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1、2022年阿甘正传英文观后感 2022年阿甘正传英文观后感1去安阳参观了殷墟历史博物馆有感殷墟是我国奴隶社会商朝后期的都城遗址,位于河南省安阳市区西北小屯村一带,距今巳有三千三百多年历史。因其出土超多的甲骨文和青铜器而驰名中外。殷墟博物馆于20_年3月动工,9.25日正式对外开放,博物馆的建成弥补了殷墟一向以来都没有展示真品的缺憾!整个博物馆分为5个展厅向我们展示殷商文化:1.大亦商厅2.青铜厅3.玉器厅4.文字厅5.个性展厅-司母戊鼎真品展示!整个博物馆仅有两件是复原品,其余都是真品!这次去安阳,看到了博物馆里的各种出土文物,使我开阔了眼界,历史悠久的古文化遗产,给后人留下了珍贵的.实物去研


3、上心头,让人咀嚼得百味丛生.历史与艺术的结合终究是一种绝世的惊艳,此刻,我们感觉同三千年前那个谜一样的时代贴得很近,很近,这便是殷墟博物馆最大的魅力所在!这次旅游,我也跟着你们再一次领略了殷墟的博大魅力,用心感受了三千年前的帝都历史.2022年阿甘正传英文观后感2Forrest Gump was directed by a legendary director,Robert Zemeckis.And the films features Tom Hanks and Robin Wright.There is a line in the movie which was said by Agams

4、 great mom. “Life is like a kind of chocolate.You never know what its like.”And this movie illustrates that.It depicts the inspirational story of Forrest Gump,a boy born with dysnoesia,who persistently strive for self-improvement and was finally blessed by god for “stupid people have stupid happines

5、s” and works wonders in many fields.From my perspection,the film was made with great care.First of all,the film used the highest level of computer-generated special effects at the time.Like a feather in the opening and the ending.And the most amazing thing about it was Forrest Gump appears in the ol

6、d real films.These are very detailed and realistic.Another wonderful thing about this film is its music.If it doesnt have the right music,this film will lose much of its appeal.Its a profound movie in any era especially at that time. “The uniqueness of this film lies in that it reasserts the old mor

7、al and social subject culture and promotes the mainstream ideology of 1960s America,while it negates other avant-grade new cultures. I think thats why its so popular with the American people.”Robert Zemeckis commented. Assuredly,the image of the Forrest Gump subverts the hero image in the normal wor

8、ld and goes against the traditional concept.The films director turned Forrest Gump from a phantom figure of history into a real,flesh and blood man.And I prefer to think of Forrest Gump as a child occupying the body of an adult,a sage fool,an ordinary person beyond the real, a little person representing the national character.Of course,this film also has some shortcomings due to the limitations of The Times.But if I were to rate it,I would say five stars.Its like running for Forrest,in life we have to put the past behind us and move on.

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