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1、内蒙古北京八中乌兰察布分校2020学年高一英语上学期12月测试试题(无答案)注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考号填写在答题卡上。2.将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将答题卡交回。第一部分 听力(略)(30分)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AThere is an old Chinese tale about a woman whose only son died. In her grief (悲痛), she went to the holy man (圣人) and asked, “What magica

2、l things do you have to bring my son back to life?”Instead of sending her away or saying a few words to comfort her, the holy man said to her, “Bring me a mustard (芥菜) seed from a home that has never known sorrow. We will use it to drive the sorrow out of your life.” The woman went off at once in se

3、arch of that magical seed.She first came to a beautiful castle, knocked at the door, and said, “I am looking for a home that has never known sorrow. Is this such a place? It is very important to me.”They told her, “Youve certainly come to the wrong place.” And then they began to describe all the bad

4、 things that had recently happened to them.The woman said to herself, “Who is better able to help these unfortunate people than I?” So she stayed to comfort them, and then went on in search of a home that had never known sorrow. But wherever she turned, in hotels or in other places, she found one ta

5、le after another of sadness and misfortune.The woman became so busy helping others to deal with their sorrows that she finally let go of her own. She would later come to understand that it was the search for the magical mustard seed that drove away her suffering.1. Leaving the holy man, the woman .A

6、. was full of hope B. was filled with sadnessC. was determined to try again D. became discouraged2. The “magical seed” refers to “”.A. a cure for sorrow B. being open to othersC. showing respect to others D. a home that has never known sorrow3. We can learn from the passage that .A. the holy man was

7、 playing a trick on the womanB. the woman didnt go to the right place for the seedC. a mustard seed would bring the womans son back to lifeD. the woman was curing herself of sorrow while looking for the seed4. What does the author want to tell us by writing this passage?A. Hope for the best, but pre

8、pare for the worst.B. Time passed cannot be called back again.C. You cant feel happy unless comparing with others.D. You cant expect to know the result until you have tried.BEven little kids love to get magazines every month. Here are some good ones for them.ZootlesZootles is written for younger chi

9、ldren by the publishers of Zoobooks. Each issue features adifferent animal, providing children with the basic knowledge of the animals bodily structure,habitat and behavior. The beautiful wildlife photographs and cartoons will make both childrenand parents happy.BabybugBabybug encourages a love of b

10、ooks for kids of 6 months to 2 years old. It is filled withcolorful pictures and simple rhymes and stories that babies and parents will be happy whenreading together. ZoobiesZoobies is a new magazine for children aged 0-3 from Zoobooks. Each issue introduces awild animal with beautiful photographs a

11、nd pictures, and mind-building concepts like colors,shapes, sizes, numbers and more. Thomas & FriendsThomas & Friends brings to life the magical world of Thomas and his friends for earlylearners. Every issue of Thomas & Friends is filled with charming stories and includes a poster,and educational ac

12、tivities. It is for ages 2-5.National Geographic Little KidsNational Geographic Little Kids interesting animal stories develop pre-reading and readingskills. They also answer questions about kids favorite creatures. Features about different culturesbring the world to kids and inspire a sense of unde

13、rstanding. It is for ages 3-6.Highlights High FiveHighlights High Five helps to develop reasoning (推理), problem solving andcreative self-expression. Each issue features activities, puzzles and simple non-fiction (写实作品)for preschoolers. It is for ages 3-5.5. Whom would the magazine Zootles most proba

14、bly attract?A. Young kids who like simple rhymes. B. Young kids who are fond of animals.C. Children who love interesting stories. D. Teenagers who want to gain basic skills.6. What do we know about the magazine Thomas & Friends?A. It mainly tells young kids about friendship.B. It cannot help childre

15、n who want activities.C. It tells stories that happen in a magical world.D. It publishes stories written by Thomas and his friends.7. If a parent wants his/her kids to know different cultures, he/she should buy .A. Zoobies B. Babybug C. Highlights High Five D.NationalGeographic Little Kids8. We can

16、infer that the activities, puzzles and non-fiction given in Highlights High Five are aimed at helping kids .a. know how to reason b. solve problems betterc. find their favorite animals d. express themselves clearlye. recognize colors, shapes and sizesA. abd B. bcd C. abc D. cdeCReading is important,

17、 but getting kids to enjoy reading can be quite difficult. There are two steps you can take to help kids to enjoy reading. Firstly you need to find something they actually want to read. Then, you need to get them to read school books, but this is not the place to start.So how do you choose something

18、 for your kids to read? You have to find out what your kids enjoy. It doesnt matter what you buy, so long as your kids will find it interesting. A book given as a reward (奖励) will often be more enjoyed by kids. If your kids have just done well at something, this is a good time to give them a new boo

19、k.The second thing you need to consider is where your kids are going to read. I strongly suggest creating a “reading space” in their room and also a time for them to read on their own, ideally just before bed time.There is another way to really speed up your kids reading. It is to get them writing.

20、When you set up their “reading space”, be sure to give them a diary and a pen. Just by writing a few sentences each day they will improve their skills.So to successfully get your kids to enjoy reading you need to create them a space in which they read, give them something fun to read, and improve th

21、eir skills through writing. Before you know it, their abilities will have moved forward and you will be amazed at their progress. Of course, remember all the time to reward good reading with more books.9. The author wrote this passage to .A. show us how to speed up our readingB. tell us the benefits

22、 of reading for kidsC. give us some tips on how to get kids to enjoy readingD. give us examples of how to choose proper books for kids10. Whom is this passage intended for?A. Teachers. B. Kids. C. Parents. D. Workers.11. Which of the following methods will most probably get kids to value their books

23、?A. Giving them books as a reward. B. Reading books together with them.C. Choosing books they like. D. Giving them a reading space.DResearchers found that a “name pronunciation effect” played an important role in how people were perceived (感知) by others. They concluded that the easier a persons name

24、 was to say, the better their success was in the workplace and the quicker career advancement (提升) they enjoyed. Their study also found that a simple name improved peoples ability to make new friends.Dr. Simon Laham, who led the study, said people with simple names were generally judged more positiv

25、ely (积极地). “The effect is not because of the length of a name or how foreign-sounding or unusual it is, but rather how easy it is to pronounce,” he said.In their study the team studied the way names can influence a persons impressions and decision making. They looked at lots of names of 500 universi

26、ty student volunteers from British, Asian, and European backgrounds and a field of 500 lawyers in America. The team found that people with more pronounceable names were more likely to achieve success. They found that American lawyers with easier sounding names got career advancement faster within th

27、eir law firms. Names including Sherman, Jenkins, Benson, and Angus ranked among the easiest to pronounce, while Farquharson and Loughnane and European names such as Leszczynska were found to be difficult to pronounce. They concluded that a simple name was the key to success.Dr. Laham said the result

28、s could have important implications (意义) for how managers dealt with bias (偏见). “Its important to treat the biases that shape our choices and judgments about others,” he said. “It may help remove bias, leading to fairer, more objective treatment of others.”12. What factor of a name plays the key rol

29、e in deciding its effect?A. The length of the name.B. The pronunciation of the name.C. The meaning of the name. D. Whether the name is unusual or not.13. The underlined part “pronounceable names” in Para. 3 refers to names that .A. can be spelled easily B. cant be pronounced easilyC. can be pronounc

30、ed without difficulty D. sound like foreign names14. Which of the following would Dr. Laham most probably agree with?A. People should use simple names to avoid biases.B. Foreign names are considered to be hard to pronounce.C. The name effect can be found only in English-speaking countries.D. The stu

31、dy can help people treat those with hard-to-say names more fairly.15. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Having an easy-to-say name will help you get quicker career advancement.B. People with hard-to-say names should struggle for fairer treatment.C. People with hard-to-say names should avoid unfa

32、ir treatment from others.D. The importance of changing hard-to-say names to easy-to-say ones.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Arriving late to interviews or appointments is not only rude, but also can impact your career and relationships. If you are constantly rushing o

33、ut of the door but still cant arrive on time, maybe its time for a lifestyle change. 16Theyre realistic.Punctual people are realistic about their time. If you want to start planning realistically, write down how long you think it takes you to do your morning routine. 17 Finally, use that new estimat

34、e when planning out your mornings.They prepare for unexpected delays.Punctual people prepare for any unforeseen delays due to traffic, getting lost, forgetting something at home, etc. If theyre going somewhere that is 10 minutes away, they leave 20 to 25 minutes ahead to account for any unexpected d

35、elays. 18Theyre morning people.They get up when theyre supposed to. They sleep better after getting to bed earlier. 19 They go to bed and get up at reliable hours to start their days off.They plan everything down to the timetable.Extremely punctual people not only show up on time, but also lead a hi

36、ghly structured and organized life. They plan out their mornings, days, and nights with a set of activities and routines and stick to them every day. 20A. They dont have trouble waking up.B. They feel comfortable when waiting for someone.C. By giving themselves extra time, they often arrive early.D.

37、 Read the four habits of punctual people and follow suit.E. Then for a week, track how long it actually takes you to do it.F. To become more punctual, try structuring your daily routine!G. They dont wait until the last minute to finish an assignment.第二部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分3

38、0分)The middle of March might seem early to think about Mothers Day, but its not too early if you know what you want. Every year, my 21 ask me what Id like for Mothers Day, and I think I will disappoint them if I 22 with an answer like “I just want your hugs.” I know they really do want to get me a 2

39、3 , but its just hard to 24 what I might want is what they can actually buy or 25 on their own.This year is 26 , and I know 27 what I want. I want tomatoes! Last year I didnt get even one single 28 tomato all summer long. Since I had a hysterectomy (子宫切除) and was 29 to garden, I didnt 30 any. My gar

40、den was 31 most of the spring and summer, so it was overgrown (长满了) with 32 and now it is a mess. My kids have been in their teens and are 33 enough to work on the garden and get it into shape for me. Ill have to tell them to get some fresh soil, and dig out the grass and weeds and get things ready

41、first. Its a(n) 34 job. They have worked very hard, and though they havent got far, there is much 35 . When the garden bed is all ready, they can plant tomato seedlings. Then all well have to do is water, weed and 36 the fruits.I think soon there will be tomatoes in my garden, red and ripe and ready

42、 for being 37 . All summer long, I will keep on 38 my childrens gift. The hard work will go into the best Mothers Day gift. Not only will the present make me 39 and healthy, but also it will let my children know the benefit and 40 of hard work.21. A. relatives B. colleagues C. friends D. Kids22. A.

43、recall B. explain C. respond D. agree23. A. present B. hug C. plan D. reply24. A. set up B. sort out C. give up D. figure out25. A. borrow B. create C. share D. expect26. A. different B. ordinary C. common D. regrettable27. A. nearly B. sadly C. exactly D. frequently28. A. delicious B. ripe C. home-

44、grown D. sweet29. A. unable B. willing C. ready D. eager30. A. buy B. plant C. imagine D. send31. A. cleaned B. protected C. used D. ignored32. A. plants B. weeds C. crops D. flowers33. A. old B. careful C. generous D. honest34. A. attractive B. boring C. casual D. hard35. A. chance B. difficulty C.

45、 progress D. space36. A. look for B. wait for C. ask for D. pay for37. A. sold B. purchased C. produced D. picked38. A. changing B. discovering C. enjoying D. passing39. A. lucky B. happy C. active D. popular40. A. importance B. pain C. purpose D. cause第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于

46、3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Carl: Morning, Andy. How do you like the party last night?Andy: Great. I really 41 (enjoy) myself there. It is a few years 42 I had such a good time. And you will never guess whom I met there. 43 was J. K Rowling.Carl: You 44 be kidding me. You mean you met JK Rowling, 45 one ever w

47、riting Harry Potter? I cant believe it!Andy: But its true.Carl: Oh, no. If I 46 (be) so busy with my work last night, I would have met my idol. I couldnt be more 47 (regret) now.Andy: Hey! Cheer up. She hasnt left yet. 48 , she mentioned that she was likely to attend the charity party 49 (hold) by o

48、ur university next evening.Carl: Wonderful! I couldnt wait to see her. She is the most imaginative author I have ever seen. And you will go there with me then, wont you?Andy: Why not? She is my idol, too. By the way, dont forget to take your camera, for youd never like to miss the chance to take pho

49、tos 50 her.Carl: OK. I wont.第三部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)请修改下面的短文。短文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。This morning, my foreign teacher Robert and I went to

50、 the park by taxi. On seen the beautiful trees and flowers, Robert couldnt wait to take picture. It was at that moment when we found his camera gone. He searched all over his bag but just couldnt find one. Suddenly it came to me he might have left it in the taxi. Lucky, we found out the ticket and i

51、mmediately got in the touch with the taxi company. About half an hour late, the driver returned with the camera. Both of us were grateful for the driver. Robert and I enjoy ourselves during the rest of the day.第二节 书面表达 (满分25分)王老师收到小东的一封信,信中说他与同学交流有困难,很苦恼,希望老师提几点建议帮他改变这种状况。如果你是王老师,请给小东回信,告诉他这一情况不难改变,且给出具体的建议:(1) 多和周围的人交流。(2) 交流的时候从喜好入手,这样可以找到有共同爱好的朋友。(3) 多参加一些讨论活动。词数:120左右,可适当增加情节,使行文连贯。

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