4BUnit9Breakfast教案 (2)

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《4BUnit9Breakfast教案 (2)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《4BUnit9Breakfast教案 (2)(5页珍藏版)》请在装配图网上搜索。

1、4B Unit9 Breakfast一 教学内容:牛津小学英语4B Unit9 Breakfast第一课时。二 教学目标:a. 知识目标:1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词 a knife, a glass, a cup, a bottle, a fork, a plate, a bowl, a spoon, a cupboard, chopsticks, rice, bread .2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Wheres/Where are the/my?Its/Theyre .b. 能力目标:训练学生良好的听说习惯和听说能力,提高学生的口头表达能力。c. 情感目标:培养学生的创

2、新能力,以及学习英语的兴趣和良好习惯,并能了解西方的餐饮文化。三 教学重点:1 餐具类名词的读音和书写。2 理解并运用新句型Wheres/Where are the/my?Its/Theyre.四 教学用具:PPT,图片。五 教学方法:TPR.六 教学过程:Step 1: ReviewT: Hey, boys and girls. This is Helens house . Is it nice?T: Do you know What rooms are in her house?S: Bathroom, bedroom, study, kitchen, sitting-roomT: Ple

3、ase guess. Where is Helen?T: She likes playing computer games and reading books.S: She is in the study.T: Where is Helens mother? She likes cooking.S: She is in the kitchen. Step2: Presentation and practice1. 揭示课题T: Yes, shes in the kitchen. What is Helens mother doing? Do you know? Do you know? I k

4、now what is Helens mother doing. She is cooking breakfast for Helen.T: Follow me, breakfast. (由bread发音过渡到breakfast)T: Do you know the meaning of breakfast? S:早餐! T: Today, we learn the new lesson: Unit9 Breakfast. 2.单词教学 PPT出现cupboard图片 T: Look! T: This is a cupboard. (分成cup, board读)碗橱 T: Spell it.

5、You please. T: Could you tell me what can we put in the cupboard? S1,S2,S3 T: We can put many things in the cupboard. Look, this is my cupboard. What can you see? PPT呈现a knife, a cup, a glass, a bowl, rice, bread 学生任意说出图片上出现的餐具。 S: I can see a knife.(点击knife图片,进入单词教学) T: Who can spell it? S: K-N-I-F

6、-E(同时教师在黑板上板书) Follow me , knife, /ai/,其中k 不发音。 开火车读 PPT出现两把刀 T: They are two knives.(ves用红色显示) 这个单词的复数形式有什么特别的地方吗? S: T: 那谁能想出还有什么单词的复数形式也是去 fe加ves? Wolf-wolves, wife-wives读a knife, two knives.T: What can you see? S: I can see a cup. T: / /,cup, whats meaning of cup? S: 杯子。T: How to say 一杯茶?S: A cu

7、p of tea.T: And how to say 两杯咖啡?S: Two cups of coffee. T: Anything else?S: I can see a glass.T: Read after me, a glass. (开火车读)PPT呈现两个玻璃杯 S:They are(引导学生说) glasses. T:你们看,glass的复数形式是在后面加上es。还有什么单词是双s结尾,而且它的复数形式是加es的。 class-classesRead after me, glasses. (开火车读)T: Anything else?S: I can see a bowl.T: /

8、 u/, snow, slow(开火车读bowl) Whats meaning of bowl?S: 碗.T: Look at the picture, what is in the bowl? S: Rice.T: Yes. This is a bowl of rice.一碗饭。 Read after me . a bowl of rice. Rice,/ai/, nice How to say 两碗饭? S: Two bowls of rice. S: I can see some bread.T: Do you like eating bread? I like eating them.

9、T: This is Helens cupboard. In her cupboard, we also can see many things, right?PPT呈现a fork, a plate, a bottle, a spoon, chopsticks.T: This is a fork. T: Spell it./:/,由for过渡到fork.T: Whats meaning of fork?(叉子) T: I have two(引导学生说)forks.T : whats this?.S: This is a plate.T: Spell it./ei/,复数形式plates.a

10、plate, two plates T: This is a bottle. /,瓶子,复数bottlesT: Look at the picture. In our school, we always use it to have lunch. This is a (引导学生说)spoon. /u:/, spoon, food, room. /u/, look, book, good, football 复数sp oons T: But ,I like use chopsticks. Do you know the meaning of chopsticks? S: 筷子。 T: 我们吃饭的

11、时候要用几双筷子?5双?4双?We just use a pair of chopsticks. PPT显示a pair of chopsticks的意思:一双筷子 T: Chinese often use the chopsticks. Do you know what do English use? T: They often use a knife and a fork. Do you know how to use the knife and the fork? Show me your hands please. This is right hand, and this is lef

12、t hand. Say after me. (了解西方餐饮文化) Knife, knife, right hand. Fork, fork, left hand. T: Can you use the knife and the fork now? 教师领导学生读单词以及个别短语。 T: Today, we learn many new words. Lets say it together.(教师拿出卡片一一引导学生读单词) 3.Guessing Game. PPT呈现六个问号 T: There are six words, but you cant see it. You can gues

13、s what are they. 学生任意猜测各个问好下的是什么单词。4.Missing GameT: Look, I have a bowl of rice, some bread and two hamburgers. They are my breakfast. I want to eat them. I think they must be very delicious. T: Oh! No! Theyre missing. I cant find them. Please help me find them. PPT出现fridge, table, sofa, a cupboard

14、图片 T: There is a fridge, a table, a cupboard and a sofa. Please guess where is my bread.(板书Where is?) S:. T: Its in the fridge. T: Where is my rice? S: T: Its on the table. T: What about the hamburgers? How to ask? T: We can ask Where are the hamburgers?(板书Where are?) Follow me,Where are the hamburg

15、ers. Who can answer? S: Theyre on the sofa.(板书They are.) T: Thank you! Youre very clever! T: Now, lets play a game Where is. 拿出课前准备好的各类餐具图片,和沙发、桌子、冰箱图片,教师将任一餐具置于这三个中的任一地方,用where iswhere are句型提问,学生回答。再任请两名同学上台,进行同样的对话练习。 PPT呈现四个选项 T: Here are 4 tasks. You can choose one task, then act it out with your partners. 卧室 书房 浴室 厨房 T: This group. Which do you want to choose?A? B? C? D? T: . 5. 课外拓展 T: 今天我们学了这么多单词都是属于餐具类的,现在Miss Jiang再来给大家补充一些新知识。 PPT显示teapot茶壶, dish碟子, napkin 餐巾, mug 马克杯 Step 3: Homework1.Practice the new sentence pattern with your partner.2.

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