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1、 Background time:(1861-1865)china:Qing dynasty(咸丰十一年咸丰十一年-同治四年)同治四年)Guess it!Abraham Lincoln(18091865)1809.2.12,birthday 1832(23 years old),his state parliament seat,In the same year(23 years old),lost.1834(25 years),again for the state,this won1838(29 years),the states bid to become the spokesman-w

2、ithout success1840(31 years old)and strive to be electors-lost1843(34 years),to participate in parliamentary elections-also unsuccessful1846(37 years),to participate in the Congress election again-this time elected1860(51 years old),was elected U.S.history one.April 15,1865,after civil war,was shoot

3、 by John Wilkes Booth(an actor)in the theatre.In US Civil War period,President Lincoln made bigs contributions to maintenance country unification,he helped founding and lead the Republican Party.Lincoln refused to recognize the Confederacy and made it his first priority to reunite the nation.To do t

4、hat he had to overthrow slavery as well,which he did through the Emacipation Proclamation and the Thirteenth Amendment.He took personal charge of Reconstruction,seeking to speedily re-unite the nation.He was opposed by the Radical Republicans who advocated much harsher policies.Robert Edward Lee(180

5、7-1870)-the commander-in-chief of the southPlace of birth :Stratford,VirginiaPlace of death:Lexington,Virginia Rank :Colonel 上校上校(USA)General 将军将军(CSA)Battles/Wars :Mexican-American War and American Civil WarEarly Life and Careerl born in 1807 in Virginial the fifth child of Henry Leel father died w

6、hen he was 11l entered the United States Military Academy(陆军军官学校)in 1825l first year the rank of sergeantl graduated in 1829l Mexican-American War (1846-1848)Reasons of America Civil War:The dispute between the south and the north Abraham Lincoln was elected as president The debate of the abolition

7、of slaveryThe south VS the north With American territorial expansion,the friction(矛盾)矛盾)of the north and the south became hairtrigger(一触即发的)一触即发的).As we all know,the economic system of the north was capitalist economic system,while,the south was plantation economy system(种植园经济体种植园经济体制)制),which meant

8、 an unavoidable war.(essential reason)At the same time,the capitalist called for the abolition of slavery,while the south objected to abolishing it in that they required more cheap labour.1860,Abraham Lincoln was elected as American president,Lincoln represented interest of the northern capitalists,

9、so this election annoyed the south.(the direct cause of war)共和党主要代表北方大资产阶级的利益,民主党主要代表南方种植园主和与之相关的企业主利益。After Democratic Party failed in election,the south began to prepare rebellion and founded the Confederate States of America(美利坚联盟美利坚联盟国)国);the Republican Party(共和党)共和党),led by Abraham Lincoln,had

10、campaigned aganist the rebellion and founded United States of America(美利坚合众国)美利坚合众国)The comparison of the north and the south The north The southNumber of states:23 11population 2200万万 900(380万)万)economic Advanced Backwardnature Justice injusticeAny Human Heart Support oppose.At the beginning of civ

11、il war,the Republican Party was at disadvantage,as a rusult,taking measures to expand faction was at the top of agenda.So,president Lincoln decided to abolish the slavery and carried out laws such as The Emancipation Proclamation(解解放黑人奴隶宣言)放黑人奴隶宣言)and Homestead law(宅地法)(宅地法)1862.The Emancipation Pro

12、clamation abolished slavery in some States of America.The process of war1862年年9月月22日,林肯的解放黑人奴隶日,林肯的解放黑人奴隶宣言。宣布:假如在宣言。宣布:假如在1863年年1月月1日以前日以前南方叛乱者不放下武器,叛乱诸州的奴隶南方叛乱者不放下武器,叛乱诸州的奴隶将从那一天起获得自由。消息传到南方后,将从那一天起获得自由。消息传到南方后,成千上万的奴隶逃往北方。成千上万的奴隶逃往北方。1862年年5月颁布的宅地法规定:一切忠月颁布的宅地法规定:一切忠于联邦的成年人,只要交付于联邦的成年人,只要交付10美元的登

13、记美元的登记费,就可以在西部领取费,就可以在西部领取64.74公顷土地,在公顷土地,在土地上耕种土地上耕种5年后就可以成为这块土地的所年后就可以成为这块土地的所有者。有者。The day they got freedom!Battle of Gettysburg(葛底斯堡战役)(葛底斯堡战役),the turning point of war.was happened in1863,Confederate States of America defeated in this battle.Gettysburg Address(葛底斯堡演葛底斯堡演说)说)by Lincoln Four scor

14、e and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent,a new nation,conceived in Liberty,and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.Now we are engaged in a great civil war,testing whether that nation,or any nation so conceived and so dedicated,can long endure.We are m

15、et on a great battle-field of that war.We have come to dedicate a portion of that field,as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live.It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.葛底斯堡演讲是美国历史上最为人们所熟知的演葛底斯堡演讲是美国历史上最为人们所熟知的演讲之一。讲之一。1863 年年11 月月19

16、 日下午,林肯在葛底斯日下午,林肯在葛底斯堡国家烈士公墓的落成仪式上发表献词。该公墓堡国家烈士公墓的落成仪式上发表献词。该公墓是用以掩埋并缅怀是用以掩埋并缅怀4个半月前在葛底斯堡战役中个半月前在葛底斯堡战役中牺牲的烈士。林肯是当天的第二位演讲者,经过牺牲的烈士。林肯是当天的第二位演讲者,经过废寝忘食地精心准备,该演讲语言庄严凝练,内废寝忘食地精心准备,该演讲语言庄严凝练,内容激昂奋进。在不足三分钟的演讲里,林肯通过容激昂奋进。在不足三分钟的演讲里,林肯通过引用了美国独立宣言中所倡导的人权平等,赋予引用了美国独立宣言中所倡导的人权平等,赋予了美国内战全新的内涵,内战并不仅是为了盟军了美国内战全新

17、的内涵,内战并不仅是为了盟军而战,更是为了而战,更是为了“自由的新生自由的新生(anewbirthoffreedom)”而战,并号召人们而战,并号召人们不要让鲜血白流,要继续逝者未竞的事业。林肯不要让鲜血白流,要继续逝者未竞的事业。林肯的葛底斯堡演讲成功地征服了人们,历经多的葛底斯堡演讲成功地征服了人们,历经多年仍被推崇为举世闻名的演说典范年仍被推崇为举世闻名的演说典范Battle of Gettysburg s details (the north the south)Leaders:Robert Lee PK General Grant The total soliders:75000 P

18、K 85000The death toll:18399 VS 9000Result:Confederate States of America was loser,United States of America won.The result of civil waron April 9,1865,theUnited States of America won in the war,and the country was united.The Significances of the Civil War()The economic significance:It wiped out a rem

19、nant of the feudal times,which set back the economy of capitalism developed.Second,modern system of agricultural capitalism was set up.Third,the north struggled against southern plantation economy;Fourth,the Homestead Act announced in1862 made many poor people could get their own land.These actions

20、were very meaningful to the poor people then.Meanwhile,encouraged people fight with the south.What is the most important is boosting the capitalist economy development.First,the most obvious is the war safeguard national unity and ethnic solidarity.Second,freed the black slaves encouraged Americans democracy.Compared with before,they have much more rights and freedom.()The political significance

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