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1、大学英语三级试题Answer Sheet -Band Three- Name _ Score _Number_Part I (20%) 1. a b c d 2. a b c d 3. a b c d 4. a b c d 5. a b c d 6. a b c d 7. a b c d 8. a b c d 9. a b c d 10. a b c d11. a b c d 12. a b c d 13. a b c d 14. a b c d 15. a b c d16. a b c d 17. a b c d 18. a b c d 19. a b c d 20. a b c dPart

2、 II (30%)21. a b c d 22. a b c d 23. a b c d 24. a b c d 25. a b c d26. a b c d 27. a b c d 28. a b c d 29. a b c d 30. a b c d31. a b c d 32. a b c d 33. a b c d 34. a b c d 35. a b c dPart III Section A (25%)36. a b c d 37. a b c d 38. a b c d 39. a b c d 40. a b c d41. a b c d 42. a b c d 43. a b

3、 c d 44. a b c d 45. a b c d46. a b c d 47. a b c d 48. a b c d 49. a b c d 50. a b c d51. a b c d 52. a b c d 53. a b c d 54. a b c d 55. a b c d56. a b c d 57. a b c d 58. a b c d 59. a b c d 60. a b c dSection B (10%)61. _ 62. _ 63. _ 64. _65. _ 66. _ 67. _ 68. _ 69. _ 70. _Part IV Writing (15%)C

4、ollege English Test -Band Three- Part I Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and question will be spoken only once. After each question there

5、will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked a, b, c and d, and decide which is the BEST answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1. a. Student-teacher. b. Hairdresser-customer. c. Doctor-patient. d. Buyer-salesclerk. 2. a. The man did not study. b.

6、 The man is not nervous. c. The woman did not study. d. The woman is as nervous as the man. 3. a. One block. b. Two blocks. c. Four blocks. d. Six blocks. 4. a. In a repair shop. b. In a restaurant. c. In a store. d. At a ticket window. 5. a. 8 am. to 9 pm. b. 5 am. to 9 pm. c. 9 am. to 5 pm. d. Clo

7、sed. 6. a. He is upset because he cuts himself. b. He cant face the physics instructor any longer. c. He wants the woman to cut out science courses. d. He doesnt have the ability to be a scientist. 7. a. The dinner was quite good. b. The dinner was good for its price. c. The dinner was expensive. d.

8、 He expected a better dinner. 8. a. $120. b. $180. c. $140. d. $60. 9. a. It was given away. b. It was made smaller. c. It was put on display. d. It was taken to the cleaners.10. a. Because he is a stranger. b. Because he is a new comer. c. Because he is a person who just stays at a place for a peri

9、od of time. d. Because hes lost books before.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the BEST answer from the

10、four choices marked a, b, c and d. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.11. a. To tell a story to a group of students. b. To translate some books. c. To act as an interpreter. d. To give a lecture at a university.12. a

11、. The student understood him so well. b. The interpreter translated his long story in a few seconds and made the students laugh loudly. c. The interpreter couldnt understand his story. d. The interpreter translated his amusing story but nobody laughed.13. a. He told them a different funny story . b.

12、 He said to them that a funny story had just been told and asked them to laugh. c. He told them some jokes. d. He made a funny face.Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.14. a. To do as much as you can. b. To do only what is necessary. c. To act as carefully and quickly as

13、you can. d. Both B and C.15. a. Leave him lying where he is and place something under his head. b. Do as much as you can to save him. c. Move his arms and legs constantly. d. Roll him up in a blanket.16. a. Stop the flow of blood if the person is bleeding. b. Do operation wherever necessary. c. Do a

14、rtificial respiration if the person has stopped breathing. d. Do the best you can until a doctor arrives.Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.17. a. To be used in the Second World War. b. To save the wounded soldiers. c. To write an article before his graduation. d. To sto

15、re up blood for those who needed it.18. a. A medical student . b. The Red Cross. c. Charles Ro. Drew. d. Columbia University.19. a. He was badly hurt and nothing could save him. b. The hospital they went to refused to accept him. c. The doctors didnt know how to save him. d. It was late for him to b

16、e rescued by a passing car.20. a. Dr. Drew was colored. b. It was not until after the war that the first blood bank was set up. c. Dr. Drew was in charge of the Red Cross in the war. d. After they were set up, blood banks accepted blood from every person who offered to give it.Part II Reading Compre

17、hensionDirections: There are 3 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked a, b, c and d. You should decide on the BEST choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Questions 21 to

18、25 are based on the following passage: The unchanging reality for most busy Chinese students is that during the regular university term there isnt adequate time to carefully, and thoughtfully read through a full-length novel written in either English or Chinese. This is no surprise, for even British

19、 or American students find it nearly impossible to set aside the quiet, uninterrupted time required to read through a long novel. And thats a shame, for novels are especially suited to provide students with fine examples of grammar, diverse vocabulary and varied styles of conversational English. Spr

20、ing Festival is the ideal time to set a personal goal of reading an entire English language novel from cover to cover. Most university libraries have novels in English available to borrow during the holiday. Likewise, bookstores near college campuses typically sell reasonably priced books, including

21、 novels published in English. It is less important for a student to find the “perfect novel to read than it is to choose one and commit oneself to carefully reading it. Once a student sets the goal of reading in English during the holiday and then finds a novel suited to his ability, there remains o

22、ne further consideration. The greatest value for a Chinese student in reading through any English language novel comes from having a dictionary alongside, ready to look up unfamiliar words when they appear in the text. Nothing builds a powerful, diversified vocabulary as swiftly and promptly finding

23、 word meanings when they are first encountered in a book. The full sentence and even the complete paragraph surrounding any new word provide the context or framework for understanding new vocabulary so that it will be retained for future recall. Long, cold holiday afternoons are an excellent time to

24、 be reading, looking up new words, building an understanding of English, developing greater familiarity with international culture, and enjoying the powerful insights into human affairs which novels often provide.21. How do students get English novels to read? a. They can borrow novels written in En

25、glish from University libraries. b. They can buy cheap English books in bookstores near college campuses. c. They can find the perfect novel to read from other students. d. Both A and B.22. Once a student sets the goal of reading in English during the holiday, whats his next step to do? a. To have a

26、 good dictionary alongside. b. To look up unfamiliar words when they appear in the text. c. To find a novel which is suitable for him to read. d. To build a powerful, diversified vocabulary.23. All the following words and expressions mean the same EXCEPT _. a. entire b. from cover to cover c. full-l

27、ength d. available24. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of reading an English novel during the holiday? a. Students can build a better understanding of English. b. Students can find the perfect novel to read. c. Students can become more familiar with English culture. d. Students can have more

28、insights into human affairs.25. Which is the best title for the passage? a. To read an English novel during the holiday. b. To set a goal of reading in English. c. Spring Festival- the ideal time to set personal goals. d. Long, cold holiday afternoons- an excellent time for reading.Questions 26 to 3

29、0 are based on the following passage: It is worth looking at one or two aspects of the way a mother behaves towards her baby. The usual fondling拥抱, cuddling搂抱and cleaning require little comment, but the position in which she holds the baby against her body when resting is rather revealing. Careful s

30、tudies have shown the fact that 80 per cent of mothers hold their infants in their left arms, holding them against the left side of their bodies. If asked to explain the significance of this preference most people reply that it is obviously the result of the predominance突出,显著of right-handedness in t

31、he population. By holding the babies in their left arms, the mothers keep their dominant arm free for manipulations. But a detailed analysis shows that this is not the case. True, there is a slight difference between right-handed and left-handed females; but not enough to provide an adequate explana

32、tion. It emerges that 83 per cent of right-handed mothers hold the baby on the left side, but so do 78 per cent of left-handed mothers. In other words, only 22 per cent of the left-handed mothers have their dominant hands free for actions. Clearly there must be some other, less obvious explanation.

33、The only other clue comes from the fact that the heart is on the left side of the mothers body. Could it be that the sound of her heart-beat is the vital factor? And in what way? Thinking along these lines, it was argued that perhaps during its existence inside the body of the mother the unborn baby

34、 gets used to the sound of the heart beat. If this is so, then the re-discovery of this familiar sound after birth might have a calming effect on the infant, especially as it has just been born into a strange and frighteningly new world. If this is so then the mother would, somehow, soon arrive at t

35、he discovery that her baby is more at peace if held on the left against her heart, than on the right.26. At the beginning of the passage, the author suggests looking at _. a. how a mother generally behaves towards her child b. why a mother does cleaning c. how a mother holds her baby d. when a mothe

36、r holds her baby27. Studies have shown that _ hold their babies in their left arms. a. the majority of mothers b. some mothers c. a few mothers d. the minority of mothers28. A popular explanation of the left-handed phenomenon in holding babies is that _. a. the left hand is more important in childca

37、re b. mothers are reluctant to use the right hand c. the left hand is stronger in most mothers d. the right hand can be freed for other work29. The author thinks that the popular opinion is _. a. nonsense b. incorrect c. scientifically proved d. theoretically sound30. The fact that mothers hold thei

38、r babies in left arms has something to do with _. a. the position of the heart in the mothers body b. the position of the heart in the babys body c. the new born babys character d. the mothers personalityQuestions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage: There are three main sources of large-sca

39、le cultural change. The first is an alteration in the natural environment. A change in the climate, a shortage of wheat or gasoline or some other resource, a sudden rise or fall in population-all force people to adapt. They cannot go on living exactly as they did in the past. The second source of cu

40、ltural change is in contact with groups whose norms准那么, values, and technology are different. Cultural contact may be friendly or hostile; voluntary or involuntary; mutual (trade relations or a student exchange program) or one-sided (an invasion by military forces or technical advisors who impose th

41、eir way of doing things). The third source of cultural change is discovery and invention. Discovery is the uncovering of new knowledge about, or new uses for, something that already exists (such as oil in Mexico, the structure of genes, or the subculture of young children). Invention is a recombinat

42、ion of existing knowledge and materials to create something new ( such as the steam engine, the airplane, or the cubist type of painting ). Any one of these sources can spark major change in a groups overall design for living. Cultural change often occurs in fits and starts. There is often a cultura

43、l lag, or delay, between a change in technology or physical conditions and adjustments in norms and values. For example, when the first European arrived in North America, the forests on this continent seemed endless. From the point of view of farmers and ranchers, there were too many trees. Loggers

44、and lumber木材mill owners saw the forests as a bonanza (致富之源). So a cultural norm of unlimited exploitation of the forests developed. In time the demand for lumber grew and the supply declined. Material conditions changed, but the norms lagged behind. Not until many of our forests had been destroyed d

45、id Americans begin to develop norms favoring conservation.31. People can not go on living exactly as they did because of _. a. the change in climate b. the shortage of wheat and gasoline c. the change of population d. all of the above32. According to the passage, the following are the main sources o

46、f large-scale cultural changes EXCEPT _. a. discovery and invention b. cultural contact c. natural environment d. government imposition33. “Invention differs from discovery in that _. a. one makes something new by mixing the existing knowledge while the other finds the new knowledge for something in

47、 existence b. one makes something known to all while the other makes something unknown to all c. one finds out a fact unknown before while the other finds something not existing before d. one designs something not existing before while the other combines something existing before34. The phrase “in f

48、its and starts (Para. 4) most probably means _. a. in a continuous way b. in a slow way c. in an irregular way d. in a regular way35. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? a. Adjustments in norms often go much faster than a change in technology or physical conditions. b

49、. Changes in norms cannot keep up with changes in technology or physical conditions. c. The norms are always developed in time when the material conditions change. d. Americans developed norms favoring conservation at the time when the supply of lumber declined.Part III Vocabulary and Structure Sect

50、ion ADirections: There are 25 items in this part. For each item there are four choices marked a, b, c and d. Choose the one that BEST completes the meaning of the item. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.36. Working at home often _ a sense of isolation. a. induces b. attracts c.

51、leads d. persuades37. Reports are now _ of trouble at yet another jail. a. coming off b. coming out c. coming in d. coming across38. By the time you get to Greenwich you _ the most historic parts of London. a. will be seeing b. will see c. are going to see d. will have seen39. The secretary _ the ty

52、pescript carefully to eliminate all errors from it. a. got through b. broke through c. went through d. fell through40. Success or failure here would be _ to his future career. a. crucial b. beneficial c. harmful d. convenient41. The lecture was just getting to the heart of matter _ the class period

53、ended. a. before b. until c. how d. when42. _ the truth, he wouldnt have helped Mary at all. a. Should George know b. George had known c. Had George known d. If George knew43. It is to observe the earth _ satellites carry television far into space. a. when b. where c. which d. that44. The school has

54、 only been open for six months, so its hard to _ its success. a. estimate b. evaluate c. simulate d. stimulate45. It is difficult for me to make my _ between such alternatives. a. option b. hesitation c. mention d. ambition46. An _ child is more likely to succeed in the future than those who lack im

55、agination. a. imagining b. imaginable c. imaginative d. imaginary47. I can _ with her disappointment because I have had a similar experience. a. approve b. appreciate c. recognize d. sympathize48. We stand firmly _ to the practice of power politics between nations. a. objected b. protested c. oppose

56、d d. rejected49. She was _ from the job for not obeying the companys safety regulations. a. dismissing b. dismissed c. employing d. employed50. I have told you what the situation is; you must act _. a. suddenly b. accordingly c. frequently d. efficiently51. We decide to abandon the first draft of th

57、e report and _. a. start over b. start up c. start off d. start out 52. Her punishing work schedule made her _ drugs. a. respond to b. react to c. resort to d. relate with53. The teacher _ the dialogue to be practiced aloud and memorized for homework. a. supplied b. assigned c. assumed d. adjusted54

58、. Tell us your name and then _ with your story. a. precede b. process c. preserve d. proceed55. We need someone really _ who can organize the office and make it run smoothly. a. effective b. efficient c. enough d. sufficient 56. It became harder for women married to diplomats to _ their own interests. a. continue b. consume c. pursue d. resume57. All of us look forward to meeting you and _ of whatever assistance we can. a. to be b. being

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