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1、有全套图纸QQ1074765680太原理工大学阳泉学院毕业设计(论文)说明书专业班次: 机制2班姓名:常 峰太原理工大学阳泉学院毕业设计(论文)题目机电系系(部)年级专业03机制姓名常峰设计(论文)题目:ZDY150减速器机体工艺规程及工装夹具设计设计开始时间:07年3月12日设计结束时间:07年6月20日设计指导人:教研室主任:系主任:太原理工大学阳泉学院毕业设计(论文)评阅书题目:ZDY150减速器机体工艺规程及工装夹具设计机电系(部)年级专业03机制姓名 常峰 评阅意见:成绩: 指导教师:职务:年月日太原理工大学阳泉学院毕业设计(论文)答辩评定书年级专业班级:03级机制2班姓名:常峰答辩

2、过程问题提问回答情况记录员:成绩评定指导教师答辩小组综合成绩专业答辩组组长:年月日太原理工大学阳泉学院毕业设计(论文)任务书毕业设计(论文)题目:ZDY150减速器机体工艺规程及工装夹具设计毕业设计(论文)要求及原始数据(资料):生产纲领:年产800台机体零件图减速器装配图设计机体加工工艺规程设计机盖铣面夹具 第1页 第2页毕业设计(论文)主要内容:分析零件的工艺性据生产纲领决定生产类型选择毛坯的种类和制造方法拟订工艺过程工序设计及计算编制工艺文件设计钻、铣夹具学生应交出的设计文件(论文):重要零件的工艺过程综合卡片机加工工序卡夹具图夹具零件图机体毛坯图设计说明书一份 主要参考文献(资料):1

3、.机械设计2.机械加工工艺手册3.机床夹具图册4.机械制造技术基础5.互换性与技术测量专业班级 03机械设计制造及自动化 学生 常峰 要求设计(论文)工作起止日期 07/03/1207/06/20 指导教师签字 日期 教研室主任审查签字 日期 系主任批准签字 日期 有全套图纸QQ1074765680目 录摘要1Abstract2绪论3一、减速器工艺部分 1 (一)零件的分析1 1、零件的作用 1 2、零件的工艺分析 (二)工艺规程设计 1、确定毛坯的制造形式 2、基面的选择 3、制定工艺路线 4、机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定 5、确定切削用量及基本工时二、夹具设计 (一)问题的提出

4、(二)夹具设计参考文献总 结致 谢外文原文外文翻译 摘 要 本次毕业设计以减速器的箱体为主要设计对象,主要任务有两项:第一项是箱体零件加工工艺规程的设计;第二项是箱体底壳零件的工装夹具的设计。在对机体底壳加工工艺的设计中,首先对零件进行分析,根据零件的材料,生产纲领及其它来确定毛坯的制造形式,其次进行加工基面的选择与工艺路线的制订,最后进行加工余量、工序尺寸及切削用量等计算与确定。在工装夹具部分的设计中,首先是定位基准的选择,根据各自工序的不同特点来进行定位基准的选择,其次进行切削力及夹紧力的计算,最后进行误差分析。 通过本次毕业设计,使我在大学四年里所学的知识有了更进一步的巩固与提高,同时,

5、也增强了自己分析问题与解决问题的能力,从而为今后更好地工作与学习打下了坚实的基础。 关键词:工艺规程 定位 工装夹具AbstractThe graduation design reducer Cover design for the main target, with two major tasks : Cover is the first part of process design; The second part of Cover the fixture design. In the Cover Design Process, n.Keywords : Process order Pos

6、itioning Fixture绪 论 毕业设计是我们大家在大学学完全部基础课和专业课后的一次全面的、深入的、综合性的总复习,也是一次很重要的理论联系实际的训练,更是对大学四年课程学习的检验。这次毕业设计将对今后的工作与学习产生重要的影响,因此,它在我们四年的大学生活中占有重要的地位,对此,我很重视这次机会,并且很认真地全身心地投入其中。这次毕业设计的主要任务是减速器箱体的工艺规程和其工装夹具的设计。工艺规程在企业生产与技术改进方面有着非常重要的影响。机床夹具在保证产品优质、高产、低成本,充分发挥现有设备的潜力,便于工人掌握复杂或精密零件加工技术,减轻繁重的体力劳动等诸方面起着巨大的作用。机床


8、,有利于钻孔加工的进行。参考文献1 陈宏钧实用机械加工工艺手册(第2版)机械工业出版社,20042 王世刚,张秀亲机械设计实践(修订版)哈尔滨工业大学出版社,20033 艾兴,肖诗纲切削用量简明手册(第3版)机械工业出版社,19944 5 6 杨叔子机械加工工艺师手册机械工业出版社,19977 总 结毕业设计快要结束了。这是毕业前的一次大练兵,是对整个四年大学学习效果的一次大检验或大验收,对我们今后的学习和工作有重要的影响,是我们进入社会大舞台的一块敲门砖。因此,它的意义重大,每一个毕业生都要认真地对待。在设计的过程中,我颇有感受,现摘录如下,以供参考。首先,通过这次毕业设计,使我对过去所学的


10、了更深刻的认识,对其性能和要求有了更深的了解,从而为今后类似零件的设计打下了一定的基础。此外,在本次设计中通过CAD和文本图形编辑等软件的使用,使我更加感受到现代化工作方式所带来的便捷性和优越性。最后,要感谢我的指导老师张立仁老师,在设计中,张老师给我提了许多宝贵意见,认真地指导我完成整个设计内容。同时,也感谢帮助过我的其他各位老师和同学。使我的毕业设计顺利圆满的完成。致 谢作者在设计期间都是在张立仁老师全面、具体指导下进行完成的。张老师渊博的学识、敏锐的思维、和严谨的作风使我受益非浅,终生难忘。此外感谢其他老师在设计期间给予的支持与帮助。感谢我的学友对我的关心和帮助。外文资料:The pur

11、pose of the pump ,to give pressure to the oil ; in other words, to give power to the machine .The purpose of the valves is to control the flow of oil and to apply the power when and where it may be needed .To illustrate as simply as possible how this is accomplished in a “circuit”, that is , in the

12、run of oil from the reservoir ,through the pump , the valves , the driven unit , and back to the reservoir, references are made to the diagrams shown in Figs,11.1 and 11.2. Every fluid-power system used one or more pumps to pressurize the hydraulic fluid the fluid under pressure, in turn, performs w

13、ork in the output section of the fluid-power system. Thus, the pressurized fluid may be used to move a piston in a in a cylinder or to turn the shaft of a hydraulic motor. So we find that find that every modern fluid power system used at least one pump to pressurize the fluid.TYPES OF PUMPSThree typ

14、es pumps find use in fluid-power systems:错误!未找到引用源。 rotary , 错误!未找到引用源。 reciprocating, and 错误!未找到引用源。centrifugal pumps . Simples hydraulic systems may use but one type of pump, The trend is to use pumps with the most satisfactory characteristics for the specific tasks involved . In matching the char

15、acteristics of the pump to the requirements of the hydraulic system, it is not unusual to find two types of pumps in series . For example , a centrifugal pump may be may be used to supercharge a reciprocating pump , or a rotary pump may be used to supply pressurized oil for the controls associated w

16、ith a reversing variable-displacement reciprocating pump .ROTARY PUMPSThese are built in many different designs and are extremely popular in modern fluid-power system. The most common rotary-pump designs used today are spur gear , internal-gear , generated rotor , sliding-vane , and screw pump . Eac

17、h type has advantages that make it most suitable for a given application. Spur-Gear Pumps. These pumps (Fig.11.3) have two mating gears are turned in a closely fitted casing. Rotation of one gear, the driver, causes the second , or follower gear , to turn . The driving shaft is usually connected to

18、the upper gear of the pump . When the pump is first started , rotation of gears forces air out the casing and into the dis-charge pipe . This removal of air from the pump casing produces a partial vacuum on the suction side of the pump . Fluid from an external reservoir is forced by atmospheric pres

19、sure into the pump inlet . Here the fluid is trapped between the teeth of the upper and lower gears and the pump casing. Continued rotation of the gears forces the fluid out of the pump discharge. Pressure rise in a spur-gear pump is produced by the squeezing action on the fluid as it is expelled fr

20、om between the meshing gear teeth and casing . A vacuum is formed in the cavity between the teeth as they unmeshed , causing more fluid to be drawn into the pump . A spur-gear pump is a constant-displacement unit ;its discharge is constant at a given shaft speed . The only way the quantity of fluid

21、discharged by a spur-gear pump of the type in Fig,11.3 can be regulated is by varying the shat speed . Modem gear pumps used in fluid-power systems develop pressure up to about 3000psi. SLIDING-VANE PUMPS SLIDING These pumps have a number of vanes which are free to slide into or out of slots in the

22、pump rotor . When the rotor is turned by the pump driver , centrifugal force , springs , or pressurized fluid causes the vanes to move outwad in their slots and bear against the inner bore of the pump casing or against a cam ring . As the rotor revolves, fluid flows in between the vanes when they pa

23、ss the suction port . This fluid is carried around the pump casin until the discharge port is reached . Here the fluid is forced out of the casing and into the discharge pipe.CONTROL VALVESPressure control valves are used in hydraulic circuits to maintain desired pressure levels in various parts o t

24、he circuits . A pressure-control valve maintains the desired pr4essure level by 错误!未找到引用源。diverting higher-pressure fluid to a lower-pressure area , or错误!未找到引用源。restricting flow into another area . Valve that divert fluid can be safety , relief , counter-balance , sequence , and unloading types , Va

25、lves that restrict flow into another area can be of the reducing type . A pressure-control valve may also be defined as either a normally closed or normally open two-way valve . Relief , sequence , unloading and counterbalance valves are normally closed , two-way valves that are partially or fully o

26、pen while performing their design function . A reducing valve is a normally open valve that restricts and finally blocks fluid flow into a secondary area . With either type of operation , the valve can be said to create automatically an orifice to provide the desired pressure control . An orifice is

27、 not always created when the valve is piloted from an external source .One valve of this type is the unloading valve it is not self-operating ; it depends on a singal from an external source . Relief , reducing counterbalance , and sequence valves can be fully automatic in operation , with the opera

28、ting signal taken from within the envelop . TYPE OF PRESSURE-CONTROL VALVES Some popular devices for pressure-control service are ; Safety valve . Usually a poppet-type two-way valve intended to release find to a secondary area when the fluid pressure approaches the set opening pressure of the valve

29、. This type of valve protects piping and equipment from excessive pressure . Relief valve . Valve which limits the maximum pressure that can be applied in that protion of the circuit to which it is connected . Counterbalance valve . Valve which maintains resistance against flow in one direction but

30、permits free flow in the other direction . Sequence valve .Valve which directs flow to more than one portion of a fluid circuit , in sequence .Unloading valve . Valve which allows pressure to build up to an adjustable setting , then by-passes the flows as long as remote source maintains the preset p

31、ressure on the pilot port . Ppressure-reducing valve . Valve which maintains a reduced pressure at its outlet regardless of the higher inlet pressure . CONTROLS Volume or flow control valves are used to regulate speed , As was developed in earlier chapters ,the speed of an actuator depends on how mu

32、ch oil is pumped into it per unit of time . It is possible to regulate flow with a variable displacement pump , but in many circuits it is more practical to use a fixed displacement pump and regulate flow with a volume control valve .FLOW CONTROL METHODS There are three basic methods of applying vol

33、ume . control valves to control actuator speeds . They are meter-out and bleed-off . Meter-In Circuit In meter-in operation . the flow control valve is place between the pump and actuator . In the way , it control the amount of fluid going into the actuator . Pump delivery in excess of the metered a

34、mount is diverted to tank over the relief valve . With the flow control valve installed in the cylinder line as shown , flow is controlled in one direction . A check valve must he included in the flow control or placed in parallel with it for return flow . If it is desired to control speed in both d

35、irections . the flow control can be installed in the pump outlet line prior to the directional valve . The meter-in method is highly accurate. It is used in application s where the load continually resists movement o the actuator , such as raising a vertical cylinder under load or pushing a load at

36、a controlled speed .Meter-Out Circuit . Meter-out control is used where the load might tend to “run away“ The flow control is located where it will restrict exhaust flow from the actuator .To regulate speed in both directions , the valve is installed in the tank line from the directional valve .More

37、 often control is needed in only one direction and it is placed in the line between the actuator and directional valve. Here too a bypass check valve would be required for a rapid return stroke.Bleed-Off Circuit. IN a bleed off arrangement ,the flow control is bleed off the supply line from the pump

38、 and determines the actuator speed by metering a portion of the pump delivery to tank .The advantage is that the pump operates at the pressure required by the work , since excess fluid returns to tank through the flow control instead of through the relief valve.Its disadvantage s some less of accura

39、cy because the measured flow is to tank rather than into the cylinder , making the latter subject to variations in the pump delivery due to changing work loads .Bleed-off circuits should not be used in applications where there is a possibility of the load running away. TYPES OF FLOW CONTROLSFlow con

40、trol valves fall into two basic categories ;pressure compensated and non-pressure compensated , the latter being used where load pressures remain relatively constant and feed rates are not too critical .They may be as simple as a fixed orifice or an adjustable needle valve,although more sophisticate

41、d units may even include a check valve for free flow in the reverse direction.Use of non-pressure compensated valves is somewhat limited,since flow through an orifice is essentially proportional to the square rot of the pressure drop ( p) across it .This means that any appreciable change in the work

42、 load would load would affect the feed rate.THE APPLICATION OF HYDRAULIC POWER TO MACHINE TOOLS The application of hydraulic power to the operation of machine tools is by no means new, though its adoption on such a wide scale as existe at present, is comparatively recent. It was infact the developme

43、nt of the modern self-contained pump unit that stimulated the growth of this form of machine tool operation.Hydraulic machine tool drive offers a great many advantages.one of them is that it can give infinitely-variable speed control over wide ranges.In addition they can change the direction of driv

44、e as easily as they can vary the speed.Asin many other types of machine,many complex mechanical linkages can be simplified or even wholly eliminated by the use of hydraulics.The flexibility and resilience of hydraulic of hydraulic power is another great virtue of this form of dirve.Apart from the sm

45、oothness of oreration thus obtained, a great improvement is usually found in the surface finish on the word and the tool can make heavier cuts without detriment and will will last considerably longer without regrinding. By far the greater proportion of machine tool hydraulic drives are confined to t

46、he linear motions ,a rotary pump being used to actuate one or more kinear hydraulic motors in the form of double-acting hydraulic rams, usually of the piston type. In some cases, as in certain hydraulic lathes both the linear motions of the cutting tool and the rotary motion of the work may be hydra

47、ulic.ally driven and /or controlled. Such rotary motions are produced by the use of a rotary hydraulic motor. 中文译文:硬齿面齿轮减速器的价格现状及分析齿轮类减速器包括了各类展开式圆模齿轮减速器、同轴齿轮减速器、行星齿轮减速器各类专用齿轮装置以及各类组各派生产品,齿轮采用渗碳、淬火、磨齿工艺、精度47级,广泛应用于冶金、起重、矿山、石化、建筑、建材、轻工及能源等行业。现对硬齿面齿轮减速器的价格现状进行简要的分析。 1齿轮减速器产品的价格目前波动在2.56万/吨之间,视单机重量、精度高低

48、、材质种类、配套件水平等而有所不同。一般平台重量轻者、要求采用进口配套件或材质及精度要求较高者,价格偏上限,通用产品价格偏下限应当说明的是,由于国内目前市场秩序的不规范和个别生产企业生产工艺的不严肃性,市场上充斥着一定比例的未严格按硬齿面生产工艺要求进行生产的产品,其突出特征是寿命短,由于齿面未进行磨削,噪声也较大,该类产品以低价格冲击市场,部分用户由于对减速器产品的生产工艺情况并不熟悉,或由于其它原因,采购中一味地只以价格作为主要采购依据,常导致正规厂家产品难以进入采购视野,给用户也造成了不应有的损失,也给不法生产厂家以可乘之机,严重影响了一个成熟的减速器产品市场的发展和成长。 2行星齿轮减

49、速器又包括了许多产品种类,如一般低速重载行星齿轮箱,各类专用回转行星齿轮箱和行星传动装置等,一般外齿轮渗碳淬火磨齿,内齿轮调质或氮化,价格方面对通用产品一般在36万/吨左右,对于单台重量轻的回转类行星减速器,多以台计价,价格略高于前者,总体而言,对行星齿轮减速器,由于制造装配工艺均较为复杂,因此价格较硬齿面圆柱齿轮减速器要高些。如要求配套件为进口轴承,并采购优质齿轮钢,则价格会更高些。 3价格分析,根据国内生产减速器企业的数量,现状及水平,行业价格竞争在一定范围和时间内仍会十分激烈。特别是随着入世的迫近,国外产品也必将大举进入国内市场,有的国外厂商也已开始了他们的本土化战略,因而导致产品竞争,

50、包括价格竞争也会更趋激烈。 然而不容回避的是,由于受生产手段、管理水平、企业规模及自主开发能力的制约,国内企业目前的价格竞争还多集中在一般层面的产品上,随着用户质量意识的进一步增强。行业竞争的进一步分化及国内知名品牌的崛起,市场竞争包括价格竞争将会农步趋于理性和规范。纵观该行业的发展现状及对比,有两点应引起国内业界的关注,(1)规模化生产优势应不容忽视,只有达到一定规模才有可能形成经济规模,才能降低成本和提升竞争力,因此有条件的企业可通过规模扩张,资本运作等手段尽快提升企业生产规模,进而增强市场竞争能力。(2)产品开发能力的加强,要特别注意研究市场的变化,及时调整产品的研发战略,及时更新老一代

51、产品,不断地用适应于规模化生产的新产品取代老产品,用较高技术含量的产品占领市常目前国内齿轮减速器行业还没有出现能有适应规模及水平与国外同行竞争的企业,在产品开发及更新换代方面也步履蹒跚,产品规格、种类和总体水平较之国外同行们有一定差距,这一状况如不尽快改变,将对入世后我国传动基础件行业的生存发展产生严重影响,因此应予高度重视,希望行业同仁团结一致,共同努力,尽快改变上述状况,使我国的减速器行业在公平、有序的竞争中健康地向前发展。 减速器 以固定的传动比实现减速的齿轮传动装置。常安装在箱体内成为独立部件。减速器由于结构紧凑、效率较高、传递运动准确可靠、润滑良好、使用寿命长、维护简单且可成批生产,

52、所以在现代机器中广泛应用。 减速器种类很多,按传动类型分,有齿轮减速器、蜗杆减速器、齿轮蜗杆减速器、行星齿轮减速器等;按传动级数分,有1级减速器、2级减速器、 3级减速器和多级减速器;按轴的位置分,有立式和卧式减速器;按功率传递路线分,有展开式、同轴式和分流式减速器。减速器的箱体应具有足够的刚度,以免受载后变形过大而影响传动质量,一般用灰铸铁铸成,少量生产时可用焊接结构,大量生产小型减速器可采用板材冲压而成。减速器中传动的润滑一般采用油池润滑,对于重载或高速传动宜采用喷油润滑;轴承的润滑一般采用飞溅润滑(圆周速度在23米秒以上)或刮油润滑(圆周速度在23米秒以下)等。另外,与减速器类似,在少数场合下也使用增速器,它是封闭在箱体内具有固定传动比的齿轮增速传动装置。

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