To my relief, there was something seriously wrong with me. somethingnothing感到宽慰是因为没有什么严重的问题,应用nothing。8(2016太原五中模拟)I need to take some exercise every day and find ways to re

23、lax me. memyself我需要每天锻炼,想法放松自己,应用relax myself。9(2016潍坊市模拟)Without a healthy body, you cannot do everything even if you are a millionaire. everythinganything句意:没有健康的身体,即使你是百万富翁也是什么也做不了。anything与not连用表示全部否定,而everything与not连用为部分否定。10(2016乐山市调查研究考试)When I have a better idea, I will choose to stick to them. themit句意:当我有好主意时,通常会选择坚持。后面的代词应指代前面的a better idea,为单数,故用it。感悟与反思代词错误主要有三种情况:人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、指示代词本身的单复数错用。人称代词与物主代词、人称代词与反身代词错用。不定代词错用。7

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