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1、教 案(/第一学期)课程名称 外贸函电 课程编号 课程性质 专业选修课 教学时数 30学时 教学对象 级英语专业翻译学1-6班 语言学1-4班 授课教师 职 称 助 教 邵阳学院外语系09月(一)课程教学目的和规定掌握基本的外贸函电理论知识并且可以合理地运用。(二)课程教学重点和难点1. The Structure and Layout of a Business Letter2. Establishing Business Relations3. Enquries and Its Replies 4. Offers and Counter-offers5. Conclusion of Bus

2、iness6. Terms of Payment7. Establishment of L/C and Its Amendment8. Packing, Shipping Marks and Shipment9. Insurance and Shipment(三)教学措施通过摸索和实践,在教改上形成了自己的特色:努力把商务英语文化渗入到课堂内外、语言文本和商务口语上,以大量丰富感性的商务文化素材鼓励学生学习的积极性;重实践,纯正的商务英语理论教学枯燥乏味,学生领略较少,更何况是非经贸专业的学生,因此在教学中增长大量的实践,语言案例和商务案例,精选精讲,通俗易懂;多媒体教学能使学生更直观的体会和

3、学习外贸的理论和实践知识,同步课前精心准备的英语课件是一种较好的教学辅助手段,是别的科目所没有的优势,更能很大限度上提高学生学习的趣味性和积极性。(四)学时安排总学时:30学时,每周3学时,(五)考核方式考试(六)参照教材外贸英语函电易露霞 陈园等 清华大学出版社 Unit 1教研室:英语专业教研室 教师姓名:麻建学课程名称外贸函电授课专业及班次09英语专业语言学1-4班和翻译学1-6班授课内容The Structure and Layout of a Business Letter授课方式及学时explanation; discussion; exemplification4学时目的规定1.

4、 Command the components and layout of a business letter.2. Identify the format of the business letter.3. Master the principiles of the business letter writing.4. Grasp the useful special terms used in the writing of business envelops.重点与难点1. 1. Components and layout of the business letter.2. 2. 4Cs

5、principle of the business letter writing.讲授内容及时间分派1. The functions and writing principles of a business(30M) 2. Layout of a Business Letter(60M) 3. Envelope Addressing(40M) 4. Layout of E-mails(30M)5. Useful Sentences on Opening Sentences and Closing Sentences(10M)6. Exercises(10M)教 具Blackboard; cha

6、lk; explanation; discussion; exemplification,Multi-media facilities参照资料外贸英语函电易露霞 陈园等 清华大学出版社 Chapter 1 The Structure and Layout of a Business LetterI. The functions and writing principles of a business letter1. Functions of a business letter:1)to ask for or to convey information(索取或传递信息) 2)to make o

7、r to accept an offer(报盘或接受报盘)3)to deal with matters concerning negotiation of business(解决业务磋商中的多种问题)2. Three C principles:1) Clearness(use simple, plain language, avoid wordy expressions which are likely to create misunderstanding)简洁2) Conciseness(write short sentences and make sure one paragraph fo

8、r each point)明了3) Courtesy(reply a.s.a.p and “your attitude”)礼貌II. Structure of Business Letters 1) letter-head(信头) a)reference (编号 ) 2)Date (日期) 3)inside name and address(封内名称和地址 ) b) attention (请某人注意) 4)salutation(客气称呼) c) subject(事由(标题)) 5)message(正文) 6) complimentary close (结尾敬词) 7) signature(签名

9、) d) enclosure (附件 ) e) postscript(附言) f) carbon copy(抄送) g) the second page(第二页)1) The Letter-head(信头) A letterhead is the name and address of the firm that writes the letter. It generally contains the following information: The full name of the firm Its address and postal code Telephone number Fax

10、 number Internet address E-mail address Telegraphic and telex address Trademark or a brief slogan, etc.EASTERN TEXTILES IMP. & EXP. CO.,LTD.34297 Shangcheng Road, Shanghai, ChinaTel: 6606811 Fax: 6507631 Http:/E-mail: 2) The Date(日期)打印日期注意事项: A. 日期按照日、月、年或月、日、年的顺序完整打印,月份和日期之间不要用标点点开,但如果时月、日、年的顺序时年份之

11、前必须用逗号点开。 B. 日期可以用基数,也可以用序数,用序数时注意词尾,并且在阅读的时候要加上the。 C.月份要写英文名称,不能用数字来替代,但可以用缩写。 D.年份应完全写出,不能用(08)替代() 。Ex. 12th October 或 12 October 或 October 12th, 或 October 12, 3) Inside Name and Address(信内名称和地址)受信人的姓名和地址一般是列在信笺的左上方,沿左页边线写起。封内地址与信封地址写法相似。信内把收信人名称地址写明对工作有便利。对发信人而言,便利有二:一是发信时可与信封地址互相对照,避免放入信封时发生错误

12、;二是发信后便于精确归档,便于后来查找。对收信人而言,便利也有二:一是收信人读信时,如发现信封名称地址与封内名称地址不符,可以懂得是放入信封时发生错误,将信返回;二是收信后如信封与信函分离原信仍能保持完整,便于查阅。Information included: Full name of the recipient (if it is known and use the courtesy title such as: Mr.,Mrs.,Miss and Ms ) Business title of the recipient ( if it is known ) Name of the compa

13、ny Name and number of building, name of street Name of town or city and Postal Code Name of country Ex. The Vice President The Eagle Press Inc. 24 South Bank BIRMINGHAM Alabama U.S.A.注意:P4-5* 在公司名称的前面加c/o (care of),意思时由其转交,阐明本信时一封私人信要由本人拆封,总收发不要拆。* 如需注明对方经办人,但愿收信商号将信迅速交经办人办理,可以在受信人名称住址下面或右边加Attentio

14、n或Attention of等字样。信因不知负责人的姓名,故仅称职衔。* 美国和欧洲习惯在姓名前冠以“Messrs”一字表达客气,但Messrs一般用以人名为姓名的公司,若用非人格性字样的名称作为姓名的,则应以姓名的全文为准。如全名原文中前面没有“The”,可以不加“The”。* 在一般和谐来往的私人信中,由于称呼已阐明收信人,一般可不必填写封内地址。4) The Salutation(客气称呼)这是写信人对受信人的一种称呼,其位置是在封内地址的下面空两行。美国人一般使用Gentlemen而不是Dear Sirs,注意,不能单用Sirs,并且Gentlemen不能用单数。 Ex. Dear S

15、ir , Dear Madam, Dear Sirs, Dear Mesdames, Gentlemen(不能用单数),Dear Mr.White称呼背面的的标点,一般使用逗号或分号,美国人来信中客气称呼后用冒号。 Ex. Dear Mr. White:目前公司常由女性经营业务。因此,倘若写信人不能拟定阅信者是男士还是女士的话,越来越习惯于用Dear Madam or Sir表达敬意。 5) Message(正文) 开头语(The Opening Sentences):在信的开头自成一节,在习惯上是用客套语先将收到对方的来信的日期、编号、主题及简朴内容加以综合论述,使对方一目了然这封信是答复哪

16、一封去信的。也可以是写信的目的或想征询的问题。如果是第一次通信也可以运用开头语作必要的自我简介。 We refer to your letter dated October 25 for the order of 500 sets of TV sets. In reply to your mail request of June 16, were offering as follows: Were writing in the hope of establishing business relations with you. We confirm cables exchanged as fol

17、lows: 信的正文(The Body of the Letter):信的正文是书信的主体,体现发信人的意见。根据中心思想提成段落,每一中心思想为一段,眉目要清晰。注意分页时的规则(P5) 。 结尾语(The closing Sentences): 一般用来总结本文所谈的事项,提示对受信人的规定,如但愿来函或电报订货、答复询问或作必要的声明等,此外也附加某些略带客套的语调。其位置在正文结束之后,另起一段。注意结尾语的两种写法(P5)。 In view of the above, we sincerely hope youll not think us unaccommodating. Plea

18、se look into the matter as one of urgency and let us have your cable reply by return. We look forward to your early reply.6) The Complimentary Close(结尾敬辞)结束语是一种客套用语它应与前面的称呼相呼应,背面加逗号。第二个单词小写,后用逗号或不用标点符号7) The Signature(签名)* 结束语的下面,应将行号的名称用大写打出,必须由负责人签名,签名的下面为使对方理解签名人的姓名、职位,可以打字注明。* Per Pro.简写P.P.(Per

19、 Procuration)在公司行号名称之前加P.P.或Per Pro.阐明签字人是正式代表组织,不是以个人身份签名。或在公司名称之前加For字,阐明代表公司签名或代表某人负责签名。* 外国函件都必须由负责人亲笔签名,如果用橡皮戳(rubber stamp)阐明该信并非本人亲自过目,只是通函,不为人注重。* EX. Your sincerely (Signature) Manager China National Import &Export Corp.Other Matters(其她事项)a) References(编号)编号及字母可以使回信与先前发出的信函联系起来,并保证及时达到确切的收信

20、人或部门。不写上对方的编号会导致不便。Ex. Your ref. Our ref.如果信头没有留出编号空位,那么编号就可以作为回信第一段的一部分。Ex. Dear Sir: Thank you for your letter, reference ALM/PS, of 15th September. 或者把编号打印为信函的标题。 Ex. Dear Sir: Your Ref: ALM/PS Thank you for your letter of 15th September. b) For the attention of(请某人注意)这一短语用于写信人在发信给一种单位时但愿把信递交给某个具

21、体成员。表达的是承办本信件的具体个人或部门该短语要在称呼之上空两行缮打,置于信的中央,加上下划线。Ex.The Ajax Electrical Co., Ltd. The Secretary Fernhall Drive REDBRIDGE, Essex IG4 5BN England For the attention of Mr. T. Waterhouse Dear Sir: c) Subject Headings(标题)标题有两种主标题(main headings)和分段标题(paragraph headings)主标题在称呼下面空两行缮打,加上下划线,置于信函中央。表达的是该信函的主

22、题Ex. Dear Sir: Your Order No. 3456Re: Your Order No.463 for 1,000 Wide-screen TV Sets SHEEP WOOL如果写信的对方已使用过某一标题,在此状况下应当使用同一标题;或者你开始通信后也许为同一种问题多次通信,也应用同样的标题为好。主标题不用句点。 d) Enclosures(附件)如果信函有附件,则应在信的左下角的认辩符号下面打上“Enclosure”或它的缩写Encl.或Enc.。若附件不止一份,则需注明附件的份数。EX. Enclosure: Brochure Encls.: 2 Invoice Enc.

23、: 1 B/Lading Encl. As Stated e)Postscript(再启)信写完后,如果想起尚有要紧的话要说,可以在信末加P.S.(Postscript的缩写),引出补叙的话,然后由发信人签订本人简笔签名(本人姓名的每一种字面,如Park Davis,只签P.D.)。郑重的函件,一般不用P.S.,由于要说的话事前都应当想到,不应在写好之后,再加以补叙,它表达写信人办事不够周密。f) Carbon copy(抄送)* 位置: 附件之下,左对齐* 表达该信件同步抄送给她人 1. 明抄:cc Marketing Department (Carbon copy,收信人懂得被抄送) 2.

24、 暗抄:bcc Mr. Simpson(收信人不懂得被抄送,只出目前发给被抄送人的信件里)g) The second page(第二页)If your letter is written in more than one page, you should use the paper with the printed letterhead in the second and the third pageII. Layout of a Business Letter(商业信函的格式)Four major forms:* Indented Form 缩格式* Blocked Form 齐头式* Mo

25、dified Blocked Form 改良齐头式* Semiblock Style with Indented Paragraphs 混合式III. Envelope Addressing 信封格式写信人在上,收信人在下根据收信人名称地址的写法分两种格式:* 缩格式:收信人名称地址逐行右缩* 齐头式:收信人名称地址左端对齐Return Address Stamp Mailing Direction Address Remarks Remarks(备注):1.Private 私人信 2.Confidential机密信 3.Registered 挂号邮件 4.Express快递邮件 5.Ordi

26、nary Mail平信 6.Immediate (Urgent)急件 7.Printed Matter印刷品 8.Sample样品邮寄方式* Via Air Mail ( By Airmail, or Par Avion) 航空* Registered 挂号* Parcel Post 邮包* Express 快递* Samples Post 样品捎交和转交如果信件不是通过邮寄,而是托某人转交,则信封上不写收信人的地址,只在收信人名称之下写: By Politeness of, By Kindness of, Through the Courtesy of, Per Kindness of, F

27、orwarded by, Per Favor of, By(or: With) Favor of, Favored by, 加上带信人的姓名,例如Mr. Charles WoodKindness of Mr. J. W. Smith 如果不写出带信人的姓名,则只需在收信人姓名之上写:Please Forward,例如:Please ForwardMr. James如果信件通过邮局寄给第三者转交给收信人,则要在收信人姓名下面写明转交人的姓名,其前面加c/o(=care of由转交),例如:Mr. Park Davisc/o Mr. Harold Wood 318 Doswell AvenueFo

28、rt Arkinson, WisconsinThe United States of AmericaIV. Layout of E-mails电子邮件格式外发的邮件接受的邮件V. Useful Sentences on Opening Sentences and Closing Sentences* We have pleasure in informing you that we are very interested in your products.* The purpose of this letter is to inform you that L/C will be opened

29、in a few days. * We assure you of our best services at all times.* We are in receipt of your letter of the 10th July inquiring for tablecloth.* Enclosed please find a brochure and pricelist.* According to the instructions given in your letter of the 20th of last month we can effect shipment within t

30、his month.* I will write you particulars in my next.VI. ExercisesP22The Layout and Translation.Unit 2教研室:英语专业教研室 教师姓名:麻建学课程名称外贸函电授课专业及班次06英语专业语言学1,2,3班和翻译1,2班授课内容Establishing Business Relations授课方式及学时explanation; discussion; exemplification4学时目的规定1. Information Channels for Business Relations2. Know

31、 the essential components of a letter to establish business relations3. Master typical sentences and expressions in writing such letters重点与难点1. Information Channels for Business Relations2. The components of letters of establishment of business relations讲授内容及时间分派1. Introduction(5M)2. Information Cha

32、nnels for Business Relations(20M)3. Establishment of Business Relations(30M)4. Study of Specimen Letters(35M)5. Class Practice and Activities(20M)6. Exercises(70M)教 具Blackboard; chalk; explanation; discussion; exemplification,Multi-media facilities参照资料外贸英语函电兰天 东北财经大学出版社 Chapter 2 Establishing Busine

33、ss Relations. Introduction We all know that it is important to have a wide business connections. If you are working for a well-established business (company), you may find its not necessary to do so, because youve already had lots of customers. However, you may approach companies that wish to do bus

34、iness with you. Under this circumstance, do you know how to write an answer? On the other hand, if youre working for a newly-established corporation, you may find it necessary to look for your own customers. Do you know where and how to find them? This is what well discuss in this chapter. Informati

35、on Channels for Business Relations1. Overseas Chamber of Commerce2. The Economic and Commercial Counselors Office of the Embassy of Peoples Republic of China in Foreign Countries 3. Your branch offices abroad4. Directories 5. Publication e.g. Public Commerce Information Service, published by the Min

36、istry of Commerce, P.R. China.6. Business Houses of the same trade7. Advertisements 8. Internet. 9.Bank. Establishment of Business Relations1. How to write to the company you wish to contact for the first time? begin your letter by telling the recipient how his name and address are known to you. P49

37、 * We have your name and address from somebody .* We got/obtained your name and address through( certain channels).* Your name and address have been recommended/ introduced to us by(sb) The purpose of your letter* P50:10* P49:5provide necessary information about yourself such as your line of busines

38、s, or provide him a brochure or samples and catalogues of your products. * We would like to introduce ourselves to you as a state-owned corporation dealing in(certain kinds of commodities)* We wish to introduce ourselves to you as* We are one of the leading importers/exporters in Beijing. 我们是北京重要进口/

39、出口商.* We have excellent connections in the trade and are fully experienced with the import business for this type of product. 在这个行业里我们有极好的贸易关系,对这种产品的进口业务有丰富的经验。state your wish clearly.p49:7-8* we look forward to your (early) reply. 2. How to reply the letter that wants to establish relations with yo

40、u? * A brief mention of the date and contents of the received letter.* responds to the requirements or inquire directly.* express hopes of establishing business relations and mutual beneficial cooperation. Study of specimen lettersLetter (1)* Intensify business activities加强业务活动e.g. We want to intens

41、ify business activities in this district. * Development for mutual benefit 互利的发展e.g. It is a development for our mutual benefit to enter into business relations between us.* Involved in/engaged in/dealing in/handling经营e.g. we are a trading company Involved in exportation of Chinese pottery.* Within

42、the activities of the company 在公司业务范畴之内e.g. Within the activities of the company we intend to do business with you.* Under the management of sb 在某人的领导下,以某人为领导e.g. Our company has achieved great success under the management of the president in the past twenty years.* Do ones utmost to 尽最大努力e.g. We wo

43、uld do our utmost to promote your products in our district.* Be of service to sb 给某人提供服务e.g. Please rest assured that we are of best service to you at all times.Letter (2)* Owe ones name and address to sb/ somewhere 从得知某公司的姓名和地址* e.g. We owe your name and address to Guangzhou Fair.* Be in the market

44、 of sth 要买或要卖* e.g. Please inform me if you are in the market for these freezers.* Avail oneself of (this opportunity to ) 运用* e.g. We avail ourselves of this opportunity to express our thanks to you for your close cooperation.* Acquaint sb with/ of sth Acquaint sb that 让某人理解某e.g. You will have to a

45、cquaint us with the details.* Sth be of interest to sb 感爱好* Adhere to the principle of (equality and mutual benefit) 坚持原则Letter (3)* Through the courtesy of 感谢某人(单位)的推荐(简介)e.g. Through the courtesy of our old business partner, China National Import & Export Co., we have learned that you are in the m

46、arket of textiles.* For ones information 供某人参照e.g. We enclose herewith a brochure and catalogue for your information.Letter (5)* Fall/come within the scope of 属于范畴e.g. The Chinese sewing machines just falls/ comes within the scope of our business activities.* Be (not) in a position to do sth (不)可以或能

47、e.g. We are very regret that we are not in a position to supply you from the stock.* To be only/all/but/ready too glad to 十分乐于做某事e.g. We would be only too glad to make offers on RMB basis.Some Useful Phrases and Expressions* be of interest to 能引起爱好* meet ones requirements 满足某人的规定* enquire for 询购(问)具

48、体的商品* trade in 经营* inquire about 询问一般的状况* adhere to 坚持* keep sb informed of 随时告知某人状况* look forward to 但愿* be in the market for 欲购* for ones information 供某人参照* acquaint sb with 使某人熟悉* in ones place 在某地* be in line with 与相一致* take the liberty of 冒昧地* enclosed pleased find 随函寄去请查收* be in a position to

49、可以做* get in touch with 与联系* in case假若* 1We have learned from the Commercial Counselors office of our Embassy to your country that you are one of the leading importers of electric and electronic equipment.* 从国内驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处获悉,贵公司是电器和电子产品的重要进口商之一。* 2To give you a general idea of our products, we are sen

50、ding you, under separate cover, our latest catalogue together with a range of pamphlets for your reference.* 为了给贵方一种我们产品的总印象,我们将另函寄给你们 一份最新产品目录以及一套小册子,供你们参照。* 3We have excellent connections in the trade and are fully experienced in the import business for this kind of product.* 我方在贸易界有良好的关系,对此类产品的进口

51、富有经验。* 4We are certain that business can be consummated between us.* 相信我们会达到此笔交易。* 5We are enclosing a catalogue and a price-list for your reference, so that you may acquaint yourselves with some of the items we handle.* 为使贵方对我方所经营的产品有所理解,今特随函附寄产品目录及价目表,以供贵方参照。* 6In order to give you a general idea

52、of our canned goods, we are sending you by separate airmail a copy of our latest catalogue. * 为了便于贵公司理解我公司的罐装食品,我方将通过航空邮件寄去最新的产品目录。* 7Quotations and samples will be sent to you upon receipt of your specific enquires.* 在我方接到贵公司的具体规定后将寄去报价和样品。* 8In compliance with your request, we are sending you by a

53、ir a catalogue together with a range of pamphlets for your reference.* 按照贵公司规定,我方将通过航空邮件将寄去商品目录和一套小册子供贵公司参照。 * 9Referring to your letter of December 2, , we are glad to learn that you wish to enter into trade relations with our corporation in the line of textiles.* 收到贵公司12月2日来函,我方非常快乐地懂得贵公司故意和我方在纺织产

54、品方面开展贸易合伙。Unit 3教研室:英语专业教研室 教师姓名:麻建学课程名称外贸函电授课专业及班次06英语专业语言学1,2,3班和翻译1,2班授课内容Enquries and Replies授课方式及学时explanation; discussion; exemplification3学时目的规定1.Know what and how to enquire for the goods an importer intends to buy2.Know the essential components of a letter to make an enquiry3.Master typical

55、 sentences and expressions in writing such letters重点与难点1. The essential components of enquries and its replies2. Typical sentences and expressions in writing such letters讲授内容及时间分派1. Introduction(15M)2. Writing Principles of Enquiry letters(10M)3. The layout(20M)4. Study of specimen letters(45M)5. Ex

56、ercises(45M)教 具Blackboard; chalk; explanation; discussion; exemplification,Multi-media facilities参照资料外贸英语函电兰天 东北财经大学出版社 Chapter 3 Enquries and Replies I. IntroductionThree categories: Frist enquiry, General Inquiry and Specific Inquiry.* General Inquiry (一般询价): the importer may ask only for catalogu

57、es, price lists, samples, sample books, or quotations, etc., in order to get a general idea of the business scope of the exporter.* Specific Inquiry(具体询价): the importer points out what products he needs and asks for a quotation or an offer for this item. II. Writing Principles of Enquiry letters* Se

58、e P55III. The layoutThe letter of enquiry usually includes:1.The beginning paragraph is where you express what you are interested, make brief introduction of your company or state the purpose to write the enquiry.2.In the following paragraph the specific information is asked in detail.3.The last paragraph is for courteous close where to extend thanks and express the hope of receiving replies as soon as possible.A reply should be composed of the following:1.The opening paragraph in a rep

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