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1、Unit 3 Social ProblemPart I In-class Reading New Words Supposed to Be Mastered:1. Constantly (adv.) (Line 3, Para. 1)ExampleHe doesnt like his new neighbor because the husband and the wife constantly quarrel with each otherThe view across the valley presented a constantly changing panorama(全景图).Asso

2、ciationsAdj. constant He is a constant friend of mine.(坚定的,忠贞的)No one could bear your constant complaints.(不变的,时常发生的)2. Guilty (adj.) (-ier, -iest) (Line 10, Para. 2)ExampleI have a guilty conscience about forgetting to mail your letter.He was found /declared guilty.AssociationsIdiom: This guy was g

3、uilty of theft. I feel guilty about having told a lie.3. Suppress (v.) (Line 11, Para. 2)1)克制(感情、思想等) 2) 压制,弹压 3)隐藏,藏匿ExampleShe could hardly suppress a smile.Opposition to the government was quickly suppressed. His father tried to suppress the scandal. Associations:suppress bleeding:止住流血 suppress a

4、 yawn:克制打呵欠suppress the truth:隐瞒事实 suppress ones anger:克制怒火suppressor(n): 弹压者Discrimination:impress:给留下印象 depress:使沮丧,压下repress: 克制,忍住 compress:压缩,摘要4. Resentful (adj.) (Line 15, Para. 3)ExampleHe was deeply resentful at her interference.She gave her husband a resentful look.Associationsv. resent: r

5、esent sth./ doing sth./ that(对表达忿恨)n. resentment 忿恨 (Line 40, Para. 6)5. Range (in sth.) from . to (Line 21, Para. 4)ExampleThe childrens ages range from 5 to 10 / between 5 and 10.His feelings to this failure have ranged from bitterness to hope.6. Foster (v.) (Line 28, Para. 5) 1) 培养,增进 2) 抚养,养育Exa

6、mpleI The couple wanted to adopt the black child they had been fostering.She has since gone on to find happiness by fostering more than 100 children.We hope these meetings will help foster friendly relations between our two countries.These sessions are designed to foster better working relationships

7、. Discrimination: “adopt, cultivate, nurture”adopt an idea:采纳意见 adopt a report:接受报告 adopt a child:收为养子cultivate a love of art:培养对艺术的热爱cultivate a new generation:哺育新一代cultivate the habit of analysis:养成分析的习惯cultivate rich and famous people:结交有钱有势的人nature and nurture:本性和教养/遗传和环境education and nurture of

8、 children:小朋友的教养nurture a young plant:培养植物幼苗7. Stimulate (v.) (Line29, Para. 5) 1)刺激,使兴奋 2) 鼓励ExampleExercise stimulates the body. The approach of the Olympic Games stimulated Chinese peoples zeal forEnglish.Associationsstimulant (n.) 兴奋剂;鼓励,鼓励stimulation(n.) 刺激行为stimulus (n.) 刺激(因素),刺激物【pl】 stimuli

9、8. Compel (v/n) (Line 54, Para. 7)ExampleThey submitted because they were compelled.His cleverness and skill compel our admiration.Her illness compelled her to give up his studies.Associationsadj. compelling: 使人非注意不可的My second and more compelling reason for going to Dearborn was to see the Henry For

10、d Museum.The court was presented with compelling evidence that shed murdered her husband.9. Optimum(Line56 Para7)Associationsoptimum population适度人口 optimum location最佳位置 optimum price最优价格 optimum educational opportunity最佳教育机会.10. Accessibility (Line 62, Para. 8) Associationsaccess accessible accessib

11、ilityThe only access to their house is along a narrow road.Students need easy access to books.The island is accessible only by boat. The problem with some of these drugs is that they are so very accessible. Two new roads are being built to increase accessibility to the town centre. The accessibility

12、 of her plays (= the fact that they can be understood) means that she is able to reach a wide audience. 11. Supreme (Line62, Para8) 1) 最高位的 2) 极度的;至上的ExampleThe matter will have to be decided by the Supreme Court.Love brings him the supreme courage.Technology is to the development of the modern soci

13、ety a matter of supreme importance.12. basis(Line 21,Para4) 【Pl】:basesExampleA steady process in economy is supposed to establish/lay a basis for the construction of a Harmonious Society.On the basis of these facts, we can reach the following conclusion. 13. concern(Line59,Para8)1) “挂念,紧张”,不可数名词,后接a

14、bout/for I feel no concern about the matter. 2) “关系,利害关系” concern后接with/in I have no concern with the matter. 14. Arise v.(Line66,Para8) (arose, arisen)1)浮现, 产生The birds also attack crops when the opportunity arises. Problems arose over plans to build a new supermarket here.2)由引起, 来源于 Are there any

15、matters arising from the last meeting?The board acknowledges the problems which arise from the lack of capital. 15. expense n(Line2,Para1)1) “耗费,费用”,常为不可数household expense 家庭支出;public expense 公费;2)具体的“花一笔钱”或“费用,津贴”多为可数living expenses 生活费 traveling expenses 旅费Associations:at ones expense 嘲弄某人,花某人的钱at

16、 the expense of 不顾,对不利,以牺牲为代价put sb. to the expense of 让某人花钱 spare no expense 不惜一切代价 .16. invaluable adj (Line65,Para8) Discriminationvaluable:有价值的invaluable:极为珍贵的,贵重的priceless:极为贵重的,无价的worthless:一文不值的 invaluable和pricelessinvaluable意为“贵重的”,多指质地上是非常珍贵的,也可对实际无法计价的事物进行修饰;be invaluable to e.g. Their ser

17、vices were invaluable to me.priceless意为“极贵重的,无价的”, e.g. Is this dress priceless? 17. necessity n(Line52,Para7) “必要性”:为不可数名词。We dont think your daughter has the necessity of trying her luck in this competition.Considering the necessity for saving the countless refugee, the general manager decided to

18、provide free soup. (Note: 一般背面不接动词不定式)Associations:be in necessity 处在贫困的境地, of necessity 固然,不可避免地, in case of necessity 在必要时, under the necessity of doing sth. 不得不作某事 .18. fulfillment n(Line53,Para7) 1) 满足感 He gets a great sense of fulfillment from his work. The real joy of the work is helping peopl

19、e find personal fulfillment.2)(愿望等)实现,履行(职责、诺言) Visiting Angkor was the fulfillment of a childhood dream. The money is crucial to the fulfillment of the governments economic policies. Difficult Sentences & Useful Expressions from the Text:1. In the United States the cost of living has been steadily

20、rising for the past few decades. 【Food prices, clothing costs, housing expenses, and tuition fees are constantly getting higher and higher. Partly because of financial need, and partly because of career choices for personal fulfillment, mothers have been leaving the traditional role of full-time hom

21、emaker.】 Increasingly they have been taking salaried jobs outside the home.2. Making such a significant role change affects the entire family, especially the children. Some consequences are obvious. For example, dinnertime is at a later hour. The emotional impact, on the other hand, can be more subt

22、le. Mother leave home in the morning, feeling guilty because they will not be home when their children return from school. 【They suppress their guilt since they believe that their work will benefit the long run. The income will enable the family to save for college tuition, take an extended vacation

23、, buy a new car, and so on.】3. The emotional impact on the children can be significant. It is quite common for children to feel hurt and resentful. After all, they are alone several hours, and they feel that their mothers should “be there” for them. They might need assistance with their homework or

24、want to share the days activities. All too often, however, the mothers arrive home exhausted and face the immediate task of preparing dinner. Their priority is making the evening meal for the family, not engaging in relaxed conversation.4. Latchkey children range in age from six to thirteen. 【On a d

25、aily basis they return from school and unlock the door to their home with the key hanging around their necks. They are now on their own, alone, in quiet, empty rooms. For some youngsters, it is a productive period of private time, while for others it is a frightening, lonely void】. For reasons of sa

26、fety, many parents forbid their children to go out to play or to have visitors at home. The youngsters, therefore, feel isolated.5. Latchkey children who were interviewed reported diverse reactions. 【Some latchkey children said that being on their own for a few hours each day fostered, or stimulated

27、, a sense of independence and responsibility. They felt loved and trusted, and this feeling encouraged them to be self-confident.】 Latchkey girls, by observing how their mothers coped with the demands of a family and a job, learned the role model of a working mother. Some children stated that they u

28、sed their unsupervised free time to perfect their athletic skills, such as playing basketball. Others read books or practiced a musical instrument. These children looked upon their free time after school as an opportunity for personal development. It led to positive, productive, and valuable experie

29、nces.6. Conversely, many latchkey children expressed much bitterness, resentment, and anger for being made to live in this fashion. 【Many claimed that too much responsibility was placed on them at an early age; it was an overwhelming burden.】 They were little people who really wanted to be protected

30、, encouraged, and cared for through attention from their mothers. Coming home to an empty house was disappointing, lonely, and often frightening. They felt abandoned by their mothers. After all, it seemed to them that most other children had “normal” families whose mothers were “around”, whereas the

31、ir own mothers were never home. 【Many children turned on the television for the whole afternoon day after day, in order to diminish feelings of isolation; furthermore, the voices were comforting. Frequently, they would doze off.】7. Because of either economic necessity or strong determination for per

32、sonal fulfillment, or both, the phenomenon of latchkey children is widespread in our society. Whatever the reason, it is a compelling situation with which families must cope. The question to ask is not whether or not mothers should work full-time. Given the reality of the situation, the question to

33、ask is: how can an optimum plan be worked out to deal effectively with the situation.8. It is advisable for all members of the family to express their feelings and concerns about the inevitable change candidly. These remarks should be discussed fully. Many factors must be taken into consideration: t

34、he childrens personality and maturity, the amount of time the children will be alone, the safety of the neighborhood, accessibility of help in case of an emergency. Of supreme importance is the quality of the relationship between parents and children. It is most important that the children be secure

35、 in the knowledge that they are loved. Feeling loved provides invaluable emotional strength to cope successfully with almost any difficulty that arises in life. Students Tasks to Be Checked in Class:Study as much as possible the in-class reading (including new words and phrases, text, grammar items

36、etc.) so that you will be fully prepared for the following:1. Dictation (words , phrases or sentences from the text)2. Read aloud and learn the expressions marked as“【 】” by heart 3. Answer or discuss the questions concerning the topic of the text4. summary of the story from the text5. Finish the ex

37、ercises; (Page 112-114)6. Oral presentation: For Group 2:You are expected to create a story about “social problem” as you like and perform it in class. Here are the requirements: always keep to the point, concise, concrete, and convincing(no more than 10 minutes) each member of Group 1 should take p

38、art in the performance the main body of the your presentation should be made in a PPT or WORD file. For Other Groups:You are expected to prepare collectively for the following topic and will be asked to answer Miss Flyings questions in class. Any students personal performance is closely related to h

39、is teams achievement: “What social problems do you know?”Part II After-class ReadingStudents are encouraged to learn this part as much as possible: main ideas & implications of the reading materials new words & expressions useful sentences & grammatical points Note: Quizzes and examination papers will undoubtedly include after-class reading. Part III Listening-centered ActivitiesStudents are asked to finish Part Two &Part Four of Unit 1 (Book III) from your listening book.

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