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1、Unit 5Section .单词拼写1The director has been praising her _ (勇敢) in trying to stop the thief.2Do not put much _ (压力) on the handle, or it will break.3To our sadness, she died before the _ (救护车) arrived at the hospital.4A _ (仪式) is held every year to remember those who died in the war.5We feel so happy

2、that the boss often _ (请客) us!答案:1.bravery2.pressure3.ambulance4.ceremony5.treats.用所给词的适当形式填空1Now he is under great _(press)2He is of great _(brave)3The boy was_(present)with his award.4We cant put our _(hand)on the missing book.5He _(squeeze)himself into a crowded bus just now.答案:1.pressure2.braver

3、y3.presented4.hands5squeezed.完成句子1毫无疑问,她会被授予奖赏。_ _ _ _ _ she will be presented with an award.2是我们老师请我们吃的午饭。_ _ our teacher _ _ us to lunch.3直到上高中时我的计算机知识还很有限。I had only _ limited _ _ computers until I attended high school.4在申请这份工作之前,他向他的父亲寻求了一些建议。Before _ _ the job, he _ _ his father for some advice

4、.答案:1.There is no doubt that2.It was;who treated3.a;knowledge of4.applying for;turned to.单句改错1Was it the cat which broke the window?_2She finally put the hands on her lost keys._3I will treat you with lunch._4There is no doubt whether Liu Xiang can win._5What the teacher said applies only with some

5、of them._答案:1.whichthat2.theher3.withto4.whetherthat5.withto.完形填空We are always hearing about road accidents, so when we are in the car we should try to drive carefully. But, how many of us take the same degree to care in our homes? A large _1_ will tell you the number of accidents that happened in t

6、he home is almost the same as those on the _2_.I dont pretend to be _3_,but Ive thought a lot about how and why these accidents happen and what we can do to _4_ them.One of the most common and most dangerous_5_at home accidents is wrong and careless use _6_ electrical equipment. People will continue

7、 to use a loose plug or_7_ out a plug without first turning off the _8_.In spite of warning, one_9_carry an electric heater into the bathroom when he is going to have a _10_. Sometimes one forgets to turn off the power_11_mending a lamp or something_12_. All of these can cause accidents. So the _13_

8、about anything that works by electricity is:switch off before you _14_anything and dont pretend you know when you actually _15_.If youve got_16_ in the house, its always the best to keep medicines of any kind out of their_17_.Otherwise, these medicines may be taken for candies or new kinds of drinks

9、. When there are elder people living with you, you have to take particular _18_ in a number of ways in order to make them _19_and happy._20_, of course, is always a risk. So remember to turn it off after cooking. Also, dont forget to keep the children away from the cooker.Safety first may mean a lit

10、tle more time and care, but it may save you a lot of trouble.1A.familyBfactoryChospital Dschool答案:C根据上下文和文化背景可知这些数据一定是医院提供的,四个选项中也只有这项最合适,因此选C。2A.roadBwayCpath Dstreet答案:A根据上文提到的road和下文进行对比,可知此句意思是在说在家里发生的事故和在马路上发生的交通事故一样多,因此选A。3A.an expertBa doctorCan engineer Da scientist答案:A根据上下文可知作者是在谈论这些事发生的原因及

11、怎样预防,因此选A。4A.pretendBpreventCprotest Dcomplete答案:B根据上下文可知作者谈到了发生的原因及如何阻止,也就是怎样预防,因此选B。5A.reasonBcausesCdifficulties Dproblem答案:B根据上下文和常识可知在家里发生事故的原因一般是使用电器错误或不小心,“造成的原因”用cause,因此选B。6A.atBofCfor Don答案:B考查介词的用法。根据上下文可知是使用电器,因此选of。7A.pushBdragCpull Ddraw答案:C根据常识可知错误地使用电器包括使用松动的插头,或者是在拔出插头的时候忘记关闭电源,因此选C

12、。8A.lightBpowerCplug Delectricity答案:B根据常识可知是忘记关闭电源,因此选B。9A.mayBcanCmust Dwill答案:A根据常识可知尽管一再提醒,但是还会有人洗澡的时候拿着电热器进入浴室,这是一种可能性,因此选A。10A.coldBwarmCwash Dbath答案:D考查固定用法have a bath“洗澡”,因此选D。11A.afterBwhenCas Dfor答案:B根据常识可知事故一般会发生在开着电源进行维修台灯或其他物品时,因此选B。12A.othersBanotherCelse Dalso答案:C“其他的事物”,一般用something e

13、lse,因此选C。13A.orderBsuggestionCrule Drequirement答案:Crule表示:用电的规则。14A.touchBfeelCcatch Dhold答案:A考查动词的词义辨析。根据句意:在你触摸电器前一定要关闭电源,因此选A。15A.dontBdoCdid Ddidnt答案:A根据上下文可知句意是:不要假装知道不知道的事情,因此选A。16A.patientsBchildrenCfriends Dthe older答案:B根据下文可知句意是:如果有孩子在房子里,注意把各种药品放在孩子摸不到的地方,因此选B。17A.lookBsightCknowing Dreach

14、答案:D考查固定搭配,out of reach“够不到”,因此选D。18A.attentionBmindCnotice Dcare答案:D根据上下文可知是在谈论老人,意思是如果和老人住在一起,要特别注意关心他们,因此选D。19A.fullBwarmCsafe Dangry答案:C根据上文可知关心老人的目的就是确保他们的安全和快乐,因此选C。20A.GasBPollutionCFire DStove答案:A根据文章可知选A。.阅读理解ABesides calling 911,here is what to do in some lifethreatening emergencies when n

15、o one is around to help.Lost in the wildernessFirst,youve got to acknowledge youre in trouble. Stay where you can be seen clearly and remember to rest. Keeping a sense of humor helps tooit reduces stress and helps creative thinking. In a wide open area,make a colorful cross out of rocks to show your

16、 present position.ChokingAim to hit the top of the chair against your stomach,in the soft part below the bony upsidedown V of the ribs (肋骨)Make a sudden push against the chair. If you still cant breathe after six tries,call 911,even if you cant talk. Write the word choking somewhere nearby,and leave

17、 the line open until help arrives.Severe bleedingUse your hand or clean cotton,or paper towels,or a scarf,or any cloth you can find,and push down on the wound until the bleeding stops. But if you put a band around your leg tightly,youre going to close the vessels (血管) to the entire leg.In this way,y

18、ou could lose your foot.Bear attackIf you surprise a bear,dont run away. That invites an attack. Instead,stand up and back away slowly,without looking the bear in the eyes. If it does charge (猛冲) at you,stick out your chest,raise your arms,and spread your legs. Shout at the bear,to frighten it. If i

19、ts going to attack,lie facedown,with your hands held firmly behind your neck. Play dead until youre sure the bear is gone.文章大意:本文介绍了在几种紧急情况下的自我救护的方法。1When you see a colorful cross made of rocks in the wilderness,you know_.Asomeone is bleedingB.someone is chokingCsomeone is lost D.someone is attacked

20、 by a bear答案:C细节理解题。由Lost in the wilderness部分中的内容可知可能有人迷路了。2If you are still choking after six tries,you should_.Akeep a sense of humorBcall 911 and leave the line openCuse your hand or clean cottonDlie down with your hands behind your neck答案:B细节理解题。由Choking部分中的内容可知在六次尝试之后,还不起作用就要拨打911;leave the lin

21、e open。3Dont tie around your bleeding leg tightly,or you could_.Astop bleeding B.reduce stressClose your foot D.cause breathlessness答案:C细节理解题。由Severe bleeding部分中的“In this way,you could lose your foot.”可知会失去你的脚。4The passage is mainly teaching us how to_.Asurvive the emergenciesB.avoid a bear attackCd

22、eal with a choke Dfind our way答案:A主旨大意题。本文主要讲述了在几种紧急情况下的自救方法。B“Doctor, how long has he got?” A father and a daughter were sitting side by side in the consulting room. The fathers cancer had developed so quickly despite an operation that he could hardly eat anything. The doctor explained, “It is a ve

23、ry serious disease, and the chance of other treatments working is small. Your fathers life can only now be measured in months.” No sooner had the words come out than a crying voice piped up, “I didnt want to know that.”Dr Pauline Leonard looks back on the story in horror. The entirely true answer sh

24、e gave to the mans daughter was sincere, honestand wrong.“I felt awful,” she says. “I should have checked with him first. I should have asked him, Is that the sort of thing you want to hear? No doctor can say for sure how long a patient has to live, but we should make sure that is what they want to

25、know.”Its true that there is no good way to give bad news. But a training program in communication for cancer doctors has shown that there are many lessbad ways. Not all cancer doctors were enthusiastic about the training. Dr Leonard said, “Some saw the course simply as what psychologists did. Then

26、they realized there was quite a skill to it, and that they could actually reduce their own stress as well as help their patients. Doctors are afraid of dealing with angry, tearful patients and their relatives. Sometimes the relatives are more difficult than the patients. Usually, they are angry beca

27、use of what they see as a late diagnosis (诊断)”The complexities (复杂性) of the doctorpatient relationship at the end of life challenge even the most experienced doctors. Wellmeaning attempts to shield_patients_from the truth can be just as harmful as telling them there is no medical cure.5According to

28、the first paragraph, the father _.Ahad only a few years to liveBhad great difficulty in eatingChadnt received any operationDcouldnt afford the medical costs答案:B细节理解题。根据第一段中的. he could hardly eat anything.可知答案。6The underlined phrase“shield patients from”in the last paragraph is similar in meaning to_

29、.Arequire.toBencourage.toCstop.fromDprotect.from答案:D词义猜测题。根据前边的wellmeaning可知shield意思与“保护”相近。故选D项。7Its implied in the passage that _.Adoctors should check with the patient before telling the truthBthe patients are more difficult to deal with than the relativesCnot all doctors are afraid of dealing wi

30、th angry patientsDno patients hope to know the truth答案:A推理判断题。根据第三段中的I should have checked with him first. I should have asked him, Is that the sort of thing you want to hear?可推出答案。8What can we learn about the training program from the passage?AIt was led by Dr Pauline Leonard.BCancer doctors could

31、benefit from it.CIt included tips on how to talk with a doctor.DAll cancer doctors were quite interested in it.答案:B细节理解题。根据第四段中的Then they realized there was quite a skill to it, and that they could actually reduce their own stress as well as help their patients.可知答案。.短文改错假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌

32、写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号()。并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不记分。Dear friends,It give us a great pleasure together here. Firs of all, Id like to introduce to us Mr. Smith, our guest today. Mr. Smith is fam

33、ous professor from England. It was wellknown that he is the writer of Practical English Usage,that we like best. It is two years when he came to China to teach at Xiamen University. Today,he invited to visit our school and has a free talk with us. I think its a good chance of us to learn from him. I

34、f you have questions on English,please you ask Mr. Smith for advice.答案:Dear friends,It us a great pleasure together here. Firs of all, Id like to introduce to Mr. Smith, our guest today. Mr. Smith is famous professor from England. It wellknown that he is the writer of Practical English Usage, we like best. It is two years he came to China to teach at Xiamen University. Today,he invited to visit our school and a free talk with us. I think its a good chance us to learn from him. If you have questions on English,please you ask Mr. Smith for advice.

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