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1、商务谈判有用句型Useful Sentences1Id like to direct you to see our showroom Please look at our display products.我带您到展示中心观看我们的产品。2This catalog shows most of our products.这目录上列出了我们的大部分产品。3Do you have any printed material on this product?有关于这种产品的说明书吗?4Im sorry we cant give this as a sample but well make a sampl

2、e discount of twenty persent.很抱歉,我们不赠送样品,不过样品可以达8折出售。5Anything particular you are interested in?有个别感兴趣的产品吗?6Would you like to hear my presentation and let me show you how it works now?现在让我向您做产品介绍并进行产品演示,好吗?7What are the specifications of the product?这种产品都有哪些规格呢?8Do you have a prototype of your new p

3、roduct?有新产品的样品吗?II1.This offer is subject to market fluctuation. 本报价随行就市。2.Our offer is valid for seven days from today, and will then be subject to change according to the market price of the day.我方的报盘自今日起一周内有效,以后可按每日市价变动/随行就市。3. Id like to hear your quotation on a CIF Los Angeles basis valid for 9

4、0 days, with an inclusion of a 5% agents commission in your quotation.请给我一个有效期为90天的CIF报价,目的港为洛杉矶,报价含5%佣金。4. We are interested in your silk scarves. Could you give me some idea of your prices? 我们对你们的真丝围巾感兴趣。你能让我了解一下你们的价格吗?5. Would you please let us know about your price?你能让我们了解一下你们的价格吗?6 Could you gi

5、ve us your lowest quotation, CIF European Main Ports? 你能给我们包最低的成本、保险加运费欧洲主要口岸到岸价吗?7. Could you make us an offer on CIF basis? 你能给我们包一个成本、运费加保险价吗?8. Do you allow any discount on this commodity? 这种商品你们是否给折扣?9. Whats the discount you usually allow if we place a large order? 要是我们的订购数量大的话,你们通常给多少折扣?10. H

6、ow much discount can you give me if my order is over 8000 dozen? 要是我订购数量超过8000打,你能给我多少折扣?11. You should give us some discount for such a large order. 我们订购数量这么大,你应该给我们一些折扣。12. We are placing such a large order that you should give us at least a 5% discount. 我们订购的数量这么大,你至少应该给我们5%的折扣。13. Some discount

7、on your price would make it easier to promote sales.对你们价格打些折扣,易于我们促销。14. Some discount off your price would benefit both parties. 对你们价格打些折扣,对双方有益。15. Im afraid that the price is on the high side. 我觉得这个价格偏高。16. I suggest around US$380 per metric ton CIF Shanghai. 我建议把价格定在每公吨380美元,CIF上海。17. The best p

8、rice we can accept is US$123 per metric ton. 我们能够接受的最好价格为每公吨123美元。18. If your price is not competitive, there is little chance that we can push the sale of your products in our market. 如果你们的价格没有竞争力,那么我们不可能在我们的市场上推销你们的产品。19. How about reducing the price by 10%? 把价格降低10%怎么样?20. As a rule, we dont allo

9、w any discount, but considering your large order, we agree to give you a 2% discount as an exception. 一般来讲,我们不给任何折扣。但是考虑到你们订购的数量比较大,我们破例给你们2%的折扣。21. With an eye to our future business, we agree to grant you a 3% discount as a special accommodation. 着眼于我们今后的生意, 我们同意给你们3%的折扣作为特殊照顾。22. For the sake of

10、our long-standing relationship, we are prepared to give a discount of 3%. 为了我们之间的长期合作关系,我们准备给你们3%的折扣。23. Well agree to give you a 3% discount if you can increase your order to 10,000 dozen. 要是你能将订单增加值10,000打,我们将同意给你们3%的折扣。24. Because this is a new product, well allow you a 2% discount to help promot

11、e sales. 因为这是新产品,为了帮助促销,我们将给你们2%的折扣。25. As a rule, we dont allow any discount. 一般来讲,我们不给任何折扣。26.The price we have given you is already very low. We cant give any discount.我们给你们包地加已经是很低的了,我们没法给任何折扣。 Since your order is not large enough, we are unable to grant you a discount由于你方订购的数量不够大,我们没法同意给你们任何折扣2

12、8. As we have quoted you our lowest/rock-bottom/floor price, we cant give you any discount. 因为我们已经给你们报了我们的最低价,我们没法给你任何折扣。29. Ill do my best; and please, try your best, too. 我会尽力而为;所以,也请你尽力而为。30. Lets compromise. 让我们妥协一下吧。31. Thats a smart decision. 那是一个明智的决定。32. I cannot guarantee it. 我不能担保那个。33. Th

13、ats the basic problem. 那就是基本的问题所在。34. I expect to be compensated. 我期待着得到补偿。35. You were able to get what you want. 你能得到你想要的。IIIMr. Mitchell may be interested in purchasing a quantity of our silk and silk garments.米歇尔先生有意购买一批丝绸及丝绸服装。2.He would like to learn something about you silk making processes,

14、quality, packaging, and etc.他想了解丝绸生产过程、质量保证以及包装等方面的情况。3. Perhaps you could give us a few details about the source of your materials, your manufacturing processes, quality control and so on.也许你能给我们介绍一些有关贵厂原料的来源,生产制造的工艺,质量控制等方面的情况。4.The materials used to make silk are cocoons, which are mainly from Ji

15、angsu and Zhejiang provinces.用来生产丝的原料是桑蚕,主要产自江苏与浙江省。5.We place a great deal of stress on consistency of quality of our cocoons.我们一直十分强调桑蚕的稳定的高质量。6. It sounds like a time-consuming process.听起来是一个相当耗费时间的工序。7. We believe such thoroughness pays off in the long run.我们相信,从长远的角度看,这样严密的操作是合算的。Thanks to Mr.

16、Li particularly for your patience in answering all my detailed questions.谢谢李先生特别耐心的为我讲解了所有的细节问题。8. Is there anything I can do to keep your business?我们可以做笔生意吗?10. Would it be appropriate for me to call and ask him? 我打电话问他合适吗?11. I am not sure I understand your point. 我不理解你的意思。12. What would you consi

17、der reasonable? 你认为怎样合理?13. Is it OK if I try it out? 我能尝试一下吗?14. Is there a special going on right now? 现在有什么特价吗?15. If I buy this today, will you give me a price break?如果我今天就卖,你能便宜点吗?16. Cant you make an exception in this case? 你能破例一次吗?17. When cam my staff meet yours? 什么时候我的员工能同你的员工会面?18. How abo

18、ut Monday? 星期一怎么样?19. When will we hear from you? 什么时候我们能听到你的信?20. We took 4 hours to pay a visit to the factory. 我们花了四个小时参观了工厂。IV 1. The price is much too high. 价格太高了2. Your price is much higher than we expected. 你方报价比我们预料的要高得多。3. Your price is out of line with the current price. 你方价格与现行价格不符。4. You

19、r price is much higher than we were expecting to pay. 你们的报价比我们原来准备支付的价格要高得多。5. Your price is not so attractive as that offered by other suppliers. 你方报价没有其他供货商所保的价格有吸引力6. Why, your price has soared. Its almost 25% higher than last years. 哦,你方价格上涨了这么多。几乎比去年高出25%。7. I can tell you at a glance that your

20、 price is much too high. 我看一眼就能告诉你你方的价格太高了。8. Whats your proposal? 你出个价吧9. What do you think is a competitive price? 那你认为什么样的价格是有吸引力的呢?10. Whats your idea of a reasonable price? 那你认为什么价格才是合理的呢?11. Could you give me your counter-offer? 你能还个价吗?12. It will be rather difficult for us to push any sales i

21、f we buy it at this price. 如果我们按这个价格购买,将很难推销。13. In view of the current weak market, we would ask you to give us a reduction of 3%.考虑到当前疲软的市场,我们建议你们降价3%。14. Our price has already been to its lowest level.我们的价格已经是最低的了。15. To conclude the business, you need to cut your price at least by 4%, I believe.

22、 我认为要做成这笔交易,您至少要降价4%。16. You will find our price highly competitive if you take quality into consideration. 要是你把质量考虑进去的话,你会发现我们的价格是极具竞争力的。17. Our price may be a little higher, but we have the best quality. 我们的价格可能高了一点,但我们商品的质量最好。18. Weve already sold a lot of our products at this price. 我们已经以这一价格售出了

23、许多商品。19. Our price is more attractive as compared with that offered by other suppliers. 与其他供货商所包的价格相比,我们的价格更具吸引力。20. We have quoted you our lowest/rock-bottom price. 我们已经给你们报了我们的最低价。21. If it were not for the long-standing relationship between us, we would hardly make you a firm offer at this price.

24、 要不是考虑到我们之间的长期合作关系,我们不大可能以这样的价格给你们报实盘。22. If you can consider reducing the price by 10%, Ill place an order for 10,000 dozen. 要是你能考虑降价10%的话,我将订购10,000打。23. If you want to get the order, youll have to lower the price. 要是你想获得订单的话,你就必须降低价格。24. To be frank with you, we have got quotations from other sou

25、rces which are about 8% lower than yours. 坦率地说,我们从其他地方所得到的报价要比你们的报价低大约8%。25. If the order is a large one, how much will your price come down? 要是定购量大的话,你们能够降价多少?26. To help you push the sales, well agree to reduce our price by 8%. 为了帮助你方促销,我们同意降价8% 。27. In view of our good cooperation in the past, we

26、 accept your counter-offer. 考虑到我们以往的良好合作,我们接受你们的还价。28. To encourage future business, well make an exception and give you a 5% discount. 为了鼓励以后多做生意,我们这次破例给你们5%的折扣。29. If your order is large enough, were prepared to reduce the price by 5%. 要是你方定购量大的话,我们准备降价5%。30. For a good start to our business relat

27、ionships, well give you a 5% reduction this time. 为了我们的业务往来有良好的开端,我们这次将降价5%。31. Were selling at cost already. 我们已经在以成本价销售了。32. Thats more than we can promise. 这是我们没法答应的。33. This is really our rock-bottom price. We cant make any further reduction. 这确实是我们的最低价了。我们不能再降价了。34. Im afraid that there is no r

28、oom to negotiate the price. 恐怕价格已没有商谈的余地了35. This is really our floor price. If you cant accept, Im afraid we have to call the deal off. 这确实是我们的最低价了。要是你不能接受的话,恐怕我们只能不做这笔生意了。V1.Could you tell me what mode/terms/method of payment you usually accept/use/adopt?你能告诉我你们通常接受什么样的付款条件吗?2. We always ask for a

29、n L/C for our exports.对我们的出口货物,我们总是要求用信用证支付。3. We usually accept payment by confirmed and irrevocable L/C. 我们通常接受保兑的,不可撤销的信用证。4 I hope you can adopt a more flexible mode of payment.我希望你们能接受更加灵活的付款方式。5 Since were old friends/regular customers/long-standing buyers, I hope you would agree to use D/P fo

30、r this transaction.因为我们是老朋友/老客户了,我希望你们能同意这批生意用付款交单的支付方式。6 In order to conclude the business, shall we meet each other halfway, say 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P? 为了做成这笔生意,我们大家折中一下,比方说,50%用信用证,其余的用付款交单的方式,你看怎样?7 For such a large amount, an L/C is costly. So could you accept D/A or D/P? 这笔交易数额巨大,用

31、信用证费用太高。因此,你能接受承兑交单或付款交单吗?8. Im afraid we must insist on payment by L/C. As a matter of fact, L/C protects the seller as well as the buyer. 恐怕我们必须坚持用信用证支付。事实上,信用证能保护买卖双方。9. Im afraid we are unable to grant your request, because the world monetary market is rather unstable at the moment. 恐怕我们没法同意你们的要

32、求,因为目前世界货币市场相当不稳定。10. The L/C should be opened by the buyer 30 days before the time of delivery. 卖方应在交货前30天开出信用证。11. The L/C is valid for 15 days after the shipment date. 该信用证有效期至装船后15天。12. It will cause us a lot of trouble if you fail to open the credit in time.要是你们不能及时开立信用证的话,将会给我们带来许多麻烦。13. How l

33、ong does it take you to make delivery? 你们交货要多长时间?14. Could you deliver the goods earlier? Because we hope that they would arrive in time for the New Year rush. 你们能否早点交货?因为我们希望这批货能及时运抵以赶上新年的销售旺季。15. Im afraid June is the best we can do. 恐怕6月份是我们能做到的最早交货日期。16. Im sorry we cant promise delivery earlier

34、 than June, as nothing will be available until then. 很抱歉,我们没法答应6月前交火,因为6月份前无货可供应。17. We can make prompt shipment, but we are not sure whether we can obtain the necessary shipping space. 我们可以即期装船, 但我们没法肯定是否能订到所需要的舱位。18. We can deliver 20% promptly. The remaining 80% will have to be spread over the ne

35、xt two month. 20% 的货我们马上可以交。 其余80%的货得再下两个月中分批装运。19. Since there is no direct steamer to your port from Shanghai, the goods have to be shipped to Hongkong for transshipment. 由于从上海到你们钢没有直达船,这批货物必须运到香港转运。20. Since there is no direct vessel, we have to arrange combined transport by rail and sea. 由于没有直达船

36、,我们不得不安排铁路和海运联运。21. We feel it our duty to remind you once again that it is impossible to extend the L/C because of import license restriction. 我们认为有责任再次提醒贵方,由于进口许可证限制的缘故,信用证展期是不可能的。22. Were including here with a full set of original and copy shipping documents. 现附上全套正、副本装运单据。23. I wonder if you cou

37、ld pack the goods according to our design. 我想知道你们是否能根据我们的设计包装这批货物。24. Could you accept orders to be packed with our own material? 你们能接受用我方材料包装的货物订单吗?25. We hope the packing must be in line with local market preference. 我们希望包装必须符合我们当地市场的爱好。26. Im afraid that cartons are not strong enough for ocean tr

38、ansportation. Could you use wooden cases instead? 恐怕纸箱对远洋运输而言,不够牢固。你们能否用木箱包装?27. In order to facilitate selling, it would be better to pack the goods with assorted colors/sizes. 为了便于销售,最好混色/混码包装。28. This is our design for packing. Could you possibly pass it on to the manufactures and ask them to des

39、ign the packing according to out request? 这是我们设计的包装。你能否将它转交给你们的厂商,让他们按我们要求设计这批货物的包装?29. Our packing is strong enough to withstand bumping and rough handling under normal conditions. 我们的包装很牢固,可以经得起一般情况下的震动和野蛮装卸。30. As to inner packing, we use a polythene wrapper for each blouse, ready for window disp

40、lay. 至于内包装,我们将每件女衬衣装在一支聚乙烯塑料袋里, 随后装在一只设计精美的礼品盒里。31. Im afraid well have to charge more for the special packing as it calls for extra labor and expenses. 恐怕我们得收取高一点的费用,因为特殊包装需要额外的劳务和费用。32. Cardboard boxes are light and less expensive while wooden cases are clumsy and more expensive. Furthermore, they

41、 would slow down delivery. 纸箱轻便、便宜,而木箱笨重、昂贵。此外,木箱换会使交货时间变慢。33. Please state the packing marks on each case. 请在每个箱子上刷 头。34. To minimize any possible damage, weve packed our goods in a way to suit long sea-voyages. 为使损失减少到最低限度,我们货物的包装足以承受长途海运。35. The whole carton is packed with double straps, and each

42、 corner of the carton is reinforced with metal angles. 整个箱子外加了两道箍,每个箱角都用金属加固。36. The crates are charged to you at $5 each if they are not returned to us within 2 weeks. 如果木条箱两星期内不归还,则每个箱子扣罚5美元。37. What coverage will you take out for the goods if the business is concluded on a CIF basis? 如果这笔交易是以CIF价

43、成交的话,你们将为这批货物投保什么险?38. How do you fix the premium rates? 你们是如何确定保险费率的?39. Do your underwriters offer you any premium rebate? 你们的保险商给你们保险回扣吗?40. Generally speaking, we insure WAP on CIF sales. 一般来讲,如果是以CIF价成交的话,我们投保水渍险。41. Special risks are not covered unless the buyer asks for them and the extra pre

44、mium will be for the buyers account. 只有买方要求时才投保特殊险,额外的费用由买方承担。42. If you prefer to have CIF price instead of CFR price, you need only to add 0.3% to the quoted price to cover the insurance premium. 要是你选择用CIF 价而不是用CFR 价的话, 你只需要在原来所包价格的基础上加 0.3%的保险费。43. Please note that our insurance coverage is for 1

45、10% 0f the invoice value only. 请注意我们只按发票金额110%投保。44. The premium for the difference between 110% and 130% of the invoice value should be borne by the buyer. 发票金额110%和130%之间的差额保险费由买方承担。45. The coverage shall be limited to fifty days upon discharge of the insured goods from the seagoing vessel at the

46、final port of discharge. 被保险货物在最后卸载港卸离海轮后,保险责任以50天为限。VI We have many advantages to be your sole agent.我们有诸多优势可以成为你们的独家代理。2. Weve spared no effort and spent quite a sum of money in pushing the sales of your products.我们在推销贵方产品时,作了很多努力,并动用了大笔资金。3 I am here today to apply for the sole agency of your pro

47、duct in our local market. 我今天来是为了申请作贵方产品在我国市场上的独家代理。4 In consideration of your extensive experience in the field, we are glad to appoint you as our agent. 考虑到你们在这一业务范围的丰富经验,我们很高兴的指定你们作为我们的代理。5 Weve decided to entrust you with the sole agency for our cars 我们决定委托贵方做我们汽车的独家代理。6 We wont consider agency

48、in your market at present 我们目前不考虑在贵地市场的代理问题。7 Unless you increase the turnover, we can hardly appoint you as our sole agent. 除非你们增加营业额,否则我们无法指定你们作为我方的独家代理。8 Dont you think the annual turnover for a sole agent is rather conservative? 对独家代理来讲,这样一个年销售量,你不认为太保守了吗?9. We are offering our services as your

49、agents in our area because we have an extensive sales organization and well-established connection. 我们愿为你们在本地区提供代理服务,因为我们在此拥有广泛的销售网络。10. We have to decline your proposal to act as our agent because ABC is already handling exclusive sales of our products in your district. 我们不得不大小你们做我们的代理的念头,因为ABC公司已经取得了在你们地区的独家代理权。11. Commission is usually given as a percentage of the total value of a transaction. 佣金我们通常按成交额的百分比计算。12. The agency agreement for a period of one year has been drawn up . 为期一年的代理协议书已经拟定出来了。13. Our agency agreement calls for a timely market report. 我们的代理协议要求贵方及时递交市场报告一份。

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